Minutes 12-18-61~NUTES~OF F~E~L~I~ AfLE]~TING OF CiTY COCJNCIL HE~.~ IN CO~JNCIL C~]IS, CITY ~-,_i:%T,T,, BOYNT(DN BF_Jk~H~ FLORIDA, DECEMBE~ 18, t951 WALTEi~ I~L~SEN, VIOE DR. CHARLF~S AMES, COUNCIt~ This n~eeting Wag called t~ or(ter by Ma~,a-r 2krcAie. at 7:50 InvocatiOn %vas given by former ~ia~or, Itarvey~ Oyer. Minu~as of ~-egala~ l~e.el~gl~¢ce~.b'em 3rd, ~Sp~.c~a~l Mi~t'~ga em~e~ 6~ 13 were approve~l as ~ritien~ a_Don r~t~o~, bY k~,r. Summers, secon~ted b~ bit..Pi~e¢'~nd ca~ried 4-0. (]~z. ~Ake~ ahab. at ~ote. } Mr. ~Pii0es moved ikCt the alle~y be ahanclanect between Blocks t & Z l~oberts 2kcldno a~d City~.AttQr~e¥ iz~str~cied to dr~ ~p resolution, /vlo~iom seco~- bit. Henderson ad%~-se~I that he had a tether from telephone company de~ed. Mr. Madsen moved the req~at be de~e~ seconded b~ Mr. ~ers ~d ~a~. carried. ikftro l~{ad~s:en ~o~ed. that,t/~e reqaest f~ a ser~ st~iom no~ of ?-11 store om N ~crest Blvd. be re~.oved fro~ ~ble. ~o~ seceded by ~ty Clerk r~ pe~tion that stata~, shoed ~e request ~ greed that certain mestri~ons he observed. f~g station request b~ l~efe~an~e ~a o ~.t~en~ of b~.d~ ~or ~=oup ~r. l~ipes rnove~ ~ha~ bid~ be op~zed a~d ~udex~d~ k~buI~d hy Ci~ ~ud. ]~irs. P~d~[etk ~n aC~O, rdanc, e %vz~k ~p~cificai{ons. A~otiOn seconded by Ivir. 1VL%dsen and nnaZZo c~rri~d. A~i~ o Henderso~ recorn~n~.~ded aw~rdin~ b~ds for pip~ ~ ft~gs to lo~ ~ddera: U~tli~f Supply Co~ 41, 43 47, ~8 ~er. W~terwo~. 7, Z8,~ Z9~ 30,, 3i, 3Z, 33~ 37, 38~ 39~ 49, 51, 5Z, 53, ~eier:~o.Z, ZS, Z6, ZT~ ~ 35, 36, &O. ~Z, ~, &5, 46, 55, 56 ~& ~ ~pe 1~ 3. &, 5, 6, 8, 9, 1~ 11, 1Z, 13, 14~ t5~ 16~ t7, 16, 19, ZQ, Z1, TOTAL 108.36 Z~590. 75 1 ~84~. 66 696.65 lvIr. AZiadse~z r~co, m~meazde;~t, thai bids to~altin~ $5, Z99.97 be gp~ad as red--ended by Ci~ Adm~st~tion for pip~ an~ fi~gs, ~ot~ seconded by ~..~es ~d ~, c~ried, Onthe p~hlic h~a~ing ,- ~saess~em~ 1~olt 400 b~ck of ~ First ~. oppo~t~i~ ~s given fa:r -obj~c~ purs~nt to ~o~ce pre~o~sl-y ~d~er~ing ~ ac,cord~ce wi~ cha~er ~d no objects ~er~ ~e. -3- City Aitorne¥ re~cl C~,din~uc~ ,61-41 pe~ng ~00 block ~ First, P~3B3/G AUDIENCE: t~r~ Bickla stated that Ocean t{Ldge people get ~$ ~ch, ga~ fro~ Aim ~- ~altez ,D~Utch~:i~vited ci~ offiaialm, a~d~plOy~ea t~ his crucial opening ~f ~ew ~o~i-lfi~~ ,~!~T ~t'~eem.:Z - 6 p0m. /v~r. ~o J. Pdo~x.ipetiZiomed city for ri~trof-way onSW 6th ~ve. he~en Znd & ~.~ s~,~ee~s..S~t. ~ ~lic'W~ka ~ec~e~ded the reques~ ~ O~ tk~e ~aeia~t for a and m~ton ca~ ~-O. ~. ~ea out ~ r'oom~ A ~ti~n~ was ~ec:e,i:~e~-£zom, Z4 p~c~perty e~vner~a in Coq~ C~ve tn r'eg~d to zo~g~ Of tra~ ~f land no~th of Cove, ~ed by: ~, L. D~ ~e r~gae~st~ ~,~on o~ ~e fo~ow~g: (Top pag~ il, aZ~e of sig~. (~. s~co~ and f~ ~;~g. ~ ~n~ce 61-43. fro:~ ~e TheY~ere-ad~sed ~t ther~ is 1~ ~ys be~een now ~e se~o