Minutes 03-29-61ti[NIITES OF Si:~]~G~L bI~-t~TING. OF CITY COUNGtL, tlOYNTON BF-d~GH'~ Pil~JJ~:_~T CITY ~, BOYNTON BP-&GH, I*TuOPJ/)A, }garda Z9., 1961 ~Yf)R This meeting was cal~ect to or~e~ at. Z:~3D p.m~o hy Mayor Arcbie. ~ent ~oject he~ re~O~ f~ fi~e. ~oti~ ~,C~e~ ~y ~. S~ers ~nd ~i~o~ly carried. check ~i~e of the ~giue. e~rs~ ~im fi~ ~e~o= ~ e~l~ of g~e v~ves vs b~tter~ly v~ ~d. se~y t~t~ ~ c~ i~n, product, ~d ~er diSc~O~~ ~, S~e~s~ ~V~ ~ ~ reco~d~tio= b,y Dr. ~kes mhd ~i~y ~mrri~d. -2- hy and to be~ $3~,7~f3~.~Z. He s~F~gea~e~L ~ha~,~e: p~rch.aS~ b~. p~di~+-ed on ob~.aimir~g d~at~d la~or. T~ ~dSitio~al. c~at o~ ~x~ar:~$ wa~ eati~d a~ $t~18~