FLORIDA, NOVE~BER !ath, 1959.
James J. ~ahoney, ~ayor
J. B. Bang. an, Vica-~ayor
~artin Durkin
Harvey Oyer
~Valter ~adsen
Tereesa Padgett, City Clerk
Jack Tn!ts, Fire Chief
Raymond Senkpiel, Chief of
Polic e
Di~ck Grobtenboer, Supt. of
Public Works
Carl Stone, Supt. of Water
The meeting was called to order at V:~O P.N. The Rev.
James Roy of the First Nethodist Church, Boynton Beach, gave the
Minutes of the last regular meeting held November ~nd were
read and unanimously approved with no corrections.
~h~i~gythe public half hour, I~r. Paul Startzman, Chairman
of the Advisory Board, asked if he could come forward and address
the Council. }~r. Startzman asked a series of questions, directed
at the Council me~£o~rs and the department heads present in the
room concerning his actions i~ connection with their duties in
their various departments, in order to refute certain allegations
made against him in the November l~th issue of the Boynton Press
by Dr. Charles Akes and ~r. John Archie, dealing with his actions
as a private citizen and with his relations with the Counci~o
From the questions asked and the answers given, ~r. Startzman
stated that it was apparent that no malfeasance, misfeasance,
or nonfeasance, as inferred in the article exists.
One bid was opened from Har!ey~Davidson Company for a motor-
cycle for the Police Department~ in the amount of ~B!8.95, to
include bags for the patrolman to carry his raingear, etco
~!r. ~adsen moved that the bid be awarded to the Harley-Davidson
Company in the amount of ~Bi8.95. 5'~r. Baug!o~aan seconded the
motion which passed unan~aously.
A letter from Poroo Construction Company was read requesting
permission to install temporary septic taD_ks in the following
locations in Roiling Green Ridge, First Addition: Lot 1~ - Blk 5~,
i~ i$ - Blk S5, Lot 1~ Blk ~5. ~r. Nadsen moved that time re-
quest be granted. ~r. Baug=hman seconded the motion which passed
nnanimously. -
A letter was road from the Junior Woman's Club of Boynton
Beach thanking the Council for letting th~n participate in the
rogistration of voter~,
A letter was~2read from 6he Boynton Beach Junior ='
· ~gh School
asking the City to Sponsor a ~150.~0 class in their end Annual
Boynton Beach Horse Show. Mr. Nadsen moved that the request be
granted and that the fund be expended from ~ = ' '
~hv Publmcmty ~nd.
~r. ~r seconded the motion which oassed unanimously.
The ~ayor read a letter from the Attorney General in answer
to an inquiry by the Cit? Attorney for a ruling on reb~irement
~l~ in the City Charter deal~ing ~ith referendum vote~o As ruled
~n tb~ letter, t~s Upcoming items on referendum vote December ~st,
1989, would requmre ~0~ plus one vote of all the freeholders a~d
then will require a ~0~ plus one of those votihg to approv& it~
~r. Baughman suggested that the requirements should be roleased
to the p~blic in a press release to the newspapers in order that
all the people will be informed.
A discussion was held on procedure to be fo!tov~d at the
polls for the primary election to be held November 17th~ 19~9,
as regards checkors, sound trucks, and other types of election-
eering, ~. Baug~man moved that the same procedure be followed
as was followed in prior years, that is, no one, including the
checkers, be allowod within ~00 feet of the polls and thst the
shuffle Board Court facilities be closod for that day. However,
each candidate may have a checker at the opening of the po~ls
and the closing. ~,[r. ~ads®n seconded the motion which passed
tippee to two. ~[r. 0yet and ~[r. Durkin vo~ing no. Mr. Durkin
requestod that tho record sho~ that he voted no for the motion as
he felt that the candidates should be entitled to have a checker
near the polls.
After discussion, ~gr. Baughman moved that the paper ballots
to be used in the referend-~n voting be printed in black and white
and that all four referendums appear on one ballot. Mr. Madsen
seconded the motion which passed unanimously.
Rocom~endations from a joint Zoning Board and Planning Board
meeting held on November 4th were read. The recommendations
were as follows: That the So~th 78' of Lots 1~0 an8 !31 Ridgewood
Hills, Boynton Beach, PaLm Beach County, be rezoned Co~J~.~.orcial
for an eye clinic; that the application for rezoning to commercial
for Lots 8~, 88, 89 and 90 in Ridgewood Hills Subdivision and
Lots !~7 and I~8 in Ridgewood Subdivision be denied. Mr. Durkin
movod that the recommendations be adopted. Mr. Baughman seconded
th~ motion which passed unanimously.
Five license applications were approved by a unanimous vote
of the Council. They are as follows: Slimerama~ 719 S. Federal,
Washerama, 717 S. Federal, Beaut~ Salon, 7~I S. Federal, Fabric
Shop, N. E. 10th a~d Federal, and a service station, 1408 No
The City Clerk requested three additional inspectors be
appointed to serve on December 1st, general election. Mr. Oyer
requested that DTrs. Kay Birkhead be appointed. ~r. ~adsen rs-
quested that ~rs. Geo. ~cCo~mack and Mrs. Walter Taylor be ap-
pointed, together ~th those serving in the November 17th
Primary. No other nominations were made by the Councilmen.
Mr. Madsen moved that the following persons be appointed to serve
as election officials in the December 1st General Election:
Clerk, Mrs. Joseph Brull, Deputy, Gene Mahlmeister, Inspectors,
5&rs. ~¥m. Daly, ~rs. Mildred Hallier, Mrs. Clifford Rich,
~s. Sam Adsms, Sr., Mrs. Arthur Hartw~g, Mrs. Harry LeFort,
Mrs. William Whittaker, Mr. Tom. Dwyer, ~rSo Kay Birkhead,
~s. Geo. EcCor~ack, and Mrs . Walter Taylor. u~,~_. Baug~hman se-
conded the motion %~£nich passed four to one, Mr. Durkin voting no.
The Tax Coliscto~,s report for the ~onth of October was read.
Er. Oyer moved that the Supt. of Public Works prepare specifi-
cations for the necessary furniture and fixtures required in the
Colored Recreation Center and that they be adveroised for bids by
the City Clerk, individually in order that the Council will have
the right to accept or reject any bid. Mr. Baug~an seconded the
motion which passed unanimously.
The Chief of Police requested permission from the Co~cii to
release Robert Lee Thompson, a prisoner serving time in the local
jail, to the Delray Beach Police Department~ in order that they
may perfer charges on him. Mr. Madsen moved that permission to
release the prisoner to the Delray Beach Police Department be
granted. Mr. Baugb~an seconded the motion which passed unanimously.
The Police Department monthly report was read.
The Fire Department monthly report was read.
The Department of Public Vorks Report was read. Mr. Grootenboer
advissd the Council of a product known as Cement Enamel, which in
his opinion, would serve well on the walls of the Casino bath
house at a savings to the City. Mr. Oyer moved that the Supt. of
Public Works be authorized to draw up specifications and advertise
for the necessary painting of the Casino with the cement enamel.
~. Madsen seconded the motion which passed unanimously.
~r. ~tone, Supt. of the Water Department, presented the
Council with a list of service fittings required by his department
for the coming year, stating that these would be ordered in two
shipments. After discussion, ~r. Baugb_man moved that the City
Clerk be authorized to advertise for bids as per the list sub-
mitred by ~r. Stone, specifying in the advertisement that the
Co~ancil reserves the right to accept or reject any p~t o~ all
at the time of the opening of the bids. 5{r. Madsen seconded
the motion w~nich passed unanimously.
There being no ~r~her business
at 9:25
the meeting was adjourned