Minutes 07-17-61MINUT ES OF REGULAP~ ItEETING HEI.I] AT ftTY HALL. B.OYNTOM BEACH~, FLORIDa, JULY t7~ 1961 W-~.LTE~ 3~!A~SEC¢. VIC~: M~kYOR- J~ WILI~ PI~Cr~-,S~ COUN~ILM~%N wORICS POLICE This meeting was cs~lled to om.der by Master _A2ck~e at 703 p~ m. The I~vocatio~~ras given by ~evo Earl Devgn~y, First Pr es byte rian. C]~utr ch, ~.o~ the Jul7 3rd meeling veers approved as corrected and July lith meeiiu~ as. wri~en, upon. motion by A/ir, iviadsen0 seconded by Mr o Sarnmers~ Motion carried anamimously. ]~Lr i 1viads~ moved thag. bids be obtained o~ the material needed for relocation of water mai~s, o~ U, So. ~ll Motion seconded by Mr~ S~mmers a~d una. n~mot%sl~r carried. Mr. Madse]a moved th~ the r~qa~sI of Cnl~r Construction Co~ fer re~e~l to ~ t~po~¢~ ~odel ho~e ~ 1715 S. by ~ ~pe.a ~d ~o~ly carri~d~ A~rl Summers r~oved that the reqtkest of Lions Club to use Co~r~cil Ci~mb.e~s November 5~h for ~er~o~s coherence. I~ refe~rence to Jaycees request pertaining to bleachers at 15th Ave~e ball park~ lv~r~ AC~dsen ~oved.tlle req~ast be tabled for furtker stt~dyo Motion seconded by Afr., Pipes a~d unanimo~Isty carried. as foL%ow , At 7:45 ,m, laids fox ice making machine were opened P Refrigeration DiStributors. - $1255. (30,0~) I-Iadley~s l~efrigerati0n 1 I60~ - El days C~ & S~. Re~gerator. ~c. 1~0, (300~) 30 days ~ ~pes ~oved tk~t bi~ be tabalated by ~. Taylor. ~on seconded by Mr~ Madsen a~ Bids we, re opened for shell rock as. follows: Track Co~ - $2,~0,0 taer ycLo,~: ~ZO0. (Ssaur:ce~o£ s~pply Cle~Y B~. - ~e~s ~ che~ck $610.0,0:~ PUBLIC tVIr;, t~a&$,e=.re~d excerpts fr~rG edit~azial a~pea~ing ~ F~. t_~ud- erdate Ne~s~ C~y ~o~r~y r~ resol~t~o]2~ regarding .exec~tio~ of pape.rs for ~-~er rnai~ cr:esSing~ IVI~ pi~ rnoved the ~es. olut~or~ he ~clo, pt~e~l. /~lOt&On seconrted by A~zrl S~0xnm~er~ and dnaz~rnoasiy carried, Afire Br. oxv~, Architect for Lottie Pierce, appeared before council ~x01th ~ request.fOr i~*nuce of ~ b~d~g, p~it to ~l~ct 6~ bal~g m. Li i~, BiZ. Mee~ &~ews at~ lt~h Ave. ~ Sacra moved~hat.t~ ra~eg be gr~t~ s.~ct to condemweA ~t t~a la~on~ MoZi'o~ seco~e~ by ~3 Pipes ~ ~n~- mo~ty c~ried, -3- th~t tie ~,~ ~r. ~es.~,o~e~ t~is ~ be table~ ~ read Ordina~ce 61-16 - barber~ ord~ua~ce. final zeading~ i~tio~?aconded by Mrl Suers and ~mo~[y c~ried. C~ ~=n~ read ~~ 61-17 ~r~ng lot ctear~ ord~ce, ~. ~'e~ mov~.d ghat Ordnance 61-17 c~rif~ng lo~ cl~ing o~ce be:~s~ed as ~ ~g~cy ~ura ~ th~ it wi~ e~t~ lo~ cle~g, ~z~ S~.s s~conded ~o~G~ ~ch.c~zr~e~ ~o~sly, CiSy ~or~ey read Ordinance 61-18 esgablishing authority for ~vesrme~t~ o~:cer~a~ -s~pl~ ~cip~ ~ ~pe~ ~oved t~t ~ce 6i~18. be passed ~s emergency ~.~e~ ~ti~co~ed hy ~, ~es a~ ~ously I~ re£e~ce to l~ablis~~ d~ f03~ r~fere~d~ election on seconded by ~. ~s[en and ~o~ly carried. -~-dminis~ retire: I~l reg~area~ce to-purchase of tax bills a~cl, enve]~opes, l~tr. Madsen moved th~ ~t~ re~e~d~ion of t~e ~ckaai~g ~ to p~c~e ~om low bidder, G~f S~eam ~ems, lO, 000 t~ bi~s at rate ,of $21.92 per tko,~ be ~ppro~ed~ ~oiion seined by ~ ~.s ~d ~i~o~sly carried~ ~ieetiug ,a~jotizne.cl at, 9:!5 po-m~ 3087 3088 $089 3090 .5091 $092 3093 3094 228?2 19522 ~EmE ~O0~E 0 3087 39~7 36~9 $939 39~0 39~$ 3942 3941 3945 $944 583°06 1,688.51 26.75 809.97 2.50 5.00 116.05 B. B. Gezm, GAaYTOm F. O~Lxs 1960 W~E~ 591.32 2I ~. 50 $83. $4 270. 55 ~ITCItELL 855.47 ~OT~A · ~_,~5, 555.32 APPROFED // / / JULY 3t~ 1961 PA~2~S APPR~ED J~-LY, 1961 5036 W~lter Dutch 3045 Payroll Fund 3046 Petty Cash 3047 Kat~m Hoc~hmuth 3084. OLSI Contribution Fund 3085 John M. T~mite 3086 Payroll F~nd 3095 Electrolux Corporation 309~ Petty Cash F~d 3100 District 'Director of Lut. Revenue 3105 Payroll F~nd 22838 Payroll Fund 22841 P~O~ Fund 22842 Beynton Developers 22843 Blac~ Constr. Co. 22845 ~s. Ohas. E. Joss 22~ JL~ Blackburn 22859 2286O 22866 22867 22868 22869 22870 22873 22876 1952O 19521 19523 20965 20966 20967 20988 20969 20970 20971 20972 20973 20974 2097~ 20976 20977 20978 20979 20980 20981 20982 20983 20984 20985~ 20986 2O987 20988 2O989 Refund Water Meter Deposit Petty Cash Payroll F~ud Wm. Weber, Jr. Casey Patrick ~ " GeorEe Magee OASI Contribution ~d P~o~ F~d R. J. Do,rs Petty Cash City of B,B.Acot, of Andrews S. Fuorry " ~' ~ :~ "Luther Hotcomh Joe Razz Overpa.~u~ent of garbage City of B.B. Acct. of Boynton Bevelopers Refund of ~ n , ~ "Winifred Wiggins " ~ " = ~ ~ :: Blacken Constr. Co. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Leon Ctoutier ~ ~' ~ ~ ~ :~ ~ ~s. Chas. E. Joss $ce~ Ridge Devel. Co. City of B.B. Acct~ of ~drew S~ ~o~y 732.37 2505.81 19.08 7.4~ 5733.70. 30,00 6683.28, George Douglas Wm. LoWeber, Jr. Henry Thompson Geo. ksbSLO ok Casey Patrick Geo. ~¢~gee Luther Holoomb ~b2~th & Fletcher Billy Corbett }~rs ?l&ar~ N~they City of B.B. Acct, of Coogan-Beatty ~ n ~ ~ n John Ware Joe Razz / 3940 3932 89.75 3965 19.13 108.88 34.09 3966.69 1775o2O 531,8~ 1122.67 4.00' 3.5o 5.20 2.30 3.70 7.65 673.10 5.60 6.00 3.10 7~7.7~ 941.83, 2.3(~ 13.49' of Sewage Dep.F~nd 7.00 ~' ~ 7.00 1.00 Water Met~ 7.~' " ~ " 7. ~ ~' ~ " 7.50 ~' " ~ 7.50 " ~ ~ 7.50 ~ '~ " 7.50 ~ " ~ ~ 7.50 n . " '~ 7.50 ~ " ~ ~ 7.50 " '~ " ~ 7.50 ,~ , n ~ 7.50 ~ ~ ~, ~, 7.~ ~ " ~ " 7.50 ~ " " " 7.50 " '~ ~ '~ 30.00 ~ ~ ~ ~ 7.50 T~L 25903.86 O .A.6-19-6I P~ YHE2[TS ~PPRO YEB J~£ Y ~88~ Jo~ L. ~¢~ P 0 $?89 T~TAL 55. 95 7~..~? $ 128.~2 PAYMENTS APPROYEB IN JULY 1961 2888 298? 2988 2990 ~991 2993 2996 299 7 $065 £28~0 B28~8 22863 WZITT MzcDowmm~. HONTm oF J~mm 1961 100.00 J~ms P. F~o~ RmF~mm B~m Caoss I~s. 19.~4 PaY~L F¢~m - ?azmsFma 86~.66 R~mzm C~ms~R~c~z~m Co. 12, fi61.08 Pa~o~ F~m - Ts~srra 9,268.76 P. Y. ~xzx P~' O~ 2991 · ~o~zs J. ff~or~ 26. O0 U. S. Posv OFFICE P.O. 5867 45.00 Bor~o~ Bmzc~ C~z~m~ OF Co~mscm 99.59 P. O. $870 f~o~zs J. g~er~ P. O. 15.00 U. S. Post OFFICE P.O. 5897 ~5.00 Pm~r ~zsz 16. 77 W~ITT MzcBowm~ MomTm OF J~mm 10.00 f~oY Farm, INs. P 0 ~785 11.69 U. S. Pos~ OFFI CE P 0 5868 45. O0 ~. S. PO8~ OFFICE P 0 5896 ~6.00 tPPBOYED / ~ 23 18~.44 PAYNENT$ APPRO~'EB JULY 1951 3~9 3060 306~ 3062 3063 3054 $055 5056 505? 505,8 5059 5060 $06~ 3062 22861 22862 A~s~zm $~LY Go. 3836 13.72 ~o~ao~¢~s INc 3889 1~. 34- Gz~Y OF BOYNTON BE~e~ 66.00 G~Y Baos. 3890 37.50- ~E~FICE INC. ~YLORD ~ROS. , INc. 3878 58,20 $851) $844) 3827) 191.40 3865) 3893 1.00 5892 3596 5898 3892 2. 25 10. 50 17. 80 2. 4-9 25.12 127.86 4-10. 82 96.90 59.79 85.52 1,219.4-6 36. 75 P~S ~PPROVED 7-26-61 19490 2681 Maule In~ustrles~ Y_uc. Boy.ton Beach Fire Dept. $851.36 I I 'TI ...... ~"%? ........................ PAYMENTS APPRO?E$ JULY 1961 1961 3064 3065 3066 3067 5068 3069 3070 307I 3072 3073 507~- 3075 3076 30?7 30 78 3079 3080 308~ 5082 3083 22864 22865 E~ST CO~ST FIRE E~zpmmmv 3907 77.00 fLORID~ ~ST CONTROL 3925 3.25 3596 34.59 3912 1.50 3833 18.50 3887 50.00 $903 21.60 Drseo¢m~ 1.79 H~ntmx's 3950 25. O0 Booer H~z~o~ 5926 2.50 Jzcmso~ A~To ELmCTRre INC. 3917 18.00 KE~ SmOW 390~ 20.50 ~ ~ W~Z~T 3909 Yo~e ~ W~D~m 39~1 68.67 ¥OID ?OYL~ND 3916 1~5o87 FLoaIB~ INC. 392~ 87. 90 Co · 3928 9. ~0 785.50 33. 27 91.60 87.53 ~~PROYED JU_L! 1961 ~. ?-B1 3790 $000 B-I-F I~s~rms, I~¢o $881 $001 Bs-Bm~ P~ Go. 6?59 3002 BO~T~m ~o $~mm~, Imc. $GG2 2.6~ $6~? $o00 $591-pza~z~L 3005 3007 $008 $009 3010 OHENEY ~aOSo 20.99 $51,7 9.70 35~ 17.85 354-4_ 6.90 5751 10.42 38~4 1.50 ,$706 27.$$ $7~8 1.00 36~$ $79~ 173.60 $867 58.20 G.I.7/11/61 $767 5667 339~ 3. 56 .36 DIsc. 556I $538 3688 362? 18.33 37~1 11.90 A~.G.ii. 381~ 29.19 1.19 B~sc. 106. 1~ 25.97 18.16 O~s~om~z~ O~xm~ Go. 3660 205.50 231.80 35~6 65. O0 ~625 gO. O0 3797 18.7~ 3795 96.91 365 7 10, 90 309 7 29. ~3 3800 10. ~0 llS. ?B Amp. 58.23 90°00 ~. Ii. ~7.80 PAYMENTS ~PP£O~E~ JUL~ i9~ 3010 ¢o~rm~mm DmH~a¢o 2~¢~o~ ~ I~m. Co. 301 t $0t2 30I 3 3015 Famm's 3016 ~YAoa~ Bz~os.,Imc. 5017 3018 3019 ~. ~ M~s. Joss W. 3020 gmmE MOOSE HO~TON 3023 O~mms 3?52 8.60 373~ 1~.00 ~. 37~1 50. O0 3832 3~7 38~2 77. O0 38~1 59. O0 ~768 $811 $715 t 7. 30 ~711 ~. ~ TO ~TE~ 3787 365~ $?~3 $815 43.60 31.00 £.00 1.00 3025 8O26 3027 3058 3029 8030 34~88 36~5 36~ 5-722 3716 8629 3856 3758 3809 351 G 34. 76 34.95 354-0 3576 3563 3581 3609 3635 3678 ~. 90 4-9.50 4-2. 76 14-1. O0 4-7.30 39.50 1.75 .04 D~ ze. 65.60 _4p~. 0. 1.27 32.4-0 151.20 Ap~. 54-. O0 App. 0. H. 52. ~5 57. 75 Apr, 8G.~O Amm. C.W. 37. 95 75.60 362.10 39.92 23, 75 136. O0 13.18 51.73 22. 95 10. O0 3~25 60. O0 667. 05 ~3. 16 34-. O0 21.20 55.24- 99.50 53. 42 64-. 33 7-21 -Gl. PAYIiEICTS ~-PPROYED JULY 1961 3030 $m~w B~os. OrL CO * -- COI~ ZIF~ED 3728 151.20 3 71 ? 50. O0 196. O0 Dzsc. S032 Josmmm BmH~e~ 3855 3033 B. L. ~mmoms 3680 303¢ ¢~ S~am~x Lemsm~ 3507 15.25 3501 3705 18.05 3652 8.55 3623 23.¢¢ 3775 3.83 3836 26.3~ 1.97 3035 ~ $~am~m L=mmE~ Co. 38¢0 2.86 3037 Dom~Am $. La~m~m, Im~. 3776 79.00 3719 81.80 3777 39.50 3038 3039 30¢0 $0~1 30¢2 19518 19519 228¢9 22850 22851 22852 $~s fl~ ~mx 3791 Wms~m~m i~o ~sso c. $~o~m 3852 H~smy ~ G~Z~FX~ 3899 3582 3612 3687 3653 3757 3738 3736 FL~. ~E~G~E OF ~UNICIP~LITIE$ G¢~F STrEam Lma. 0o. 3859 F. S. $m~zmas ~ Go. 38¢9 B-I-F-Im~s~azms, Imc. 3882 BoYN~o~ ~¢~0 J~m~y, INc. 5695 Bmf~z~¢o TP~ae~ea ~ I~p. Co. 362¢ 3699 8.50 i~. ~80-$00 Gl 66 14.70 .77 1.¢5 22.00 ! 6o 6.00 ¢2.50 1.97 Dzsc. COLLECTION OF 98.68 1.97 1095.12 97.98 100.00 1.50 96.60 2.82 200.30 50.00 0.38 3.00 ¢1.80 7. 76 96. ZzG T~ZES 26.25 96.66 9~?.50 56.61 I0.?~ 5.50 45.00 PAI~HENT£ APPROYED JULY 19Gl ?-BI-G1 22855 Prc~s ~mEmr¢~ ~o. 3637 22856 S~.~W ~ROT~E~S OIL frO. 22858 H~sm~ ~ ~FZ~S, I~¢. 3696 ~56~ 2285? Bo~ Fzcm~ma's Pazm"zz~ Jmom 3~92 6. 8~ 21.95 A~m. 5.50 85.50 85.50 75. 58 ~2.18 3?. 50 397.05 tPPRO YED P~tT;IENT$ APPROYED UULY I~GI 22830 J. ~zx ~mm~m 2281~ ~z~r OF Ber~o~ BE~¢~ 20957 ~¢c~ o~ Em J~m~ FuNs 10G1. ~ P. O. ~57S0 50. 80 - Pm~r C~sm ~6. 71 - $7~ 1. ~ 7. ~0 7.~0 7.50 15.00 iec~ oF Cmzs. E. Co~'zm~o~ " ~¢¢~ oF T~o~s ~zazsoL~ 209~8 20955 ~e¢~ o~ J. ~. Boom " 20955 Bo~ Bao~zcx " 20~60 icce OF I~a Jzcmsom 20962 Go~p. " " ?. 50 " 7.~0 " " ?. rio " ?. 50 7. 50 7. 50 7. 50 7. 50 7. 50 7. 50 7.50 ?.~0 7.50 ?. 50 7. ~0 7. 50 15. O0 PAYHEk-TS AEPROYED JULY 22815 22816 22817 22818 22819 2282~ ~2~27 ~851 19517 LOBET~' ~BETT [.J~c~SOm 6. O0 6. O0 10. 90 4.90 2. $0 $. 70 2.50 G. O0 ~. 60 2.80 ~. O0 ~. ~0 7. O0 7~ 70 9. I0 ~. ~0 ~$R9.60 APPROFED 2952 2953 295,4 2955 228~2 2956 2957 29585 2959 296O 2961 2962 2965 2966 PAY~ENTS APPROVED Artex W%iding & FabricatLng Antoproducts~ ~c. ~eys Store B-I~ ~dustries ~ ~c Blue Cross-Blue S~eld of Fla. ~ue Cross-Blue Shield of Fla. Inc. BruBaker Music E~i G. Bro-~ Distributor C~ ~ & Sod Ce~ ~cerds~ Inc. C~t~ Reck W~ter Co. Delray Bicycle & Sport~g ~ods Florida ~s~ ~c. Edco Brush Core, ny 2967 Florida Printing Co. 22833 C~o. W. Fowler Co., inc. 29~8~ Georgets Electric Co, 22~,4 Gen~eral g~-gension g~vn. Univ. Fla. 296~ R~ m. Gr~mmons Printing 2970 Hadley ~s 2971 Hand'~ 29~2 Hunnicutt& Associates~ Inc. 2973 Leks Worth Office Supply~ Inc. 22835 Industrial Supply Corp. 297,4 Meekins 228~6 ~m~ ~ater Clinic 2975 Cakes Gulf Service 2976 Per~sula~ Supp]jCompany 2977 Rich ice Cream 2978 The Sewing Mmchine Shop 2979 Spor%s ~4~ven 2980 Stevenson Seed S%ore 2981 Louis Sterrett JULI 1961 380~ 3812 3793 3762 3OO6 3737 3792 3818 3806 3661 3829 Disc. ~ 3659 Disc. 2% 3805 3718 3521 3823 38t~ 3640 36`41 3672 3639 3739 3732 3786 3686 3831 2822 2811 3673 3636 3651 3763 Dis. 38~7 3756 355,4 3553 3?64 3815 3765 3653 3588 2951 3034 63.95 App, 32.00 1.92 !8.00 57.50 App. C. 1.S1 ~6~00 11,50 25.00 $5.OOApp. c. M, 1.80 1.20 .63 4.50 !4.40 23 .kO 7.20 15.67 .33 7/12/6z 70,00 23.5`4 1.05 16.75 3`4.50 738.30 1.29 22,32 99.99 50.00 7.5~ 73.99 36.50 24.00 30.00 37.50 90.00 35 · 96 i228.76 2.00 AS.00 ~80.50 36.09 15.34 8.00 12.00 30.00 3,4.50 38.20 33.70 136.40 70.00 App. C. M. 50.00 App. C.M. 123.00 18. O0 18.00 36.00 App. ADp. C. App. C. M. 3/6/61 c.A. 2/15/6o PAYMENTS APPROVED FOR JULT~ 1961 Page 2 2982 Surbers A~oco Service 2983 John Violant¢ 22837 Jotm Vieiante 2984 Tern Wood Tr~ck Eqpt. Co. 2985 Jim Zeak 2986 Customaid Cabinet Co. 382~ 3755 3755 3658 3816 3i78 17.70 38~3~ 19.16 24.L..3 24.00 99.50 App. C. M~ $ ~170.65 ? PAYNFZgP$ APPROYED JULY 1061 7- ?-Gl 20899 20900 20001 20905 B090~ 20905 20906 20907 20908 ~CCT OF HOWARD CROUCH 20911 tceT ~x ~. E~w. F. Kzszmz"~ 20912 2091:~ 220 91~ Z09I~ £o9 209~ ~ETE~ ~EPOSZT ~DJUST~ENT ?.50 7.50 7. 5'0 7.50 7.5 0 7. 50 7. 50 ?. 50 7. 50 7.50 7.50 15jO0 7.~0 7.50 7.~50 O0 1~ OD ~,~0 7.50 ~E~R Y P~IPIEET$ APPROYE~ JFI, Y 1961 7- ?-61 22 799 19509 19010 19~II $. ~0 ~.00 $.~0 1, O0 6.00 ~.00 7. O0 $.~0 7. O0 $ ~$0.00 ?-10~G1 PAYMENTS APPRO~Ei) JUt,~ 1961 2936 2937 2958 22811 294.2 294.$ 29~ 294.5 294.7 294.8 2949 2950 SCIENTIFIC GEe. W. FewAma 0o.,Imc. 3572 $24.9 $4.89 12.94. 3260 5. 95 3364. 16.25 3~ 1~. GO ~. ¢.li. ;534.2 4.$. O0 ~m~. C. ~. ~$ ~8. O0 A~m. ~. ~. ~? 1~. ~ 2. 99 $749 $557 12. 61 8~1I ~I.0~ $?25 ~. ~5 STEVENS REXA~ Ii. Ii. B~armT 29.05 33.72 165.99 5.00 4.8° 6~ 7.75 JULY I, 1961 3009 37~5 3779 4.9°50 .99 3766 3775 3781 REFUND OF 305. 60 Apr. 6. 93 23. 61 7.50 3.19 Gz~c~zfZON TSC ~53~0 7.10 $ 798. 74Co? APPROYED 2834 2862 22776 22781 OF ~OYNTON OF ~OYNTON $695 15.87 29fi~ 15.3~ 289? ltl. 30 5062 11.56 5063 ~8. O0 30~ 13. ~2 ~. ~.~. ~08I 5. ~0 3157 ltl. O~ ~157 50. ~0 3555 6.32 ~. G.~. ~76 26.20 3168 8.~ 3t 83 22. O0 3160 1~. 50 3168 3~. 90 5267 2~.81 A~.G.~. $355 50. O0 Arr. G.~ 3691 l O. 30 A~r. G. 3586 12.17 10.$0 fla. ~T~EN~ ~LANT-~ART ~1 3713 380. O0 851.95' 22.11 113.00~/ 29°98 2~.3~ APPB O FED $ 1577.02 7-G-G1 PA.YHEN?$ APPBOYED JUNE ~961 22783 ~z~r OF BOYB'TON B~'.~¢~' 2855 2732 fl~NSFEI% ~E~K gZTY OF ~OYNTON ~EACH P~YROLL FUND PAI'~OLL FUND- ~ 1019 !018 1017 !0~6 1015 Oa~cm~L~rs~ lsat519? ~EB~!LD CE~E~ B~YNTON BEACH HE~. T~XES .~EF~ND COnTrIBUTIOnS TO POLICE RETZ~E~ENT ~FUND IN 57I. 2,5 !1~.00 51.~7 11,965.29 202.92 7.$9 1~.~8 ~.05 458.09 19, APPRO YED PAYMEN?$ ~PPROYED J~Y ISG1 22804 ~z~Y ~[.~ TEI~ 3389 3388 3689 3390 289~ L. D. ~aweoam ~EPTo ~EPT. 13.56 30.18 45.08 19,66 7.5B 1.98 Brsc.2% 228~: D~zs Hm~ma & S~mpLY Oo.,Imc. 372~ · 33 2896 D~N¢zN-E~w,~a~ ~. 2518 17. 73 · 35 2897 E, Co,~s~ Fz~m ES~Z~EN~' $608 2899 F~H~a ~e~z~m~ ~o. 5726 I!.9~ .2~ 2900 F~z. Bm~az~es, I~c. S~? 1~. 20 3725 5. I9 36~ 0 ~. 09 .5? 2901 2902 2903 ~. F~. Powma ~ LzaE~ 0o. 1.17 ~YiO Tax S~Es & Sma,, INC.-3690- 555.17 1.50 406.48 3.00 96, 98 GO. O0 0.-4. 6-19-61 q-go 89 2904 2905 2906 2907 22806 ~sc. 1% 32.67 ~s0.2% 17.38 ~4.00 ~SC~5185 18.98 ~s¢.2% 11.70 290~ 2909 2910 Bzsc. 2~ 27.91 3,115.69 Bzsc. 2% .iS-Bzsc.l% 2911 IBW Ooar. 3~79 43.60 .~ Bzsc.l% 3650 26.48 3682 ~2.$5 3683 3684 42.55 57. 53 16. 84 CJI. 19.86 35. O0 13,03 38. O0 12.52 35.00 12.00 ~3.16 149.91 PAY~IE~$ ~PPROYED JULY 196I 2912 2913 291~ Bglg 3632 BfIT!¢ OF 2916 2917 2919 2920 356~i- iI. G~- .~. ~._~I. 3358 ~.. 80 $396 18. GO ~. g. M. 3~18 7.20 $622 10. 50 3528 22. O~ ~. ff.~. 3677 ~ ~,~l~/g ~ 7-5-61 8.50 8.29 15.50 74:.79 55. O0 Arm. ~. ~, 1 $. O0 21.20 198.86 2.90 3. 86 ?OTAL 6, 2~9. 09 tPPBOYEB 2923 3~0~ ~8. O0 292~ Bo~ ~s F~s~O~E S61~ ~1.70 5568 1G. 1-0 5GG8 ~5. 65 2925 ~xz~o Oz~ ~o. $685 9~? 3630 22809 R. L. ~s~mmo~s P~ Tzm~ 558? £9~6 B. L. G~=mx~ms P~m~mm~ $$77 25.50 $~68 5.50 5575 10.1'0 3573 $2°55 3094 20.00 349~ 9.00 $?29 30.00 3505 1.00 292? H~D's 3465 4.99 $499 .$0 $285 06.50 $282 06.00 5093 7.87 3089 ?.87 3?$3 I1.96 2928 Lx~Ds~mY L~sm~ Go. $6~$ 29.96 .60-Bzs¢.2~ 2929 ?mm P~z~ Kx~m 3590 2950 B & B EL~c~zc Go. 3665 1171.00 3.42 3614 6.25 2933 E~m~m P~PE~ CO. 3731 3.95 3399 2.49 ~. 2934 P~ BE~C~ TYp~w~I~ Co. 3760 9°?5 3493 5.00 £G. IO 156.00 102.01 42. 82 8.85 131.65 145.99 29. 36 5. 77 16~ 08 21.00 18.55 6.36 1~.65 APPROYED TO?AL $ 886.14