Minutes 12-13-61MINUTES OF SPECI~_L ~gE]~TING OF CITY COIINCIL HELD~tN CITY HALL~ BOYNTON BF-~kCH, FLOi~IDA~ DECEiVLBER I3~ 1961. g' PtLt~ ENT: 3~OHN L.. AI~GHIE,. M~YO!% ~ALTEi~ M~,~SEN,, VIiC~ ~OR DR. GHAi~LES AKE$, GO~NCIL~u~I J. v~ILLA/{D PIPES, COut',ICILMAN THO~gS A. SUMMERS: COUNCLLMAN GENE MOORE, CITy ATTOPdYEY Jo B, HENtIERSON, CITY~Jat)MIN. Ii~_LRF~SJk P~D~ETT, CITY CLEtLK This meeting vcas:~calIed to order at Z:00 p.m. primarily for ~ Mr~ Summers moved thai the item regarding Boynton Beach ltealty for exch~ge of ~ope~y ~t~ ~he Ci~ , be r~zed f~o~ th~ t~le, Y~. S~mmrs moved ~the req~Jt of Bo~on Beach Re~ty be de~ied at the pr~s~ time. M~ion~ ~de~ by ~r. ~a~en ~d ~o~sly carried. ~ ~, I~a~!~pn ~r~ght z~p fpridi~ca~sion the dis:m~l of; Wade Stormer lesson ~d had s~fere~ e~°~h ~ ~hat it has c~m~ t0 the ~oint where should he put ba~ on the ~orce~ ~& st~d, it ~ his opinion th~ Stormer ~o~d obey his sup~ri~ ~ffieez~ ~mmands ~d ~vt~ ~f th~ ~ct ~ristm~ c~mes b~t once a year ~at the ~kole .~i~ b~ forgiven, ~rce, assigned to kis ~s~ ~k~, s~hjec~ to Ci~ Ad~i~str~or ~d Chief ~ Police ~d th~ ~g~s ~b~ ~[~ra~n ~hont pr.~dice to the City: e~ect- ire t~s ~t~, provi~e~ heis i= accozd~ith this~ruli~, ~0tion seconded by Dr, ~es. Dr. ~as st~t~d~he did ~ ~t t~ ~ on record as that co~cil was .wr~ng ] He S~d he felt the charges ~o~d stay~ an~ in the future if anyone s~es ~y r~so~ to prove ~e~ ..... ~, Pipe~ st~d he did noi ~ ~ h~ ~ S~er but evidently there ~s ~. backgmeun~ rea~ way co~cil br~ugh~ th~ charges. H~ He st~ed his f~elimgs ~ ~ 'p~r~e~l hut he w~ concerned ~th the ~t thing ~0 penury of h~in~ di~'~ge~ ~out pay and t.~ b.~ reinst~ed with f~ll S~r~ce The motion c~ri~ ~. ~a~o~ ~ckie voting "N~' for tke following reasons: "tt is not my i~n ~ m~e an i.ssne out of this, h~ever, the ~ e~w~ 5~r January Sth a% 7:30 p.m. to discass 59-8 re~tive to licer~simg. will ~ ~ mat[aria{ fl~da~id~ o£ the Tkozn~ .A,. ~S~nz~az, s, C.a~ilman