FLORIDA, JULY 20, 19~9.
James J. Mahoney, Mayor
J. B. Baughman, Vice-Mayor
Walter Madsen
Harvey Oyer
Martin '~arkin
Ronald F~ada, City Atto~ey
Tereesa Padgett, City Clerk
Raymond Senkpiel, Chief of
Jack Tuite, Fire C_hieF
Dirck Groote~ooer, Supt. of
Public Works.
The meeting was called to order at 7:30
Minutes of the last regular meeting, July 6th~ were read ~ud
u~anlmously approved with an addition by Mr. 0yet, regarding the
Russell ~ud Axon contract.
An ~unouncement was read from the Florida League of M~uicipali-
ties of ~n annual comvention oF that organization giving rates.
A letter was read from P~of. and Mrs. J~ Lucien Jones thanking
the City for equalization of the tax assessment roll.
A letter was read from ?~illis~ E. Lawson, Jr., regarding~unual
dues for the 1959-60 Fiscal year to the Association of Municipali~
ties of Palm Beach County ~ich are computed at $2.00 per million
dollar of non-exempt real a~d personal property assessed valuation.
M~ Baugh~an moved that the dues be paid in line with the assess~
mento ~. 0yet seconded the motion which paesed unanimouslyo
A letter was read from the Chamber of Commerce inviting the
Council to the annual advertmsmng and publicity o~dget mee~ug to
be held Wednesday, July 22, at 8 A.Mo in the Conference Room of
the Boynton Beach State Bank.
A letter was read from William S. Bickle asking stop signs be
installed at several sites in the south side of the City and sug-
gestim~ that the words "Boynton Beach" be painted on the water tank.
Mr. Madsen moved that the City Clerk be authorized to advertise
for bids for paintingI pke words ~Boynton Beach~ on the water tank
and that she consult with M~. Grootenboer to determine the size of
the letters. Mr. Baugh~am seconded the motion w~ch passed unani-
At 8:00 P~M. bids on the awnings for the shuffleboard co~t were
opened. The City Clerk advised the Council that one bid had been
received amd that contained the we~d ~estimate,~ ~his ~id being
From the Tropical Awning Company oF Delray Beach. The City Attorney
gave his opinion. It was a val~d bid. Mr~ Madsen moved ~hat the
bid from the Tropical Aw~g Company in the amount of $96%,00 be
awarded provided that the said company enter into a contract on
a firm basis° Mro Baugh~an seconded the motion which passed
During the public half hour Mre J. Clinton Scott, Attorney,
appeared in behalf of Dr. and Mrs. Jas. ~. Mc0wen, Seacrest
Veterinarian Hospital, stating that they had ~ever received any
City tea notices and that the prior o~er of the property had
informed them that there had always been some question about it.
F~r. Scott Further stated that he had gone into the matter with
engineers and had found that the property was located witb~u the
City limits of Bo~tono He asked the Council for information as
to when it was taken in. The Mayor informed him that he did not
kno,~ He asked the City Attorney if the City would be willing to
give up this land and received a negative answer; he was further
informed that the only alternative that his client has is to
appeal ~he tax netices and take it into Circui~ Court°
A letter was read from Stephen R. ~_mdale~on, County Engmnser,
regarding a request for Permit for a l0~ Transmission Maim attached
on the East side of Seacreet Blvd. Bridge ever Boymton Canal.
Mr. Oyer moved that the Mayor be authorized to sign the contract
for the installation of this water l~ue to be attached to the east
side of the bridge subject to the approval of the City Attorney.
M~. Madsen seconded the motion which passed three to one~
Mr~ BaugD~an voting no a~ asking that the record show that he
objected on the basis that he had not studied the state sta~e
provisions attached and that as water commissioner he had that
A letter was read from Harry Ao Johnston, Co~_~uty Attorney,
regarding Woolbright Avenue property which was deeded to the
Co~uty from the cemetez~~, In this correspondence~ Mr. Johnston~
stated that he had been directed by the County Con~mlssion to
suggest to the Council that the C~ity furnish grave spaces in
number sufficient to remove the remains now in the property ~u
question ~ud to discontinue to use this area for future burial
purposes. It was the unanimous opinion of the Council that this
would not be advisable and that the matter would rest ~ith the
County. Mr. Baughman ~oved that the City again request the Co~u~ty
to reconvey ~h~t part o~ the land within the now existing concrete
wall west along ~oolbright Road. Mr. Madsen seconded the motion
which passed unanimously~
A letter was read from J. B. Miller, Director, Division of
Water Supply, Florida State Board of Health, advising the Co~cil
that the plans for the:extension of the water system for Sky Ranch
Estates were being held in abeyance u~util such time as sufficient
water pressure is available and commending the City Council
on their forthright actions being taken to correct the water situa~
tion. Mr. Madsen moved that the Mayor be authorized to write to
Mr. Miller and inform him of the increased pressure brought about as
a result of the installation of the p~mp at S.E.15th Ave.~ which when
put into operation increased the pressure from 25 lbs. to 50 lbs.
in a matter of twelve minutes at a point on S. E. 34th Ave., and
ask his approval of the engineering pl~uso I~ 0yet seconded the
motion which passed unanlmouslyo
A letter was read from Florida Public Utilities Company in
which they informed the Council that as a result of a higher
percentage being paid to Delray Bsachunder their franchise that
~der Section 8 of the franchise ~th Boynton Beach, the same
wording would be followed, which would eliminate the deduction of
chs~ge~off for uncollectibl~ accounts from the calculation of the
franchise tax payment, which would result in a slight increase in
the payment.
A letter was read from Jess C. Johnson~ M~uager of the Lake
~orth Drainage District, in which he info~msd t~e City that the
request for the us~ of the District's ri ght-of-way on the east
side of E~ canal was granted.
A letter was read from E. L. Middleton, Attorney representing
Max aud Ceil Engel~ ~egarding a water refundisE agreement Ei th the
City entered into in 1952 relative to water lines in Coastal Shores
asking the City to advise him as to ~he status of payment on these
agreements. M~. Baughman moved that the letter be turned over to
the City Attorney. Mr. Ms, sen seconded the motion which passed
~- letter was ree. d from the Florida Power and Light Company
advising the Council on the progress of installation of street
An est~raate of monthly operating cost for the operation of
the sewage works from Russell and ~on was read. T~ total per
month as estimated would run
A letter of mnforma~ion regarding the ~equirements of qualifi-
cations of an operator for the Boynton Beach Sewage Treatment
was read. T~ey ~eco~ended that the ' ~
Class ~C~' ~n~mum requirement should be
sewage trsa~men~ Plant ooerator~ certificate, ~ud further
Shat class ~' '~ ~ ~
B would be
A third letter from Russell and Axon was read regarding
~mo'~ut mhd type of insurance the City should carry on its sewage
treatment ~ud lift station facilities.
A fourth letter from Russell and Axon was read in which they
advised that the ~nt~re sewage system would be put into operation
by August !, 1959~
Ordinances ~59-5, #59-6, ~ud #59~7 were unanimously passed
on second and final reading.
The City Attorney info,ed the Council that he had been served
~ th an Alternative Writ of Mandmmus executed by Riley-Field Co.
in which the cottrt had ordered the City to approve the plat for
R~ ~ree~ Ridge ~nd Addition or show cause, in writing, by
July 2J$th. Mr. Baughms-u moved that the matter be referred to the
City Attorney to take such steps as he deems advisable. Mr. Madsen
seconded the motion which passed unanimously.
The City Attorney informed the Council that in the case of
Jack Henderson vs. the City that the City had obtained a srumuary
judgement mad the case was closed~r~ess the plaintif~ Jack Henderson,
appeal~d.~ the case within sixty days~
The Mayor informed the Council that in the negotiations ~ith
the Lake ~Yorth Drainage District that an agreement had been reached
whereby the Cmty?oul~ gain benefit~ the agreement being that the
charge for the d~scharge of effluent in the Boynton Cs~al will be
~lO0oO0 for the first year~ $200.00 for t~ second, ~500.00 for
the third~ $~00o00 fo~ the f~rth, and ~00.00 for the fift~, at
the end of the five year period the matter will be renegotiatedo
The Mayor brought to the attention of the Co~ucii the Audit
Rsoort which required accepts.ucc by the Council, noting the fact
that a meeting had been held between the auditors and the Council
amd all matters had been discussed. Mr. Baugkaman moved that the
Council accept the audit for the fiscal year ended October ~l, 19~8.
Mr. Madsen seconded the ~uotion. Mr. Oyer offered the fo!lowlng
amendment to the motion: That on page 8~ in the con~ents under
Surplus Reserves, two of the items listed as ~Closed to Surplus~
namely, Colored pool, ~0~000 sa~d Casino pool, ~12,000, be ~e-estab-
lished as reserved items~_u~order that the public ~rill know tha~
these ars ~n reserve~ne a~endment was not seconded and ~nerezo_e
died. The Mayor pointed out that this action would be contrary to
Section 28 of the City Charter which states that the budget for
any year shall only be for actual expendit~es d~ing the year
budgeted for, and the City Cotuucil has no s~.thority to tax for any
exDenditurss that ~ll~arise in future years and the City auditors
have so advised the Cotu~cil. The vote on the original motion was
tlmree to one~ Mr. Oyer voting no~ and stating tb~t he felt that
these two items were of particular importance to the co~tmunity and
that they should be se~ up in separate accounts so that the people
would know t_hat they were there. Mayor Mahoney and Mr. Baug~hman
stated that any capital expendit-~e should first go to the voters
in a freeholders election.
Mr. Baugt~ma~u moved that the audit in its ent~rzty be pub!ashen
in tb~ Boynton Beach News. Mr. Madsen seconded themotion which
passed unanL~ousiy.
A letter was read from Batem~an and Jeffries recomr~ending that
regarming the ten year audit, the z~y select twoyears, possibly
1947 and 19~l, on which to do a test audit to determine the condi-
tion of the books and records as they nm~ exist, further stating
that from these audits it ¢ouid be dete~mined whether or not a
detailed audit for the full ten year period would be practical and
of value to the City° After discussion, Mr. 0yet moved that the
auditors bs instructed to contact t~ State Auditor and obtain
clarification as to whether or not this would meet with his re-
quirements. Mr~ Baug~an seconded the motion which passed unani-
A list of recommendations were submitted by the auditors for
a new purchasing ~nd fiscal system that is to be incorporated in
the administrative department. This was passed out to th~ Co~uci!
at the last meeting with the auditors~ After discussion, Mr. Madsen
moved that the new system be accepted. Mr. Baughmam seconded the
motion which passed unanimously.
A letter from John L. Archie listing proposed occup~-ucy of
units at 1~7 S, E. l~th Ave., for the approval of the Co~&ucil~was read
It was deteH~ined that all occupancies were of the nature desirable
for that location. Mr~ Madsen moved that they b~ accepted~
Mr. Baug~an seconded the motion which unanimously passed.
Three letters were read from No R, Field which required no
action by the Council. The first dealt with the deed for the ten
acres of land on which the sewer plant is located. The second
letter concerned estimate #~, Inter-County Const~ction Corp. ~
in which Mr~ Field stated that he would pay no more money to this
corporation until the matter of the plant operation and the deed
was settled~ The third letter referred to the installation of
septic tank for the Seven-Eleven Store.
A letter from the Cemetery Board was read in which they ad~
vised the Conduct! that the Board had employed T. J. Croft as
sexton of the Boynton Beach Memorial Park and the Sara Simms
Memorial Garden at a salary of ~100°00 per month for each cemetery
in accordance with Sec, 6'~ of the M-auicipal Code of Ordinances.
A_uother letter from She Cemetery Board was accomp~uied with
an advauce copy of the layout of the south section of the Boynton
B~ach Memorial Park° As thsr~ was som~question as to the accuracy
of the plan~ Mr~ Baug~an moved that it be tabled until a clarifi-
cation could be obtained. Mr. Madsen ~ecended the motion which
passed unanimously.
Recor~mendations fr~m the Zo~ing Board ~.~re read (copy of
recommendations ~ith legal description~ are. attached). Tract l:
address ~ ll? N. E. let Ave~; to be re-zoned kindergarten and
nursery; o~er - Robert H. James; Appllca~t ~ Mrs. A. B. LaSroix~
Mr, Oyer moved that this request for re-zoning be granted.
I~ Mad~en seconded th~ motion ~nich passed unanimously~
Tract 2: ~ddress 12th Ave., west off northwest 4th St.$
to be re-zoned Commercial; Owner ~dapp!fca_ut - TheLma~ Patterson.
Mr.' Madsen moved that the request be granted. Mr. Baughman
seconded the motion which passed una_uimously.
Tract 3: Address beginning at the extension of S. W. Third
Avenue and running back to S. Wo 6th Ave., Boynton Beach; To be
re-zoned Dupler~s; Owner and applicant - Acacia Developers, Inc.
Mr. Madsen moved the request for re-zoning be denied. Mr. Baughman
seconded the motion whlchunanimously passed.
Tract 4: Address - Lake Avenue ~ud N. W. 7th Cou_wt, Boynton
Beach; To be re-zoned Commercial. Owner add applicant - Ray
Dumond. Mr. 0y~r moved that the request for r~-zoning be granted.
The motion died for lack of a second.
The following license applications and transfers were tuuani-
mously approved by the C~uncil: Collin~s Signs, 213' So Federal;
Publishsr-~dmtor, East Coast Sport Fan, 21~ S. Federal;~ Boynton
Beach Press, Room #l, 21~ S. Federal; Heidelberg, 106 S. Federal;
Bee~r and ~ine, to take out, -~e G~eat Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co.~
71~ S. Federal Hwy.; Food Sto~e, The Great AtlaDtic & Pacific Tea
Co., ?l~ S. Federal; Used Car Dealer, ~. L. Allan, 21~ South
Federal; Beer to take out only~ EtoIae Rushing, ~02 N. W. 12th Ave.
and ~th St.
At the request of the SUpto of Public Works, Mr. 0yet moved
that the Supt. of ~ablic Works prepare the specifications for a
new packer for the Sanitation Dept., and submit them to the City
Clerk to advertise for bids. Mr. Baugh~n~ seconded the motion
which passed unanL~ously.
Regarding an insurance survey for the City, Mr. Oy~r agreed
to contact ~e local insurance~ agencies in order to ascertain
whether or not they would be willing to form a committee to survey
the City's insu~uce needs ~ud recommend to the Council, in order
that a savings could be obtained°
The monthly report of the A~ministrative Dept. was read.
The Council unanimously approved the purchase of three portable
oxygen tanks to be installed in the Council Chamber, the A~ministra~
tire Department~ and the Casino.
The Police Department monthly report was read.
Fire Department monthly report was read.
A letter from the Delray Beach Power Scua~o~ was read thank-
lng the Fire Department fo~ their contribution to the Safe Boating
The Department of P~otic Works montkly report was ~ead. As
recommended in the report~ M~. 0yet moved that the Supt. of Public
Works be instructed to make the necessary repairs to the Casino
roof. Mr. Baug~man seconded the motion ~nich passed unanimously.
A letter was read from Carl Wo Stone, Supt. of Water Depart-
ment, in ~nich he stated that he had not been contacted nor called
to inspect the water mains in Rolling Green Ridgm let Addition,
ar~ that approximate starting date of this job was the let of Jmne.
Mr. Baughmanmoved that no water bm turned on i~ these mains tuutil
they have been inspected by the City and the State Board of Health
and that the owner be so notified in writing by Mr. Groetenboer.
Mr. Madsen semonded the motion which passed un~uimously.
M~. Baughman moved that Mr. Groote~ooer be inst~mctmd to
employ a ma~ to serve as llfe guard at the public beach on Monday
oF each week~ in order that the public be protected° M~. Madsen
seconded the motion which passed un~uimously.
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at
Cotumc ilman
20, 1959
Honorable Mayor and City Council
Dear Sirs:
At the rego2~~ meeting of the Zoning Board July 8th the following
recommendations were made on zoning applications cemi~g before this
Legal description - Lot 21, Boynton Center, as recorded in Plat
Book 8, Page 12, Palm Beach County Records° Address - ll7 N. E.
1st ~venue~ Boynton Beach. To be re-zoned Kindergarten and
Nursery. @~ner - P~obert H. James. Applicant - ~so Ac B. LaCroix
Recommendation: P~co~mend approval.
Legal description - Lots 394 and 395~ Cherry Hills, Address - !2th
&renu% west off northwest 4th St. To be re-zoned Commercial.
O~er and Applicant - The!mar Patterson.
~commendation: Recommend approval.
Legal description - A parcel of land in t~e West Half of ~b~ ~
of ~e Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 28~
T~wnship 45 South~ P~nge A3 East~ Palm Beach C.~nty, Florida~
more particular2~y described as follows: BEGIh~ING at a point in
the west line of said ~Yest Half of the West Half of the Southwest
Qu~rter of the Northeast Quarter, at a distance of 311.O1 feet
s~th of the northwest corner thereof, said point being ~ the
westerly extension of the s~mth line of Woodla~m Avenu% as zh.~n
on Plat of B~ers Park, recorded, ~at Book ll, page 57, r~blic
?~ecords of Palm Beach County, Florida; thence southerly, along
the west line of said West Half of the West Half of t~hs $omthwest
,Quarter of the Northeast Quarter, a distance of 996.5 feet, more
or less to the southwest corner thereof; thence easterly~ aio~g
the so~h line of said k~est ~W~lf of the West Half of the s~th-
west quarter of the northeast quarter, a distance of 329.32 feet
to the Sou+~heast corner thsreof~ thence northerly, alon~ the
east line of said West P~-~ of the ~est ~W~lf of ~e SoutJ~,est
Quarter of the Northeast Q~ter, a distance of 996.25 feet, more
or !ess, to a point in the south line of said Woodlawn Avenue~
as shown on said plat of Bowers Pa~, said point being 310.2 feet,
more or less, s~ath of the north line of said ~st P~lf of the
West ~lf of the Sou+Ynwest Quarter of the Northeast ~arter$
thence westerly, along the westerly extension of t~e s.~th line
of said Woodla~n Avers, a distance of 329.87 feet, more or less,
to the point of beginning.
Address - Begirming at the extension
running back t~ ~ ~J ~ .... of S. ~o Third Av~e
~exes. ~r and aoo!i~. ~ ~f ~ ~h. To ~ re-zoned
Rec~en~ti~: ReCOVers den~.
~g~ description _ ~ts I and 12, De~ei'~ ~k, accord~g to the
plat thereof recorded ~ the ox~eice of the Olerk of ~e C~it
C~, p~ ~ach Cowry, Flori~, ~ ~at Book ~ ~ge
Ad~ss - ~e Ave~e ~ N. ~g. 7~ Co~t~ Bo~m~n Bez~.
To ~ re-zoned C~erci~. ~mer a~ app~t -
Recm~en~tion: ~C~ends de.at.
I~e at~ here~th a copy of the ~tes of ~is meet~ for
~idance a~ ~o~tion~ in order t~t y~ ~y de~e how these
rec~n~.tions were fo~d.
Respect~!lY su~n-.itted~