Minutes 05-24-61SPECLA.L A/V~.ETING (ktv CITY COIJNCtL HELD AT COUNCIL CI-I~%tViBEi{S BOYNTON BE-~CPt CgTY ~kLL, %YEDlX!ESD~kY, M~kY Z4, 1961 PRESENT: ~OR1Y L~dkll~llE, Ig~YOI{ Lf)UiS J~ S19ITZES, CITY I¥~kLT~ AiAIkqF~_N~ VICE ~ ~ ~, CITY ATTO~EY & mSPEc ~N DI~ CttAR r,~.S AKES, CD. UNCIIaV~N This meeting w~ called to order at Z:OQ p.mo by Mmyor ~rchia pzi~rily bids for s~mming p~l bonds. The Gity _&ttorn~y rend the i~eaolu~io~z per~imim~g to Lot Cle~r'~z~go iVLr~ l~ay Nichols, Lighthouse lqoint rnacte infinity in regard to ~ts 9-10 B1.. I4 Forest Hi~, s~m~ing ~at he: ~m~ ~ paid bill fr~ G. C. ~oore ~he cte~ed Mr~ H~es, P~lic ~orks Department ~ ins.tracted ~ inspect ~ese lots ~d r~p~rt hack to ~cil ~s ~ndi~$. ~er ~ ~e ~t~g ~ M~ · ~ghea co~rmeJ the fa~ .that these- lo~ Amd be~ ~e~re~. A_~er gea~eral discu~sio~ regm~rdi~g She procedures ~en rom lot clearing and =ec-o~e~atio~ ~at so~ method he sought ~ck ~o~1~ syste~tic~y, r~t~er ~ sporadic~ mccomp~sA t~s p~r~se, ~r, ~pes ~ed tha~ ~e l~ir~ Madaer~no~ed tha~ the request of the~ V~F~IYo m~d ~eri¢~ ~gion ~o hold a ~ozial ~y parade and k¢ve pem~ission to ~e lo~ spe~r~ be The .City Go0-~cilmen ~ Mayor 2krchie ~ere invited fo participate intke Me~i~ ~y s~r~ce~th ~yor ~chie ~ give the ~ ~+~$.. ~cil ~or~a~y ~gzeed to pa~i~ci~e as requested ~d ~press~d ~ppzeci~on. i letter of remignaiioz~ f=ora Donald McKo~e: memb'ez of Planni~zg ,~ Board was read az~d accepted° . ~. Madser~ moved,that the bid- f Boy~tom Engzm~erm2g iz~.mznom*~ of $t17.00 for lettering at P~blic Library he accepted a4s recozn~ae~ade~l by Air. Greotez~boer. ~viotio~secondedhy ]~Lr~ Su~u~ners and ~4ua~eaaly carried. ~, ikfa~se~ nmoved that tb_~ bid of c~alf Stream ~,~;~ ¢~' for ~e~ ~ ~ ~. ~pes ~ ~imoasly carrie~. Meeting renessed unIil 3:00 Meeting re-convened at 3:00 p.~a. wbick was the ~ime ac~e:d ope~g ~f bi~a for. s~ pool bo~, advertised l~c,~ty ~d ~ N~ York Bond B~er. The~e ~as 0~y ome bid.--- ~at of F~ S~ S~ers ~ C,o., ~5 W~ ~re.et, New Yozk, N~ Y. ~yor ~chie ope~d the bid. ~. S~ezs' moved th~ bid of F~ S~ S~/k~s ~ $t00,0!0 b~e accepted. ~otio~ seco~ed,.by ~ ~ ~ey; ~ ~oore aA~d th~ in~msch aa ~o~ oz ~ve bids were expe~ he wo~d n~e~ ~ brief recess ~ re~Se the re~ol~ion. S~m~e~s ~/hdrew his ~o~o~. Ivleeting recessed - - tVleeting re-convened after City ~ttorney revised ~he resoi~tiO~o -3- 3- PAYlfENTg 2PPROYED FOB ~Y 1961 5-2~61 265I 324~5 295 7 2956 22702 Borm~om Srr~m~ Coap. 2904 2989 2653 2270~ B~zs ~m~m~ ~ ~mm~x Co. 2656 BoN's FIamsToNm 2657 B~m¢.~m-E. rWAam C~. 2B705 2658 2659 - 22 706 22707 22708 2GGO 2661 27. O? 39.69 Appo 5.36 86.82 62.86 3.9~ ~o.1379 2971 ~TE~ ~EPT. 2968 3312 3079 ?2.70 $23~ 31.70 3230 3066 1~.65 305~ 22.05 3056 22.03 3057 15.11 F~A. Powm~ ~ LX~mT ~Oo Wo~z~m~o~ ~o~. (~A~o~) £?$2 63. 65 675.15 24. 50 31.91 72.12 3359 3228 2737 3076 2795 3300 2961 2699 27~2 2967 6.35 16.25 .87 3.85 .79 12.50 15.00 2.50 8.50 1.29~$¢.2% 133.60 18.9~ 21.36 13i.~$ 1.50 928.26 2-6-61 5.89 107.72 73.66 21.77 23. 75 70.16 176.11 64~3. 50 ~. 2-6-61 6.90 63.32 PAY.~tEN?$ APPROYEB FOR ~AY 19Gl 22709 Pm~mr-Bowms, 22.710 ~w B~os. Ox~ ~o, 2666 2667 5505 S008 $129 64.80 $100 6~,00 $040 54~ O0 2960 04.00 £984 3158 289~ 66.59 5056 151.20 $OfiO 18.59 29 ?? I ~! o 289~ lfil.-20 2996 152.84 2862 151.20 -182.00 P~m ~2 2.50 32.40 18; O0 Pma com~aze~ 11-?-60 ~mm. G.M. ~. g. ~. PE~ COaT. eT I1-7-GO ~ e~m~ II-Z-GO Pma c~c~ ll-7-GO PEa c~m?~cz tl-?-GO No. 8111-$ l~6.1B 8166-? 26.65 3822 8.64 3911 $6. S7 i168.09 206.56 14.95. ~PPR 0 FEB TOT~_L 4,965.99