Minutes 03-20-61GITY MGRo~
Una~n~us ly C~rried.
t~o l~mds~n r~o~ed that, the ~es. of Special 1Vice, ting held
l~iarck 15t~ ba ~pl~ oWe-~l a~ ~i~en~. ~otion 'aeco~ded by Arir. Sur~r~erm
~nd ~nao~sl7 c~ried.
Tke City Clerk read a le~r ~ritt~n By 3(~s~ph To~b~g on
~h~ ~f h~. clie~ rCqm~ing the City to
~fve, ~ar~ ~atate~-so clo~d~o~ li~e
Th~ City ~t~o~y ~a~,
~ in~il~ti~m f~oma Hadleyzs was read in~iting all City offlci~ls
a~cl ~nploye.es tO tM stor. e ~pe.~i~g ]~azch 2~th & /~arch Z5t~k.
The foll~v~ing bids for a typevzriter a~ the Police St~ were
Tli~ follow~g bi~s ,fo~ '~Glai~per ~v~,%-e oioened:
The:~%ollowi~g !%o~t Irnpro~v~me~t b~ds ~e Ol~e~red:
Sp~c. 1 - IZ~ per sq, y~.
Spec. Z - 38~ per sqo yd.
Spec. 3 - 78¢ pe, r sq, yd,
Begiz~ in 7 d~y's~ Bid Bond.
~biR C.J~st~u-c~io~. Oo.
Spec. ~i - o 0895 per s'qo yd.
~pec, #g - .315 pez sq. yd.
S_Dec. #3 - o5~ per sq. yd. Begi~ 5 days.
Palm Beach ~a~spt~alt, Corp.
Spec,. $i - 14¢ pe~ ~q.
Spec. ~Z - 39~ per sq. yd.
Spec. ~3 - 86,~ per s~l. yd.
Begin 10 days.
Dixfe ~sDkalt, Inc, - I~e,~t Palr~
spe=. #1 ~ 19¢ per sq. yd.
Spec. ~2 -Zil~ per sq.
Spec. ~3 - 8~ per s'q. yd.
T/ze, £o~lo~i~g hid~ wara ~pened for air co~diti0ming tke. Library.
bloder r~
Base Bid -$!~375-00
Efetrarate B~d - ~, 1Z5.00
Alt., ~ -Deduci 5(1.08 ~ B~ginwvork ir_ 3 days°
.fi~e day~. G~s~ier's cTaeck.
Baa-e Bi~t - $1/165o 00
Alt. ~1 - D~cluQt $1~10.. 00 Be,~n in 3 days anzl finish i~t 5 daya.
Gas~r'$, Check.
~uzd S~pto Put>lza ~fe~rks fora t~ulat~ uru%g r~es~ lvioiior~ .secom~tact by Ikr. ~%kes
and Unanimousily cZUrri~clo
(kz ~ke zo~ng ~eq~est .of Ctaad P.o.S~o There
~s ~e~e. st in: pa~so~ o~ i~ ~ri/ing.
~w ~oss aRoke ~ be~lf of his f~h~s
~dl~, ~.D, B~to~ ~tls,, locat, ed at~
Blvd~ from A resi~.~al to D -Com~ezcial. - G~ty At~rm~y
~. l~a~ moved th~ ~d~ce
M o C~or~:~c~C~e~rr~ck mtm~ed that, he ob. aerved that ~ounczt was
rei~o~to,d ~.%~!~.~rt .a~ g.0t:hit by a ~hus goi~ so~tk a~u~ 8:30
Fri~y ~o.~, ~rch l?~; ~yo.r i~r~d h{~ t~js it~ was ~o
l~ec~s~ - C. ity Maa~zgem i~uot~d to table bids,
ioning ~ ~ ~r~ be ~w~ded to. lo~ bid~er~ ~ode~fing On base bid
of $1375.
3-Z. ~r. ~S, Dr. ~es ~d ~fOr ~chie v~ci~ ,t ~o
~r. ~pes mov~ ~e ~i~ b,~ ~w:arde,d as rec:o~ded ab.o~.
The Cdfgy ~an~ger r~eported that it-~as the consensam of opinion
of Mr. Qr~otenh<~r, t~. T, myl-or ~ k~rnsel~ thai ii. ~o ~uld be:~o the City's
advaz~tage ~ p, urchas,~ tkA ~splun~dh Chipper ihasrn~ich as it would giv~ greater
service to tl%e city, ~oagh to o£fs~t the acI~litional cost.
Police Ltniforn~s be.
parchas~d in ttze
Air. Sammn~ez $
r e£e~ar~ce, te
CO .~m~iL 'arid stated he b~cl
~ Boynton Be~ch.
· f~isk protection outside
Called for
which hind bae~z ~
r an~d
934.33 ~as discussed.
thi,s and a~reed
felt tke .City ~o~'~
$1 Z0ff
~ddit ion ~1 $500.
~_th a~d bri~ back
[~ Ar~drew Ki!by for a .zoning
to four fooZ set_-backo~ LotlO a~dll
At~e¥!s rec~e~tion ~
c~cil ~c~n. Mo~ion
It v~e~s a. gre.ed, tl~t Ilet~ay t~:k ~ld ~ ~c~u~I ¢~ntra~t ~fth
'vo~eci ?--
D~. ~kkas.
The :F*i~e.~ie:g.~,~t~':~e~ o~r to C~Y Ivia~age.r tk~ te~te~ fr~na
Cot. B~ ar~t.