Minutes 08-21-61IViIIk~UT~ OF Ci'rY CflUNCIL ]2d~iGULa%l{ i%IEETING IN ~iTY AUGUST 2,1, L96I C GFR~E ~ CITY ATTORNEY TEREESA PADGETT, CITY CLERK DIRCK GROOTENBE~%, DIi{. JOHN '3.:ulTE', FiR~.'CHEEF The Invoca~on-~v~s gi~em ~¥]~e~v. Fr. exi $1zEe ~ Firat Baptist Church. Nit. M~dsen n~0ved the Md~oZes ~k~gust 7th be ancepte~ ~s ~ri~en. tviOiiO~ seconded By 3~ir., $~na~ners a~d u-uaaainu~o~sly ~rried. A letter' of cozar~endatio~ for the Fire ,~ief and Poli'ce Chief w~s read_ from ihe Florida East Coast RaiI~ay C~npaz~y. A letter from residents Of B~iny ~3~reezes ~zs read offe~ring their cooper ,a~ien dturing the water shortaEe. Dr, 2%kes r~ported for the Comnaittee consiating of ~rch~g,Ag~, M~yo~ ~chie ~d hi--elf and moved t~ ~e ~llo~mg hlds he~ &~ar~de~ ~pe~(C~st Ir~) low bid~ U. Sa ~pe for ~' ~ 1.63 per foot; 8~' ~$2~ 19 per foot. Fi~ings - EI~ & Ford: D~ed~, Fire. ~. ~es mo~i~,~ seconded by ~. ~a~ an~ ~mously c~ried. t~r. ~iadsen moved that the City lin/ce a 1/8 page ad ~n the speci~I co~ver~tio~ issue, of the Flori da ~uni:cipal ~ecord i~ amot%nt of $~Z.0O,. i~lotion seconded by ~r. Pipes a/rd u~lani~o~sly Carried, -Z- ~ .- Sumazner.s moved that the trans£er' of beverage, licens e be ...... 7, r ~e~ber 5tA. ~d i~, ~ ~ .......... ~o~ z~a zor p~znczp~ ~ - ~u;~ sec~aed by Mr. ~pas a~ ~ni~o~y carried. Gi~co~ey ~e~ ~d~ce 61-zI r-e~aling Git ~a er or . ~,~ , , aoX. ed o~ seeo~ rea~ng. ~.~o. seconded by Dr. ~es and .-~-2' Oi~,y Attorney repo~rte, d th~ mp~n ~eq~es~ ~f ~he ~vlmyor ha con~c~ed ~Or~e¥ ~ene~gl reg_arm~g exe~al~_io~ ~or city taxes o~ Ai~eIfumg adj~u~m~t at 8:03 p.m. ~-~itt~rd 'l~pe~, Co,~Ucilman