Minutes 08-23-61SPECIAL MEETING OF ~tTY COUNCIL PL1Dr.~ IN CITY HALL~ AUGUST Z3, 1961 B~YNTON BEACH, FLORIDA at Z:QQ p.m. P~JESENT: J. COUECgL GENE , CITY CIT~/~T T~R~iEY ~ity Atto~ey regal s~i(1 ordinance in. its e~rety, ~, M~o.ved ~t ~d~ce 6t.-16 he ade~ on ~d ~f~ e~dmg. Motion ~e~ded by Mr. ~pes_ ~ ~mo~sty ~ried~ Jos,eph. Tomberg., Chair~ma~ of the Civil Service Board, spoke on. behalf of the refe~en~u~m ele.~tio~ on. EleVen in Dec~be~. ~. ~s ~ve~ ~t the requ.est-of tko Gi~t Ser~c.e ~rd ~ r~med f~. the ~tion s~nd~d ~y ~. ~pes ~d ~ou~y car~ed. ~1 ~rs of ~e Co~cQ ~ze~eA~r opini~ ~ the v~e wo~d be ~oze ~vor~la mt the gener~ ~t~o~tk~ it~o~d be ~s' a speci~. Mr. I~ab H~eston~ Presider of the Lions Club pres~emied to the Co~cil ~ o~er By mai~ ~b tG e~e~ct ~ Gl~ H~e e~ the three lots wes~ of ~d jo,~ t~ ~sti~ ~at ClX. ~ Ci~ ~ed p=oper~, if accep~le by the- subject .~d ~ed ~ he,p~esent defi~te p~ ~d fig~es to them for c~sidera.- tion. A le~tter from ~. L. Mc-Oreg.o~- waa read in ~ he reqmeste~ a re~e~ of ~ gpplic~i~fGr g b~g ]pe~ft ~ e~ct ~ s~ice st~ion o~ ~e ~ W. corner of Oce~ kvenue ~d ~. S. $1. ~er ~ ten,ky ~ssio~.: ~r. ~dsen ~o~ed that tko request he t~led ma~er, Sec6~e~ 5y ~., .Sn~ rs ~d ~moa~y carried. said ~e~ ~it~ grips f~she~ by the H~ ~ciety s~ce ~hey are destroy- C -Z- ing, t~er~prape~t¥o lviotleznwa~ ~a~e by lvLr. ~rs to. gra~t said req~es.t, ~. ~e=s ~d nn~n~o~aly d~=~. ~es ~ ~~ly carried. se~e~ bye.. ~es ~'~i~o.~iy carried. ~ing ,~o~ ~ 5:45: p.m. ' Th '~n~:JA2 Snrr~er~, ~oUnCilman