Minutes 07-03-61IVLINUTE$ OF ~ULAl~ 1V~E~TINC~ OF CITY COUNCIL HELD ~a~T CITT HALL, BOYNT~OA7 BF-L~CH, FLOItlD~, JULY 3, 1961 LOinS J~ S]~IIT~, CITY MANAGE~ GNENE ~ CITY ATTOP~NEY TE2EE~ p~uI]c=ETT. CITy C. LF?-K This r~eiin~wVas, c~e~I t~order by the Mayor at 7:30 p,m., Mayor ~rchie i~t~o~tuced~na~znbera of co]zscil te l~ev, Earl D~wney ihe new minister a~ the Firsi Presbyterian ~hurch~ Fetl~wing the introd~ciion l{ev, Do~vney gave i:lie Invocation, A~r. Pipes removed that tho properr~ st~b~nitted for parchame ~by H. H. ~]~n be accep~ ;o~e~ a!, $18,500~ g~o.~,, a~ c~ts ~s~ed by so.er on terms of Z9%. do~.tO be pai~ o~ez five year period ~ offer is accept~ PUBLIC %UDIENGE: ~iem .~ de~ao~straiion by a factory rep.re.sen~tive '~dus. given of a tr~spare~cy pr:oje~r, ~ ~ ~en mo~elt~t tke p~j~cto~ be p~ased the amo~. I~Lv~ ]~ober~ I~aes%Qn, t~resident of tha Li0n~ ~ pzes'e~ed ~ framed litkog~aphe~ prat of the o~gi~ Bi~ .of ~ts ~ Co~il lAe ~tic ~b~ry~ ~th ~e pro~ise t~ a~er copy ~ be forthcoming ~ be displayed ~Zhe Ci~ H~t. The ~i-co~st Co--tree Bo~ton ~ol~th ~moci~on obtainad t~eae prints ~d the ~ons ~l~b fr~ed. Tom Butt, Pzesi~leni of the Ki~ranis Club prememie~ ~ copy of After a Iattem was read f~om Cio¥. Bryant's To~iarn ~teering Ck)~n'~Ltta,e, ~o Sanmmers ~mo~e:~t:tha~ a $50~ donation be aLtow~t. ~violioz~ seconded ]~y t~o, lmipe.~ a~d ,ananin/o'~sly ca~rri~Clo tioamee~g to b.e k~l~t 3uly 1t, 196iat 9~00 a~m~ ~ thank you~leiter fro~r~ S~_dy l{eagan, ]~iiss Bo~n Beach, was rea~. ~d/or Sept, ~t 409 N~ E~ 3~tk ~kve~e be. gra~ted ~d ~ fee waiw~edo ~o~ion seconded by Mr. }viadsen and mnamimously ca~riedo ~leiter from Goagressman P~ul t~o~ers ~s read as well as ~ l~er ha enclosed fr~ J~ ~ ~keW, the ~c~g ~egio~ ~s~t O~icc Director~ ~a s~n~ ~he ~eco~men~o~ of the Ci~ ,of B.~on. Be~ ~ been received~ alo~ with lepers fro~ W. P. $~lcer:of the Ia~Sonwitle p~t Office r~ esiale depa~e~, ~d that e~ery ~i~er~iom ~o~d be give~ to locat~g a suit~le ~:st O~ice mite for ~ke ~ni~. The- City Attorney advised th_at zoning procedttrea have bee~ commenced on the Yates site across frona City Hall. onSeac~est Bl~d. T~e City _A~ttor~ey read the res~lmiiom~ a~tkozizing a special accotu~t be set t~p at.the First Bank of B0y~toz~ B.eac3m i~l reference to the pool c onstr ~¢tio~ ac couni. 1Vir. pipem znoved the resoluiio~ be adcrptecl. Afiotion s.aco~ded The City ~t~or~ey re~l the resolution pertaining ia Group IV Lot clearing. 2k copy of ~e ~ay~s re~r~ ~s bee~ far~ske~ ea~ c~an. 3:00 p.m. for the ~iic H~ring on Group IV ~t ~aar~g. A~ · ~iadsen. moved that the ze.sol~ pertaiming to Lot GlearL~g Group IV be adopted. Motion seconded by Air. Stu~rners amd ~amir~ously carried · -3- The City ~ttorney then re~d ~rdin~ce 61-15 ~n e~erge~ or~e ~ly ~ inir0d~d the ~iditor a~d~ P~idea~t. of th~ new Bo~o~ Beach Star~ l&r. BiR Be~ TI~a B~Y~o~ Be~ch b-w~m will he t~lished %veekly, A petition to widen and iznpro~e N~Ei 3rd~reet fro~ ~e~v~ue lig~.s ~s Sig~ed by ~erberi L~. ~d.Ciertce ~' Ke~, ~O, gO~ Nicholas, H. Ho~, Bez~a,~. ,Ch~dwe~ ,~d Harw~ ~. ~e~, Jr. cost es.~mate. ~m~an se~ed by ~=. ~p~s ~d ~o~sly carried. ~/zr, Zel! Tayto:=, S~t~- l~3~blic lyorks, espied the cast of ~ling gree~ f~ci~, ~:~g Lihr~ ~ul~ cOS~, $Z~5. ~tern~e e~mte ~b~c ~brks ~e ~a~6=~ed to ~1~e tke m~" =o~ av~bie a~ ata~ on gzad' Sescres. t Blvdl ime~teiy nar~ of ~br~, whi~ was t~ loc.ation established by ~o~cil~ ~eti~. s~conded,by ~r. S~ers and~m~o~sly c~rried~ 'Thd~n~, ~k, ~.$~e~: ~, CoUnciLuian 22776 Smaw B~os. Oil. ~o. PA~ENfS APPROFEB JUNE 1961 B.B.)~m~.Px & $.$.tfm~.~. 200.00 5670 1. O0 302 ? 9.72 $122 6. 5~ 311 ? 6. O0 5251 8.05 3289 6. 76 &669 3252 5. S~ 5583: 3.15 S~00 .75 5.92 28.20 4.93-Dxs¢. 241.31 71.25 $153 151.20PE~ ¢0~a~¢~ 11-?-60 3226 108.00 " 3240 12.~0 " " 5291 5~.00 " $~3~ I~I.~0 " " " 3357 32.~5 3292 151.20 3330 ?~.60 338~ 54.00 33~1 151.20 3461 17.00 5~20 32.~5 3~75 ~.25 3~1~ 151.20 -19~.00 C. A. 11-7-G0 Pma ¢o~c~ 11-7-G0 · ~x !110.$0 2~.00 Amp. O.i 7.97 12.00 96.25 62.13 16.55 5583 1379 5.31 3675 2. 66 36~-2 $0~9 PoLzcY ~SGGJZ2291 3613 PAYIlEN?$ APPROYED JUNE BB?80 U. $. P. O~ 370~ $35~ ~-$o 99 &&60 ~. 15 3531 .60 3460 ~. 56 5~6~ ~. O~ .58-Dzsc. 2~ 2877 CZT~ OF B. Hem WATEa DEPT. ~owmas I~Ie~TiOm S~pp~Y-3113 56.7~ BotAny $. L~z~mm, I~c. 3395 B8 ?9 B. E. S~lz~ & Co. $559 6-28-61 5.19 9.00 68.19 £8. ~$ lZB. O0 o.x. '~ ~UNCIL 34. O0 36.02 520.85 C, A. 5-15-61 $6.90 6.88 5.70 69~. O0 C. A. 5-15-61 $. O0 ?O?~L $ S, ~79.75 APPR O YED 28,~6 2850 2851 2852 $615 $285 3522 3353 BOYNTON ~C~. ~EW$ $523 $591 $606 $607 $585 2. 55 28. 70 16. 38 9. 56 $6. O? .57 5.65 5~ 50 6.05 12.85 57. O0 146. 60 {1.55~¢~. I~7. 70~~ 2855 BvN¢aN-Erwza~ Co. $258 6.53 3316 12.15 18.48 2854 Er~r PzPEa Co. 3299 ~.~7 $504 7.87 .81Dzs¢.2~ 39.83 $2~2 3398 2~57 HkN~. HrNzN~ & ffF~. ~0. 2705 2858 3369 tgT. O0(C. szoNEr) 1.95 6.667/C 199.71 22777 Jzs. J, _P~ZEZT 5621 $3.88 2860 Ho~Ea $~eo~ TSC ~5206 ~ 5213 288.49 50.00 ~9.!5 75.00 O.A. 5-24-61 6. ~3 · 0.90 1 784. OOC. A. 3-6- .... 61 $ 2946.72 ,I PA~TS ~PPROVED FOE 0uY~ 1961 20869 Accto of Jehu Bailtz ~eter 20870 Acct. of Helpy Selfy L'ash Q~ick 20871 Acct. of Albert H. Trautman 20872 Acct. of Richard L. P~wlius 20873 Acct. of Gray Shs~pe 20874 Highland Beach Isles Corp~ 20875 Acct. ef Loyd A. Jones 20876 Acct. of Leon Clomtier 20577 Acct. of John Bell 20878 Accto o£ Tropical ~bile Homes 20879 Ed Jung 20880 ~ot. of Ivy D~ Scott ~82 A~ct. of ~s~ & Ruth ~. ~2~ ACct. o~ Seacrest Homes, ~c. Acct. of ~u S~ Aect. of ~em Marvel ~c~. of ~ence Watkins ~ct. Of H. Thompson et. of W. E. M~ad~e A~t. of Bo~on Developers ~c~. of Tropic~ Mobile Hemes ~ of J. W. A~strong ~cb. ef Beatrice Tiers !J~hn Baititz Meter Deposit Adjustment ~ef~y~i~. Selfy Wash Quick " ~ " ~ H. Trautman ~ ~' " ~ch~d L. ~wl~$ ~ " " ~Y Sharpe " ~ " ~oyd ~. Jones " " m 2~2~ Tropic~ Mobile Homes " " ~ 0ity of Bo~n Beach Pa~e~ ~d-Tr~sfer F~ds I~ D. Scott Meter Deposit Adjustment Seaorest H~es ~e. u ,, ~ He~ Thompso~ ~ u a ~on ~velopers Co. , ~ u 6/23/6m 50.00 7 7.50 22.50 * .50 7.50 7.5o 7.5o 7.50 7 7.50 7.50 7.5o 7.50 7.~o 7.5o 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.~o 7.50 7.~o 7.50 7.5o 7.5o 7.5o 7.5o 5.6o 29.20 .~o 14.7o ~. 9o .80 6.00 1.5o 11o2.80 6.oo 1.AO 6. oo 3 &O 2.80 3.~0 2.80 ~.30 PA~TS APPROVED FOR JU~ 1961 2274~ 22749 22750 22756 22759 22765 2685 2729 273O 2731 2753 2778 2779 2780 2782 2829 2830 2831 Tropical Mobile Homes Inc. ~Lrs. Beatrice Tiers Pie Q~ik V~nc City of Boynten Beach The American Bank (a/c F~rso Annette R~nsem) C~harlee Patrick City of Boy. ton Beach Janes W. Butler Mo J. Estafen ~. J. Esta~sn ~. Mi Burket City o~ B*ymton Beach First Bank of Boynton Beach Thomas J. Croft City e£ B*ymton Beach Clyde & Josephine A. Spencer Boh~$ Sod & ~dscap~g Joseph Citta~o C. C. Moore Meter Deposit Adjustment Pg.~oll F~nd-T~ansfer Funds Refunding Agr $ omen% Ref~ud-Overpayment o~ Acct. Payroll Fund-Transfer Funds Ref~md on zoning request C~ucellation of Ta~ Sale Certificate Pa~oll Fu~d-Transfer F~nds Withholdir~ Tax for May Opening & Closing gra~es Payroll Fund-Transfer ~-lmds Refund-Overpayment on 1960 taxes Return of bid check 6.00 6.00 ~27.67 246.9© 18.75 i12~.53 15. O0 13.94 28,79 28.86 2989.2~6 2653.55 3~00 8733';23 7.63 7.10 6.00 18,22+1.56 Approved PAt~NTS APPROVED FOR Jb~E1961 6~23~6Z ~ 2728 Grace Ford 2772 J. >~lex Arnette 2774 ~tan Sheets Photography 2775 Howard P. Carrier, 2775 B. BZ Gh~aber of Come, oreo 2777 B. B. Chamber ef Co~erce 2781 Jo~ M. Tuite L~97 ~ & O Tr~ckingCo 2817 & Waidie 2820 [a~sh~maker 2~3~ Nfs. Brent N~tter Rich Beach Inc. Batik Shop Agcy. Witness Fee 3.00 Recording Deed 2°05 357~ 85.20 ~pp.C~ 3601 3602 ~o.~ >~p~.~.~ 3603 65. oo: ~pp. Addul. Exp. trip to Camp Blanding 6.60 357~ 22.00 ~p.C.M. 31C~ - 798.00 plus 6~75 859.75 C.A.6-~4-6~ Election Services 12~0 " ~ 12.00 ~ " t2.OO ~ n 12.~0 ~ ~ 12.00 ~ w 12.00 Petty Cash 37.7& 289~ 527.~o Election Services 12.0©' Interest on ~efunding Bonds 599~2~ 3600 ~O~50 Policy VS4-102A i6.90 Election Services i~ ~ 12.00 ~oproved PA~TS APPROVED FOR JUI~ 1961 2684 Thomas J. Croft 2686 22734 2725 2733 22751 2734 2735 2754 22752 City of Boynton Beaeh 227~3 City of Boynton Beach Joseph E. ~elch Central Truck Lines, Inc. Florida Power & Light. Co. ~itt Mac Dowell Whirr Mac Dowell City of Boynton Beach City of Boynton Beach Boy,ton Beach C~mber of Cc~merce Petty Cash Services Mo. of May ~61 B. B~ Mem. Pk. & S. S. Mem. Gardens Expenses trip to Camp Bl~uding 3375 3498 Se~ee on Rad~os for ~ay Petty Cash 3562 200. OO 45.00 30.3~ 8 3740.33 C.A. 6-5-6: 85°08 10.00 16.72 99.9~ App. C.M. 13.60 .~3 Total 4~ 263,52 ~pproved P~Y~T$ APPROVED JU~E 1961 G-BO-G1 22766 BaTrx. am ~ ~EFF~IrE~ 2792 3592 $459 3496 3511-Cox~a¢~ Da~E 12-6-59 3510 3535 3560 1~.00 $450 21.00 S598 2?89 2790 22767 B~E ff~oss OF F~a., I~c. 2791 B~m Psz~ ~ma. oF Hm~a~ Pao~e~s ~9 3. 60 2.10 22708 Borg,ox Braes Nmws 3451 3246 2108 3089 2277~ Baoom~ Pao~e~s o~ F~., I~c.-$565 2?94 Eaa~ G. BRowN, Dzs~a. 3257 2?96 Gzmax Dz~zm~ Boom 3536 2798 2799 F~a-. Pa~x~x~ Co. 3597 2800 Gmo. ~. FoyAm~ Co., INc. 3515 57.24 21.28 S 2o 1. 50 128.34 A~. ~.~f. 256.66 58. 90 Amp. 0. 36. O0 4.12 7?8.10 57. 95 9.98 6.95 78.52 2802 2804 2805 2806 2807 257.09 C.A.3-6-61 163.99 29.56 5. 75 3. 60-Drxa~m,~ ~E ~EOa~r's E~mo~ ~o. 6520 Ocmzm Czar ~o Pza~s, I~c.-5515 f~z Pzz~ Km~m 3539 14.03 A~.C.~. 3519 6. 72 2808 Palm Bracm G~ca-~o~a Bo~.~.-3555-17.25 6.25- O~rr ~ 450. 64 66o!0 15o 56 60. 75 8o 10 22. O0 16.05 32. 50 ?. 35 400. O0 C.i. 5-15-61 30. O0 60. O0 54. O0 23.91 20. ?5 11.00 G-BO-G1 -~2816 2818 2277~ 2819 2840 2803 JOHN ~IOLaNTE INC. 3~ 71 $$18 85.52-~m~. ¢. M. $011 8~. 52-i~. C. If. $50~ 39.50 3~6 ~2, 76 3~OB 93.50-,dram. O.H. 3~77 40. O0 .80-B~sc.2~ 5219 89.68-~m. C.i~L 3BG~ 31.05 3266 29.75 $$$~ I1. BO 5215 29.75 ~31~ 67. ~8~m. O. ~. 3~5 9. 55 5035 5.577 G~.OO-Xm~.C.L G~.O0-lmp. O.M. 56.00-~.0.~. 56. OOM~m.~.L 5599 15.37 17!. O~ 223. 79 2~0.00 9°50 I0,~0 3567-2,000.00 _ ¢.oo _ igeo. l O. Ob 3502 3.72 ~.C.H. 2819- 51. 35~1 30G 7 2. 291G 18. 291 7 3016 3051 ~3. 3080 ~. 50 5119 GG.0G 3106 5. 5~ 3185 7.48 3190 91.02 3189 54.49 3181 1~1. 3237 14.10 17,25 75.76 50 72 28 P~m ~3 2803 3318 2~. OG 3212 lB. $0 3281 2~. ~2 52~8 17.18 3~ 1~. ~ ~3. ~ 10. ~ $457 3. 88 5.5~ 70. 56 753. ~O?~L $ 6, 680.10 APPBO FED 6-16-61 PAYHENT$ APPROYED NiY 1961 2669 2670 HCXNre~TT & Assoc., Ixc. 3250 2575 267~ 2G78 26~0 Jomm H. ?¢ITm PETT~ CASH $~81 326.$0 3~80 ~.~5 ~79 ~5.85 95. O0 ~$. 70 20. 8~ ~p~. 100o O0 I O, O0 50. O0 60. O0 60. O0 60. O0 2~7~1 U. ~o POST OFFICE OF ~I~Ia INc. 2682 L~rI~I 'S DPAamETTI HOUSE 19505 lcc~ T~os. F. B~ow~ $2713 lmX~E R. ~. Kmow~ms 22716 NEm~ KZL~Y 22717 Has. B~m D~mm 20860 20861 20866 $92. ~0 GAINES~rm~m, F~,~. 100. $~8~ $75~ O0 12,000.00 260. O0-Dzsc.~-% 12,?~0.00 ~. A. 5-15-61 268.00 C. i. 5-15-61 !~EF~D Dmwma DmmosrT 15. O0 7. O0 $. 50 7. O0 7, O0 5.00 " " 6. O0 " " 4.90 " " 2.80 " " 5. 50 " Bmm¢N~ 7.50 " " 7.50 " " 7.50 " " 7. 50 " " 7. 50 " " 7. 50 " " 7.50 " " 7.50 " " 7. 50 " " 7. 50 " " 7. 50 " " 7.50 G-!G-G1 PA YI~ObL FUND P~raoA~ FtrNm Pzrao,~ FUNm · 00. O0 52.65 $ ~PPR 0 VEB G-iS-G1 2?Ge $~. Or~, APP£OYEB $~I $~G4 3530 $509 $505 3508 $529 3~73 ~.00 $0. O0 12.75 16.$1 .88-Dzsc. DEPTo ~6. 75 15.73 5. OG 100.44 fo~z~ .... $ 6,067.81 6-9-61 2 741 2?42 £745 $744 274~.5 £746 2?47 2?48 2749 750 ~Z~Y OF B. ~. POWE~ ~ ,~ie~ CO. $297 3088 - 65.~$ $1i$ - 60.40 ~ULF$TRE~E PZPE ~ ~TEEA gENE · EFF M~C~I~E~Y~ Ocma~ Czar L~a. Co. 3347 - 8.61 3265 527~-~3. 80 ~278- G. 10 ~T~TE ~PPLY CO., ~.EC. S~mvz~so~ SEE~ S~OS.E 38. 40 294. ~G 1.50 $~. O0 81,02 I~G. £8 imp. O.M. $2.16 75. O0 32. 40 35.00 1G. 85 ~7. O0 ~320-28. O0 3321-25.50 3111- 1.65 3109-19. 79 21. Ol $$36-30. O0 3152-18. O0 3573- 5.29 3351-35.68 3419-15. O0 3378-ii.58 3294-21.89 48. O0 Ya~xm ~ W~zem~ OF W.P.B.,Ime. 3.P69 10.68 ?O?tL $1218.44 ~PPBO¥ED ~- 6-6-61 $450 15,90 5451 6,05 $452 6,00 $8.95 2695 ~ATEi% DEPt. 3385 B6~? Mas. Josx~ 2699 Coaa~ Bmcoa~, I~e. 2?00-~s~o~azr 9.45 5.7? .96 2701 2705 2704 OIL Co. 2?05 FLA, Powma ~ Lz~m~ Go, 2706 F~A, Powm~ & Lz~m~ 22730 F~A. Powma & ~z~m~ 00. 2708~. Lzm~sLmr L~mrm~ 271! A~LAm Ereazs~ 2712 OAxms O¢~r Sm~ZCX 2713 102, 04 17. 50 ~mm $.90 38, O0 $2,00 C, ~, 5-!5-61 55~5 29,60 $$63 16,10 $365 9, 1025 5,5? 60, 76 ~2~ 63. oo 343? 9.30 3371 24,$0 $209 33.60 3210 11o02 ~$,92 2~22,59 62,75 1515,04 ~53 400.00 3191 $325 $42? 3414 3582 5327 $3?9 S$81 $$26 55,68 1.11 15-61 12,30 35,34 $4,78 16,80 33,94 3337 11,41 3356 19,75 5280 9.90 3284 54.20 5286 17,98 3335 26,70 3310 ~,95 5042 54.57 60. 00 Amy, C'. ~ 27,00 18/00 App. ~.~. 132, 1G 124.89 6,50 P~ENT$ ~iPPBOYED JUNE 19G1 2720 SEa Ar~E ~SOP~. ~75 2.987 1961-p~. 895 6.28 I.~0 83.21 717.55 6%A. $-£9-61 17.5~ Bzsc. 2~ 072.18 ~. 89 1~. 81 1~. 50 85.56 A~. C.M. TWI CE 260. $6 ~.50 ~. 70 S. O0 13. O0 lfil. 22 i~. O0 IG. O0 $ XPPBO FEI)