Minutes 09-19-60~NUTES (DF RJ~iGULAi~ 1VLEETING OF CITY C,OUiX~CIL OF BOYNTOAI BIDA~Gt-/ HEL!) AT CITY HALL, ~31DYi~TON B]DAGH, FLOMD~.,. SEP'TEI~BEt~ 19, 1960-. ~deen req~.ested his S~e~ re~: '~I wo~d s~ it ~ j~st plain lo~sy,n I~. ~i~ moved the ~es be adopted as ~rre~ed. Motion seconded by Inasmuch ~s gh~ Aginisger did not ~opear for [he Invo. c.a~o~ asked ~e a~ence ~d CoUncil to sta~ ~r ~ mo~ o~ ~le~ prayer. T~ City ~O.r~ey r~ad'Or~ce 60-35 v~ich ~$ ~ arC,ce for Mr= ~rc~'e ~oved that Ordi~nce 60-35 be passed rea~ wi~h the ~o~ng ~es. ~ont r~re~, s · p~opo~e~ lot is ~ the cor~er; re~ y~rd~ s~e. sp~ce for six cars ~ par~n~ lot. Azchte~ The fo~ow~g mem~rs h the au~ee voiced objections, and asked .! for nae cli~at ~1 re ~ l~irs,. ~iildr~d P~azso~:and othem~ ~lh~ mal~er .bo tabl~&U~gi~ co~n~cil can get mao~e ~ecomde cl by and ca~zi~d 3-Z a ca~ ~or vote,, the motion Pablic Half l~irs.~yle ~SkecI ~y a pe~titior~ v~gs not hI~O the lake, Ma~Voa: a.4vis~ed!ha.t this. pro~b$em ha~. cost the ~tate a lcd. o£ mo~ey and v~a~ difiic~tt ~o cl~tail, ~ le~z from ~LVS0. ~Lllia~n L. ~a~der ~ ~ident, ~ic~ Le~o~ A~ry'~i aM ~es~a f.~nd.s foz ad~i~ng Boya~ ~each ~ ~e Nati~ .A~ic~, Legion~ ~on in, Octo~.z a to b'e p~d :oaf. o~ ~ciey Acco~i Motion castled ~a~rno. asly, -3- from t~_r. ~J0~r 1R~adiug %vas readi~ which he offered Mayor ~ re.m~t a let~ ~zT~ich .had beer~ rec~i~zed f~orn Col. r r~,spoz~s.e ~l~ri~g~k~ic~ ~h cO~ and three f~O~ co~n~ he oymn go.ch 2a ~ested. M0~O~-s.ecG~ded by ~. Archie ~d ~mo~sly ~ayar-~e~r ~sked for volunteers, ~h~n na~d Mr. ~hie, The City A~r~,ey t~ read Ordinance 60-~1 co~rering annexation of tt~ following d~sc~ibe, d parce~ The East &35,6 0fthe $,- 300 feet of Tract No. B roes:erred _of patn~ B~ach ~emori~rk-acc~rd~g ¢,O ~he ~lat tk~re~ o~X~e i~ the ,~ce of the C!~rk ~f ~he C.C. ~ ~d f~z P~ B,e~k Go., F~ recorded ~ Pl~ B~k Z5 ~t Page ZZd, the .O~nce 60-31 City Attorney,-. Gene ~/ioore,, read a t{eselt~ion pe~ining to chan~ ~ma, of ready ~om V~ Harmo:sa to Las ~m~ Park ~~ly c~ied. ~$peci~l,~ee~g w~a set, for Se~,ember Z6th a~ 7:3{1 P'2~i. to ro~iew ~rnen.dment to, B, uildiTzg Co. de. -4- O~ ~¢'r~q~es~ ~z ~ ~of ~0:: 00.0 ~lopes ~z ~ bills - ~ ~ ~a ~a~e p~per reco~end~io~.thro.u~ -5- o~r C~y Manager o I~.re~erence ta ~he coto~ed m~imnnlng pooI~ the Ci~ ~gez por~ there ~s ~ request ~for ~ ad~o~ ~W ~ the ~st f~ t~ ~~ po~ ~th~t ~e pool arc~c~ ~eco~nds l~ir ~ ~chi~ n~ov~cl thmt. Oonmcii proc~e~d x~i~h the zzext. ~rder :of b~isi~easo ~!Oti~m..m~qo~d~d by tViro B~ughn/a~ ~l ~iD=~imo~sly carriecI. /Viay~r Oy~r re~d the i~e;~olution in re~rd to ntitity line lo. cation ~lat~er fr,om A~ormon ~ecre~ion ~g~ for Bi'~e request be g~d~ .~o~ car~ed ~mo~sly. The City ]~ian~er ~ep~rtDd th,~ the chlGri~ators %~e~ out. of ~ ~o~t of $157~ 56.. kF~r ._ ~/iad~x_ ma~d t~t ~ke bill £ar $6Z~. 59 fo~ extra i~ems needed d~rimg t~ k~-~zica~e be paic~o~t of tl~e. C~en~ral bUci~et.~ Motio~ seconded by ~ir. _&rchie az~d Unanimously carr'iedo regazrding sZzael ligktm £o~ Lake Side I-~azbar in that it is a pmi~ate road and as such, it is not u~der tlme jttriadiction o~ t~e city. ~te s~gested the residents s~Iicit ser~zice from Florida Povzer & Light C.o.. -6- furnished. to writ~ Mr..~ and reqt%e, si.a~ ~ee~ir~g for -soma V~ed~e~d~y af~raao~. Harvey