James J. Mahoney, Mayor
J. B. Baughman, Vice-Mayor
Martin Durkin
Harvey 0yet
Walter Madsen
Rona!d Fruda, City Attorney
Tereesa Padgett,'City Clerk
Raymond SeD~piel, Chief of
Jack Tuite, Fire Chief
Dirck Grootenboer, Supt. of
Public Works
Carl Stone, Supt. of Water
~he meeting was called to order at 7:35 P.M. The Rev. Bruce
Powell, of St. Joseph's Episcopal Church, Boynton Beach, gave the
Minutes of regular~meetlno held November iSth and special
meetings of November t7, Novemo~r ~Tth, December let, and December
~nd were unanimously approved as read ~ith no corrections.
Eight bids for service fittings for the water department were
opened and read; Mr.'0ye~r~mo~d that tbs bids be'referred to
Mr. Grootenboer, Supt. of Public Torks, Mr. Stone, Supto of ~ater
Department; and Mr. Baug~man, Councilman in charge of the Mater
Department~ to study and bring back a recommendation at the nsxt
meeting. ~gr. Madsen seconded the motion which passed unanimously~
The City Clerk opened and read two bids for ~00 tubular fold-
ing type all steel chairs for the Colored Recreation Center. After
a motion to table by Mro 0yet had been withdrawr~, ~r. Madssn moved
that the-~O0 tubular all steel chairs~be purchased from Halsey &
Griffith, of Mest Palm Beach, Florida, low bidder, for the sum of
~790.00. Nr. 0yet seconded the motion which passed unanimously.
Included also in the two bids were a desk and posture chair
with plastic upholstery. Mr. Durkin moved that the bids be turned
over to Y~. Grootenboer to check o~t ~nd purchase the desk and
chair from the low bidder. Mr. Madsen seconded the motion which
passed unanimously.
One bid for a draw curtain for the Colored Recreation Center
from the Modern Custom Interiors, Boynton Beach, in tbs amount of
$488.00 was opened and read. Mr. Madsen moved that the bid be
awarded to the only bidder, Nodern Custom Interiors in the amount
of ~4~8.00. M~. Bauglmman seconded the motion which passed unani-
Mr. Madsen moved that the City Clerk be authorized to read-
vertise for a svove an~ refrigerator for the Colored Recreation
Center since there were no bids received. Mr. 0yer secondsd the
motion w~hich passed unanimously.
Four bids were opened and read for a chain link fence to
surround the water tank at S. E. 15th Avenue. ~r. Baug~hman moved
that the !ow bid, that of cyclone Fence Company of Niami in the
amount of ~IVe~.DO, be accepted, with the stipulation that the
bid meets the advertised specifications in every respect.
~. 0yet seconded the motion which passed unanimously.
note of gratitude was read from the family of recently
deoeas&d Edward L. Gle~u for an expression of sympathy in their
A letter was read from Florida Public Utilities Company in
which they advised that the distribution of natural gas would
begin on or about December V, 1959 in the City of Boynton Beach.
A letter was read from Sal DeCanio, President of the Chapel
Hill - Nissien Hill Assn. expressing appreciation for the installa-
tion of street lights in their section.
A petition was read, signed by over forty residents of
Seacrest Hills ~ubd~vision, askmng ~or stree~ lights ~n their area.
~r. Nadsen moved that the City Clerk be authorized to request the
Florida Power & Light Company to wr~ake a survey of Seacrest Hills.
~gr. Oyer seconded the motion which passed unanimously.
A letter was read from ~iltiam Q. Hays which informed the
Coundil of the~ection of'Christmas lights on Ocean Avenue between
U.'S. I and Fourth Street, t~ze entire cost of which was borne by
D~. Hays. The ~ayor and all Cduncilmen expressed gratitude to
~ro Hays for his kind donation.
O. dmnance 59-18 amending Ordinance 905 and c_eatmng new
zoning was passed on fir~t reading to a second reading by a unani-
mous vote of the Council.
Ordinance 59-19 mmending Ordinance 205 and creating new zoning
was passed on first reading to a second rea~ng by a unanimous vote
of the Council.
A resolution to abandon an alley in Block 12,-Boynton_Ridge,
amended plat of'the City'of Boynton Beach, Florida, as recorded
in Plat Book 24, ~a~ge 28, Public Rebords of Palm Beach~County, Fla.,
was brought t5 the attention of Council for their signature by the
City Attorney. Since the Council had previously voted on this
matter no further action was necessary, other than signing the
~ letter was read from the Advisory Board calling the Council's
attention to a report on the City water supply which~had been com-
pleted in conjunction with Russell & Axon, ~gineers, and stating
that the Board concurred in full with the findings included in the
A second letter was read from the Advisory Board bringing
the Council up to date on the assignment~ given to them
in January 1959 to submit the names of not less than five candi-
dates qualified for City Manager. The letter stated that due to
the basic governmental climate, and organizational structure of the
City under the Charter, they had been unable to obtain any quali-
fied candidates.
A letter of resignation from the Advisory Board was road which
included a report of the projects assigned to them during the year
and the. disposition thereof. ~r. Bau~n~an moved that the resigna-
tion be accepted with regret and that a resolution expressing tha ~r~s
to the Advisory Board for the excellent work that they have accom-
plished for the City be dra~rnup. ~lr. Madsen seconded the motion
v£mich passed unanimously.
A letter was read from Russell & Axon advising the-Council of
the completion of the engineering portion of the Comprehensive
Report on water works for the City of Boyn~on Beach and asking that
a special meeting be called in order that they may present the re-
port to the Council. At the suggestion of the Mayor, Mr. Baugb~nan
moved that the matter be tabled until after the first of the year
and the new Council is seated. Mr. Madsen seconded the motion which
passed unanimously.
A letter from Russell & Axon was read regarding the final es-
timate for construction work performed by Inter-County Construction
Corp. on the Sewage P!ant~ and a final estimate of the amount
N. R. Field was to pay in cash. A copy of this letter is attached
Unanimous approval for tho installation of temporary septic
tanks was granted for the following locations: Lots 8,8,10 and
l~ all in B~ock ~7, Rolling Green Ridge 1st Addition; Lots 9 and
18, Block ~, Rolling Green Ridge 1st Addition~ Lot B~, Block Z~,
Rolling Green Ridge 1st Addition.
Additional requests by Carroll Bros. and Porco Construction
Corp. at various locations in Rolling Green Ridge let Addition,
were tablod upon a motion by $~r. 0yer, seconded by Mr. ~adsen, and
-~uanimously passed.
A letter fn-~m Burnup ~ud Sims was read re~arding complaints
pertaining to the construction of Natural Gas Lines within the
Mr. Nadsen moved that the City renew the contract with the
firm of Bateman & Jeffries for a continuing audit of the books for
the years 1959-1960. ~ffro Baug~man seconded the motion which passed
four to one~ Mr. 0yet voting no and requesting the record show
that he voted no as he felt the new incoming Council should have
the opportunity of selecting the auditors wZaich will audit the
books for the coming fiscal year.
Regarding the Swi~m~ing Pool for the Colored Section of town,
which was the only one of the four referendum to receive approval
by tbs freeholders of the City, Hro Raughman moved that the City
advertise for bids for the swimming pool from architects, to sub-
mit their proposals to the Council. ~r. Eadsen seconded the motion
which passed unanimously.
~r. Baug~hman moved that the firm of Hunnicutt, Associates,
be employed for the year 19~0 to carry on in the appraisal of
property, the cost t~ vhe Cmty being ~3500.00. ~r0 Nadsen seconded
the motion. ~. 0yet moved that the matter be laid on the table
until the new Council takes office. Nr, Durkin seconded the motion
to table which was denied t~ee to two, Y~r. ~adsen, Hr, Baughman,
and Nayor ~ahoney voting no. Returning to the original motion, to
employ the firm of Hu~icutt Associates for the year 1980, the mo-
tion carried three to Dwo, l~r. 0yet and ~r. Durkin voting no.
~tro Durkin requested that th~ record show that he voted against
this motion as he felt this matter might very properly be held
over so that the new Council could fill the position.
~. ~adsen moved that the City Clerk be authorized to notify
the proper authorities to clear the voting machines used in the
general election on December 1st. ~r. Baugb~an seconded the motion
which passed ~manimous!y.
The building reoort for the month of November 1959 was read
s~o~ing a total buil~ing of ~880.81~ for the month.
Two license applications were unanimously approved.
- ~ 1213 N. -~. 4th St. Cherry ~m~
as follows. Beer & l~l_e, ~
and Kirby Sales & Service, !8!~ So. Federal Highway.
They are
A letter from l~s. Ni!dred Hailier was read requesting re~a-
bursement in the ~ount of ~880.00 for an encroachment on her pro-
perty by a street right-of-way of the City~ the description of
the property being Lots 2R,~8 & ~8~ C~ ~. Copps iddition. The
City Attorney recor~ended that a survey be made in order that the
property in question could be properly appraised before pa~rment
is made. Pursuant to this, ~r. Oyer moved ~hat the matter be re-
ferred to the City Attorney and that he be authorized to retain a
surveyor to survey the marcels of property located on No Em 1st
Street which the City Attorney feels should be surveyed.
~, Baugi~man seconded the motion which passed unanimously.
The Tax Collectors repo~rt for the month of November was read.
The City Clerk was authorized by a unanimous vote of the
Council to make preparations for the annual board dinner. ~r. 0yer
moved that in addition to the Board members and their husbands or
wives, that the appointed officers, the administrative personnel,
the incoming Councilmen~ the outgoing Councilmen and their husbands
or wives be invited. Er. Eadsen seconded the motion which unani-
mously passed.
The Council, by a u~animous vote, authorized a Christmas
bonus to all employees of the City, employed for one year or over,
the bonus to be the e~uivalent of one week's pay.
The Mayor advised that under Civil Service Reguiatimns,
all City employees have one day off prior to Christmas, therefore,
the City Hall will be closed at noon on Wednesday, December E3rd
and remain closed until the following ~ondayo The holiday, New
Tear,s Day, January let, will also be a Civil Service holiday.
~r. Stone, Supt. of the Water Department, requested per-
mission to advertise for bids for a turbine pump for use in his
department. ~. Baug~man moved that the City Clerk be authorized
to advertise for bids for the pump, the specifications to be sub-
mitted by ~Ir. Stone, and Mr. Grootenboer. Mr. 0yet seconded the
motion which passed unanimously.
~r. Grootenboer, Supt. of Public Works, requested permission
to advertise for bide for the following:
Auto Jack for Shop
Vibrating Roller for Streets
Tractor mower for Parks & Playgrounds
Parts for Traxcavator
Motor sweeper for streets
Alumin-~m overhead door for the shop.
Mr. ~dsen moved that the City Clerk be authorized to advertise
for bids for these items, specifications to be supplied by the
Supt. of Public Works. T~e motion died for lack of a second.
~. 0yet moved that bids be placed for the auto jack and the
alumimnn overhead door. Eotion died for lack of a second.
~. Grootenboer cautioned the Council of the possibility of the
Traxcavator being out of operation if the parts for it were not
on hand. Thereupon, Mr. Durkin moved that in regard to the parts
for the Traxcavator, that Mr. Orootenboer be authorized to advertise
for bids for the parts he deems necessary. ~. 0yet seconded the
motion v£nich passed unanimously.
Mr. Nadsen moved that Mr. Orootenboer be authorized to pre-
pare specifications for bids for an altm~intmu door for tt~ shop.
Mr. Oyer seconded the motion which passed unanimously.
Mr. Oyer moved that the auto jack be purchased. Mr. Madsen
seconded the motion ~nich passed unanimously,
Mr. Madsen moved that the t~hree remaining items asked for by
~[ro Grootenboer be advertised for bids. ~. Baugb~an seconded
the motion Which passed four to one, Mr. Durkin voting no.
There b~ir.g no further
at 9:45
business the meeting was adjourned
Ther~o~,~ for t~s f~
~t~.~te~ fo? ~o~ e~ire project ~d for ~jd~z ~o~on i~