Minutes 01-06-60PRES~T:
Harvey 0yet, Mayor
jo~ Archie, Vice
Charles ~_kes
Walter ~_ads en
J, B. Baugb_man
Gene Moore, City Attorney
Tereesa Padgett, City Clerk
James E~wi_'n, Chief of Police
Dirck Grootenboer, Supt, of
Public Works
W. Re Jeffries, Accountant,
Batsman & Jeffries,
Mayor 0yet reconvened the organizational meeting at 1:35 P,E.
Attending the meeting was ~. ~. R. Jeff~mes of Batsman & Jeffries,
%ccounting firm to advise the Councilmen of his recommender_ohs on
appointments of administrative positions. General discussion,
and a question and answer period, preceded ~ny action on the
~r. f~chie moved tt~t the Council remove from the table the
appointment of a Finance Director, Deputy Treasu~er~ Tax Assessor
and Purchasing Agent, City Clerk, Tax Collector, and Treasurer.
Dr. Akes seconded the motion. Mr. Bau~an stated that he was not
in fzvor of removing them from the table as he felt that they should
remain on the table until the Council finds out their qualifications.
The motion to remove from the table passed three to two, Nr~ Baughman
and ~o ~adsen voting nco
~. Baug~o~man moved that _~mso Tereesa Padgett be appointed
City ~lerk. T~'~. _'a_cnme seconded the motion which passed unanimously,
IMtrs. Padgett was appointed to the pos~mon~''-' of ~_ax Co~lec~or~ ~
by a tmanzmoms vote of the Cotuuc~!.
~.,~. Archie nominated ~%rs. Olive Cierpik. for.the post of
Financ~ Director. Dfc ~kes seconded the nomznat~ono The meeting
was recessed for five minutes while Nra. Padgett obtained a file of
applications for Finance Director from her office, which Mr. Baugb~an
requested in order to make a nomination. Upon receipt of the fi!e,
l~r. Ban~an nominated Harold Ac Johnson, of ~a~esha, Wise°,
!fir. ~[adssn seconded the nomination. ~s. Cierpik received three
votes in favor of her appointment and two against, i~Ir, Johnson
received two votes in favor and three votes against. ~[r. Bauglmman
and ~gr, ~adsen voted against ~g~s. Cierpik, giving as the~ reason,
and requesting that the minutes show, that they voted against the
appointment as they felt they should have time to study the applica-
tions for the position on hand and fill the position with a qualified
person. Dr. Akes expressed the desire to fill the position wit~ a
qualified.person, stressing that this was only temporary 'until such
~- ~ ~avor 0yet concurred wi. th
time as a City ~anager is _urea.
- a-o~ntments by a p~vzous motion
Dr. Akes fo~ther statzng tl~m-t ail pp - -
were of a tempor~ nat~e~ and tb~t when a City ~anag~r is fo~d
he w~uld be in a position to recommend any changes necessary.
Pot the oosmt~ n of ~ax Assessor and Purchasing Agent,
~. Baug~man nominated 2~irs. Kathrine Hoc~ut~ }~r. ~adsen seconded.
}~. AroSe nominated J- W. p_~terson, Dr. Akes seconded. In the
voting ~ Petorson was appqintsd_t~ ,~heo~Szt a s sot
and ~ckasing Agsnt~ .by a ~oo ,~o v ~ ~ ~ .
~r. ~adsen ~otimg agamnst tme appOmn~mo~t. ~, Baug~an requ~s~od
~ t show that he voted agai~t ~. ~etorson, as he
tha~ h~ record
felt that 5~s. Eoc~ath had served this City well for the last year.
For the position of Deputy T~ Assessor, mr. Archie nommna~eQ
~Irs, ~athrin~ Eoc~uth, Dr. Akes seconded the not. nation.
f~tker nommnatmOnS' · were ~made. ~r. Baug~an 8~ ~!r. ~iadsent~r~VOt~d.
agalns~ the appomntmen5 ~d asked that the minutes includ~ d
reason for voting against the appointment. !~r. Ba~g~m~ suate that
ks felt that Ers. Hoc~uth had been treated v~ shabbily.
~. ~adsen stated that he voted no for th~ s~ reason.
~s. Kat~in9 Eoc~uth was appointed to the position
Deputy p~chasing ~snt in th~ s~ne manner as she was appoint8d
Depu5y' Tax Assessor, with Mr~ ~,~adsen and Mr. Bauds-an 'ho"V°tingvotes.against
the appozmtmen and giving the s~ ~easOns for their
~ ~ 6~ rk by
~s. Kat~in~ Hoc~uth was appointed Deputy
~ -~uan~OUS vot~ of the Council.
~s. Oallie Cianton was appointed Deputy Tax Coil~ctor by a
unan~OUS vote of tb~ Co~cil~
For the ?osition of Treas~er, Dr. ~es nominated ~s.
~e · Nr. Archis seconded th~ nominatiOn~ ~on a call for a
Carrl r,
. ~ · · ' ~ a three - ~wo vote, w~ ~adsen
~te ~rs. Carrmer was appomn~em~ ~Y w~ Baugb~an
~ · ~- - · -~ ~ appointment. ~.
and ~r. Ba~dghm~ votmng agaznst
asked t~t the record show that he voted against th~ appointment
for no persona! r~ason but that he could not possibly vot~ for
~s. Carrier for Treasurer as h~ had held out for the mapstar to
uh~ Council finds out wh~re it is going.
remain as status ~o ~til ~ ~
~. Baug~an nominated }~s. ?adg~tt as D~puty Treasurer.
~Y~s~ padg~tt declined th~ nomination and suggested that they
~ ~ Mr. Baug~aan with-
appoint somson~ from the Financo Department-
drew the nomination. ~r. Archie moved that ~s. Cisrpik be made
Deouty Treasurer. After f~th~r discussion, however, };~. Archie
_ ~ the filling of the position
wit na~e, his nomination and movem that
' ' d Dr. gkss seconded the motion which
of Deputy Treasurer be ~aole .
passed unan~ously.
Regarding the appointment of a t~e year member to t~ _Civil
Servic~ Board, ~,gr. Baugb~an nominated Claude Bowiss~ ~.
seconded the nomination, ~gm, archie nominated ~. Thomas Ducat.
Mayor 0yet requested ~. Archie take the Chai~ in order to second
the nomination of Nr, Ducabo Xn a call for a vote on these two
¼omina6ions, for the appointment of }~ro BOWles, there was two for
and three against, Nr. Eadsen and .~tgr. Baugk~an voting for his
appointment; ~ Archia and ~gm~ Oyer and Dr. D~es voting against.
For-the appointment of Y~, Thomas Ducat, there was two for ~nd two
~gainst~ ~. Archie and~!aY0r~0ysr voting for his appointment~
}~ ~adsen and Mr, Baug~h~..an vo~ing against~ Dr, Akes refrained
from voting in this instance. ~yor Oyer decZared the vote a draw,
~, Baughman requested that the reeor~ shrew that he favored the
appointment of ~ Bowles as he had been a resident of this City
for many years~, he had a great deal of respect for his knowledge,
ability and fS~irness. He has served on this Board and knows a
lot of things and knows the conditions,
~m. ~chie, still presiSing~ asked if there would be any
f~rther nominations for the Civil Service Board. ~. Madsen
nominated Even James for a three year term on the Civil Service
Board. ~. 0yom moved that the t~ee year appointment be tabled
and the two year appointment be taken up, Y~. Baughnan seconded
the~ motion which passed mnanfim~,ously,
I~. ~aughman nominated ~. Even James as a member of the
Civil Service Board for the two year term. Hayer 0yet suggested
to ~. Baugb~an that the Council appoint ~r. Bowles for the three
year term and the name on the list submitted by him, i~. Archie,
and Dr. Akes for the two year appointment~ ~. Baug~an, stating
that he would m~e no deals, declined. ~ayor 0yet asked that the
record show that he had no objections to Mr. Bgwles, he has kno%~m
~. Bowles for years and he has served the City well in this parti-
cular post, and he feels that !~. Bowles is a ve?y caoabie gentlemen
and there is no opposition on his part to ~r. Bowles as an indivi-
dual, ~r. ,~adsen seconded the nomination of Even James for the
two year term. Dr. Akes nominated Ditch Grootenboer for the two-
year term, however, the nomination died for lack of a second.
~5~. Archie nominated },~r. Newton S. Bick!e ~d there was no second.
~{r. Archis nominated Jack Call for the ~wo year term on the Civil
Service Board. Dr. Akes seconded the nomination. Upon a call
for a vote on the appointment, Mm. Even Jmmes received two for
and thre~ against, ~. Archie, Dr. Akes and Eayor 0yet voting against~
~. Jack Call received tl~ee for and two against, ~f~. ~!adsen ~d
Mr, Baug~mn voting against the appointment. ~{r. jack Call was
declared a member of the Civil Servic~ Board for a two-y~ar term
by ~ayor 0yet.
Appointment of Chai~nan of the Electrical Board was begun with
the nomination of Claude Bowles by ~r. Baugb~aan, seconded by
~r. ~adsen. ~. Archie nominated Thomas Ac Summers, Dr~ Akes
seconded. ~. Sump. ers was appointed Chairman of this Board by a
tb~-ee - two vote, ~. Baugb~an and ~@. Eadsen voting against his
_Tn t?~ appointment of Journe~an on the Electrical Board,
I~r. Baug~man nominated ~. Anthony Wil!et, ~. ~adsen second~d~
~ Archie nominated Robert Bowles~ Dr. Ak~s seconded. The
~ppointm~nt of ~. ~illet wasdenied by a three - two
~. ~c~a~ Dr~ .~es and ~ayor 0yer ~oting against. ~. Robert
Bowles was appo~ted to t~s Board by a ~an~ous
~. A1 Dean was appointed as La~ on th~ Electrical Bo~d
by a ~uan~ous vote of the Council~
~. ~Jo~ Tufts was appointed as Fmr~man on the El~ctrlcal
Board by a un~ous vo~e of th, Councml.
~ ~l~ill!~ Q. Hays was nominated as Chairman of t~ Buil~ng
Bo~d by ~. Bau~an. ~. &rchie seconded the nomination.
~r. Hays was appointed by a unanimous
~ ~ ~ayor Oy~r asked for a nominat~o~ to the three~ys~ term
the ~ilding Board, ~. Archle nominated A. Paul Young~ Dr. Akes
seco.uded the nomination. ~. Bad,man nominated Ward A. C~ngs
for the three ye~ te~. ~. Eadsen s,comded the nomination.
A. Paul To~g received three votes for ~ud two against,
and ~. Bau~ voting against~ Ward A. C~mings received
votes against ~d two for~ ~, Archie, Dr. Akes and ~ayor
voti~ against. ~. A. Paul Yoking was appointed to the t~ee y~ar
Donald J~. Broderick was appointed to a two ys~ term to
~ilding Board by a unanLmous vote of t~ Co~cil.
~ard A. C~ings was appointed to a two year term to the
Building Board by a ~animous vote of the Council. A motion by
~. Nadsen for the appointment of Jim ~ ~ ' ~ for lack of
a ssoond.
~ Baug~an moved that Georg~ Jam~s be appointed to a one
year term on th~ Buil~ng Board. ~r. Archie seconded the motion
which passe~ unanimously.
~2r. Archie moved tb~t Clyde
year term on the Building Board.
whmc~ passed unan~_mously.
Worrell be apDointed to a one
Br. Akes seconded the motion
Dr. ~mes moved that Jack Ridgeway be appointed a member of
the ~lumbing Board. ~r. Archie seconded tim motion which passed
It was brought to the avten~m~n of ~o~czl that the ±l~mbmng
Znspector in accordance with the Plumbing Code, serves as Chairman
of the Pl~bing Board.
~. Baug~an moved tb~t Nr. C. A. Ostrom be appointed as
~ourneym~n member of the Plumbing Board~ Nr. Archie seconded
the motion which passed unanmmouo!yo
_~k~. Baughman nominated Nolan E. '~yiliiams as la~rman member
of the Pl-~nbing Board. ~. ~fadsen seconded the nomination.
Nrc :~mchie no.hated Harmond Pretz as layman member of the
plumbing Board. Dr. Akes seco~nded the nomination. ~. Williams,
~ppointmen% was d~feated by a three - two vote, }gm. Archie, Dr~ Akes
and Eayor Oyer voting against. ~m. Harmond Fretz was appointed to
the Board by a three - two vote, }~m. Baughman and ~r~ ~adsen vot~g
~, Madsen was =ppo~n~ed as Council member to serve on th~
Plumbing Board.
~L~s, Clarence Bosworth was appointed Chairman for a two-year
ter~ to th~ Cemetery Board by a three - two vote. ~. Baughman
and ~. Nadeen voting no and asking that t~eir reason for voting no
be in the minutes, the reason being that she ha~ Just recovered
from a serious illness.
I~r. Ed, Hur£ord was appointed to a one-year term on the
Cemetery Beard by a unanmmou~s vote of t,he Council.
M~For Oyer asme~, the ~.ouncz! to adop~ a pay scale ~6r the
appomn~ed ofzmcers, ~Ir, Baughm~n movea that th~ City Czerk s
salary be set at $125,00 per week, ~Ir, i~adsen seconded the .motion
w~mcn passed
~r, Arehie moved that the Finance Director's salary be set
at ~115.00 per week. Dr. Akes seconded the motion~ which passed
t~ee to two, Mr. ~adsen and [~. Baug~man voting no. ~o Baugt~man
requested that the record Shoal,that he voted no as he felt he
could not okey a salary for an appointed position when he did not
agree w~th the appointment.
Dr, D~es moved that the Tax Assessor and Purchasing Agent
receive a salary of ~400,00 per month with a ~50,00 a month car
allowance. ~r. Arcb~e seconded the motion which passed three to
two, ~;~r. ~adsen and ~. Bs. ughman-voti~g no.
D~. Archie moved that the Deputy Tax Assessor and Deputy
Purchasing Agent, i~s. Kathrine Hochmuth, receive a salary, of
~85.00 per week s~d tha~ she be de~gnated as a civil service
Smployee. Dr. Akes seconded the motion which passed four to one,
~,~. Baughman voting no and requestir~ that the record show that
he voted no as he felt the Council were setting Civil Service
salaries without the recormmendation of the Civil Service Board~
~, Archie moved that the Deputy Tax Collector receive a
salary of.~85,00 a week and be designated as a Civil Service
Employee. Dr. Ak~ seconded the motion ~nich passed four to
one~ ~. Bau~ghman voting no and asking that the record show that
he voted no for the same reasons as he voted against the preceding
Dr. Akes moved that the Treasurer receive ~65.00 per week,
A_en~e seconded the motion which was passed tD~ee ~o two,
~adsen and ~, ~ ' ~
B=ug~a~ voting no, ~r, Baugb~an asked that
the record show that he voted no as he did not agree with the
Mr, Archie moved that the City Attorneyts salary be set at
$150.00 per mor~tho Dr, _a2kes seconded the motion which passed
three to two, Mr, Baughman and Mr. Madsen voting ne, Mr, Baughman
asked ttmt the record show that he voted no as he belioved that
the City Attorney's salary should re'main as it was, as the present
City Attorney was not going to do anything more them. the past
~ity Attorney had done.
Dr. Akes moved that tb~ City Judge's salary be set at
~VS.00 a month,' ~ ~rchie seconded th~ motion ~ich passed
three to~we, ~.. Baug~man and.~r. N~dsen voting no. ~. Baugb. ms~
asked thaz the record show ti~av he voted no as he fel~ that the
Counci~ had no justification for ma~i_~g this increase in sala~,
D~. Akes moved ~hat the Council Stenographer receive $2°50
oar hour, ~gr. Archie seconded the motion, ~ Baughman moved
that the ~otion be amended to the effect tha$ t~e salary remain
at $~.00 per hour. ~r. Nadsen seconded the ~mendment. The
amendment was denied by a three - two vote, ~r. Archis, Dr~ Akes~
and }gr. 0yet voting no. Reverting to the original motion that
~he salary be ~2.50 per hour, the motion carried~ tippee to two,
Mr. Baug~aan and i~~. ~adsen voting no.
The Supt. of Pubilc Works salary was set at ~100,00 per
by a unan_mous vote of tlae ~ou ....
~f~ro Bauglmmam m~zed that the salary of the Fire Chie£ be
$101.54 per week. Mr. ~adsen seconded the motion ~khich passed
unanimous iy ~
~r. Baug~a~ morea tha~ ~he s~lar~of the Police ~hmez re~in
the s~e as last year, that being ~80.~ per week. ~ozion diem
for lack of a second. ~,~. Archie reeved that the salary of the
Chief of Police be set at ~I~1.54 per week. Dr. Akes seconded
the motion which passed unanimously.
~,~. Madsen moved that the Pl~abing Inspector, the Building
Inspector and the Electrical inspector, receive the same salary
as received in 1959o ~r. Archis seconded the motion which cass
unanimously ·
~fm~. Archie moved that a resolution be adopted authorizing
the proper officials to sign checks. Dr. Akss seconded the motion
which passed unanimously.
The matter of the City providing telephones for a~inistrative
personnel was tabled for fn~ther consideration, by a motion to table
by ~Ir. Archie, seconded by ?~r, Bau~am and unanimously passed~
A letter from Russell & A~on Engineers -vas read ~sgarding the
deterioration occurring at the ~ewage Disposal Plant mue to lack
of use.
~r. Baugb~an moved bhat the letter from George C. ~iles
relative to o~ Bonding Agreement amd Water Refunding Bonds be
turned over to Dr. Akes as Water Com~issione~, for an analysis
by him With a recuest t~t he recommend a solution in this matter.
Mr~ ~adsen seconded the motion which passed unanimoms!y.
The City Attornsy~ ~r. Gsne ~oore, reported to Co-~aeil that
he had met with the former City Attorney, Ronald Fruda, regarding
one of the suits and he had agreed to s~ay on and assist ~gr~ ~oore.
Eayor 0yet asked ~. Eoore if he wanted authorization to retain
~r. Fruda~ ~. Eoore stated that he did not think so at this
time. However, he would just like to say for the record that he
~ad co,erred with ~r. Fruda and that l@. Fruds was cooperative m~th
him and expressed a willingness to assist ~r. ~2oore, if necessary~
and until such time as ~o ~oore has been able to advise himself
as to the facts and issues involved, he would let matters stand as
Y~. Archie moved that the City Attorney be authorized to
file a notice of appearance in ~he court in behalf of the City
in all presently pending litigation~ Dr. Akes seconded the
motion which passed unanimously.
~¥~o GeOrge C. ~iles, from the audience, addressed the
Coanc_l and asked that he, as a ~ater Bend Ho±mcr, be f~rnishsd
al~ information on !eEai action t~ken against the ~ ~ ~
~ ~a~e~ Department,
It was agreed that the meeting be recessed umti~ Jam
City Clerk