James J. l~ahoney, Eayor
J. B. Ba~ghmam, Vice-Mayer
Walter M~dsem
Harvey Oyer
Martin D~rkin
Ronald Fruda~ City Attorney
Tereesa Pad,eft, City Clerk
Raymond Senkpiel, Chief of Police
Jack Tuite, Fire Chief
The meeting was called to erder at 7:35 P.~
The Mayor intredmced Er. A1 C. Avery, President of the Seacrest Boosters
Club who talked on support of the athletic activities of Seacrest High School
and the proplems involved in maintaining the athletic program. He asked the
Council amd the citizens present to do everything possible to further this pro-
gram. Pursuant to this request, Er. Durkim moved that the City Clerk be in-
strmcted to draft a resolution to be signed by the Mayor endorsing the sports
activities ef Seacrest High School aud asking the citizens of Boynton Beach give
their support, requesting that copies be sent te the Boosters Club ~nd te the
newspapers in this area° Nr. Oyer seconded the motion which passed ~nandmously.
A discassien followed regarding the City of Delray Beach's published intention
of ar~eming t~e property on which the school is located. Er. Oyer moved that
a letter he written t~ the County School Board advising them that the Co~ucil
has gone on record as firmly opposing the proposed annexation and that copies be
sent tO the senators and representatives for this district ~ud the City of Delray
Beach ~d the City of Booa .Eaton. N~r. Eadsen seconded the motion which passed
Ordinance #~59-12, ~roviding a budget, setting forth items of general expense
and of bend and interest requirements upon the indebtedness of the City and fixing
a tax ra~e for the fiscal year beginning November l, 1959 and ending October 31,
1960, was read for first reading. ~ N~dsen moved that the ordinance be passed
on first reading ~o a second reading. Mr. Baughman seconded the motion which
passed unanimously.
The Nayor read a letter from Bateman and Jeffries, auditors, in which it was
confirmed that the assessment of $53,87?.5? for the debt service ef the fiscal
year 1959-60 will be sufficient to meet the requirements of the 19~6 and 19~9
bond indentures. Er. Oyer moved that the letter from Batems~ and Jeffries be
inscribed in the minutes. Er. Durkin seconded the motion which passed auanimously.
(Copy of this letter attached hereto.)
Ordinance #59-13, amending Ordinance ~205 and creating new zoning, was read
for first reading. Er. Oyer moved that it be passed on first reading to second
reading. Er. Eadsen seconded the motion which passed unanimously.
A~ occupational license for a retail furniture ~ore te be located at 727
So. Federal Highway, By Darmy A. and Verne C. Bernstein was granted by a unanimous
vote of the Council.
A second' ocoapational license for a dance studio, to be located at ll05 N.
Federal Highway, hy Homer Babb, was granted by a unanimous vote.
A letter from Howard W. Riley, Jr. requesting permissionfor the installation
of temporary septic tsnks at four locations in Rolling Green E~,'~'dge 1st Addition.
Mr. Oyer moved that the request be granted. Er. Eadsen sesonded t~e motion which
passed u~a~imously.
A letter from James G. Brown of the Palm Beach Ceunty Nealth Department was
read in which it was reco~ended that no building permits be issued in new subdivi-
sions ~ntil such time as the water mains are cleared by his department. Er. Baughman
moved that- th~ reco~endation be accepted a~d that no b~li 1 ding permits be is~ued~
if water is te be used during construction, until the water lines ef the subdi~ision
have been given final approval. Er. Eadsen seconded the motion which passed four
to one~ Er. O~Br voting no. It was decided that a letter stating this new r~liug
be sent to new sab~ividers~a~ewater clearaaee is pending. It was brought to the
attention of the Co-uncil by Er. Jerry L~maa, present in the audience, that in
cert.~m types of construction water W~s not used during construction. To further
clarify the Council's ruling, Er. Oyer moved that contractors be gra~ted a build-
ing permit before final approval of the water mains ~rovlded that he definitely
will not use any water located within a subdivision mntit approval has come from
the State Board of Health for the nee of the water within that subdivision.
Er. Nadsen seconded the motion which passed ~aEimoasly.
A letter from the Little River Bask a~d Tr~st Company of Miami was read.
Contained in this letter was a request for the release of $150,000.00 U. S.
Treasury 2½% Bonds, 8/15/63 by signing an enclosed receipt issued by the First
National Bank of Miami. Er. Oyer moved that the Mayor be authorized to sign the
release. Er. Durkin seconded the motion which passed unanimously.
A recommendation, as requested fr~m Ny. Nadsen and l~r. Grootenboer, on the
awarding of a low bid en paving of streets in Boynton Beach Memorial Gardens was
presented to the Council. Mr. Oyer moved that the bid be awarded to Jack Carver,
Inc., of Delray Beach, low bidder, as per the recommendation, in the amouut of
~2,~81o60. Er. Nadsen seconded the motion which unanimously passed.
The Council scheduled a meeting with Mr. Grootenboer and Er. R~lph Hughes,
foreman of the SatUration Departmen~ for the purpose of discussing rates charged by
that department, for September 23r~, at l:O0
There being no further business the meeting was ourued at 9:08 P.M.
Certified Public Accountants
80 West 21st Street
P.O. Box 636
Rivera Beach, Fla.
Phone Victor ~-6~51
September 10, 1959
Honorable Nayor, James J. Mahoney
Boynt on Beach
Dear Sir:
In resoonse to our conversation of today, this letter is to
confirm that in my opinion an assessment of $53,877.57 for the Debt
Service of the fiscal year 1959 and 1960~will be sufficient to meet
the requiremenvs of the 19&6 and 19~9 Bond Indentures. As you will note
from the Schedule supplied you sometime age, the assessment of this
emoun~ is more than adequate to p~y the interest ~dud principle on these
bends over the ~erm o£ their scheduled maturity.
· Sincerely yours,
(signed) W, H. Jeff
W. R. Jeffiies
Certified Public Accountant