Minutes 09-18-61i~EGULA~ iV~E]DTING OF CITY ~OUNCIL~ BOYNTON BF2kGI-I ~ FLA-o, HEr,r; IN CO, UNCILCHAIVIBEAR~, CITY PI~LL, S]SPTEMBE~ 18~ 1961 & INS!¢~C ~ J~(irPLN TUITE. ~TY ~T TOt{NEY CITY ~DMIi~ CITY . PUBLIC .Dm, Thia meeting vzas ca33~ed to order by Mayor _A~hie at 7:30 p-.mo t{e7. Joseph lAr~ i~ow. ell, St~ Ioh~i%s Methodist ChUrch gave t]~ I .vocation° Dz. Akes moved that. the request of Charles Boo~ to remone Lot Supers ~d ~ ~sty carried. }/ir. Pipes m~ved t~at t]~e rectQ~st of Ennestine Fredemick for beer and vcine (t~ke.-et~t only} license he remov~.d frozn~ the table~ Motio~ seconded by Dr ~ Akea a~t motio~ carried 3 ~Z. Mr. M~d~en and 1¢ir~~. , Su~nr~ers VotinE P.e£erence to-the re~iu, e~ of Clyde Frederick for beer and wine on l~remises a~d take o.t~t., ]~aro ~rs' r~o~ced the license be ren~vced. Motion s~co]lcled by Mr. Pipes amd tma~in~oasly carried. The £olto~ving bids were opened as. follovcs on 3-T r~werme cycle air c ondition~ r: Island sales & Service, Delray (no. thermos~) $761.00 e Del. 1 cal. ,day Bid bond check $38.05 MacE~chron l~efri~eratiaaz (Z) {n~:~ thern~ost'at) 9Z8.00 ~ Ilel. Z0 cal~ days Meyers C -Z- MacF_2ach=on l%ef. (Con~.) Carrier $1013.fl,0 , Cashier,s check $40, O0 $710. G~h. '- Che~ $50,~ O0 Pub.Ltc Aadi~eq~ce . 5I O. N E rm~er uzider a~bzisei~e~t. - '~l~dina~,ce. 61~Z6 -~vas read by City .Afctorn.e.y reg~dimg fire prote~n rea~g, ~tio~ sgconded by. ~ ~a~en, Motion c~ned' u~o~ly. ~r, ~a~se~ req~ed the reco~.d 'Sk~ t>_~ i~ ~egar~ to the ~mh~ance: th~_ ~ Beach peopta be ~n Care of Tke City ~l-to~aey reacl ~e ~esotution pertaining Zo vacat~ pi~ of ~owles S/~. ~, ~er~ ~ved ~e reso-l~ion be adopted,, seco~ by ~r~ ~pes a~d ~ni~sly ~ ~a~s~ ~ed ~ ~e ~yor and Ci!y Clerk be a~thorizad t . s~the ~o~les SYD pl~ subjact to prope~ bo~d '~r ~r, stree/s~ ~d 8" ~z~ d~a~ a~g. ~rm ~ai~ge. ~ c~ berg pa~d ~y developer. City ~torriey read resolution regarding parcha,~.e of ~un~one parcel for $~, 500. ~r. ~adsen ~.ove~ the ~esot~ion ~ adoptS, ~o~ seco, nde~ by ~. ~rs and ~i~o~ty ~rrie~. C -3- Ad~o~, ~:~ ~p~ m~e.d~the-'M¢~ ~C~ Cle~ be aut~ri~ m file pl~ ~ih acce~:e: 'of bond ~ i~~, . ~o~o~ seconded By aot ~ppos~g, ~e pl~ ba~ merely w~te4 ~le ifime ~o. st~dy rom ~ajor ~pl~c~ ~n a~t of $731., Q-O, c~ple~e ~ith tkermo~ia/as ~o/ion aec~d by Mr. S~mera ~d u~o~sty ~rrie~. ~. Mads, en moved that t3~e Police, Fime, Po~lie Womks. and Bad. et l~eports be accepted witk the requ~esg that the police chief,: ~hen makin~ .his report. !~c~r,i~amate e~ch ~divid~l officer% recozdof v~mimgs, ~rrest~ and duties p~r~rm,ed,.durL~g the'nao~r~h. Mr .' Summers. aeco~ded the motion whic h carried unamiimo~sty. tVlr. Pipes a~t~zis:e~l that .the Tow~ of Og~ Stre~ develoF~e~ on U. S~ ~1 c~isi~gof 96 lpta - 1~0 x 150 ~e i~ui~ the-City of ~o~ B~ch ~o~ s~ly ~,~ before f~rtker ~sc,~n, ]~Ieeting adjoznr~ed, at ~p.proximagely 9:30, p omo C~ty Clerk Thorna~ /~.+~lers, CDu~ciknan