Minutes 12-02-59~%N~JTES 0P SPECZAL }~TING OF THE CZTY COD~NCIL OF T~ CiTY 07 B0~TON BEACH, HELD IN CITY PL~LL, B07fY~TON BEACH~ FLORIDA, DECE~gBER 2, 1959. James J. ~ahoney, Yayor Jo B. Baughmuan, Vice-Nayor ~artin Durkin Harvey 0yer ~alter ~adsen Tereesa Padgett, City Clerk The meeting election returns that were put to for the general election for a referendum vote, was called called for the purpose of canvassing the the fo~ ordinances to order at ~'~.~. Helen Btu!!, Clerk of the E '' ~ lec~mon Boara, presented the Council with the reports which are attached. Total Votes Casv - ~031 0 For the rdmnance- Against 1~05. 0rdinancs 59-14: Mr. Baugb~man moved that the count be Mr. Madsen seconded Ordinance 09 accepted as oz~ic~a!. mot ion which passed 'muanim. ously. Total votes Cast For the Ordinance 1358 ~gainst 905 i~{r. Mr. ~adsen seconded the ~r. Durkin moved that the count be accepted as official. Nadsen seconded the motion which passed unanimously. 0rdinanoe 59-18: Total Votes Cast 1995 For the Ordinance 835 Against llS0 ~r. Baug5~an moved that the count be accepted as official~ motion which passed unanimously. Ordinance 59-17: Total Votes Cast 1941 For the 0rdinaDce - ~a~nst the tered freeholders that were du~s was 3088~ Mr. Baughman moved that the co,_ut be accepted as official. ~adsen seconded + = ~' ~h~ moomon which passed unanimously. The nu~nber of registered voters that were qualified ~o vote in election of December 1st, 1959, was 3V50. The n~mbsr of regis- qualified to vote on the above referen- -1- The City Clerk asked Council as to the amotuut to be paid to t~e Election Board since it was necessary for them to remain on the lob until lO:O0 P.~o the night of the election in order to count the ballots on the referendums. Nr. Nadsen moved that the Inspectors receive $15.00 per day, the Deputy $15.00, and the Clerk ~18.00. ~r. Oyer seco~fied the motion which passed unani- mously. There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 9:50 A.M. STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF P~L~Y BEACH ) CITY OF B0~NTON BF~_CH) SS TO THE HONORABLE ~YOR ~ND COb~C LMEN OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLOYJ~DA: We, the undersigned Clerk, Deputy, and Inspectors of the Referendum Election held on the 1st day ef December, A.D., 1959, do hereby certify that the followimg votes were cast for Ordimanee #59-1K. providing for the submission to the Yeters, -~o a~e Freeholders, of the City of Boynton Beach, the question of issuing $175,000.00 Municipal BuildinE B~uds at a General Electinm tx) be held i~ ~md for said City on the 1st day of December, 1959. TOTAL VOT~ CAST 2~/ of which And we, such Clerk, Deputy, and Inspectors, de make the foregoing as our return to you of the results of such Eeferendum Election, and we do declare the above and foregoing to be the result of such _Referendum Election. ~ector ~speetor , I~spect Inspector Inspector STATE OF FLORIDA ) COb~TY OF PAL~ BEACH ) CITY OF BO~TON BEACH) TO THE HONORABLE 2~YOR AND COUNCIL~N OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BK~CH, FLOP~DA: We~ the undersigned Clerk, Deputy, and Inspectors ef the Referend~um Election held on the let day of December, AoD., 1959, do hereby certify that the follewlng votes were cast for OrdLu&uce #59-15 providing for the submission to the Voters, v~o are Freeholders, of the City of Boynton Beach, the question of issuing ~120,O00.00 Euuicipal Building Bends at a Gaueral Electio~ to be held ~ and for said City on the 1st day of December, 1959.~ / ~? ~ FOE THE~ OmINANCE ~AGAINST THE O~INANCE And w% such Clerk, Deputy, and r-nspectors, do mske the foregoing as our retur~ to you of the ~esults of ~ach Referendum Election, s~ud we do declare the above ~nd foregoing to be the result of such Referend~Lm Election. ~!erk Inspecto~ Inspector inspector Inspector ~n'spector ~speotor Inspector Inspector Inspector Tns~ecto~ inspector STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF PAI~_ B~ACH ) CITY OF BOXNTON BEACH ) SS TO T~ HONORABLE ~LiYOR ~D COUNCi~ OF _.~E CITY OF BOTNTON BEA~, ~ORTDA: We, the u~dersigned Clerk, Deputy, and Inspectors ef the Referendum Election held on ~he tst day ef December, A.D., 1959, do hereby certify that the following votes were cast for Ordinance #59-16 providJ~ng for the submission t~ the Voters, who are Freeholders, of the City o.f Boynton Beach, the cuastien of issuing $160,000.00 N~icipal Building Bonds at a Ger~ral ~Elecbiem to be held in and for said City the let day ~f December, 1959~ TOTAL VO~ CAST A~d we, such Clerk, Deputy, and Inspectors, de make the foregoing as our return t~ you of the results ef such Referendum Election, and we do declare the above and f~regoing te be the result of such Referendum Election. Clerk Inspecto~ Inspecto~/ - "~ Inspector Inspector STATE OF ~ORIDA ) COUNTY OF PA~ BEACH ) CITY OF BOTNTON BE~CH) TO ~ HONO~&BLE ~YOR AND COUNCII~.ME~ OF THeE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA: We, the undersigned Clerk, Deputy, and Inspectors of the Referendum Election held on the 1st day of Deeember, A.D., 1959, do hereby certify that the fo]_l~wing votes were cast for Ordinance #59-17 providing for the submission to ~e V~ters, who are Freeholders, of the City ?f B~y~ten Beach~ the question of issuing $150,000.00 ~f~uicipaI Building Bonds at a General Electiom te beheld in and for said City on the 1st day of December, 1959. TOTAL VOTES CAST which And we, such Clerk, Deputy, s~ud Inspectors, do make the foregoing as our return to you of the results of such Referendum Election, and we de declare the above and foregoing to be the result of such Referendum ~ection. Inspector Inspector Luspec~or