Chris Montague, Chair Craig Clark, Library Director
John Welter, Vice Chair Jeannie Taylor, Division Head Librarian
Deborah Hoban
Chris Simon
Alice Warren
Dr. Hayden-Adeyemo
Robyn Boucard, Alternate
Dr. Bethanie Gorny, Alternate
Tracy Tebo
I. Call to Order—Chris Montague
Chair Montague called the meeting to order at 6:03 p.m.
II. Approval of Minutes —January 24, 2018
The minutes were tabled to the next meeting.
III. Correspondence and Communications
Mr. Clark announced Board Member Bethanie Gorny contacted him indicating she could
not attend the meeting. Tracey Tebo was also out.
IV. Public Audience (Individual Speakers Will Be Limited to 3 Minute
Shanta Spence from FAU was present.
V. Chair's Report
Chair Montague commented a woman he met who loves the Library told him she wished
the Library was open. The Board had several discussions about the Library and he noted
the Library is not about the newest best seller and making sure the book is available to
patrons. The Library provides services to everyone and to the most vulnerable people
in society. He was concerned about the school shootings and what local youth would do
if the Library was not available. The Board had also had issues arise, but he was excited
Meeting Minutes
Library Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida February 28, 2018
about having a new full Board and wanted to ensure the time spent would result in getting
things accomplished.
VI. Unfinished Business:
Adult Reading Club
Jeannie Taylor, Division Head Librarian, explained there are 150 people enrolled in the
Adult Reading Club and staff will extend the program to the end of March. The
requirement is to read 10 books.
Dr. Hayden-Adeyemo asked if there could be a more interactive component to the Club
to include dialogue or exchanges about a book. It was noted the program was running
concurrently with the Palm Beach County Read Together program that includes a
discussion group. Dialogue was not a requirement with the Adult Reading Club.
Dr. Hayden-Adeyemo thought the program could be more and suggested encouraging
conversations about the book with different people similar to a book club. Ms. Warren
noted book clubs purchase several copies of a book and members discuss it. Mr. Clark
explained Great Decisions is a Library group that reads over a several month period. It
is a nation-wide program with different topics and books.
Dr. Hayden-Adeyemo thought the Library was the epicenter of the community. Moving
forward, the new Library should be more interactive and it segues into the Online High
Ms. Taylor agreed noting staff tries to ensure all Library components are reflected on
social media. Mr. Clark advised they will have expanded programs and the Library has
Wifi, but there are programming and staffing issues that will need to be discussed. He
agreed it was important to have different ways to reach people and social media and
email blasts could be used to alert the public to existing and new Library programs.
Mr. Clark noted the City hired a new marketing manager, Laura Lansburgh to handle the
City's marketing and website. Mr. Wexler asked if there was a person in charge of social
media. Mr. Clark explained staff sends email blasts; uses social media, Twitter and
Facebook. They may add Instagram in the future.
Career Online High School (CONS) Update
Chair Montague noted Ms. Taylor was on Facebook Live.
Jeannie Taylor, Division Head Librarian, explained the Library awarded a scholarship to
the online high school to a student last week and another scholarship interview will be
held February 29th. Three scholarships will remain. The program currently has six
students enrolled and four of the six completed over 50% of the program. Funding for
Meeting Minutes
Library Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida , 2018
next year, pending the Legislature, has $750,000 for the Online High School. If they fund
the full amount as they did last year, it would go to the Governor; however, he vetoed the
initiative last year. The Library is a member of SEFLIN, and they will write a LSTA Grant
for some of the Libraries that are a part of the program. Staff hoped next year there would
be funding. The program results in a student receiving a fully-accredited high school
diploma with a Career Certificate.
A short video to promote the program was viewed. Ms. Taylor announced the program
is available to individuals at last 19 years old. Information about the program is on the
Library Website or via email at cohs@Boyntonlibrary.org.
AmeriCorps Program Update
Mr. Clark advised the Library lost seven students from the AmeriCorps program, English
as a Second Language (ESOL), as they learned enough English to obtain a job.
Library Construction Update
Mr. Clark explained the Library is still looking at new temporary homes and financing and
the new Library still has to be approved by the City Commission before anything
proceeds. He understood financing was slated to be addressed at the Library at a special
meeting on March 13th. The tentative plan includes leasing space next to the post office
for the teen and children's services. It will be much smaller than the current location and
there are size restrictions, but staff felt strongly it was important to keep things moving for
youth and staff will be available to assist them. The remainder of services for adults and
most of the collections will likely be in a warehouse on High Ridge Road, south and on
the opposite side of the street from Fire Station No. 5. The temporary Library will not
have study/meeting rooms and will have a lower level of service. The space attached to
the post office for the youth and teen services only includes the top level.
Phase I, includes the Library being deconstructed and a new City Hall and Library
constructed. The projected date for closure of the Library may be April. The exact dates
were still uncertain as the City has not yet gotten that far and staff was still working on
proposals for moving services. Mr. Clark advised he would know more next month. Mr.
Clark advised employees would not lose their jobs and there should be enough staff to
cover both areas. Additionally, rental rates for a temporary facility would not be taken
from the Library budget. Mr. Simon thought with reduced foot traffic, the Library would
lose 60% to 70% of revenues.
Ms. Taylor commented staff will have to review the hours of operation, but expressed the
Library will close a little earlier than 8:30 p.m. and it may be possible the Library would be
open every day.
Mr. Clark explained the City is prepping the building next door. Mr. Simon asked if the
Library would get another staff member and if there had been an analysis of how the new
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Library Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida February 28, 2018
redevelopment would offset City construction costs. He also asked if any of the funds
were earmarked for the Library's budget. Ms. Warren asked if most libraries were open
six or seven days. Mr. Clark advised they are all different. The Delray Library is open on
Sundays during the school year and during the summer is closed on Sundays. The
County Library is open half days on Sunday. Mr. Clark was apprised in the future the City
Library may expand its hours.
Mr. Clark explained at one time, he worked for the St. Louis Library, which was the fourth
busiest branch. The Library was open four hours on Sunday and it was the busiest four
hours he ever worked. He was hoping to see that occur in Boynton and he apprised the
members Library hours has been under discussion.
Chair Montague asked if there was a relationship between the Library and the
Schoolhouse Children's Museum and its use in the community. He noted the Museum
and the Old High School are the only two buildings that are being preserved.
Discussion turned to High Ridge Road and whether the Library could use the Old High
School when it is finished for programming and the School House Children's Museum.
Mr. Clark explained the Museum is operated by the Boynton Cultural Center, which is a
501(c)(3). The City allows the non-profit to operate the Museum and has City
Management on the Board. The Women's Club was off limits as were other City buildings
that could be a temporary location for the Library.
Chair Montague queried how the space would be selected and learned it was being
handled by the construction team. Mr. Clark advised he liked the space. The proposed
location used to be a chocolate factory.
Chair Montague noted there are various aspects to the project and he was considering
requesting Mr. Groff to come to a meeting to advise what criteria they are using to find a
suitable space.
Dr. Hayden-Adeyemo understood Library staff was still seeking to have youth services
locally to cause less of a disruption and the adult section will be at High Ridge Road in a
Chair Montague stated he did not know the building was for lease; however, Mr. Clark
stated the leasing was beyond the Board's purview. Chair Montague liked the building
on Seacrest and High Ridge Road and was trying to understand the process.
Ms. Boucard asked how the information benefitted the Board if there is nothing they can
do. Chair Montague explained the Board can understand who is making the decision and
as a Board, they are solution makers. If a member has an idea and knows who is making
a decision, there may be able to have input and it was an opportunity to participate.
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Boynton Beach, Florida , 2018
There has been several months of conversations about the new Library and now the
Library is about to move. The Board keeps circling the same community of questions.
She understood the purpose of the Board and expressed when they receive information
they can be influential. Chair Montague explained the Board could review almost any
decision that is made. Mr. Clark clarified the Board is advisory to the Commission. Ms.
Boucard felt the Board could provide input what the members would like in the facility, but
they are spinning wheels when it comes to input about when construction would start, the
budget for it and the lease. It is not within the Board's realm to produce feedback until
pertinent information is obtained. Chair Montague noted he has been asking for months
about the constraints and what is occurring and now the Board is talking about moving in
a month. He reiterated the Board could request Mr. Groff attend a meeting or could attend
a City Commission meeting and ask as a Board member what is occurring. Mr. Clark
advised he reports to the Assistant City Manager for Administrative Services who was the
former Finance Director, Tim Howard.
VII. New Business:
New Borrowing Policy Recommendation
Mr. Clark announced a new borrowing policy was recommended for the Library based on
the Board's prior discussions to be more patron friendly. Dr. Hayden-Adeyemo noted the
County also changed their Library policy. The Boynton Library currently allows patrons
to borrow five new books for two weeks. The new policy will offer patrons a longer loan
period. Patrons can now borrow Blue-Rays and DVDs for seven days, instead of the
former five-day loan period, and up to 30 library items may be borrowed at one time
provided the item does not have a hold on it. Loan periods, renewals and overdue fines
varied by item and an unlimited number of holds can be placed on current library materials
and materials on order. This can be managed weekly based on the number of holds on
each item and staff can increase purchasing items if needed. The policy will assist staff
in determining patron levels of interest. Children with overdue materials can read off their
fines and the new loan periods pertain to youth materials as well. Overdue fines are
charged for each borrowed item for each overdue day including Sundays and holidays
since other customers have been denied access to these materials. Items returned in the
bookdrop, after business hours, are processed as returned the next business day.
(Dr. Hayden-Ademeyo left the meeting at 7:08 p.m.)
It was noted having longer loan periods may result in less fines accrued..
The Board discussed how robust the library email system was in terms of apprising
patrons that books they are interested in have been returned, letting patrons know when
the book is overdue and searches, and when new books are in. Mr. Wexler shared an
experience where his wife received a collection notice. Mr. Clark stated they pay the
collection agency $8.95 and the Library charges the patron $10.00. Mr. Wexler thought
the policy was a step in the right direction.
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Library Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, lrida February 28, 2018
Ms. Taylor explained before the notices are sent, staff conducts a search of the items in
the Library and sometimes it takes multiple searches as books are not put back in the
right place or they are behind other books. Ms. Hoban explained the point Mr. Wexler
made was well taken as the book was searched for and the time when he got the
collection notice, he was told the book was never found and there was no communication.
Ms. Taylor explained usually in this situation, they would renew the book so it would not
be overdue. If a patron advises they returned a book, staff usually extends the return date
for a few weeks while staff looks for the book. Mr. Clark thought there may have been a
miscommunication in Mr. Wexler's situation and it was further noted in Mr. Wexler's
situation, no collection fee was assessed. He also noted sometimes if a borrowed item
is returned without an identification tag, they will call the patron.
Mr. Simon asked if there was software on the administrative side that ties the book
identification number when checked out that could automatically send an email
notification of the due date and if a book was still out. He thought it would be beneficial.
He learned once the due date passes, a staff member will email a notice. Mr. Clark
explained the system does this, but they are currently looking at different software
systems. Mr. Simon asked if the patrons account is noted when situations occur and
learned the account is noted. He commented businesses use the same marketing tactic
because it is successful.
Ms. Taylor commented staff was reviewing an RFID inventory tool. In the future, it would
fix the problem. There would be an automated book return. Mr. Wexler stated that the
Wendell Library has a great system. It has a grace period, and it notifies the patron when
the material is late.
Ms. Boucard moved to accept the revised borrowing policy. Ms. Warren seconded the
motion that unanimously passed.
VIII. Library Director's Report/Statistics
Monthly Report for January 2018
News/Media Coverage
The members reviewed the report/statistics. Ms. Boucard asked for clarification on some
of the monthly reports and noted there was a decrease in usage. Mr. Clark explained
when the economy is good, libraries typically have less usage during those times. When
a recession hits, usage increases. He noted the members had previously discussed this
and further commented the Library's buying power was diminished because of the cost
of new items and other reasons. The Library did receive an additional $10,000 this year
in its book budget and was using it to pay off database costs. The Library must be careful
how many books they take to the new location because staff needs to ensure the books
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Boynton Beach, Florida February 2 , 2018
fit on the shelves. Books need to be replaced, but not with two books as the Library uses
an in and out system. When moving into a smaller space it is important not to grow the
Library's collection. Right now staff is weeding out books to reduce the collection size
and books could be donated to The Friends of the Library. It was important staff knows
its user preferences and the circulation. Ms. Warren also noted the figures were from
after Christmas, so youth were not running to the Library.
Mr. Clark mentioned there was confusion about the election of Advisory Board Officers.
Mr. Clark explained a new Chair and Vice Chair are elected every January and it was
the responsibility of the Board members to read the by-laws, which specify when
elections are to be held. If there are enough people to hold a meeting, there are enough
to hold a vote. Mr. Clark advised the Board elections could not be delayed because a
Board member could not be present for the meeting.
IX. Announcements
Next Library Board Meeting — March 28, 2018 @ 6 p.m.
Chair Montague announced the date of the next meeting.
X. Adjournment
There being no further business to discuss, there consensus to adjourn. The meeting
was adjourned at 7:39 p.m.
Catherine Cherry
Minutes Specialist