Minutes 01-11-60PRF~EN T:
JA_k~.~ EI~rI~l~ ,(ikfeff ~f Police
T~ ic~2ktlG~ITT, City Clerk
JOHN T~ff~TE, Fira (ihie£
Mayo:r 0yet reco~ver~ct 12he Orga~izati~.>~al Meetiug at 7:30
and st~e~ that the i~m~. b~a~ th~ Go~cil ~ ~ regard ~ the appointee.s
City Baar~s. ~e l~t Bo~dapo~3~ck the Co~c~ ~s ~cting
feet Li~ti~g Board.
Mr. Mc~ made a morion th~ M. C. ~very be appoi~e~ ~hairm~
Street Li~ting B.o~rd.
l~ir. t~J]adseJ~ rnade a motion that th~ establishment a~d appoirzt~nt of
Street Lighting t~oar~l be table~i. ]~r. Baugb/naza ~eco~ade. d the m0ti-o~. Motion
carried ~ananimo asly.
P~e.~ardd~g tke Zoning Board, Mr o Baugl~rn~ moved tkal~ we ap~i~
Mr. Adm He~a~, ~im~,of Zoi~ B.o~d. Motion was seceded by
~* ~, then~er dis cuss~a ~ to parli~e~a~ pro'ce.~ure the molten
~as def~ate~ 3-5. ~r. ~e,s, Mr; ~c~e ~ May0~ ~er voied
BOazd. Mo~ was saeonc~cl by Mr o 2krchie. The motion c~rriecl 3-2'.
Mr. ~fki'e ~n.ox~inated Jack Gall as a member of the Zoning Board.
~. Mads:e~u made a motion that Fc'~k Aadano be appointed aa a member
of the Zoi~img Board. Mr. Baug~ seconded the ~aMo~. The ~io,~
I%ir,, ~chie made ~ motio~n that l{oberts llules of Order b,e a~topted as
'our pr(~cedure for this cu~rrent year. t%iotion died £o~ lack of second.
A~r. /~adme~ x~le a ~tiox~ that the Zoning Bo~a~d b~e esiablisJ~e~l wit]~
s~ven ~aeanhers om ~he howard. ~ir. _irchLa sececrded tko, moiien, Motion
carried unanin~oasly,
Mr. Bamgkm~m made a motion that Joaeph Bug~ell be appoint, ecl
Es, a member of Re Zoning Board, t~atien ~c~nded by ]k~r o l~adsen
nnanimou~ty carried°
~¢r. B~ngh~ ~o,-vedikat ~. Salvatare Pandolfo, be mppo~ed ma a
n~ember, of t~e ~on~ng Board° l~r .~ Mactmen meco~ted tJae maokian ~hich wcas
carried uamnin~ously,
1~:¢. Archie nominated ikir. J, Alliaon Banks ~ aerve
of t~e Zo~ B, oa~.. Dr. ~e~a se~=~d the home,ion. ~e m~oa camed
Ivlr. lviads~u moved that !~obert l~yd he app~oi~ta~l to- metre on th~ Zoning
Board. Moiions~comded hy
only ~rc votem cast
~kkes. then re¢l~e~sted Mr, Marls-eh to ~e-s~e his ma~o~. ~r.
moved tkat ~r- ~ob~rt ~ be appoi~ ~ ~ member, of the
Zo~ing, Bo~r:~. ~. B~ aec~ded ~a matio~ ~d the ~iion c~rie.d
It ~as .agreed to: tabIe the appotntmenta to the PlannLng Board,
Mr, irchie made~ a~ motion that ttr~ Recreatiozz Bo,ard he limited to
nine me~b:ers. Motion secar~ded by tlr. Akea a~d n~otion carried 4-L
Mr o l~dser~ voted ~ AIo'*.
lvLr. Archie. made .a mo~io~ that 2kl ~rotk~n be at,pointed Chairzaan
of tl~e tLecreaiiom Board.. Metio~ s,eco~u~ed h¥ D0c.. z~kes. ~oiion carrie,d. 3-2.
~ o Baughman and Mr. Madsan voted *t No1 ~*.
Nit. Baugkrn~a moved that, Mrs. I)aane Yinger b,e appointed as
of ~]~ l{~creation Board. IVioti~ seconded b,y ~[r. Madse~, ~io, iio3a carried
IVir..a_rc/aie n~ade a moiio~ that..Gb~rles C~r~[o~ b.~ appointed ~o serve
the l~ecreatio~ ]B. oar~o Dr. ~%kes seco~l~t the r~otiozk. Moiio~ carrie~.
Ivir. Madmen and Mr, Baughrma/z vo~ted ~ No ~o
kit ~ B~f~mar~ morrell that, J, L~cia~ Jo~es he appointed ta serve on
~he l~eCr~i~ B,o,ard, ~om..s-ecorulecI lay Mr, M~u~s,e~ $.~ :n3_~h~o~ aarrie~i
4-!. l~r, Archi~ votecl~¢ I%ia ~%
IVir. B~ma~ mg ~d~.~.~ mo~io~.that Fr~acis C~e~enleaf b.e appo~ted
aero on ~ec,~ ~rd. ,Mo~w~ seconded b~ Mr. ~en,
the ge~Ieman. ~O~Carrie, d ~th font votes i~ the ~r~tive,
Mr, .a_vchie ma~te ~.m~ otiom ~]~e Parks & t~laygrom~cl Board consist, of
zr~azo]~erml Dr.. ~, s~Ce~cted the m~ion. Moron c~rried u~animoustyo
Mr. Baughmaa made :a nmoIion~ Mrs, J o L~cia~ Jo~e,s he ap~i~ed
Charmin of ~e ~ks & ~P~gromd Board. Mo~ me~nde~ By Mr.. ~ads~.
did ~ot c~y. ~. ~eS, ~. ~c~e ~ Mawr O~r vo~g '* No '~.
Mr. ~mxhie moxnad.th~t. Mr. I~ve: Sv~k be a~po~ed Oha~ of the
~ffks & Playgramd Ba~d, ~, ~es se.~nded the moron, Mofio~ c~ried
~-,Z. ~. Ba~ a~ }~r. ~e~ voted ~ No ~.
Er o ~zr:ctule ~d~ ~ moiio~ that lFillia~ Tirsbier t~ appolnt~xl to
motion c~rrfed .$-2, , ~r, B. a2agh~ a~cl l~r ~. t~i~ds, e~ ~o~e~ ~ Iqo ~.
3-g. Mr. Mttd~ a~d~ Igir° Baughrn~. -,~oted.~, tX~o. ~.
Mr. Bau~ihma~ made a mo~ion that Eeo, ns ,James be appointed
Chairman. el ta-e baduzg~riaI Boar~. Mo,tiOJa s~conxlad by Mr. l~dse~.
did ~ot carry. Dr. A%~es, 1~., Azc chi e a~cl I~i~7or (Dyer vo~d '~ No ~,
It was mgre~d ~ p~ss hy ~he Civil Service ~ogr~ uaiLl a later c~ate:.
i~tayo, r Oyer ~1~ gt~te~[.tkis ca~alpleted th.~ alYpai~ezats of tJa~ hOarcls~
~-- ~ie~oer, ~apt, ~ P~bitc- Wor~ ~. ~e-~ for ~s rec~adati~n.
~s. Pa~.elt tken read a Iet~r f~m HoH~ood ~olt ~ Nut ~,mp~y
oat - . sio~
~ the Co~cll kad awa~d t~e bid to.
the bid be ~ar~ed as vote~ an~ th~ D~e~r Zlsi
~r. ~e~ ~ved ~kat the P,~ck~.e be m~ ~ the~ ~'co~nd~io~ of
the previous ,Co~I~s
~o~ D~c~mbem Zlst
car.-ed 3 ~Z. ~. B~ and ~r. ~en rated~ No~.
~ayor ~Oyer a~ked ~r.
bids on ~ter s~-ce ~gs. Qr~.~en~er ~a ad~s:e ~ to the s~tas of the
C~ssioner ~d ~ap~. ~ Pu'bli~ Works be
Air. ~rckie~ maple a mo~ieu that th?: C~.rnn~i~.si~ne, r on ~a~r ~ Supt. ~
~c ~ and ~rch~sing ~ent be au~no-r~zed lo ~rd~ ~uch qu~t~s
~ith%~, ~h~e~ ~ ~a~ts bi~'~d f~ the lo, est p~ices ~ ~e qu~ti~es they see fit.
~tio~s~co~ded by Dr. ~es, ~oiion carried ~i~sly ~
~zr. ~rckie~-tkeaz :mo:v~d that, the hicks fc~r the cement ~la~e, finish four
the interior of k%e caSipo< he r-ejeci~do~ the e~/~ffting bids a~l the Stzpt.. Of
~ecc~ded by Dr. M~ke, m az~d motimm eazried ana~im~t~sly.
to a pump mo~tor;
Iv[rs. Padgett then read the bids again. ~'tori&a Etectric Mo%x~r
hi~ ~1, 0.15 and J. ]P.. C-arro~ ~d $1~ 017~ ~er~e hi~ ~e~e also.
It ~ p~te~ o~ b~ ~sel & ~on lkg~rn~e b~d ~ F~.ziRa Elec~ic
the d~e~ce is ~o~e IA~ offset by the a~ailgb~ily of mervic~e ~ci~/ies
the. Fto~i~ El~ctric ~oto:r ~orks..~. Gr~,~r a~rae.~ ~ith the reco~e~d-
~ion of ~s.sel and
Mr. ~,ie,. mo:veal ~]~ the racoznrnendation .of !~[u~el aa~rt ~on and. the
Supt. of P~blic- l~rozkrs in re purchas~ of the 40 HP ~Iotor fro3al the l~l-oricta
EleCtric ~ompa~y be gr~eci. M~tio~ s~conded by Dr. 2~i!cesl arrcl carried
unanimou slyo
Mr. Canavau interrupted arid v~an~e~l to- t~o~- if ~re wo~ld be a
pabtic half hour. Mayer Oyer info, rued him tl%e meeting was a comiinuarior~
~f t2ie first rr~aetLug of th~ year a_~cl when the rn'eatiz~g wa~. completed if
tliere were ~y reques, ts frozn the a~ldience a.~d if the coru~cil ~rishe~d
accept the requ~s, ts. there could b:e a public ha3_f
Mrs. t~adgett read the ~eqaest frozn Chief _~_~win im which ke sugge~e~
that his ~ift S,a~sors be ~p~nt~ as Dap~ ~e, rks ~- ~ceiye compla~ts
from citizens. His S~ft,
a~d ~. Mike Stromick.
Mr. ~rchie made a motion that Chief o£ Po/ice clesigu~te a Deputy
Glerk ~or each shift of the day, Moiiom ~as withdza~zu a~d restated;
M~. ~A~rchie then move. d that Chief Er%vin's r~quest i!%at three of his
Shift Sz~pervisors: ~t. ~1 Sa~ycler: ~. Max Smirk a~d ~. Afike Stroznick
be appo:inted Deptrty Clerks, he granted. Motion aeconded`~and carried
I~rs. l:~d~tt mead a l~tter from the Co~t~ l:iealth ~p~t
Mr. Archie' s mot}o~ wv~s s~ee~r*ded, By Dr. ~kkes aizd un~usly carried.
]~ayc~r %~yer .fcc-or. mended aaz ~drninis2zativ~ IvieetLug he held
which %v~ t%a~ a~ t~n~ ~e~r pr'eSen2 %0 dis m~as S~ck n~attars, as o~btainin
an ~&rchitec/for lhe- colo. re~l s%virnm~i~g pool.
wauer, of ~y kind , tla~t ke~be a&vi~cUo£ such
tvir. ~krchie made a moti~ thO& ~pecial ~eetings be h~d for the rest
.~ae~in~s, which ~ ~.~p~ +~ the/;p~s.s b~t clos~e~ ~ ~e~r~
~-~t ~pa~ ~6~ De ~ke6 t~ ~end ~ch ~e, etings ~d t~t ~
b~ess ,o:f ~y ~ure be b~o~t ~ ,a vo~e.
that ha~ been ~e ~aud als~ in regard tO ike ae~g:e pl~t in th~ o~of the
~rs is .d~ag. ed, , At tAi~ ti~ ke s~gge~ted ike~atter 'part~ning ~o
eb/~g ~ Arc~t~ect re ~ a~z~g pool co~d ~ ~scusae~.
Iviayc~r Oyer ,8u~g,g~s~d,th~ matter regardingtl~e: Elc~ctr~cal' Cc~e "oe
~d ~ get,tko- cade re~y f~ ~t~e Co~cil w~h ~ey Ed ~dn~
Ttie C~ity 3~tt~rney reco~mer~te~t that. the City Gierk furnish
notice for this. ~eetLng.
~.r hour b~ p:~d retr~aciive ta 3~ry 4th of t~s. year' ~ it mai6
~elu~e ~rs, J~es ~ork~o~ t~e ~/ing Qf J~ ~th ~.J~y 6ih
FiFe Ghief Tuit-e re~d t]~e Awnm%l l~epozt of the Fire De~r~e~,
a co~deng~tio~ o~ ~ich.~. ~s ~o~s: 196 c~s f~r as~c~, of
Air. ~t~re, C~ity ~_tt~:c~ey, Sta~d the ~rkh~d ha~Iad h~ s~e
om the Wa~z' ~af~d~g ~_aet.. Mrs, Padge.~ read_$~ le~er ~ w~ ch
f~r a deier~io~ ~ ~, their leal s~d~g. Tkey ~ao: a~ed if they
c~d ~ {uforme~ of the legal st~s ~,Se~er Syst~ ~hich is ~o~ in
titlgation ~
/~i~ Baugtnman mo,red Ih~t tike ~eqr[est
be r~erred.~ the City ~or~y,, ~ti~.ae~n~ ~d ~o~iy
the ~1i ~l~s
I~S, P~sxtget% ~ ix~slruG-ted to} furnish IvIr., Mo~re v~ith the proposed
O~dim. ance i~z re ElectriCal
A~r., /~les aske~l if, any of t]~eSe suits had az~ytki~g %0 do ~th the
~*ir. Arch~e m~ed that the request for Public Half I~our be granted.
Mr. Baaghman s.ecorzd'ed.the, motion and moti(~ aarriecl unanimously.
1Vlr. Tl~o~maa,F-. C~nava~, 518 N. E; 4th Str'eet, Boyn~n asked
~h~ ~s the s~us ~f,~i~ ~ce e~ployees. %~en they bec~e elected
~ ~ppoi~d to~ a }0-h. He ~d ~ tkey lo, se their Civil Se~ce S~g
or d~ t~y have to t~ke a leave ~ ~oaence?
~. ~ioore wa~ ~ot able to a~swver b_is question .at tha~ time.
]dayor Oyer informed 1V~r. Canavan thug tt~e Givil Service Ord~nace
pro-rides that all salarfekl employees of the City are co~ered under their
Mr. Ganavan.then_aske&.agaim ~vhat t~appens t0 e~ptoy~s Ci~l
Se~ce sta~a. The ~yor i~o~med him ~at ~a~ he a maker fo, r the
~r,,,~v~ ~sked ~hy the B~ldi~g. Inspec~ s ,a~y is lar~er ~ the
Plumbtn.~ Inspectors a~ry?
A/Iayor Oyer stated that one ite~n in the past ~vhich made a ~erenc~
i~ ~he p~y scale is th~ the B~l~nE ~spe~tor ~s ~ore res~n~bility ~
regard ~ the reviewin~ of ~ ~ppI~tions for permits, the ~ork involved
i~ ii ~d ~so ~ past years pr%or io ibis most ~ecent o~ ~e Buil~n$
~s~cto~ h~ been expecte~ ~ assi~ the T~ ~ssO. r i~ i~spect~g
kkr. Ganavan th~n asked if the Plumbing L~aspeetor is mot re.ore closely
s/lied to the Public Health than the Building Insp~cior.
M~r, Archie stated las ]mad spoken to i~r. Madse~ about t~s situation
~ ~ad as~ hi~ ~ ch~k .i~ i~ ~efo, r~ ~ ~bro~gkt it ~p ~ a ~on o~
t~ fl~or. H~ st~ed it ~as kis i~te~o~ Io r~~ l~t t~ ~bing
~spector be given a raise.
Ivir. kkorriso~ rnmde ~ request tkat S.E. i0~ Avenue be repaired ~s
it is in ahazardous co~diti:o~ md he felt that if ~ accident occnrred~n that
s~eet l~e position x~ou/d he on~ ~of negligence of ttze city.
Mr, kkmdsen and ivir. Qr, oD~enboer had discussed,the situation a~d
~s s-o~)n ~s the roller is back fr~zn repaiT S.E. 1,0hla _~venue will be rep~kir~d.
l~rlr. Archie made a moCi~m the meeting adjourn. ]~iotlom ~e,Conde~l by
Dr. 3Lkes and unanimously carried.
1V~eeting adjourned a[ 10:30 P. Id.
Vice kka¥o r
City Clerk
Mr. J. B. Baughma~, Comm,