Minutes 01-11-61I~INUT~. OF SPF~C~ ~TII%~ .CITY CO~g~NC~LL, BOYNTOI~ B~Z~kOI-!, I-tE~[I~ ~T CITY H~¥,L, BOYNTON B~-~LCH, FLO-RI~ J-AI~Y [1, L961. Thla m~eti~g ~zas called tO oxder at 2~0~0 p.rm, by l~t~yo~ ~_rchie priz~arily fo.r th~ t~l~ of ~vieQvi~g ~h~ following cat~iened Pce.aolation: '~ tLESOLII TI~ AU THOEIZING THE CON - STRUCTION AND ACQUIStT]~ON OF ~TIO~S, ~T~S~02~ ~ I~P~O~- ~U,T~gG T~ IS~U~E .0~ $1,, S70, 090. WATER ~N~E BO~., SE~S I9~ TG F~CE T~ C~T OF OF'~. ~ATE~;SYST~ TO T~ P~Y~T OF' SUCH W~T~ ~~ BO~S, SE~ 1960, ~. ~.O~D~G F~O~ T~ ~TS. ~t ~ge 9 - ~ ~e -, ~r~ ~o~ ~cs~e~~ ~:~a. ~ R~e :Z8 - Z~ ~e f~m~.~p ~ete pk~ ~ef the Co~g_ 15tk ~e fro~:~p~]~ i~ t~. bla~..~ of $1,0~00. O0 se~ bI~ ~sezt ~00,000. OO -3- 3kt P~g~3I - 3rd line from. top, insert inthe bl~nk, amount of $i00,000.00. Page 32 - line $ from top, delete phrase begxnn~gwwth 'equal en~g ~ '~System~t ~tend of se~ence, replace ~ ~e '~us~ly ~terprise S~'. Also a~ i~g~e 3Z - 9th !/ne from battom~ delete phras,e ~'~uditor or ~&co~ntan~' ~le~_ p~r~e ~A~r ~ ~ a=co~l~':~ -~ insert p~S~. ~ C~ztiffe~ ~ic At PaW 35 ~ 5th 1/ne from bo~tomj ~vord '£iscal~' robe ~Ie~lete~l a~ud insert worc~ ~S:uecee-din~'. At r~al pa~e 41 at llth lzne f~olm bottom, delete ',and to generally supervise the op~ratlon and rn~intenance of said Water SystemU. Properly number pages beginning with 36A. D£r. Pipes moved that the above captioned l~esolutinn be adopted %vitl~ the ~rrectio~ made as wr~e~ above. ~r. ~dsen seconded the motion ~ick c~ried 4-0. (Dr. ~s mbse~) The Chief of Police, Ocean l~dge broaght in a letter which was read by Council. r:eqaesitng use of the C~sio~ for the r,e~ Co.cH me.etas of Ocean ~idge on ~e 4th Tuesday of each mon~. Mr. ~adaen moved the ~ov~ m~ter be tabled till next ~e~l~r ~eetfng. by ~- S~ers ~d u~a~usly carried. Clerk WaI~er Mak[sen~ Vice-Mayor ~'~---~J'. ~illard Pipes, C~mcilman Thomas A. Sub'ers, Councilman