Minutes 03-06-61~IISUJTE~ OF ~E~g~U~ ~NG :(~F CITY COUNCIL, ~OYNTON I-I~ ~a_T cITY Y-LA~LL~ ~kOyN~O1kT ~EA.Giq~ FLCfI~2ID~ ~C~ ~, 19~1 This n~iinE was cal~ed to o~da~ hy lvi~yo~r ArckZ~. ]~e~r. Ja~ne,s l~oy~ FirS~ ~ieth~dist C~arck g~e. tl%e Invocation. tke ~cil ~ ike, ci~iz~, of Bo~ B~c~ by tho City ~ager. etc. He ~g~d t~ i~di~i~aa~, ~th pri~ ~$ w~o ar~ ~i~, to ~s'o for adults ~ 1~. ~pes o~ered Aia ~poD1 fro~ I~:OD ~.~. ~o, 4:00 p.~ ~ which h~ ~ho~t wO~d~ Be av~labie. scheme for Bey~ Be~ if pro, fly ~rE~zed to offer ~vita~o~ tabIe o l%~otiO~ sece~d~d_ by l~r. Pipe~ ,and ~ua~i~sly ~ids ~r~ oioened, for' Polic~ Unifarm-s ~ 18 ~hi~6; I~g ~eev~ :ghtrtS 4. ZO. tZ 'w~it.e - m~ ~eeve shi~s 3.95 3.95 6 ~[ficera caps 5.i0 & p~t~lmau c'a~ 4. ZO 34 pair fro. users 19.80 g p~ir b~itChas ZZ~. 90 Zo ~: ~iforr~ G~o., Halt~d~le, Ft~. 18 W~fe, 10hg.~leeve shirts. lS blue IZ s~e~t sleeve shirts 6 o£ficers naps 6. Z5 6 ~t~m~ cmp~ 5, O0 34 ~ir t~rs 18,25 Z ~r b~i~ch;es Z4, 50 4.95 4.95 3.95 3. D0,~ald La~ig-q.e, In~., l~ia~ni, Fla, 18 l~g sleeve :~hi~ts white 5. ~ 18 ~ " " blue 5. O0 tZ ~ort sie~ve shi~s, w~te 3.95 1Z ~ort sleeve .s~r ts, bl~ 3.95 3~ pair trousers 17.95 Z paiz britches Z2.5.0 6S~. ~iC~s ca~ 6.Z5 ~g' ~: .,Chi~, ~ ~ {or tabal~i'on. Mo~ seconded by Mr. and ~a~i~sly -3- Tt~ere w~er~ no pro~s~s ~t, tko l~ablic Hea~rfr~g far the T~e ~iby ~tt~ey re~t t]~ t~s~lC~gi~z~p~fl~i~ing t'.~ let cI~a~ring the following: G. ~Ge~tral P~rt~ Ce~t ral i~ark.~x: Ix)~m 17 g~ 17, Block 8 Let 13,. Block $ i~o~. 14, Block 8 Loi i5. Bl~ck $ E. F~rr.est PIiLls: 1o Lets 4, 6 g~ 8, Bleck13. t~. Hathaway Park: t. ,Lets 1 ~ Z, Block tB Z. L~t 5, Block ]5 G. Lsgca Ad,litton: 1. Lots 17, 1,8 & 19, Block 3 I-I. l~i.dgewoo~d_Hills: 1. Lots 25 g~ 26 Z. Lot Z9 3~ Lots 55 & 5& Bio L~ts 15I~ ISZ First Addition: 6 1o Lots:Zl & 2Z, Bi. ~ Z. LolZ~ Bl:o~k 5 the. ~e~: ~ ~hgc~.b~as p~ i~0~ t~, S~i~d, t~ ~aca~d~i~s befo~ pa~ the resold~i~. A l~ter ~za~ read t~y City ~k frx~a~ ~R~ober"a I~,. Byr~, G.o~oliclated De~etepmemt Corp~ratio~z req~s~ing, installatio~ of iZ r~tdenIial lights in -5- ~ ~fiew Plarbeur. the ~rs~ gal; ~e G:i ~' ~d a ..... , ..~, . . ~ ~aoi~l~ zbl~ - - f ; . ~ ~ i ~ to. wit. he.nd c~po~te li~ts~ ~ ~ m~mo~sty car~ed. pick-up >i.~ls ~ tb~ air conditioning allow -city to. go o~ ~ ~ t~ bid aeco~ded ~o~s~y. -6- Coancilm~ea~ i~ip~s, ~zzmz~e~s & l~s~dmer~ inst~e¢ie~ ~e ~rk Y ~. ~ads~ ar~l ~oasly ~akes ~ -7- the city wo;t~d be g~ltimg ~o goO~t a d~al. Co--il ~n~e a cO~r