Minutes 10-30-61__~.%~',.-ZES· OF SPEOT~L· i~.ETING OF CiTY CCUNC!7~ ~ /~ COONuIL 0_~;~ A~ C~VTY ~, BOb~4TON ~H, FLORIDA, OCTOt~_~ 30~I- 196.~ JOP~ L. ARCHIE~ ~L~L~E _W~LDSEN, ~ZfCE DR. 0F~,~.~S AEES, j~ ~ p~---o. ES, CCFJNC~M YHOMJ~.~ SL5~,S~ COUNC~I~ J. B. HENDF~ESC~ CIIT kDP25~ISTRATOR ~ !~OP, E, CITY_ A~O~Y. ~SA PAD~TT, C~Y C~ JOIE~ TU±'f~'~ Fi~E CH-~F to or~e~ ~ 7:30 p.mo This n~ee~ng was called by ~yor ArcB~e. ~_tey Weaver~ Chr. Plaao3_~ Board appeared before council stat~ ~e -~< ~s ~l~ted on the F~s~r ~ ~id that ~3] objections r~ c~ived ~d been ~v~n consideration, and the~p~n is rea~ n~ for co~ac~ motion. ~ ne~ ~uce a~er fourth ~ev~ion b~s be~n co~leted. Pie sub~tted ~e ai~o ~d u~rged co~c~ to act pro~t~~ on h~iD~s to be adv~ti~d a~ p~ceem with the amopt_on om the ~or ~c~e th~ked the ~n~m~ ~ud the ~be~ of ~d f~ ~ ~e p~ to this po~t~ ~ter ~scussion concer~ s~table ~te for he~Lug~ ~ved that Nov~er 2~h at 8:00 p.m, be desi~ted as the t~e for p~lic he~Lug ~on motion by i~ l.~dsen~ seconded by ~ S~rs Dr..~kes' m~e~- ~ +'~n~ the request of the Beynton Beach News for ~ candidates foru~ to be held at City ~ll Nov ,amber 27th at 8:00 p~m.~ be ~. ~om~ers and un~_ 3~nously carried, approved, /~otion seconded by ~ ~o ~aese,_ me,zed the the City p~chase automatic addressograph f ~ ~ ~ ee~ Motion sec~d~ by ~. i~s ~ud ~n .~ous~ carried. Upon recommendation of City Ad~3~r~str~tor ~ ~@. ~dsen moved that the Pitney Bow~s Postage l~chine bs purchased with trade-~ ~_lowance in e~ccords~uce -~i%h ~ecemmendation of ~. Henderson. ~Iotion seconded by i{r. ~ipes s~ud ~ni~oUsly carried, Mr. ~mdsen moved the request o~- ~.e So~optimist Club to hold sale at Seacrest & ~ ~Oth A~, on November 4~ ~96~ be approved sm.d the fee waived~ l~tien secor~ed by ~t,% Sumr~ers and unanimously carried~ l~'m. F~m, dsen ~ounc~d that he had requested advice frc~ representatives at Lea~ae of k'~cipaiites meet5-~~ Lu j&cks0nvi2!e regar~ the rec~rea'bion pro- ject and ~n each instance it was reoo~ended that for the benefit o! the city it would be best to have the entir~ program %uuder one roof, ~_ ~ the standpo~-n~ of maintenance ~ud other reasons~ It ~as not felt that there ~,ould b~ con~_ict ~nasm~ch as they had faced the ss~me situation in their respective cities amd everyth~g had worked out conducive to best interests of the t~n. The City Attorney advised that the Jsm,uary ?6th m~uutes failed to reflect t~zt the pl~u for the b~.31 park submitted by l~r~ McKissick~ Recreation Director w~s ~pproved by cotuu ~cii~ and he reco~_em, ded the mi_uutes be supplemented to show that the p!sn was approved° ~. ~dsen moved that the City Attorney's recommendation be approved and the Js-uuary 16th minutes ~.spuplemented to show the pism for the ~.$ r~creation p~rk ha~ ,been s~tt.~ to ~ne Council ~t the meetmug of January ~o, 1961 arm had been approved mt that time. ~ Motion seconded by ~m~ S~mers and unao*~OUSly carried. F~_. Madsen moved that .&4.'7 bonds be deetr0yed by fire Tuesday November 2~t a~ 9:00 R.m~ in the City ~i~il, Parking Lot, as co~rdiua~ed by City A~m~ ~istrator. ~tion seconded by. ~, ~s and ~uanimouely carried~ . The City At~orney read Or_dLus~uce 6~-37 establishing i~arch 31 et as dea ~d/3-ne. ~date fo~f~ng homes~ad ~d -~dow~s ex. rich. D~. ~es ~ed ~a~ ~dL~uc~ 6~-37 ~ug ~ce 3~7 be passed to second ~d f~ ~g~ l¢~ion seconded by ~r~ied~ ~ne City Attorney read Ordinance 6~-35 clar~_Zying ut*]~ty tax. Dr~ Akes mo~ed vnat Oral.mince 6~-D~ be adopted on second and firm_l reading~ l(otion seconded-by I~mo Pipes ~ud ummmimousiy ca_~ied~ ~e City Attorney read Ordi~m_uce 6~3~ w~;eh provides for a referendt~ for Civic C~uber project $~30,O00 general obligation bonds~ bonds mato3~ing over period of 20 years at ~m of 5% per anuum semi-arm_ua!l~y, referendum on December 5th~ ~. ~om~_ers moved ti~at OrdLuance 6~-3~ be adopted on second ar~ final readLug~ l~btion seconded by Dr~ ~kes and tmsm/mously carried~ !,~o Pipes moved th~at the Tax Roll be accepted. Motion seconded by ~,L~ Y~dsen and um~ui~.ously carr_.eao z~oney to be colle~ed on tax role~ tqtal ~387,3.A~.60. Total Assessed V~luation $65~456,560~ ~'Yidows & D~sao~y $~5~, ,000$ Homestead $~3,0~5~090; To~l Non-exe~t~ The fol_t~ir~ bids were received for painting C_~y O. S. Csmeron & C. Ac Richard Lavendar PaL~c. ing Harz~y Parbmm B~d & Nagel Joe Faso~ John F~ ~rs~u 1~ l~ds~ moved that l*~· bidder. be accepted subject to ~eet~g specificmti~. ~d ~ously c~rried~ ~! ,600~00 '~ ~525.00 ~ ~272.56 ~ ,859~00 850, O0 ~ ~735.00 Joe Fasola~ Motion seconded by ~. Pipes I~. Summers moved that the request of ~ie ~ridgett, Jr, for a beverage license at ~2~3 N~ ~L .~th b e app~v~ for be~r ~ud ~e ~ se~e on p~ses ~d t~e out~ Motion second~ by carried, I~. ~.kdsen m~zed 'that~ th~ existing problem in regard to r~at- of-weq on the property of ~. Nason in Sunr4v Side Estates be turned over to Plmm~Lug DeRartment for remearch, Motiom seconded by ~. S~mers ~ud ,~n~mous~y carried. ~,~etmug aagourned at 8:30 Tereesa Padge~Ci~,.v Clerk_ -- STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Before me personally appeared John W. Paterson, to me well known as Tax Assessor of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, who being ~uly sworn, says the following assessment roll contains a true statement of all the persons and property in the said City of Boymtom Be~eh, Florida, s~bject to taxation or liable to be assessed therein for the year A. D. ~961~ amd that the valuation therafore S~ faJ~ as they were mad~ so far as he~has been able to STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH GtTY OF BOYNTON BEAGR PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA KNOW ALL M~N BY TRESE PRESENTS: That we the Councilman of ~he City of Boynton Beach, Florida, do hereby certify that we have examined the Assessment Roll of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, for the year A. D. i961, and do hereby certify that the book is correct. In witness hereof, we have Boynton Beach, Florida, this set at .961. Councilman Vice-Mayor Councilman CITY OF BOYNTON BF2kCI{ TO TERBESA PADGETT: Tax Collector of said CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH You ~re hereby commanded to collect out of real estate and persomal property~'~nd~fr~m such perseus and cor~ectioms named in the annexed roll, the taxes set down in such roll opposite each name or parcel of lard therein descried and in case of taxes so imposed are not paid by ~J/e time prescribed by the Ordinance, you are to collect the same by levy and sale of the goods end chattels, lands and tem~meuts so assessed or of the persous or eorporatioms so taxed, and all sums collected you are to pay into the City Treasury as prescribed by Ordinance, an~ you ara further required to make all ¢olteetioms on or before April i, 1962, a~d on or before December 3I, 1962 ~nd you will make a final report to a settlement with thc CITY CO~NTIL. zg_~Ven ~nder our hands and seals this ~D ~ day of ~-~/~ A.D. 1961. CITY COURCIL OF THE CITY OF C~unc i iman Councilman