Minutes 07-26-61~j~hVJTES Ol~ ,SPECLAjL, lvi~iETING OF CIII~/ COUNCIL HMT~I) _AT CI~y ~T,T,~ BOYIkTTON B~CH, FLORtt)Ar ~fEDN~qt)AY, JULY Z6, 196,1 PEESF2~T: JOH~ Y~,A~LC~E. ~Y'O~ GE~ ~, CITY ATTOR~Y ~T~' ~EN, ~CE ~Y~ T~EESA P~T T,. CITY - JOHN TuITE:, ~-~F This~ rmee ,ti~: wa~ called aA .3:00 p.m. bY/~z~yoz ~vchie prhnarLly for the purpose-o£ holding .~ lm%t]~li~ P~e,a,ving on L0l 1V~0~zing. tkrlayor ~arc~ie askecl if a~ me~nbers of lke p~btic wiS!%~ to spe~ ~ri~n~. The' Oi~ ~erhey ~e~ re~ the ~asol~ion covering ~. ~dse~ ~ that the ~e~l~ion be by ~.~'S ,~d ~i~y carried. Bids were ~pene~ as follows £or Lot bio~viz~g - ~ro~uio III. O o C. biOore Joe Citt axiino Park, Lo .20.: Blo 8 %. 0.0 6.00 Boyn~PI'eights, L Z3 ~ru Z6 Bt 6 15.00 20.00 Fore~{Hi~s, L l& B1 10 5. O0 ?. 00 L6, BI 14 5,00 g.00 ~int, L 58 14. O0 15. O0 ~ls L 8,~ B1 3 5.00 B~nd $5.00 - 3 weeks ..... 1V[oore Check $6.35 - 10 days ................... Cittadino ~ ~eco~d~t~on Of ~. Tyalor, ~. ~adSen ~d that hi~s be aw~ded to ,P. ~. ~r~e, Lake ~omth for 600 yards sk~ ~. ~t~on seco~e~ by ~r. ~ers ~d ~n. carrie~. -Z- lvIr~ ~ftadsen naOved~that bids for ice ~atcing~ machine be reje~ed.~d ~ld t~a ite~ ~ ab~y~ce ~il ~e~ b~dga~ is a~le. ~io~ se:co~ded by ~r, Geramrd appa~red he.for e ~ou~cil r~q~alLmg t,er~ulive, gpprowat of for ~ o~d Pipes ;mo~lrecL-t]:~t th:e, pl%rchase ef eleCt~O~c compo~r be tabled. Moti0~ seco~de~i~)y ]~Ir. Snr~r~ r~s a~d ~ir~ou~ly carried~ amd e~t~blishir~g the hours, for bari.al services ~thin the Ci~ Mr. ~Pipes ~ve~[ ~aat the. reqaest of Bi¢ir ~e'ete to ha~e ~s wife's ~ Gi~ ~n~f re~e~ the ~o ite~ ~der litigation ~ith ~er rec~e m~tion by ~myor ~chie r~ggrd~g the 75 ac~e tract contr~ ih ~o~ of$568~, a~d ~thorize ~a~r, Ci~ Clerk ~ ~ec~e the correct ,~e~ %t,i~ co~letod. ~oiio~ se~n~ed ~ ~. ~S~s ~d I/1 refereltCal~O the: cx)~nract covering l~ollh~g Green Rid~ge, Firsi ~dditio~, in ~h~ck. ~ere ~m c~ict he{wae~ the written ~r~e~e~ ~d the ~mps per- t~ning to ~er li~e,~ ~. ~pea moved that t~s be seconded by ~r. ~en-and mnimo~s~ carried. /viS.rot ,a%rchie announced that the i~er plan bas, bee~ received and ~ . Or~te~o~ ad~med that the PubMc H~ ~zlI be hel~ ~ug~ I7, mt 7:30 p.m, T~s ~ill be a j,oi~ Zon~-Pla~mg B~d me~ ~:~mach as ~, 17tk.is the; r~g~ar ~eeting~ date- of the Zom~g ~o~d ~ ~o requests ~1 ,be' vote~ o~. ~ reference to the cost of pg~g 600 block of SE First ~ Second AVenues ~and lOo ~!o~ SE Si~h Street, ~ns S/D, the, Gi~ ~mmey advis.ed ~hat pub~C~hea~'~lI have to be held before ~is is ~da~aken. -3- i~r~ lvizdsen ~d ~r. T~ylor s~dy th~s ! Clayton Og~e~ in a~n~nnt o~ _1_ the co.oil raqu~st the City ~r~ey ~eck ~e~ion ~or ~Ii-out shelters or ~mb shelters ~he~tte~ ~he~ ~ed ~ such k SPECLgL MEETING OF TIxqE ~CITY COUNCIL HELl) MONDAY, JULY $~i, 1961 AT CITY H~A/~L~ BO~JTON B~CH, FLORA, AT ~E~ T: T~O~ ~. SU~S, COUNC~q The City ~kt~tarney read l{esolut~on establishing aignatn~es for recltlisit~ons to ~e ~[c :~ion~ B.~ of ~est ~m ~ch, Flori~. the resol~io~as ~ea~ dealing J0~ ~ ~r~_ie to si~ doc~ts. ~o~on ~rried una~o~tyr City ~i~oz~ey re-ad llesolution establishing, arid organizi~g a manicip~ Civil ~f~.e ~uncil for ~e~ ~ity ~ner~ La~ of ~i~, ~CtS of 1951. ~o~ion by ~r. ~a~en, se~nded hy ~ ~pes, to adopt the. re~oluti~ read ~d Job Mi T~te. be na~ed Cl~ ~ens e D~ec~r. Motion c~rie.d un~imo u sly. estimate-'on ~he 3_~va~s petition for repaying streets in the L~rns S/D. lvfotio/~ !c~rried tlnaniz~o~zsly0 Mr,, St~nrners mowed to have appzais;ers check the farniture, f=om the l~olff hot, se axed let those interested in b~yi~g s~n~e, pay the price s~thy said appraisers o }¢[otion_ seconcled ~y }vLr. Madsen ~ um~n~i~o~ly carrieclo Discussion followed on the availabi34%y of.az~ elect~(~nic co,pater and the ~ity C~lerk vc~s imstrtlcted to have the l~urc~asi~g A~ent s%lbmait figures fron~ other companies on like m~chines.. Meeti~_g adjourned at Z:3.5 p.nu. Councilman