Minutes 05-01-61NUTF~q OF REGULAR lv~ETING OF -CITY CO-UNCI~, BOYN~aON ~AcH, ~,~ AT cITy ~L~ BOYNTON ~Y 1, 1961 P~NT: LOUIS Jg!SMITZE~, CITY i~CzRo GF~NE tviO0~, ,CITY ~TTO/~NEY T:~A T, CITY GLF~K ~G & ~SPECTiON -- Z~L TAYLOK, SUPT, ~PUB~C. ~O~ This nc~aeiing ~as called to order at 7:30 p,m. by 1Vi~yor a~rchie. The, Invocation was given by llev. James l~oy,, F~rst Mat_ho<list Char ch o lvlinuZes of the ]Regular lkieeting, April 17th were approved ~s. written u~po~ molion, by Mr. Summers, seconded by l~r. pipes anzt u-nani~zously carried° Paul $~artm, former Chairman of the Advisory Boa~rd presented a new 5 O star Flag t~ the City do.ted ~y Miss Eti~b~etk ~oni in me~no~ of Ed~ayd L. Gi~ who se~ed on the advisory board in 1959. ~. Stanza, in pa~-~g tribmte to ~r. Gle~ ~ated it ~ms fi~g and proper t~t tkis be do~e on ~ ~y in vie~ of the fact t~t ~r, Gt~ for ~e oeru~ny ~ick co~cl~ded ~ith ~yor ~ckie leading those prese~ in the pledge of ~legi~ce, Bids were received as fotlovzs for a truck cra~e a~d street sweeper: Fiao-Ga. Tractor Corp. - New Truck Cr~ue New Swveeper (Elgin} 10 day delivery - Cashiers check (If purchaae~ together) To~al 874.0.0 345. O0 $ ZZ,977.00 Square Deal Equip. Corp. Used Truck Grane Used Street Sweeper trn~e diate delivery {If purc3~sed together) Tots/ 13,500.00 Z,500,00 15,000.00 Upo~ reco~a~n~ndation hy ~ay~ Archie t/~t bids be tahalated, ~r~ moved th~ bids be t~rned ov~ ia Ci~ Al~ager ~d ~rector of ~ic Public Half HO~r - Cor~esl~az~le~ce - A~ i~i~timx to atie~d the dedic~tto, n ceremonies, at the ~ewv City Hall in I)elray B~ack, A/ay 7ih was exiended ~ Cov~ncil. l~ro Pipes n~oved that. She request of lle~e Courti~e to ah~don Z0 alley tyl~g between ~s Z37 24, Z5 ~ z6, B~. 3, ~e ~t~ b~ k~r~ed over to. G~ ~er ~ ~i~y ~ey to check in~ ~ ~i~oasly carrie. Legal - The City Attorney read the resolution in regar~t to C~ne~al Oblig~ion Bonds for swing ~ol pro~ect. Mr. ~pes mov~ that the resotutio~ he adop~d ~ith the ~te set for Opening of bi~, ~y Z4th at 3:00 p.m. Mo~: seco~ded hy ~. ~ers and n~imou~ly ca~ied. The City Altorzzey read the resolution pertaini~g ro the right-of-way for widen~g of S~e ~oad 5. Dr. ~es mo~ed ~at the resol~ion.be adopted, Marion se~nRed by Mr, ~pes ~d ~O~ty C~ried. The City ~kttorney read the resolt~tion pertaining to %videnirzg of Ocean A~en~e. t~Ir. Summers ~novecl tkat the resolutio~ be adopted. -3- The Gity ~ttorney read a letter £rorn the ~'Ftaze l~oad. Dela~-rtmeol ~. ~ea roved ~t the ~y ~lto~ re~~ion el ~y ~rney ~d ad~s.e ~e ~o~d ~epa~m~t ~e ~d ~ g~ ~ke~d ~tk the project, ~oti~ seco~e~ by ~r. ~es ~.~d ~ousl7 ~rried~ The Ci%~ ~,tt~ rney read ~ iSI~zis,ance 1R~ sol~$iot~ covering~ v~io~ ~y~ ' s report. ~public h~g set fo~ ~y ~ecess I)r o Akes moved that the req~esl for b, everage tice~ase from Inlet Village to Ftamin~o S]~opp~ l~taza be removed from ~able o Ivi0~iom_ s~eeolnzted by ]~{r. ~pes and u~mlo~usly ~arried, ]2kr. 3kkes me,zed that the above request be denied in that it does not ccrnform with existin~ ordinance. 1Vtotio~ se. co~zded boy A/ir. Su_~azne rs una~aimo ~zsly carried. ~ Summers reported on negotiations with Town of ~]f i~ reference to fire protection, ~e t~r~ed the m~tter.over to ~, to ~euort ~e. details, ~ho~ reported t~t (I ~ Ci~ ~o~d offer fire to To~ of ~f, Stre~ fer ~st year for $Z5.00. pl~ $100 per call ~d SZ. 50 per ho~ fo~. e~cA ~r~n. (Z} Se:c~o~d year the ~a~mt to increase ~d (3~ thir~ ye~ i~dre~ae to $3,000. ~ ~re~ ~reed ~o adopt the ~bbra~ed fire coda issued by the N~tio~ Fire U~derwrilers ~ fi~e ~rsh~l ~i~ be t~aine6 to ~ke ,periodic i~pectio~s repom~g by Boynton ~e tach Fire ~kief. ~ Stre~ to have the right to c~cel year ~s ~tice~ ~r, ,S~ers ~o~e~ tk~ t~e Gity ~toz~ey dr~ ~p s~tt~g fo~ the ~ove ~n~tions ~d ~ayor ~rized to execute the ~. Pipes, mo~ed the $6,00, appropriated in the budget be paid the_a_mim~I~tescu~ague.'~' tvio~ seconded by Dr,~kk~sa~du_z~s_uimo,usly carried° The City ~ittor~ey advised th~t the bill re council-manager ~ype S~te ~gisl~t~re. He advised these bills ~ere ready ~ go on referendu~ -4- the special election t~e adtvised that we coul~t f~c~de the referendm ~r ~ ~ec~e~d~io~ af ~ar ~fa tha~ J~ 6iA b~e 39 ~ke s~a~as o£ ~ke lot ~eari~g p=0jOct:o= ~Lo£ 26 & ~ 1/Z o£ /Vir. GrooteOt>.oer and ~. Ta¥1o~r :ag~ed it is not ~o, the ~r~ ... ~ moved ~hat_ the final payment i~ a~a~m~ $1,473. Z7 be carried. Air. 3~[acIse~,: ~r~o is o.n ~a~catto~,. call~6_ a~d askect that:the Council consider re~ei~l of ~,, coritraci with Baternau and Jefferies,. that the t~depende~t ~adit of t~atenaan & ~Ie£fries secomded hy Dr. 2ktk~s a=d u_ma~inao~sly carried. ~fr:. ~n~e~s znov~l ~b~a~ t~tlze reports Of the ~Tr~aSurer, I~uilding Inspeczor and Tax ~ott~ctor be rec-eivad, lViatiozz sec~nzledmby lvir o l~ipes and uz~auimously dart{ed. ~ the re~st ~om tka ~bm~ry ~o~d to, ~e City Co--il to, exchange the children's r~i~ the ~nsic: ~pp~eci~t~on r~ im the ne~ librmry b~ding. ~s~cte~0 b~ ina new, r~po~rt. ~otion se~nded ~ ~. Pipes ~d Tke~ Qi~ ~er ~as~ i~r~c~ed to ~ri~e the Lib,rary Board to t~e e~e,~ ~at ~ ,~ge. ~o~a co~s~ $350.~ $400. and it ~ not ~d~sa~bie ~- ~e t~. B~tes, Supt. o~ Se.aboa~rd l~ailroad agree~ ~vith tt~e City~s offer for securing a~zto~atic crossing signals with o~ze exceptior~o -5- Pie r~qnested t~a~ the C~y reconsider requiring r~ilroad ~ ~rry Av~e, $2:5.. 1821: co~t o~ sig~ at Z~4 Axe,. $14,797. ~. S~S ~d ~~ly carried. City Nr. Paml Start~mam ma~e the presen%atien of the 50 star J~aerieam flag given the City 0~mmcil by Niss Elizabeth Framzo~i im memery of the late E~ward L. ~le~a, member cf the Advisory Boar~, 1955, with the follow~ng ~emmemts. Re te shi~r~.~t delays, Kiss ~eih Fram~omi has asked me te sabstitmte for Nm. P. Drama Jr., whe, dine te his absence fr~m the 0ity, is m~able te m~e this ~resem%aiiem. ~ss Framzomi~ enjey~ am extra~rddnarily close relati~mship to the Glem~ f~mily, ~esires te presemt a 5~ star ~. $. Flag to the~ ~ty ~ev~eit fer use o~ it's ~edimm i~ memery e£ t~e lmte Edward Lawrence Zt is signific~mtly sym1~lic that this ~resentatiom shoald be ma~e om ~w ~ay ~. ~. A. Im ~he preelama~iom for which, the President calls ~m pv~vlie effieials te displa~ the Fi~ ef the ~. $. em all gevernme~t ~w~ldimgs. ~t is e~ually s!gm~*ica~that the ma~ _La whose memery t~f~ flag is givea, was a la~rye~ ~emsessed ef ~ ~saalty keem mi~/~ ex~sive legal trai~ a~l b~ experieaee. These taten~s Were ased eemsiste~tly a~d cams%amtty im the pmblic i~terest by developing facts frc~ which J~emt c~ld be ha~ on ~a% was ~ight mm~ ~ever ~ who was right. Always keemly interested im peli~ies amd the fete sf em the matiemal, state smd locat levels, the type ~hich tramsce~de~ the mmmdame. ~ivi~g ~ty in ~he ~lic interest, Ed~ 1~. Gle~za serve~ en t~e * ~ard f~r the year ~5~. As Prejec% ~bief em the w~lroa~ Crossing he was directly respensible fer ~he preparatiem ef ~he~ re, erS which, se far, has been mtilized by ~he City im megetimtiem whi¢~ the Dit~le kmewa ~ ~hor~mghly typical of the m~ ~e a~dressed ~m~ el~ in ~he early stages~ ef his ~lzst illmess te am exhanstive stm~y ef Free Pa~lic ~raries~ ~ecessi~ti~g mm~er~as tri~s a~/ he~rs ef investigatiom. ~mable to cemtimme t~ cem~etiem, he insim~ed tha~ ~he re~er~ be left with ~*m fer reAdimg te him by men, ers ef his f~m~Ty. The A~wis~y Bear~ is the pr~m~ pessesser ef the ~mty ~e~y which he was phys~ eally a~e te mien. T~ his asseeiates ~ as he was ~ Bench has prefited m~e~_fr~m having "J~dge~ Glemm as It is imdee~ a Framzeni memery ~f "Jm~ge" aa~ henor te represent Niss of the ~. S. to She City