Minutes 06-23-61MINUTES OF SP ECL6J~ ~ETING OF CITY GOIJNCIL H~L~ ~T CITY I~L, BOYIN-TON BEACH, FLO~ID-~ JUNE Z$, 19 61 ~ENT: JOHN L~%M~I~GHIE~ M~YOt~ LOUIS J~Qj!SA~TZ~S~ CITY lvlANAGEP. D~C~.~S~.~OUNCI~ T~P~TT, CITY CLE~ PMNN- This nuee¢i~g ~s c~lled zo or(tez a~ Z:O0 p~rm~ by Mayor Archie to revie%v de~aits p~rtaining t,o pos~ off~ce site° biayor _a~rzhie aTanoua~cecl that he beIieved much w~s accomplished ~rd g~ng ~d~.str~. of a favoza~e nat~e to B0~on Be~ daring his recent visit ~ ~ecti~ut. ~r. ~ier, Secy-Ma~ger of Ch~ber of Commerce h~s another ~eet~ ~ the exec.~ives ~I~y, J~e Z6th~ A;~r~ Snaitzes reviewed the Cityzp particiPation` since March BOth per~n~ to a sa~able post o~¢e si~ for B~o~n Be~h~ The report (~OOS) ~d ~vi~ed the Cit~ Contusion.to ~ i~ their option. ~ ~pril C°~cit'" repli~ ~t ~hey f~vored Site. Z (F~a$~} ~ first ckoice ~d. Site 8 (Yat. es) as senond choice. co~ce~ing their choice ~ sit~s~ ~. Gre~ stated h~ A~d b~ sorely mis received i~ confid~ f=o~ ~ Selcer~ ~r~ Green c~Ieda ~ee~i~g ~f ~e Bo~d of ~ecters~ ~d it was the consensus of op~.~ t~y f~vored Boos $~t~ he. ~% ~ ~ ~ qu~te sZro~g.~n~ ~d ~ked if he could ~yoy. AZchie s~S$~d ~t another ~eeting of ~he Board of Directors Mrs. Edith Hood stated sas owned 150: adjaceut to tk&c. Keats p~op~rty ~ question ~d if his s~te w~ too s~ she ~ld be wi~g to d~te ~ ~d~o~ 5*. ~lc~r an~ had ~ot his s~te ~ the rnotio~ w~hfch ~r+ ~s; ~Co~n~e.d t~ ~ ~G :~itroad ~i be :not~iad that ~e ~e~%tg ~o~rned at, appro~a~ly 4. 0 p. m · :n:~:a ~ Coun¢~lrna~