James J. Nahoney, Mayer
J. B. Baughmam, Vice-Nayer
Eartim Durkim
Harvey Oyer
Walter Madsem
Tereesa Padgett, City Clerk
Remald Fruda, City Attorney
Raymond Semkpiel, Chief of Police
Jack Taite, Fire Chief
Dirck Grootenboer, Supt. of Public Works.
~e meeting was called to order at 7:40 P.M.
Rev. Keith Love, pas~or of the First Presbyterian Church of Boynten
Beach, gave the invocation.
Minutes of regular meeting held October 5th were read. ~r. Oyer asked
that they be corrected to the effect that im regard to tentative approval
for lot lay-omt only for Golf View Harb.ur ~abdiviaion that he was assured
that there was right of way in the proposed plat to the City property south of the
proposed smb~ivision. With this correction, the minutes were unanimously
approved as read.
Niuutes of Special meeting of October 12th were read and unanimously
approved with me corrections.
Two bids were opened and read for rep~r~ on the Showers and Toilets at
the Boynton Beach Casino~ one in the amount of $6,220. and the ether in the
amount ef $5,959. Nr. Madsem m~ved that these bids be rejected as they were
in excess of the amount allotted for improvements to the Casino and that
~ir. Groetenbeer be instrmcted to reappraise the repairs that are essential
and submit costs estimates at the next meeting. ~Ir. Baughman seconded the
motion which passed unanimously.
Tw~ bids were opened on insmrance in the amount of $173,500.00 full
value for the Sewage Treatment and Lif~ Station Facilities. Mr. Baugbma~
m~ved that the bid be awarded te the low bidder, Walter Dutch, L~ the amount
ef $272~&8 for the first year, $2~5o2~ for the next four years, totaling
$1,253o4~ for the five year period, on a tentative basis subject to review
when the per~nant rating is set. Er. Nadsen seconded the motion ~hich
passed una~ momsly.
A letter was read fr~m Nfs. Walter Whittaker, Corresponding Secretary
of the Junior ~man' s Clmb ef Boymton Beach, reqmesting that the registration
books be kept .pem two nights a w~ek and volunteering their services to help
~ the project. I~rs. Walter Hanson, President of the organization, read the
following names as willing to serve as registration officials: Mrs. Duane
Yinger, Nfs. Harold Blanchette, Mrs. George Tribble, Mrs. Norris Saltsmau,
Mrs. Walter ~hittaker, Mrs. William ~hlleb, Mrs. Joh~ Rogers~ Mrs. Nalter
Nansen and Mrs. Nation Weens. Mr. 0urkin moved that the Junior ~omens Clmb
be called upon by the City Clerk, if necessary, for registration ef voters
and that the City Hall remain open on the 29th of October in addition to the
nights already scheduled. Mr. Oyer seconded the motion which passed ~animomsly.
Mr~ Durkin further moved that the persons whose names were submit%ed by
Mrs. Hansen be. sworn in as registration officials om the basis that they are
registered voters of Boymtom Beach. Mr. Oyer seconded the m~tion which passed
A letter was read from Carl R. Warner of Consolidated Development Corp.
enclosing a check for $280.00 to cover a portion of the installation of street
lights on Chapel Hill Blvd~
A letter was read from the Recreation Beard recommending the employment
of a Recreation Director for the City. ~m co~ection with this, Er. Bamghmam
move~ that the Recreation Beard he notified that the Co~ucil request them
to investigate a~d report te Council ~ the qualifications of a director,
the duties he weald perform for the City ~ith the recreation program as it is
set mp Mw, suggesting that they contact the Recreation Directors of smrro~d-
i~g cities for help in their study. ~r. Madsen secende~ ~he motion which
passed unanimously.
A letter was read from the B~ymten Beach Chamber of Commerce advising
the Council that they were declining the offer of $1500 from the City to
u~derwrite expenses for the amm~al Be~mt~n Beach Fishing Tournament. The
Hayer stated that the newspapers had carried the announcement that the
Fishing Tournament wo~_ld be ¢~rried on and commended the Chamber of Commerce
on their action.
A written request from C~rr~ll Builders, ~Lu¢., for the installation of
a t~m~rary septic ta~k i~ R~lling Green Ridge 1st Addition was read.
~r. Madsem m~ved that the request be granted. Hr. Oyer seconded the motion
which passed unam~usly.
Ordinance #59-9 ~ending Ordinance #205 amd creating new zor~_ug was
passed om second amd final reading by a una~fm~us vote of the Council.
Ordinances #59-1&, #59-15, #59-16 and #59-17, providing for the submission
to the freeholder voters of the City the questions of issuing municipal building
bonds at the general election to be held on December 1, 1959, for a Public
Library, a Colored Swimming Pool, a ~T~ite Swimming Pool, and a Reareation
Center, respectively, were passed on first readimE to a second reading hy
a unanimous vote of the Council.
The Mayor announced a Special Meeting of the Council to be held o~
October 3Otb at 7:30 P.N~ for the purpose of,having a second reading of the
above proposed ordinances on issuing bonds.
A letter was read from the Supt. of Public Works regarding the letting
of a hid on painting the words "Boy,ton Beach" on the Water Tank. Lu accordance
~ith his recommendation, Er. Baughman moved that the bid be awarded to the iow
bidder, Sea ~$re Plastics of Boca Raton, Florida, in the amount of $260,00o
Hr. Nadsem seconded the motion which passed unanimously.
A license request for beer to take out only for 1099 N. Seacrest Blvd.
was broug~ht to the attention of Co~acil. Iu view of previous policy of denial
of licenses to sell beer in gas stations, Mr, Oyer moved that the request
be denied; Nr. Durkin seconded the motion which passed unanimously.
2he monthly reper~sof the Police Department, the Fire Department,
the Department of Pabllc Works were read.
~ere beimg no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:35 P.M.
City Clerk