Minutes 09-28-59PRESENT:
James J~ ~ahoney~ Mayor
J. B. Baughm~m, Vice-Nayor
~galt er Madsen
Martin D~rki~
Harvey Oyer
Ronali ~rm4a~ City Attorney
Terees~ Padgett, City Clerk
Raymond Senkpiel, ~ief of Police
Direk Greotenbeer, S~pt. of Public ~orks.
The meeting was called to order at 7:35 P.~.
Two bids for insurance on the sewer system were opened. They were as
fellows: W~lter D~teh Eealty and Insurance, $268.80 1st yr., $2~1.92 each
year thereafter; Seacrest Realty amd Insurance, $266,50 1st yr., $239.85
each~ year thereafter. It was determined that these bids were tentative and
positive bi~s wo~ld have to await a r~ by the Jaokso~v~]le P~ti~g Bureau.
Therefore, ~r. Durkin moved that the bids be rejected an~ that bhe insurance
coverage be readvertised according te the specifications o~tlined by ~ssell
and ~n in th$ir second letter of recommendation a~d that the bids received
as a result of the new advertising be opened at the regular meeting of
October 19th. I~r. N~s~a seconRed the motion which passed unanimously.
Ten bids were opened and read ena well a~d tank at the new
Nr. D~rkin moved that they be referred to the Supt. of Public Works ~ check
the specifications for conformity and submit a recommendation to the C~m~cil
at the next re~xlar meeting. The motion was seconded by Mr. Nadsen and
passed unanimously.
Ordinance #59-12 sebring mpa b~dget and millage for 1959-60 fiscal year
~as rea~ for second and final reading. Mr. Ba~ghmam moved that the ordinance
be a~pr~ved on second amd f~nal reading. Mr. Nadsen seconded the motion which
passed~ Unanimously. ~r. Baughman fmrBher moved that the 1959-60 ~udget be
published in full in the Boynton Beach News. Mr. Madsen seconded this motion
which passed ~nan~mously.
Ordinance ~59-13, amending OrdS_~ance ~205 and creating new zoning, was
read fe~ second and final reading, ~r. Oyer moved that it be passed on its
second and final reading. ~r. Eadsen seconded the motion ~ich passed unani-
Ordinance #59-9, ~mending Ordinance #2~5 and creating new zoning, was
read f~r first reading. Mr. Madsen moved that it be passed to second reading.
~r. Baughmau seconded the motion which passed ~nanimously.
A letter was read from the Boy~ton Beach Junior Chamber of Commerce asking
pe~m~ission to speak to the Council te discuss their project for Pence Park.
Mr. Jack C~ll, representing the Jr. Chamber of Commerce, spoke to the Co~u~cil
from the audience. He was informed that expenditures of any large smount of
money w~uld await the Dec,her referendum results of the voters and the various
projects on referendum determined as t~ location° l~r. Eadsen end F~. Grootenboer~
however~ would improve the Park as soon as possible so it can be used for
sports at a minimum of co st at this time.
A letter was read from ?fi~e Supt of the Water Department and from the
Supt. ef Public ~rks stating that the streets and water im Fern Ridge
Subdivision had been approved by their departments. Mr. Durkin moved that
Fern ILidge Subdivision be given final approval. Mr. Madsen seconded the
motion which passe~ ~mous!y.
~ir. D~rkin further reeved that the Mayor be amthorized to sign the final
plat ef Fern Ridge Subdivision. Mr. Madsem seconded the motion which passed
~a~ meusly.
A letter was read from the Planning Beard regarding tentative approval
of plat known as G~lf View Harbour, s~bmitted by Mr. Carl ~farmer of Consolidated
Develepmemt Corporation. The Planning Board recommended that: The area from
the Lake ~orth Drainage District Canal E-A be approved for layout; that the
· East-West Canal have b~i~e crossings suitable for outboar~ beat navzgatlon
and that culverts WOLd·be satisfactory on the South carnal-.~ , that zemzmg' be
residential, m~im~m 1200 square fee~.; that the approximately twelve aero
triangulation between the Seaboard .Railroad ~ E-t .~al l~abeled Parcel A
be held open f~r f~ture m~ning, ~ith the imteut that appreximately severn
acres weuld mltimately he, ~sed for a neighborhood shopping area, small beat
marina and o~her recreatisnal facilitieS; ~he r~maJmimg five acre~ ~e dedicated
to the City for park purposes without reverter clauses, a master layout ef
-Parcel Ate ~e apDrove~ by the Beard and the C~ty CounCil.
Mr. Warmer of Consolidated Development Cer~. ~resemted the Ce~¢il
the p~t ~d agreed to these re~emdatio~. He al~ agreed %0 pay for the
e~entiem ~f ~. W~ 23~ Ave,, f~m Seacres$ Blvd, we~d ~ it's ~es~t
~e~s ~f ~ ~ea~, im o~er t~t %~ ~isie~ ~ be ~re~irectly
accessib~,, ~ .~ i~ffiC~ ~ m~t. ~ ~ave~ ~ f!~, th~ ~et ~ ~e
P,~,. A ~t~ ~h t~e ~er of Ce~de ~d be hel~ em the s~e date
at 1.00
to be placed$~ 0~e.~eaeh~ im City Ha~ second fleer, Ca~, ar~ the Shuffle Board
Court. ~L~. N~dsem SecOnded the m~tiem w~ich passed muanimously.
A letter was rea~ fr~m the developers ef Las Pa]mae Park ask~=~ the return
ef $1~000 ef the l~md placed to guaramtes reads amd fill. ~r. cve~ moved
that the refm~d of $1,000 to ~as Palmas Park be authorime~, fro~°'~e money
held by the Cigy as ~a g~aramtee for roads and fill. Mr, N~dsem seconded the
motion which passe~ unanimously.
A request from the Parents Teachers Asso¢iatien f~r the use of the Council
Chambers for a meeting o~ October 20th f~m 9 ~J~ to I2AM was granted by a
unanimous vote~
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 9:30 P.M.
~iiy Clerk