Minutes 02-15-60~NUTES OF REGULkR MEETING OF.CITY COUNCIL OF BtOYNTO~N BE~A~CH ~ I~ OITY t~zZkLL, BOYNT;ON BF~CPI, FLORIDA,. FEBRII~P~Y 15, I960 PREST2~ T: TE~I~.SA P~I)C~TT, City Clerk JOI-ll~ TUI T~', ~re Chief D~CK ~OT~O~, Supt. P~tic I~ EB~, 'C~af of ~tice This meeting w~s called to order at. 7:30 Father Br~ce Pomvell, St. Joseph's Episc~.pal Ck~rch gave the Invo~catie]l. Afl,utes Of the February Is/ meeting were read and approved as corrected. B/lotion made by Air. A~chie ~ seconded by Dr. 3Lkes which carried ~n~ nlously. There ~vere ne bills received for tractor-m~er. Mr. ~a~rchie made ~k n~o%ioxz the. Supt. c>f ln~blic-~erks be empowered to z~gotiale for tt~e purchase of a tr~c~or ~n~vzez, ~cl subznit fo~ council appr(~val. Motior~ aeco~nded by ]Dr. ~kes which c~rriecl u_uanimously. Bids revere then opened by the Citsr Clerk for Pit l~ock and Shell ~k ~ be u~ed b~ ~h.e Street ~part~. Pit Sh~ll I~e~tt s Trucking W.. H. Bro~vn ~p~uo t~ock Co. Florid~ t~ock Transport Joseph ~tiadino $ Z.09 $I.74 2.I7 1.78 Z.Z0 1.98 1.94 I .69 Z. 05 Z. 09 -Z- ~r. IV~actsem moved[ Shat tko above bids be relerre, cl :~o the_ of p~blic Works fez his. re~omme~d~tio,as. Matiox~ seconded by Dr. a~d tmanirn~m~ly c~zriecl. Bi~ts v~e,ra tken o~)ez~ed by the City Clerk for Fi~e Hydrants: The City C2~rk o<pe~ect b~ds for 5Fater ~remi~al. D~lrmy 350 g~o~ lo,~s. ~. ~ie Z~ m~a a m~on the city nego~ e with ~ am~ W~ter ~iAic ~.go ~ the sup. ply to thee mo:~hs pe. riod, limit~g ~gent to: ckack~o th~ D~ray ~e~c~ ~. ~ t~ ~r ~pe of ~io~ sec. on~a~ by ~r. ~e.s, ~ m~dment ~s ~ ~ ~ward the co~ract for the thr~e mo~. M~n carried ~m~y. Bids wxrer~Ope~d for file cahindt. Hami~ lllelray Bo~k Skop. $I73.Z5 HMsey ~ ~i~ith .IZT.IO ~r~ ~c~a ~e~ ~ ~on tke 1~ bid of H~aey ~rif~th be ~ccep~ad.~tke mo~t~ $1Z7, I0. Mo~n s:ec~ded b? Dr, ~es ~d c~rried u~i~ly, Bids ~er:e the, z~ 0:pe~ed for Desk° Psis'Beach Typew~*iter Co~, SZGt. 45 ~ey-Griffith Zt 0 ~ I5 Dr · ~es ~de a ~on t~t the P~ch~ Ag~ i~e~igate ~d if he ~n~, the low bidder ~ats the speE~ic~tio~, ~6 if 6e~v~ry c~% be ~ade ~ 30 ~ys~ that he, be ~o~ed to close the contra~. ~otio~ seceded hy ~, ~c~a- ~d c~r~ed ~moasly. Air. Madser~ made :a rnotiom ghe, ~soti~e bids be renmo,ved from the table. ~ioiio~z seconded by Mr. Archi-e a~d carried unanimously. Air, Ai~dsen tken mo~ed that bids be returned unrelieved; thgt he believes the co~tr~ct the city has at the present iizne wkich originated in t9~5 s%ill binds ~nd there~(~re tka bids be returned u~pe]~ed to the arig~n~l bidders and that the city write a letter to Sha~v Brothera thmt we -3- expect ta,ternainate tb~eir contraCf.prier to $0 days :o£ expiration bidd/~. 'iV~otfo/~,~econ¢led fry Dm. ~_kes arid motiom carried maanimo~sly ]~_r. 3,ekn Call Mad m ]~[esolution from ~a 2~vc~$ ~ ~ich ~a~ for the, ~a-r ~itiZ~ ~a~. Mr. ya~z De~dar t]~nke{l the Ch/el of Police and City for assisting the C~u-r~t7 I-Iealti%, N~r~e, ~t the _~aerican Legio~ ~Iozne. ~/tr. J, ~. t~o~a~r' Seavie~v Trailer Park made a complaint abo~t being sIc~pped hy the po]ice fo~ maldamg: a Iii turn at the railroad tra.ck. · )Ir. Duu~ macle inquiry in regard to wh~ c~+~Stitat~,s a Senior Citimen~ ~lr. ,A_rchi~ a~aw~rect that every peraon be, their o.wri }~r. l~axisen stated there were several people tha~ had made zz~q~ry zz~ regazd~to pelice rictus, alo~ O~caa~ ~a_venue. ~ l~ick ss/d she k~d. been asked why the cha~Itrnarks o~ the tires in the post of£zce black. bit, P,~owa~ state¢t, he. felt the policeme~ should earn the respect of the public and ~t get. She, p~opt~ ags/%~st them. tVi~yor Oyer stat.ed he felt every offic~on th~ force maacle e~ze~ry effort t~ ez~rn the respect of the public. ])/ir. Maclsan referrec~ to~ s~veraI new~pa{aer articles in reg._ar d to the: hills. He said bills fro~ bIov~rmb~r and De~cemmber were n~t bro.~ght to. City Co~u~cil b,efocr~ this, year aa na~ttrally coul~ no~ be processed an-d be taken care of. The ouly rea~o,n t~e refused t~ OK bills ~;as becau-s~ they were not properly prc~cesaed anti he said they were c~3ing thrcazgA properly ~lr, YFitso~ and l~r. ~Aratkinm fro~n Bo~d of ~blic ~t~ction _ap~e~ be~o, re ~cil i~ regar~ ~o their re.q~e~. ~ ~ac~ four po~le h~]d{~ ~ Po~ci~a School. The ~i~ had objected -re thess struc~nr~ ~a to ~ ~re z~e ~d ~e Bo, ar d ~ to ~o~ ~ ~ey ~o~d have ~ do to, get these buil~gs appro.v~d ~s they ~re baby nee,deal. ~s. ~eeks~ Pr~side~ of the P.T.~. ,o~ected ~o th~ ~lding.s a~ sai~ she ~'t fe~ they ~eze tre~ed f~rly i~ ~e~' of the fact ~ The ~vanth g~a~ers omly h~ve omho~r par ~[ay and a~e c~da~ ~ the c like go_ ~. manimo, usly. fa r' the c ~nd ~htch said special Osteen i~ of his a ~eeii~g im the fact that.he h~s left in th~ ,m~n~, re~rt. re~qr~e:s~, for special metering me,ion wa ~tk~ a~. that ~e c~ L ia court. ~m for a re:co~cili~ion ~e ~ople h~ th~ the magter w0~d ~ co~nplioa~ed and iz~ ~a p:r~,ctical,ly ~.vmpo~sible to do ,~ythin~ ~atic~ ~e~O~ded by Dr. ~t~em~ancl- C~ried u_uanImo~asly. ~ le~r w~ r.eacl from ~rs o, Gatherin~ ~trong, ~ecy. of the B,o~d of Com~neZs ~f ~e Ho.api~ Disif~ct ~ r~gard to t~ repa~.g ~. ~c~a rode- a m~iO~ ~ ~e se~ a l'e~er to, the, Co~i~ s~ppo~ing ~e req~'st ~f t~e. h~spitai ~,r terra.g-of . ~ghwmy th~gk~o:~ ~e~h. Seeon~ad by"~. ~es ~d moii~ c.arr~ed ~i~o~y. A requesi~w~s zn~cte by G,~fielcI Builders ~ i~t~l ~em~za~f septic ~S, ~ ~t~ 14~ 15. 16. 17, 18. 19. g.O., ZI, ZZ, Z3 ~d 37 of ~o~ md mimo~y carried. Motionnmade by Mr. Madsen and -5- G~rr~ll Build.ers ~e~tue~ti~g %emporary ~reen l~idg A p~i~io~ ms flre~ ~md By proper~ o~s Ln ~ ~00 block ~ ~rsl ~ve~ i~ B~o~ ~ch f~r r~.~fac~g the 400 block of be i~stall~d i~,tke, s~ctio;n ~ ~ac~est Blv~ t~o~m' ~ayal ~m to--the city ~. ~r. ~~ a ~otion .the po~e~ aom~y- m~e a s~vey fro~ S~cres~ ~& Z~.to, harsh b~dary.l~e including the west lqtr. ]~ladse~ re~d z leItez frum Mr. S~pi~ in_ whisk he asked for a reply ~ to ~y ~e v¢~ ~Z re-ap~ed. I~yor Oy~ r. ep~e4 t~ kc'karl ~or~e.d ~ ,. Se~pi~"fhat. he h~d n~ b~ r~pp~ed, ~d ~ had asked ~m ~ bring, in ~e ne~vsp~er ~ip~gs v~i~ he referred to,. To- ~e. he h~ ~t b=oaght ~e~ in. Tk~ MaWr s~d Ae mdc a recommcndlon In regs, rgt to the ma~r~er referrer ~o ~ke Git¥ ~kt~r~e~r ~cer~ size ~ r'eq~re ~[s s~r~i~e,. It ~s ~greed ik~ a resol~on Be se~ to ~il~ay Exp~:es:s . Ir~ reference to. tM suit i~ small claims' c~urt ~ith ~a~cme ~lec~ic thee ~ty ~to~.y a~vis~ ghat a proper aatisfa~fo~- ~& be~ prepaid and the -6- ~r. ~au~~e ~ reqaast th~ a mdo~ be giv~ ~ r~g~r~ ne',g:~iate: s~t~e~t~ ~d ~. ~re ra~kied ~at it -~s.his. d~y as City ~tt~r~ey t~a~pt ~ ~dl~ the. ~er in his k~le ~i~ ~r~y ha'd ~cee~e~ ~a ~hority. Mr. A=chie ihen,asked Air. Baaghma~ for a yes o~r r~a answer. Did you: ~r did yo~ ~ot ~'~,~/~z~; ~%~lilVir. Fru~la ~sking ',~rk~-~ther or n~t ~ve shouId pay ihecm. Ivir. ]F~u~h~az~ said he did~ as- l~{r. Fr~lda ~ his attorne.¥. ~_r, ~ckie sIated tha~ ~v~s all ha vzanted ro know° k/ir. k~lea re.q,~zesSed tha city £urnish hJ~ c~¢umen~$ pertaining to the ~.ater sy~em. sit~o~ i~ ~ay~ton:B~k~ : ~. ~ds~ seconded ~e mo~o~ ~ot~on a l~h~ ~S~:~ ~. '~e.s moved ~at_$75. O0 be ~eted ~ ~s~s ~e~ Of s~g Ia%p~ye~ ~o~ey. ~ ~i& he did ~t ~eve in s. en~g people her~ ~.~t~=~ for p~=~o~ '~io~.. ~r, ~s~ Iniern~tssio~ at 11:30 h re:g~rd to the h%Surance renewal s~bm£tted hy W~r D~ made a mo~m ~ the f~ll~ing items he paid. Ad~tional tot Old Oi~ H~ $1~.1%~ Payroll ~t, ~preke~siv~. ~ility A4r; ]Saugb/auma made: a propasal that th~ I~ca Ba~d ~. s-eI up b~ r~olu~on or o.~e. ~a suggested ~ the ~her of members ~ specified, as 5- --' ~o ~ho~ ~ pre~a~ e~er~nce of rec~g~zable pr'e~ge~ no to~g~r a~tive ~ ~y .as c~s~ta~s --- o~ to serve three y~rs ~ o~e ~o: 8.erve ~o ye,~-s.~ a loc~ ~r~ce ag~ 'to &erie for o~ ye~; & loc~ b~I~img con. acer to s-~rve f~ ~e year ~ fo.r ~ three ~ ap~ment to 's=ccee~ ki~self. dmaw ~ a r~sol~io~,~u~er tke, ta~s ~ ~z. ~a~an~s b~ bzo~ht %oS~rd~ m~iing ~ tka2 ~ ~et~_he debated aSp-aci~ -8- first.:~ the ~-~d ih~ ~ay ;s~nld. be. ~ef~S m~t, bis i~. b~ t~rs. Oter~;~ik :sah~nitt~d ~ha follo~L~g fr~r coumcil approval~ ~. Jeffries far ~e. us~f the Sa~., ~ ~hlic-~orks in.t~ ~e~t of $50, for emergency purck~ms. ~ ~e..~ou~ ~f $50~00 .fez ~e~,up %0- $7,50 .a~.s~ch p~ck~ses to by ~. ~s ~d ~imo~sly .carried. Z, Tkat pe,rnniasio~ he give~ to ~itkdra~r tile ~a~ar I & S ~ ~m ~io~a sa~g:s .and lo~ acc0~ts i~ ~r ta ~po. sit maies in accor~ce ~iih ~t~r bonding r;es. al~tio~. car rie, d. re- 'The h~ ag. T~e C~.' 7~1 ~aryiq:a B~ n~de a raco,,-~e~dat.~er~ thai the pay c~rried~ C ~ i~. ~s~ :s~ ~ $7'8; 75 ~r'~k ~ ~h~u~y~ t ~ t.~ I960~o ~fi not Dr;. ~ SIated ke felt it sko~,.~e: ~ me. Da~s ~e ~r..A~"~ ~s ~e~r and v~ifi~d q.~ified ~d e~i~ced go p:ub~city fo~ ~e ,~. He aR~ed i~. ~e Ja~e~ Ngio~ ~uld he ~gd. i~g. ~uis i~ J~-e and ~ t~e:~.~uld be- IOi ~oiks aw-ail- w~t6 be. a nec~ss,i~ ~o retin Sp~ce ~ an early ~. ~s ~a~e ~ ~ the city ~pr~a, $Z.00 J~c,~s for re~gl~d ~~ a bO~ :~t tke Na~o~ G~n~tion in -I1- Th~ Fire D~p~r~t repert waa read fer the monih of J~nu~ry. Tt~e D~ptment' of patzlfc ~orks re~rtw~s rez~d for Jan.aary. Upon re,ce~enda~ian by tVlr. GrO~t~bo,er, ]~lro Azch~e~ made .a n%otior~ tiaa pu~ckasizz~ ag. en~ he aathoriz~ to advertis~ for bids for a diesel .~u~t/er E~s~t~ e~giae fo~ roller, ~otion secom~ded by Dr. ~kes ~,nd ~u~arA. m~%%sly c~r~ie~i. ]Sills- i~ the am~nnt of $I0,3GD. 83 ~rer~ submitted. ]Bills ~hich have be~n initia~d by all fi~e co~cil~ne~ ~ to~ be p~id. Specie/ bfeetlng.to he held at Z:0D p.~.~ S~t~urdmy, F~eb~vu~ry 20th. l~i~eting ad~onr~ed at 2nO0 a. ' City ~le~ - ~ ce l~{ayor DT, ~ox~3iss ioner Commmis:sioner