Minutes 06-09-61MANUTES OF SP-ECIAL MEETLNG OF C~TY CGUNGIL HEI/~,AT CITY B.OYNTOCN BEA~H~ FLOl%ID~, Jane 9~ 1961 C PRESENT: W~.LTEt{ ~SE~I, ~CE ~Y~ LOUtS. SN~ITZI~q~ CITY M~AGEI{ A-TTOKNEY JOPL~ TE~E~a~ P~III~ETT, CITY the p~se of re~.e~ a req~t ~ ~ter ~t~ ~or a h~o~ pl~ ~ ~e located in Indus~ial ~rk. NLr. Dat.cn appeased befor~ Council stating that he had ~de applica- tion fo~ the ~ye requested b~l~g pe~I ~ ~y ~ ~d pe~t No. 46.85 per~% ex~sive $6Z, OOO~ h~s b. ee~ speCial.the p~oposed pl~. ~ equip~. He esti~ted t~at woi~ng of the gross IV~ayom ~rchie ~clvised th~I even though the pe~t h~ been issued it ~s s~c~ ~ ~ or'die.cas of the. ~lty ~o~to~ Beth ~ to ~e B~i~ I~p~c~r. ~ccor~n~ t~ ~r e ~ev~ti~~c~ ~o~ i~ effect, ~ bnl~ pl~t a~d r~y $~tion m~z b~ loc~te~ ~ le~% ~O00 f~t ~om ~y bu~ ~sed ~ a p~Iic g~theri~g place~ ~ ~o~d ~ply ~o ~o~ton Fire Ch~f ~ite, al the r,equest ~f the City lvima~ger, obtained rulings en~rely' ~t~n the city limits. ~ca folk~'s, the 9~4 GoRe?- ~a$io~ Fire ~ev~ion ~de and Fire M~sha~ has au~o.~{~ t0 res~ri~ ~ulk storage plants_ i~rest~cted areas. ~e Wer~ - ~ot a~awed i~cepT in specified a~eas. They ~ 9~ ~ thls~ ;alSo f~lm ~der B~ng Inspector. West Pa]~ ~each h~ co~lete~ r~ed o~t b~k at, age pt~ts ~itki~ ~re C~ief ~ite at.ted he ~aileclt check the' City Code what. he signed the permit. C -Z- Tke~e,heing, z~o-fu~tt~ b:~esi, ~ke meeting ~dj~ulme. d.