Minutes 09-21-59I~ii~J~ OF ~GU]k~&R ~TING OF CiT~_ CO~U~CIL OF BOYNTON
Jaz~s J~ Mahoney~ M~yor
Jo B. Baughman, Vice-Mayor
Y~rtin E~ ~rkiu
F~ey 0yet
Walter ~dsen
Ronald Fruda~ City Attorney
Tereesa Padget% City Clerk
Jack i~ait% Fire ~nief
Raymond Senk~uiel, Chief of Police
Dirck Grootenboer~ Supt. of Public Works
The meeting w~s ca'_led to order at 7:35 P~ M.
The Rev. B_~ace Powell of St. Joseph~s Episcopal Church~ Boynton Beach,
gave the invocation.
Minutes of regular meeting held September 8~h ~re read and unanimously
ap~uroved with no corrections°
Minutes of Specis~ Meeting of September 9th were read. i~. Durkin asked
~nat the record be checked to ascertain whether he or M~o Oyer ~de the motion
regarding the ~10~000 for the Chamber of Cmmmerce, and moved tb~t t~he m~_~.tes
be approved as corrected. ~. 0yet seconded the motion ~[~ich passed unanimously.
MC~,~tes of Special ~etir~g of September ]Y+th were read and u_uanimons!y
approved with no correotio~ns ~
~r~ug the ~olic ~lf ho~ ~. 0~yer announced a meeting to b~ held
September 22nd iu the City Hal! to oresent ~ne fac~ty of the local schools to
the public°
~ir. A. E. P~hillips euestioned +2ae Oo~uaci! on the entrance street to Gordon
Park Subdivision~ sta~_ng t~hat it was not the re,mired 50 f~em in ~abh. ~ne
Mayor ~ormed h~m t~t he had checked into this and f~s_ud the entrance street
~ question not to be a part of Gordon Park~ but a street formerly accepted by
the City and has no bearing on this su-miivision.
At the suggestion of the !~yor, iZir. Oyer moved ~nat a resolution be dr~*n
up thar~ing Dr~ N~ M. Weems~ Sro~ for ~ahe donation of plants mo the City for
beautification purposes. M~. M~dsen seconded the motion ~Ynich passed uuanimously.
~ns Mgyor th~uked Scob~e Amfout~acs Sez~ice for the donation of an emergency
o~ygen ur~it to be used on tJae first floor of City ~ll,
Charles Boos asked about a letter he had written vo the Council and
ir~ormed that it would be read later in the meeting.
letter wa~s read from Chapel Hi/2 - -~fiission ~4,?, Asss. tD~m~k~--ug the
Co~ncil for the installation o£ the pe~.nent street markers in their section.
~ letter '~as read from Aut~mr Herder~ Sr.~ suggestd~ a F~0iic park ares
be made off Uo S. #1 near the Boynton Boat O&ubo
A letter ~.s read from P~asseil and ~xon concer~ the financial aspects
of operation of the se~ge trea~ent plan% ~--u which an estSanated mJ_ui~mm
operational cost of ~l~O00 per month ~as given. The letter gave a breakdo~,~m
of the existing homes, homes ~muder constr~ction and homes occupied, suggesting
t~at a majority of the necessary 285 homes, needed to ~pport th~ operation
of the plant~ should be comuitted to b~vers before the sewage plant is placed
in operation. ~. W. C. Collins, from +~he a~ience socks to the Counc~_l in
favor of F~tting the sewer plant into operation. No.action was required by
t~he letter.
A letter from the Boynton Beach Junior Cb~mber of Oonmerce ~s read.
M~ Gene Moor% in behalf of the Junior Chm~osr of Commerce~ presented +~he
Co-~ueil ~2tdm their pta_us for the improvement of Pence Park. The Council
informed M~Vo Moore that they wo~fld take it under advisement and meet ~rith ~
and any others desiri~ a hearing on i% on Wedmesday afternoon Septet. bet 2~rd
at approxLmately 2:00 PiM.
~e City Clerk brought to the attention of the Co-~acil a reques~ for re-
bate of a ~ax bill for the amour..,t of $,52.50 which represents homestead e×emp-
tion for the year 1958~ po~tJ-ug out to tZae Council that t~he County Tax Assess-
or~s off&ce brad received the exemotion b~t t&e City had not been notified of
it. M~. ~°~.ug?m~m mca~ed t_hat the ~ouncil authorize the rebate to 1,~o and
Nicholas H. Olsen ~a the s~mozuaz cf ~52~50. ~ ~zer seconded tb~ motion which
A letter reo£~esting a tax rez~md ~ the mm~dnt of ~36.65 by i~ J, L. l~ann
for property lyir,~ ~cest of Us So High~ray fF2, ~ms read. i~L~, ~er moved that
~ Damn be credited for the overpayment of tb~ 1955 taxes,, tlmu± the property
ovn~ers of record be back-assessed~ and tb~at the 1959 tax roll be corrected.
i,~ i,~dsen seconded the motion wb~i~Jh passed unanimously.
A petition for the c!ea~ing of pz~operty on the north side of 20th Ooz~t
S. E. was read. ~% ~dsen moved tlaat the ~tter ~ ~ned ~er to ~,~. ~ghes
of the Sanitation Detriment to ~ke an inspection and~ if found necessa~/~ +~s
City 6~e~E be authorized to ~ite a letter to the >roperty o~ers ask~g ~e
lot be cleared~ M~ ~ugD~m seconded +~e motion which passed ~.~ousiy~
~ letter ~e.s read fr~ Howell L. Watkins~ Cozmty S
n:~ .. cf ~ablic Inst~action~
~a ans~,~r to a ~e ~.er ~mz~en to him by
~eg~z~ the ar~ue~.~ion
of o-~ pro~rty on which Seacres~ Hmgh School ms located by the City cf De~ay
A letter was read from Palm Beach Co~maty regarding Conveyance to the City
of proposed Wilson Road right-of~.,~y enclosing a deed to the right-of-way°
Mr. Baugbm~.n moved that the City Attorney be a'~.thorized to record the deed.
P~. i~dsen seconded the motion which ~seed ~m~mimouslyo
A letter from C,~!es E. Boos~ of oeac~est Realty arD. insurance Cm~:an~
was read. The letter ~s accompanied by a check for (~13i.64 ~nich was a ~e_,~md
o the C~y on an mnsnrance
- -- z-sgard=ng re~rsgzszrazzon of the voters of the C~-
read for~ second and fi~t resdin-~_ s t~~. i~dsen m~ed the o_~nanc~ ~ be ~assed
on fim~i reading. Pk=. ~ugb~man seconded the motion -~ = ~
P~sco~wuendations on re-zonir~g from f~e Zoning Bdard were read. They ~re
as follo~zs: T~t a~lication for re-zoning to light L~ust~i~ for Lots 12~
~ ~ ~ock E~ Eatha~ay P~k~ be approved~ t~t application for re-zonzng
to ~tip!e dwe~ for Lots ~20 s~d ~ Fra~ Webber Addition~ be denied.
~ ~n moved t~t the Co~c~ accept the report of the Zo~ B~ and
cor~i~ the ~eoo~endations~ and t~t an ordnance ~ ~a~n on ~e lots
the api~roved application. ~ M~dsen seconded the moti~ ~,Xmich passed
The !~¢or brought to the attention of the Ccr~ncil a request by the
developers of Gordon Park that constz~s~ction be a~owed to begin in thet su~
di~sion ~fore fi~ approv~ of the p~t~ w~ch is in the ~process of being
~a~ The M~yor ~ther ~o~ed the C~c~ ~t the develo~r ~d advised
a check to the City to ass~e completi~ of the streets and v~ter lines
~ M~dsen mo~d t~t the .Co~mo~ a~ow const~ction to be started. M~. BaSh-
an seconded t~ motion ~mich passed
~o letters were read from Supto of ¢~ater Dep~.rtment, and from the SUpt.
of the Streev De~rartment~ ackno~!ed~h~eir acceots~ace of ~he ~ver system
and the ~treets in Glen ~bor ~2 ~ivision~ M~. ~u~ moved that f~
appr~al be ~ ~ ~ ~
o~anvea ~o Glen J~bor ~2. M~. ~/er seconded the motion wDgch
B_~.,~.u,_~w,~.~ moved tb~t the I~,~yor be authorized to sign the fi_ual plat
on Glen Arbor #2~ ~lr~ Madsen seconded the motion wz~c_· ' ~ passed
moved that the City Clerk be authorized to advertise for bids
on fYr~e Colored Rear,orion Center. ~. ~u~n seconded the
Following a discuss ien on insurance for the vzty nsll~ M~-. Bs2ag~ moved
that-,the Council not re-advertise_or-? bids~ in as ~h as ~he ~esent policy
was a~ded on a five-year ren~ml pian~ F~ 3~dsen seceded the motion
zo~ ~o one~ M_-. 0yet vot~
A license resuest. ~o. ~ '~ a Beauty Shop to be .~uo~.~ as Ar~u:s Beauty Shop~
616 No Federal High~my~ was presented to the Co~_ucil. t~o Oyer moved that
request be granted$ l~. i&~dssn secc~uded the mozion wD~ich passed unan~mc~sly.
The montb~!y~ ..... ~o~ ~ of the Adm~-istration Department was read.
A letter was read from the Chief of Police recommendi~g the dis ~zissal of
Captain Jules Ac Kl~uger as a member of the Police Depar+~aent. ~. Baughman
moved that the Council rescind the action taken at the meetJnag September
to ~the effect t?~t Ju!ss Eling~z'be given a public hearing. I'~o 3fadsen
seconded the motion ~ich passed three to two~ ~lr. 0yer and ~o D~kin voting no.
M~, ~ugDz~n~ ~'~aer moved t~%~t the Co,mci! abolish the office of Police
Ca~0ain as ~uthorized uJ~der Section 23 of the Charter of t~ae City of
Beach. Mr. l,~dsen seconded the motion which passed t~ee to two~ MJ~. 0yet and
i@, ~-~k~-u voting nc.
~L~. I.~dsen moved that J~lss Klinger be dismissed from the Police Dep~tm~ent
upon td~e recommendatimu of the Chief of Police ar~ upon the office being
abo~s.~ed. ~ Ba~3~b~n seconded the motion ~ich passed tb~ee to two~ ~@, Oyer
and ~. ~rk~ vot~ug no,
T~ monthly report of the Police Department was read,
3~0nt~ly report of t~he Fire Department. was read. Mro Tuite asked the
C~mac~.-1 for a ~ling on whether or not to answer and ~vestigate any and a~
ca~s co~ from the south City ~ts arid the tr~ar area ~gnich has
been fo~d to be wi~u ~e City ]~.ts, He was instructed to ~swer a~ and
~ ~s to ~t
~ne Supt, o~ ~mblmc Works read the mont~hly report of hie de~rtment,
P~sp~ctive to several recfxest therein~ he was asked to n~ke e recap of them
and oresent them to the Co~uucil on ~e~tnesday~ oeptem0~r 23rd,
There being no z~urther business the meeting was adjourned at 10:30