Agenda 02-01-18 `, . The City ofBoynton Beach CITIZEN OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE MISSION STATEMENT THE CITIZEN OVERSIGHT COMMITTEES GENERAL RESPONSIBILITY IS TO MEET AT SUCH TIMES AS DEEMED NECESSARY TO CONDUCT REVIEW OF THE CITY'S LIST OF APPROVED INFRASTRUCTURE SURTAX EXPENDITURES. MEETING OF THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 2018 @ 6:30 P.M. LIBRARY CONFERENCE ROOM THE COMMITTEE MAY ONLY CONDUCT PUBLIC BUSINESS AFTER A QUORUM HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED.IF NO QUORUM IS ESTABLISHED WITHIN TWENTY(20) MINUTES OF THE NOTICED START TIME OF THE MEETING,THE CITY CLERK OR DESIGNEE WILL SO NOTE THE FAILURE TO ESTABLISH A QUORUM AND THE MEETING SHALL BE CONCLUDED.COMMITTEE MEMBERS MAY NOT PARTICIPATE FURTHER EVEN WHEN PURPORTEDLY ACTING IN AN INFORMAL CAPACITY. AGENDA • Call to Order—Adam Kerr, Chair • Should any members not be able to make the meeting; contact Tim Howard (HowardT@bbfl.us) or(561) 742-6012 by 1 pm of the day of the meeting as the meeting may be cancelled for lack of a quorum. • Roll Call of Committee Members *Adam Kerr, Chair *Jude Avril, Vice-Chair *Alexandria Wilson *Jerry Taylor *Mary Nagle • Approval'of July 13, 2017 Minutes (Copy attached)— Kindly review in advance of meeting • New Business • Tim Howard to review FY2016-17 funding/project status • Annual report to City Commission and City Manager as outlined in Resolution R17-020 Suggested report from Committee • Approved projects for FY 2017-18 • Other items • Adjournment Future meeting dates -TBD S:\Finance\Govt Surtax(1%)\Agenda\Agenda-02-01-18.doc y � MINUTES OF THE CITIZENS OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE HELD IN COMMISSION CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, 100 E. BOYNTON BEACH BLVD. BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA,ON THURSDAY, JULY 13, 2017,AT 6:30 P.M. PRESENT: Adam, Kerr- Chair Jude Avirl -Vice Chair Jerry Taylor—Regular Member Tim Howard -Assistant City Manager, City Employee Representative ABSENT Mary Nagel- Regular Member Alexandria "Nicole"Wilson — Regular Member I. CALL TO ORDER Adam Kerr, Chair, called the meeting to order,at 6:31 p.m., II. Roll Call Roll call revealed a quorum was present III. New Business Adam Kerr, Chair, said he was a Traffic Transportation Engineer with the consulting firm of Kimley Horn and Associates. He indicated he has represented many developers and was also a resident of the City of Boynton Beach. Jude Avril, Vice Chair, stated that he is a Financial Consultant, owns a Real Estate and Mortgage company in Delray Beach. He was a resident of the City of Delray Beach. He noted that he has been very involved with the City of Boynton Beach for many years. Jerry Taylor, retired; has been a resident of Boynton Beach for 36 years and served as Mayor for 13 years. Tim Howard introduced himself as the Assistant City Manager for the City. He oversees the Administrative Services, and previously was the Director of Finance, and Deputy Director of Finance. He is the City Employee Representative to Citizen Oversight Committee. First, Mr. Howard thanked everyone for their willingness to participate on the committee. He wanted to provide the members a recap of where the City is going. He provided a package of information that he reviewed.. Meeting Minutes Citizen Oversight Committee Boynton Beach, Florida July 13, 2017 Mr. Howard indicated that Resolutionl7-020 was passed by the Commission, creating the Citizen Oversight Committee. He provided background information on the resolution. The voters of Palm Beach County passed a referendum to add 1 cent sales tax to purchases in Palm Beach County. Those funds are to be used for infrastructure repairs, and items that have been deferred over the past few years. There was a spilt in the funds, half goes to the School Board, and a portion goes to the County then to the cities. As a requirement to receiving the funds, the City must create an oversight committee. There were options on how to create the oversight committee. The City decided to set up an internal oversight committee. Mr. Howard indicated that this committee will meet as needed. The intent is probably twice a year. The purpose of the committee was to review the projects and expenditures. The committee will review the projects that have been approved by the Commission in accordance with the ballot language. The second item is a copy of the agenda item; a Resolution for the Surtax, which was adopted on Feb 21, 2017. The funds come back to the City. Mr. Howard stated the sales tax went into effect January 1, 2017. He explained the way the funds come back to the City, after retailers, purchasers or sellers report their sales tax to the State of ;k Florida on a monthly basis. The State of Florida collects all of the taxes, and then redistributes those funds based on a standardized formula. It could take anywhere from two to six weeks to receive the first.refund check. The first distribution was not received until March 2017; this was for the January sales. He said that the agenda items forecast of the sales tax revenue is an approximate amount to the City of 3.2 million for nine months. The City was required to set up a- separate fund. A fund was set up called Local Government Surtax; the funds go into this account as they are received. The infrastructure projects will be paid from this account. The agenda item asked the Commission to approve the 9 months estimated revenues, with it being the first year, not knowing what the dollars amount would be. Staff felt that that the sidewalk repairs, street repair, parking lot resealed and ADA compliance where sidewalks are concerns would be the first projects to be funded. The Commission approved these four projects. Staff is currently working on the map for the paving, the bid documents for the sidewalks, as the same time that all of this occurred, the City is looking at ways that some of those projects, to break those project down, so that more local firms could bid on those items. The next item is an email, which is informational in content only. The email states that part of the sales tax allocated to Palm Beach County would be used for some projects in Boynton Beach. These projects would be paid out of Palm Beach County Sale tax dollars. This is in addition to the City projects. The last item is the proposed budget that has been submitted to the Commission. Staff presents to the City Commission the proposed budget which included the General Fund, some small funds, local option gas tax, grants, public art. Then, there was the Z - Meeting Minutes Citizen Oversight Committee Boynton Beach, Florida July 13, 2017 Utility Fund for water and sewer, sanitation, Internal Service Fund for self-insurance. There was an Internal Fund, Cemetery Fund. There was a Utility Capital Fund, and a General Capital Fund. This year there would be a General Fund and a Government Surtax Fund. He indicated that what was being presented is a five year list, for fiscal year 2017/18. Mr. Howard stated that the Town Square project has been highlighted. There may be possible timing issues, and some of those projects would not be needed, because of the Town Square project. He noted that there was an error on the budget, a project identified as Sara Sims Park was deleted, inadvertently. This expenditure will be added back into the budget. There is a projection for a full 12 months of an estimate of$ 4.3 million a year. This year there was an estimate $3.2 million. For those of you that have not been through the budget process, the next step is to have public input. There are two public hearings scheduled on July 17, 18 and possibly 19, 2017. They have two tasks, one they must adopt a purposed mileage rate, in order to get on the TRIM notice; the other is the preliminary fire assessment. He said that they are not adopting a budget next week. In September, according to statue, there must be two hearings. The first budget hearing has been scheduled for September 7, the second would be September 19, 2017, and this would be the final adoption of the budget. He said depending on the actions that take place during the budget hearings, staff would need to revisit and make and adjustments, and re-present and provide a slide show, and then the Commission will take a vote. Mr. Howard reiterated that if there are any questions or concerns, please call him. Mr. Howard said the intent was so that the committee will meet twice a year or as needed. He pointed out that the City has their oversight committee. The County has an oversight committee for the County. The Florida League of City has a group and a committee set up that oversees the smaller cities. He informed the group that Jeff Livergood, Director of Public Works and Engineering, sits on the Board of the Florida League of Cities. In September or October he would request another meeting. He said at the time the committee would review the project that the Commission has approved. A format will be set up based on those projects, either six or nine month's status check. What the Commission is required to do is to approve projects that are going to be,spent out of the surtax money. Once they approve the September budget the recommendation would be a list for next year surtax monies. If during the year, there is a need or an occurrence where a project that has been identified in the list in year three; something occurs and the City needs to pull it up, a special action can be taken by getting the Commission's approval. The Commission budget approval is for one year approval. He gave an example that if a project has come under this has come in under budget; something can be done, and must go back to the Commission to get funding. Anything passed in the Meeting Minutes Citizen Oversight Committee Boynton Beach, Florida July 13,2017 adoption of the September budget will have individual approvals and must be approved by statue and ballot language. Mr. Taylor asked if that was for the normal city budget or does that include the surtax money. Mr. Howard indicated that this was only the surtax money. He continued to say that the Commission will get two sets of budgets, one is general capital and the other is for the surtax money. He decided that would be simpler to have the budget separated for clarity purposes. Mr. Taylor asked if there are suggestions, would that be done at the budget workshop? Mr. Howard stated that was the reason he tried to get this meeting before the budget meeting. If there are any comments or suggestions, members can attend the budget workshop next week. Mr. Taylor stated the Mangrove Park was in really bad condition. He believes that it would take a lot of money to. repair. He noticed that there was no money in the park funds this year for this repair. Mr. Howard said there was something about the date of 2019; there is an issue. He would contact Jeff Livergood and get back with you with information. Mr. Taylor said maybe the cost of repairing maybe out of hand. The City needs to begin putting money aside. Mr. Howard stated that he believes that it was about$1.6 Million Chair Kerr needed clarification; the purpose of the sales tax was for infrastructure and deferred maintenance. Mr. Howard said that it is infrastructure or facility related. There are some other items that are in the language, references governmental building or facilities. There is a sentence that includes work vehicles. He said there is a debate on some of the definitions. The County has gotten some interpretation. There is a question if you are going to repair a facility, then the City decides to rebuild the building, could the project that you had planned on repairing, could that be used with surtax dollars. There is a grey area. He said that the City has identified the infrastructure and feel confident with the compiled list. Mr. Taylor said that sounds like infrastructure. Mr. Howard stated that they had enough projects to get started. Chair Kerr stated that if there are any questions Mr. Howard could be contacted. 4'. Meeting Minutes Citizen Oversight Committee Boynton Beach, Florida July 13, 2017 Motion Chair Kerr moved to adjourn. Vice Chair Avril seconded the motion.. Vote Motion unanimously passed. Queenester, Deputy City Clerk _ S LOCAL GOVERNMENT SURTAX CAPITAL FUND SUMMARY Fiscal Year 2016-2017 Activity Commission approved R17-023 on February 21, 2017 approving FY16/17 Budget Estimated Revenues 3,200,000.00 Revenue thru 9/30/17 (3,177,508.33) Sidewalks 1,150,000.00 ADA Sidewalks 450,000.00 Street Improvement 1,500,000.00 * Oyer Parking Lot Reseal 100,000.00 3,200,000.00 Street Improvements approved for 1,500,000.00 * Approved 8/1/17 All County Paving of Delray Beach-Restriping (175,685.91) Utilizing City of WPB Paving Contract#16393 1,324,314.09 Commission approved FY 16/17,PO issued FY 17/18 Approved 9/19/17 Cobra Construction Rehabilitation of sidewalks (150,308.00) 3 Quotes -Local Business Approved 9/19/17 Paving Lady Rehabilitation of sidewalks " (19,800.00) 3 Quotes-Local Business (170,108.00) 1 RESOLUTION NO. R17-020 2 3 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, 4 FLORIDA, CREATING A CITIZEN OVERSIGHT 5 COMMITTEE; PROVIDING FOR APPOINTMENT AND 6 REMOVAL OF MEMBERS BY THE CITY MANAGER; 7 PROVIDING FOR DUTIES; AND PROVIDING FOR AN • 8 EFFECTIVE DATE. 9 10 WHEREAS, in May 2016, Palm Beach County adopted an Ordinance calling for a 11 Countywide Referendum to impose a countywide local government infrastructure surtax of 12 one percent (1.0%) on all authorized taxable transactions occurring within Palm Beach 13 County, as authorized by Section 212.055(2),Florida Statutes; and • 14 WHEREAS,Voters approved the plan in the November 2016 General Election; and 15 WHEREAS, pursuant to the County Ordinance and the ballot language approved by 16 the voters, City expenditures of Surtax proceeds shall be subject to independent oversight by 17 citizen committees; and 18 WHEREAS, the City Commission has elected to create a City of Boynton Beach 19 Citizens Oversight Committee appointed by the City Manager to serve as a reporting body to 20 the City Commission. 21 . NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE 22 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH,FLORIDA,THAT: 23 Section 1. The foregoing "WHEREAS" clauses are true and correct and 24 hereby ratified and confirmed by the City Commission 25 Section 2. There is hereby created a five (5) member Citizens Oversight 26 Committee comprised of individuals with experience, education, or skills as determined 27 necessary by the City Manager. Members of the Committee shall be appointed and may be 28 removed by the City Manager. C:\Users\Stanzionet\Appdata\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5152FYTEOE\Citizen_Oversight_Committe- _Surtax.Docx.Doc 29 Section 3. The Committee shall meet at least twice annually and at such other 30 times as deemed necessary by the City Manager or designee to conduct review of the City's 31 list of approved infrastructure surtax expenditures. Meetings shall be scheduled by the City 32 Manager or designee. The City Manager shall appoint a Chair and Vice-Chair. 33 Section 4. The Committee's duties are to: 34 1. Ensure that one hundred percent (100%) of proceeds are expended only for 35 purposes permitted by law and consistent with the ballot measure: and 36 2. Ensure that expenditures are in compliance with the City's Surtax Use Plan: 37 and 38 a. Make annual reports to the City Commission and City Manager which 39 shall include whether the City is in compliance with the requirements 40 of the ballot measure. 41 b. The report shall summarize the surtax funded projects and indicate the 42 amount of funds used for each project, the status of the project on the 43 reporting date and whether the surtax funds allocated to the project are 44 sufficient to fund completing of the project. 45 Section 5. The Committee and its individual members shall operate in the 46 sunshine. Committee Members are subject to the Palm Beach County Code of Ethics. 47 Appointees shall complete required ethics training prior to assuming the duties of 48 appointment. 49 Section 6. Costs associated with the operation of the Committee shall not be paid 50 from the surtax funds. 51 Section 7. That this Resolution will become effective immediately upon passage. 52 C:\Users\Stanzionet\Appdata\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IES\52FYTEOE\Citizen_Oversight_Committe- _Surtax.Doex.Doc 53 PASSED AND ADOPTED this 21st day of February, 2017. 54 55 56 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH,FLORIDA 57 58 YES NO 59 • 60 Mayor—Steven B. Grant . 6I 62 Vice Mayor—Mack McCray 63 64 Commissioner—Justin Katz 65 66 Commissioner—Christina L. Romelus 67 68 Commissioner—Joe Casello 69 70 71 VOTE 72 • 73 ATTEST: • 74 • 75 76 77 Jl:1th A. Pyle, CMC 78 C. Clerk 79 • 80 ,xr:,. 82 (Corporate Seal) • 'g' • . . 83 ~�:� 84 dz 85 ' ��} oto T 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 ' 94 95 96 97 C:\Users\Stanionet\AppdatalLocal\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\52FYTEOE\Citizen_Oversight_Committe- _Surtax.Docx.Doc qY Os` CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH To: City Commission Thru: City Manager From: Citizens Oversight Committee Date: February 1, 2018 Subject: Committee's Annual Report on Surtax FY2016-2017 In accordance with Resolution R17-020, Section 4.2, the Citizens Oversight Committee submits their annual report for FY 2016-2017 in regards to the government infrastructure surtax. This report confirms that the City is in compliance with the requirements of the ballot measure as to approving funding for projects and spending on approve projects. Also, a summary of the FY 2016-2017 activity is as follows: • Commission approved Budget for Surtax funds by R17-023 for the time period of January 1, 2017 — September 30, 2017, this included estimated revenues of $3,200,000 and the following projects; Sidewalks $1,500,000, ADA Sidewalk work $450,000, Street Improvements $1,500,000, and Oyer Parking Lot Reseal $100,000. • The Commission award a contract with All County Paving for restriping (Street Improvements) on 8/17/17 for$175,685.91 utilizing the City of WPB Paving Contract. • The Commission also approved award to Cobra Construction (Boynton Beach Business) for rehabilitation of sidewalks for $150,308.00 and to The Paving Lady (Boynton Beach Business) for rehabilitation of sidewalks for $19,800.00 on 9/19/17 but the Purchase Orders were not issued until FY 2017-2018. • Based on collections the revenue recognized as of September 30, 2017 was $3,177,508.33 of the $3,200,000.00 estimated. Page 1 of 1 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH FY 2017-18 ADOPTED CIP BUDGET GOVERNMENT SURTAX FUNDS Account Number Project FY 2017/18 FY 2017/18 FY 2017/18 Comments Location- Exp Number PROJECT NAME Adopted Awarded Paid 303-4103- GG1801 Boynton Beach Blvd Extension-Landscaping&Irrigation 40,000 303-4103- GG1802 Boynton Beach Blvd(East of Fed.Hwy)-Planters Box Repl 75,000 303-4107- GG1804 Children's Museum-Painting Exterior&Soffit Repair 35,000 303-4205- GG1820 Citywide Recreation and Parks Entry Signs 226,000 303-4130- GG1821 Head Start Center-Seal coat parking lot 10,000 303-4130- GG1822 Head Start Center-Seal coat parking lot ADA _ 4,000 303-4101- CP0703 General Government-Carpet Replacement 20,000 303-4125- GG1833 Pistol Range ADA* 6,784 303-4116- GG1834 Public Works Complex Painting 43,000 303-4116- GG1835 Public Works Compound-Sealcoat parking lot 9,000 303-4116- GG1836 Public Works Compound-Parking Lot ADA 11,000 303-4116- GG1837 Public Works Compound-Paint fuel tanks 4,000 303-4116- GG1838 Public Works Compound-Fleet Maintenance bay painting 50,000 303-4116- GG1840 Public Works Compound-ADA* 25,863 303-4116- GG1841 Public Works Compound-Drainage 20,000 303-4116- GG1842 Public Works Compound-Planning&Design 100,000 TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT PROJECTS $ 679,647 $ - $ - $ 303-4106-572.64-18 Art Center CU-1 HVAC Replacement(Jul-30)(20250) 10,000 303-4234- GG1841 Boynton Mausoleum-RTU-1 HVAC Replacement 10,000 303-4209- GG1859 Ezell Hester AHU-6(Small Room)HVAC Replacement 0 5,400 303-4209- GG1860 Ezell Hester Center-RTU-I HVAC Replacement 41,000 303-4209- GG1861 Ezell Hester Center-RTU-2 HVAC Replacement 41,000 303-4209- GG1862 Ezell Hester Center-RTU-3 HVAC Replacement 6,800 303-4209- GG1863 Ezell Hester Center-AHU-5a HVAC Replacement 21,000 303-4209- GG1864 Ezell Hester Center-CU-1 HVAC Replacement 6,800 303-4127- GG1868 Fire Station 3-HVAC Replacement 54,000 303-4128- GG1869 Fire Station 4-HVAC Replacement 8,000 303-4119- GG1870 Police Dept.2(FS 2)RTU-1 HVAC Replacement 10,250 303-4116- GG1871 Public Works AHU-2-HVAC Replacement _ 3,400 303-4116- GG1872 Public Works BU-1-HVAC Replacement 4,100 TOTAL GOVERNMENT HVAC PROJECTS $ 221,750 $ - $ - $ 303-4101- RP1801 Pence Park-Paint Roof of Bathroom Blgd 5,500 303-4101- RP1802 Oceanfront Park-paint-roof Pavilions,Bathrooms,Life Bldg 5,500 303-4101- RP1803 Boynton Lakes Park-Repaint Roof Pavilion 3,500 TOTAL GOVERNMENT ROOFING PROJECTS $ 14,500 $ - $ - $ 303-4234- RP1805 Barton Park-Replace Monument Sign&Paint Restroom 5,000 303-4238- RP1604 Betty Thomas Neighborhood Park-Basketball Markings 2,000 303-4238- RP1604 Betty Thomas Neighborhood Park-Basketball Markings Al: 3,700 303-4238- RP1807 Bicentennial(Dewey)Park-ADA* 2,558 303-4236- RP1808 Boynton Lakes Park-Parking Lot Seal Coat 5,000 303-4236- RP1809 Boynton Lakes Park-Park Furnishing 15,000 303-4236- RP1810 Boynton Lakes Park-Playground Equipment&Gazebo Pair 75,000 303-4236- RP1811 Boynton Lakes Park-Playground Equip&Gazebo Painting 9,000 303-4234- RP1812 Boynton Beach Memorial Park(Cemetery)-ADA* 29,145 303-4113- RP1804 Carolyn Sims Center and Denson Pool-Paint exterior 45,000 303-4113- RP1814 Carolyn Sims Center-Paint Pavilion and table 10,000 303-4214- RP1815 Denson Pool-Fence and Wall Repair 40,000 303-4241- RP1809 Edward Harmening Arbor Park-ADA* 3,756 303-4209- RP1810 Hester Center-Park Furnishing 15,000 303-4209- RP1614 Hester Center-Pavilion Pathway Repair 8,000 303-4209- RP1642 Hester Center Building-Lobby Renovation Architect Servic 30,000 S:\Finance\Govt Surtax(1%)\CIP 2017-2018 Adopted CIP Budget Fund 303 Page 1 of 4 1/29/2018/3:21 PM CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH FY 2017-18 ADOPTED CIP BUDGET CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FY 2017/18 Account umber Project FY 2017/18 FY 2017/18 FY 2017/18 Comments I ocation- i np dumber PROJECT NAME Adopted Awarded Paid 303-4209- RP1811 Hester Center Ball fields-Paint pavilion 5,000 303-4209- RP1812 Hester Center-Irrigation Lines _ 320,000 _ 303-4209- RP1813 Hester Center-Playground Restroom Painting 6,000 303-4209- RP1814 Hester Center-Scrub Fence 60,000 303-4209- RP1815 Hester Center-Accessible route from Center to Park 8,000 303-4209- RP1816 Hester Center-Multi Purpose Field 50,000 303-4209- RP1817 Hester Center- Wood Pavilion Painting and roofing 8,000 303-4209- RP1818 Hester Center- Wood Pavilion Painting and roofing ADA 500 303-4299- RP1819 Heritage Park-ADA* 858 303-4223-572.62-01 Intracoastal Park-AudioNisual Upgrades 10,000 303-4223- RP1820 Intracoastal Park-Carpet Replacement 5,000 303-4223- RP1821 Intracoastal Park-Intracoastal Parking Lot Resealing 45,000 303-4223- RP1822 Intracoastal Park-Refurbish restrooms 50,000 303-4223- RP1823 Intracoastal Park-Refurbish restrooms ADA 25,000 303-4235- RP1824 Jaycee Park-Interpretive Art 10,000 303-4235- RP1825 Jaycee Park-Restroom Building Exterior Painting 12,000 303-4235- RPI826 Jaycee Park-Park Furnishings 10,000 303-4235- RP1827 Jaycee Park-Parking Lot Resealing 5,000 303-4235- RP1828 Jaycee Park-Paint Pavilions 7,000 303-4235- RP1829 Jaycee Park-Pour In Place repair 20,000 303-4237- RP1830 Knollwood Park-Parking Lot 3,000 303-4231- RP1831 Laurel Hills Park-Basketball Court Restoration 8,000 303-4227- RP1833 Mangrove Park-Flooring 7,500 303-4227- RP1835 Mangrove Park-Fence Repair 8,000 303-4227- RP1836 Mangrove Park-Bench replacement 3,000 303-4227- RP1837 Mangrove Park-Interpretive markers 10,000 303-4227- RP1838 Mangrove Park-Refurbish Restrooms 6,000 303-4227- RP1839 Mangrove Park-Refurbish Restrooms ADA 7,000 303-4227- RP1840 Mangrove Park-benches and cans 8,000 303-4227- RP1841 Mangrove Walk at the Marina-ADA* 9,438 303-4216- RP1842 Meadows Park-Restroom Building Exterior Painting 6,000 303-4216- RP1843 Meadows Park-Fitness Trail Equipment 20,000 303-4216- RP1844 Meadows Park-Park Furnishings 30,000 303-4216- RP1845 Meadows Park-Pathways/Sidewalks Repair 75,000 303-4216- RP1846 Meadows Park-Tennis Courts Fencing 12,000 303-4216- RP1847 Meadows Park-Parking Lot Sealcoat 16,000 303-4216- RP1912 Meadows Park-Restroom Refurbishment 15,000 303-4216- RP1848 Meadows Park-Playground Equipment 95,000 74,705 303-4216- RP1848 Meadows Park-Playground Equipment ADA 16,000 303-4210- RP1849 Oceanfront Park-Parking Lot Lights 30,000 S:\Finance\Govt Surtax(1%)\CIP 2017-2018 Adopted CIP Budget Fund 303 Page 2 of 4 1/29/2018/3:21 PM CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH FY 2017-18 ADOPTED CIP BUDGET CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FY 2017/18 Account- Number Project FY 2017/18 FY 2017/18 FY 2017/18 Comments Location- Exp Number PROJECT NAME Adopted Awarded Paid 303-4210- RPI854 Oceanfront Park-Solar at Oceanfront Pole and sail remov a 70,000 29,700 303-4210- RP2021 Oceanfront Park-Stair&Retaining Wall J 40,000 303-4210- RP1920 Oceanfront Park-Playground Master Plan Design _ 75,000 303-4210- RP1850 Oceanfront Park-Sealcoat parking lot _ 60,000 303-4210- RP1850 Oceanfront Park-Sealcoat parking lot ADA 7,000 303-4210- RP1851 Oceanfront Park-Asphalt pathway 35,000 303-4210- RP2024 Oceanfront Park-Center Shade Sails and poles refurb 75,000 303-4210- RP1853 Oceanfront Park-Playground replacement 25,000 303-4211- RP1855 Oyer Park-Shade Sails 15,000 303-4211- RP1856 Oyer Park-Coast Guard Bldg.Entry Repair _ 30,000 303-4211- RP1857 Oyer Park-Coast Guard Bldg.and pavilion painting 14,000 303-4211- RPI858 Oyer Park-Coast Guard Bldg.and pavilion painting ADA 2,000 303-4211- RP1859 Oyer Park-Coast Guard Bldg.window replacement _ 7,000 303-4211- RP1860 Oyer Park-Coast Guard Bldg.window replacement ADA 7,000 303-4211- RP1861 Oyer Park-Park Ramp Assessment 25,000 303-4211- RP1856 Oyer Park-New Dumpster Enclosure 15,000 303-4211- RP1857 Oyer Park-Paint Restroom Exterior 5,000 4,785 303-4232- RP1858 Palmetto Greens Linear Park-Playground ADA 4,000 303-4232- RP1859 Palmetto Greens Linear Pk-Replace/maintain Picnic tables 5,000 16,915 303-4232- RP1860 Palmetto Greens Linear Park-Overlay internal park path 8,000 303-4232- RP1860 Palmetto Greens Linear Park-Overlay internal park path At 4,000 303-4232- RP1635 Palmetto Greens Linear Park-Restroom Refurbishment 8,000 303-4232- RP1635 Palmetto Greens Linear Park-Restroom Refurbishment AD 10,000 303-4232- RP1636 Palmetto Greens Linear Park-Parking Lot Sealcoat 6,000 303-4232- RP1636 Palmetto Greens Linear Park-Parking Lot Sealcoat ADA 7,000 303-4115- RPI861 Pence Park-Park Furnishings 6,000 303-4115- R1'1862 Pence Park-Paint Restroom exterior 5,000 303-4115- RP1863 Pence Park-Parking Spaces,new ADA 5,000 303-4217- RP1864 Pioneer Canal Park-Fishing Pier Repair 8,000 303-4217- RP1864 Pioneer Canal Park-Fishing Pier Path ADA 8,000 303-4217- RP1865 Pioneer Canal Park-Tennis Court Fencing 15,000 303-4217- RP1866 Pioneer Canal Park-Basketball and Tennis Courts 16,000 303-4217- RP1866 Pioneer Canal Park-Basketball and Tennis Courts ADA 18,000 303-4217- RP1867 Pioneer Canal Park-Can,Benches and Grills 10,000 303-4217- RP1868 Pioneer Canal Park-Refurbish Volleyball court ADA 14,000 303-4217- RP1869 Pioneer Canal Park-Restroom Refurbishment 13,000 303-4217- RP1869 Pioneer Canal Park-Restroom ADA 16,000 303-4218- RP1871 Sara Sims Park-Park Furnishings 9,000 303-4218- RP1873 Sara Sims Park Irrigation Upgrade 150,000 RP18xx Sara Sims Fence 300,000 303-4218- R1'1874 Sara Sims Park Parking Lot 40,000 303-4218- RPI874 Sara Sims Park Parking Lot ADA 7,000 303-4218- RP1875 Sara Sims Park Pavilion 40,000 303-4218- RP2027 Sara Sims Park-ADA* 30,198 303-4218- RP1876 Sara Sims Park-Resodding 200,000 303-4111- RPI877 Senior Center-Flooring 38,000 303-4111- R1'1878 Senior Center-Patio&Awning Repairs 8,000 303-4212- RP1879 Tennis Center-Parking Lot Sealcoat 30,000 303-4212- RP1879 Tennis Center-Parking Lot Sealcoat ADA 5,000 303-4212- RP1880 Tennis Center-Parking Lot Median Upgrade 48,000 S:\Finance\Govt Surtax(1%)\CIP 2017-2018 Adopted CIP Budget Fund 303 Page 3 of 4 1/29/2018/3:21 PM CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH FY 2017-18 ADOPTED CIP BUDGET CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FY 2017/18 xecount Number Project FY 2017/18 FY 2017/18 FY 2017/18 Comments I_ocation- LxI) N„n)I)er PROJECT NAME Adopted Awarded Paid 303-4212- RPI881 Tennis Center-Entry Sign 3,000 1303-4299- RP1882 Veterans Park-ADA* 1,072 1 TOTAL RECREATION AND PARKS PROJECTS $ 2,942,725 $ 126,105 $ - $ - *303-4101- FA1802 Fire Station 2&4-Kitchen Renovations 80,000 303-4126- FA1803 Fire Station#2-Women Restroom Repair 25,000 303-4127- FA1804 Fire Station#3-Concrete Apron Expansion 15,000 303-4127- FAI901 Fire Station#3-Bunk Area Restrooms Renovation 303-4127- FA1803 Fire Station#3-Parking Lot Resealing 30,000 303-4127- FA1805 Fire Station#3-Apparatus bay ceiling 30,000 303-4127- FA2004 Fire Station#3-Apparatus Bay Renovation 303-4127- FA2005 Fire Station#3-Parking Lot Lighting 303-4127- FA1806 Fire Station#3-Community Room Ceiling Repl and Securit 30,000 303-4127- FA1806 Fire Station#3-Community Room Soffits and Lighting 30,000 303-4127- FA1807 Fire Station#3-Sealcoat parking lot 23,000 303-4129- FA1808 Fire Station#5-Pressure Wash&Patch Exterior 30,000 TOTAL PUBLIC SAFETY PROJECTS $ 293,000 $ - $ - $ - 303-4101- IT1802 Wi-Fi Expansion(City Wide) 12,000 303-4101- IT1803 Network Circuit Certifier 12,000 303-4101- IT1804 Campus Communications Fiber Replacement 55,000 303-4101- IT1805 Exagrid Backup Appliance 45,000 43,193 11,698 303-4101- IT1806 Replace Storage SAN at Disaster Recovery Site 50,000 45,503 737 303-4101- IT1807 Enterprise Video Surveillance System 0 303-4129- IT1808 Fire Station 5 Wi-Fi Replacement 20,000 303-4101- IT1809 Anti-Virus Replacement 25,000 303-4101- IT1811 PC Replacement 64,000 63,984 303-4101- IT1812 PC Replacement-Utilities _ 20,000 303-4101- IT1813 Server Replacement 45,000 41,739 303-4101- IT1814 VSP7000 Switch-Data Center 20,000 19,359 19,359 303-4101- IT1816 Network Infrastructure Replacement-SCADA-Utilities 20,000 303-4101- IT1817 SAN Storage Replacement-SCADA-Utilities 50,000 303-4101- IT1818 Server Replacement(SCADA)-Utilities 25,000 TOTAL INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY PROJECTS $ 463,000 $ 213,778 $ 31,794 $ - CIP GRAND TOTAL $ 4,614,622 I$ 339,883 I$ 31,794 I $ - S:\Finance\Govt Surtax(1%)\CIP 2017-2018 Adopted CIP Budget Fund 303 Page 4 of 4 1/29/2018/3:21 PM