Minutes 02-27-18 MINUTES
TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 2018, 6:30 P.M.
David Katz, Chair Mike Rumpf, Planning& Zoning Director
Kevin Fischer, Vice Chair Colin Groff, Assistant City Manager
Susan Oyer Hannah Matras, Senior Planner
Stephen Palermo Andrew Mack, Director of Development
Trevor Rosecrans James Cherof, City Attorney
Ryan Wheeler Queenester Nieves, Deputy City Clerk
Floyd Zonenstein
Lucas Vogel, Alternate
Malcolm Gropper, Alternate
Chair Katz called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.
1. Pledge of Allegiance
2. Roll Call
Roll was called, and it was determined a quorum was present.
3. Agenda Approval
Motion duly made and seconded to approve the agenda. In a voice vote, the motion passed
4. Approval of Minutes from Planning and Development Board Meeting Minutes
A. Approval of the January 23, 2018, minutes
Ms. Oyer noted one correction where talking about building height during presentation, she said
25 feet, where the City Planner had said 35 feet.
Motion made by Mr. Palermo, seconded by Mr. Zonenstein, to approve the minutes of the
November 28, 2017,meeting, as amended. In a voice vote, the motion passed unanimously(7-0).
Meeting Minutes Planning and Development Board
February 27, 2018 Page 2
5. Communications and Announcements: Report from Staff
Mr. Rurnpf reported that the following items brought before the City Commission on February 20,
• Town Square project was approved by adding a future land use map amendment,
rezoning, and master plan approval.
• Gateway Police Station Design Plan Appeal was approved.
• Gateway Police Station Major Site Plan Modification was approved.
• City-initiated clean up items on zoning map included MLK South Rezoning and The
Neelam (fka Schnars)building business center rezoning were approved.
Chair Katz wondered, for the record, if the suggestions made by the Board about Kids' Kingdom and the
handicapped parking spaces were considered. Mr.Rumpf was unsure how the parking spaces issue worked
out,but that there was a condition added about increasing the minimal land area for the rec area;Mr. Groff
and Ms. Oyer noted recollections from the meeting was that the three handicapped spaces were added.
6. Old Business - None
7. New Business
Mr. Cherof swore in any Staff or public who may wish to testify with respect to the following
A. Approve One Boynton (aka Las Ventana) Rezoning (REZN 18-005) from MU-L
(Mixed Use Low District)to MU-4(Mixed Use 4 District)to complete implementation
of the CRA Community Redevelopment Plan's recommendation for the subject 14.6
acre property. Applicant: City-initiated.
Ms. Matras indicated the two items on the Agenda were house cleaning issues as part of last year's
Comprehensive Plan Tax and Future Land Use Map Amendment package recommended by the
CRA Plan. One Boynton(formerly Las Ventana)was built in 2009,and since rezoning now carries
the mixed use high future land use category,which has two zoning designations: one which allows
sixty units per acre and the other eighty units per acre. Further history and explanations of the
item in the packet were given.
• Lucas Vogel (Alternate), 1090 SW 24'Ave., noting there is a lot of construction up and
down Federal Highway, wondered if there are any plans for another grocery store in the
future land use. Chair Katz noted that the Winn Dixie shopping center on the Riverwalk
and others before it had failed. Ms. Matras confinned there were no plans at this time.
• Malcolm Gropper (Alternate), 44 Island Drive, did not understand which part of the
parcel is being rezoned, and what is currently there. Some discussion followed, with Mr.
Cherof noting the Board should not be answering any questions asked of Staff. Ms. Matras
stated the current zoning is MU-L,which is a phased-out designation since 2004, so a new
zoning designation must be assigned.
The floor was open to public comment.
Meeting Minutes Planning and Development Board
February 27, 2018 Page 3
• Gloria Norzes, 450 SW Yd Ave., noted that there were other stores in the shopping center
that are still there (Walgreens, Wendy's, a bank), and wondered if the whole thing was
going to be rezoned? Chair Katz said that area mentioned was just a point of information
about grocery stores and is not what is being discussed at this meeting.
Floor closed to public comment. Open to questions from the Board.
• Mr. Fischer commented that Las Ventana/One Boynton calculates to roughly 33-34 units
an acre, Riverwalk was approved for similar density, Sunshine Square had major
renovations in 2012. It does not seem that there is any imminent development going to
occur at the new densities being approved; thinks 60 units is too intense for future
development at that intersection.
• Chair Katz asked about the current allowable height on that corner. Ms. Matras stated the
zoning allows 100 feet at MU-4; it was 75 feet and was built at 67 feet,which is the highest
point on the Riverwalk. It is doubtful there would be any build-outs to the maximum height
in the near future. Chair Katz agreed that this increased density isn't necessary.
• Mr. Rosecrans wondered why Mixed Use 3 was not used. Ms. Matras replied MU-3 is not
a zoning that is connected with this particular land use on the CRA map being implemented.
Again,mixed use high land use has only two zoning districts: 60 units per acre and 80 units
per acre, so these are the only options allowed by the CRA plan. In answer to the question
if the infrastructure could sustain 60 units, Ms. Matras said a letter has been issued by the
State that the utilities capacity (water and sewer) will sustain these increased densities.
Traffic is another matter that would be addressed when the Master Plan comes, as it is
difficult to determine due to the variety of uses which may ultimately result. Mr. Rumpf
gave additional infonnation that the redevelopment plan itself is not something that
includes the analysis of capacity or availability of facilities, it is a greater vision knowing
that those questions are answered at different stages of development. Though thresholds
are high at the zoning stage, that does not mean it will not be reviewed for feasibility and
capacity at the time of the site plans.
• Ms. Oyer asked why something smaller than the two options was not created; and made
some comments about the discussion of the Riverwalk traffic capacity and this change
could make it worse. Mr. Rumpf explained this item is merely implementing the
recommendations of the CRA plan;the Board can recommend to the Commission that they
rethink this, the CRA Board can agree, and redirect Staff to go back and revisit all this,but
right now only recognizing with respect to the analysis and the land-use vision with
corresponding zoning districts. Future visions are for sustainable walkability and public
transportation as opposed to more private vehicles connected to the smaller units predicted.
Motion made by Mr. Wheeler, and seconded by Mr. Zonenstein, to approve One Boynton (aka
Las Ventana) Rezoning (REZN 18-005) from MU-L (Mixed Use Low District) to MU-4 (Mixed
Use 4 District) to complete implementation of the CRA Community Redevelopment Plan's
recommendation for the subject 14.6 acre property. In a roll call vote, the motion failed 6-1 as
follows: Mr. Katz, no; Mr. Fischer, no; Ms. Oyer, no; Mr. Palermo, no; Mr. Rosecrans, no; Mr.
Wheeler, yes; Mr. Zonenstein, no.
Meeting Minutes Planning and Development Board
February 27, 2018 Page 4
B. Approve Timeless Life Care and 601 S. Federal Mixed Use rezoning (REZN 18-
006) from MU-L2 (Mixed Use Low 2 District)to MU-2 (Mixed Use 2 District) to
complete implementation of the CRA Community Redevelopment Plan's
recommendation for the subject 2.41 acre area. Applicant: City-initiated.
Ms. Matras gave an overview on the item which is also a clean-up from a CRA implementation
of land use, making the rezoning of mixed use low (30 units per acre) to mixed use medium (40
units per acre), consistent with new CRA Plan recommendations.
• Ms. Oyer wondered if there was something being proposed for that empty lot. Ms.
Matras noted the one lot is a Timeless Life Care and the other lot is an existing building
facing SE 0' Street and is a recently approved project. Mr. Rumpf clarified they were
not. Only one single site plan was approved. There may be two separate operators on
one single site,but the plan is for one project.
• Chair Katz clarified there is one project/site plan that will come in on the 601 S. Federal
Motion made by Mr. Fischer, and seconded by Mr. Zonenstein, to approve Timeless Life Care
and 601 S. Federal Mixed Use rezoning(REZN 18-006)from MU-L2 (Mixed Use Low 2 District)
to MU-2 (Mixed Use 2 District) to complete implementation of the CRA Community
Redevelopment Plan's recommendation for the subject 2.41 acre area. In a voice vote, the motion
passed 6-1 with Ms. Oyer dissenting.
8. Other—None
9. Comments by Members—None
10. Adjournment
Upon motion duly made and seconded, the meeting was adjourned at 7:03 p.m.
[Minutes transcribed by M.Moore,Prototype,Inc.]