Minutes 07-06-59ADDITION TO ~[I~-GTFS OF CI?/ COb~NCiL ~T/-NG~ JULY 6~ 1959.
Page 4~ Para.
M~. Oyer stated ~hat he objected to the dismissing of a firm who had
sez~ed the City ably for ~--u excess of ten years on our water problems
and tsar he ~ther thought that this ~as merely a political s~oke
screen to cover up the Co~ucil~s unwillingness to caz~ry out the engi-
meet ~s rec ommen~ations.
~0RIDA, JUL~~ 6, 1959.
James J. Nahoney, Mayor
J. B. Baughman, Vice-Mayor
Martin Durkin
Walter Madsen
Harvey 0yet
Ronald J. Fruda, City Attorney
Tereesa Padgett, City Clerk
Raymond Senkpiel, Chief of
Ditek Grootenboer, Supt. of
Public Works
Jack Tuite, Fire Chief.
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M.
Minutes of the last regular meeting held June 15th were read
and unanimously approved with no corrections. Minutes of special
meeting held July let were read and unanimously approved with no
Du_wing the public half hou~ Mr. A. D. Thomas asked the Council
what had been done about the clearing of a lot adjacent to his pro-
petty. He was informed that the property owners had been notified
to clear the property or the City would clear it and bill the owner.
After discussion, it was decided to advertise for a hearing.
PrOfo J. Lucien Jones, from the audience, inquired into the
problem of groups of dogs running wild with no apparent owners,
citing the menace to life and property that could ensue if allowed
to continue. Several others from the audience expressed an interest
in the problem-and knowledge of the existence of the menace.
~r. Madsen moved that the Council contact the County and the ad-
Joining bowns with the idea of establishim~ a joint dog pound and
dogcatcher to cope v~th t~ia problem. .Mr. Durkin seconded the
motion which passed unanimously.
A resident of Lake Side Gardens, asked the Council what could
be done regarding Australian Pine roots exposed and eEtending some
twenty feet in height on the proper~y adjoining her property. She
also complained of a drainage ditch abounding her property. After
discussion, it was decided that since the owner ~had already been
notified to clear this lot, that it would be included in the adver-
tisement for a public hearing.
The Mayor informed those present that the assessors, Hunnicutt
Associates, would be available in City Hall to answer any questions
and give any information desired re~arding the assessment of all
personal and real property in the City from 9:00 to 8:00 July 7, 8,
10, l! and from 9:00 to 9:00 on July 9th.
At the suggestion of the Mayor, Mr. Durkin moved that the Tax
Assessor be granted a thirty-day extension for completion of the
tax roll, as had been done in prior years. Mr. Baugtmman seconded
the motion which passed unanimously.
The Mayor announced that the Council would meet August 10th as
a Board of Equalization and for two days thereafter, if necessary.
A letter was read From the Animal Rescue League of P~lm Beach
County asking that the yearly budget include the usual ~lO0.O0
support to their organization.
A letter was read From Florida East Coast Railway Company in-
forming the Council that the matter of crossing protection was being
given consideration.
A letter was read from Seaboard Airline Railroad Company re-
garding the speed of their trains through the City and assuring
their compliance to the speed limits in the future.
~ letter from the Board of Public Instruction of Palm BeaCh
County ass~ing the Council that they would take no action on the
request of Delray Beach for annexing Seacrest High School into their
City limits, before giving Boynton a hearing on the matter, was read.
A letter of appreciation for the use of the Recreation Center
was read from the Asoen~ion Lutheran Church.
A letter from Edgar D. Hurford, Representative of Metropolitan
Life Insurance Company regarding group life and hospitalization
for city employees was tabled by a unanimous vote of the Council.
A letter from the Tri-County Governmental League regarding
mem£oership in this organization was tabled by a ~&nanimous vote of
the Council.
A letter from N. R. Field referring to the deed to the sewer
site was read. In this correspondence Mr. Field reiterated his po-
sition that the deed would include a reverter clause. After dis-
cussion, Mr. Oyer moved that the~,~be authorized to notify
Mr. Fiold that the plant will no= be put into operation until such
time as the City has the deeds, without the reverter clause.
~r. Baughman seconded the motion which passed unanimously.
A second letter was read from Mr. Field regarding interest on
sewer bonds which required no action.
A third letter from ~Ir. Field was read in which he stated that he
had deposited withaLittle River Bank and Trust Company the sum of
$3~,308.1~ and that he was paying this amount under protest.
A fourth letter from Mr. Field was read in which he asked the
Council's consideration in issuir~ permits for installation of
septic ta~ks on property owned by him in Rolling Green Ridge 1st
Addition on which he is building a store building to be occupied
by the Seven-Eleven Market and also on another lot in Rolling
Green Ridge First Addition. The City Attorney pointed out that
this would necessarily have to be on a temporary basis as the ordi-
nance coveri~ sewers made it mandatory that any property having
access to the sewers hook up to the sewers within thirty days, and
that not to grant this request to Mr. Field would be unfair under
the circumstances. ~!r. Bau~an moved that the matter be tabled.
Mr. Nadsen seconded the motion which was denied three to two~
Mayor Nahoney, ~{r. 0yet and Mr. Durkin voting no. N~. 0yet moved
that the request for the use of septic tanks on ~ temporary basis
on Tract A and Lot 18, Block 37, be granted. Mr. Durkin seconded
the motion which passed four to one, Mr. Nadsen voting no.
TD~ee letters were read fr~m Russell & Axon regarding various
phases of their work for the ~ty.
A letter was read from Jam~s Boule regarding debris and snakes
in lots No. ~5~ and 453 adjoining his home. The City Clerk info~ned
the Council that the location had already been checked out and
letters sent to the owners.
A letter was read from the Advisory Board requesting that a
legal opinion be rendered by the City Attorney, at the earliest
possible date, on t~e status of each water refunding aEreement as
to its validity and/or legality and its overall position and
effect with respect to the provisions of the Waten Revenue Bonding
Agreement; also recommending that the City Attorney be authorized
to consult with the law firm of Caldwell, }~arshal~, Trimble
Mi~chell, New York City, bond attorney, who furn_~hed the legal
opinions necessary in the t951 Water Revenue Bond issue. The Mayor
read a letter w~itten by him to this firm in which he included copies
of the I95! l~ater Revenue Bond issue and water refunding bond copies,
and asked for their opinion on the matter. He also read a letter
acknowledging receipt of his letter and stating t~at an answer would
be forthcoming.
A letter was read from Joe D. Ha~less
bonds for the financing of the water system
Subdivision in May of 1953.
asking for payment on
in the Ridgewood Hills
A letter was read from R. M. Gardner, Attorney rom Annette
Ranson, requesting payment to his client of money due on a refunding
contract b~muween the ~ity and Boynton Development and Improvement
Co~poration, dated March l, 1954.
Mr. Baughman moved that the two letters requesting payment on
refunding bonds, the letter from the Advisor~y Board, the letter to
the New York fi~m and any other papers concerning this matter be
referred to the City Attorney who would await the reply from the
New York law fi~, study it, and give the Council his opinion and
recommendations as to how to clear the matter up. Mr. Madsen
seconded the motion which was unanimously passed.
A letter From the Citizen's Committee was read concerning the
Chamber of Commerce and the Committee,s opposition to any further
grant of tax monies to the Chsmber until full assurance is had that
the funds will be used for the specific purpose allotted.
Mr. 0yet moved that the reading o£ the contract for fire pro-
tection between the City and the Town of Gulfstream be waived and
the Mayor be instructed to execute the agreement. Mr. ~rkin
seconded the motion which passed unanimously.
On the instruction of the City Attorney, ~r. 0yet moved that
the Supt. of Public Works be instructed to proceed in installing
~reets and water hines in Boymtonborough according te the contract.
Hr. Baug~an seconded the mot ion which passed unanimouslY. Mr. t~uda
inforvaed the Council that the bond for this work~was being held
and the bill would be paid as soon as the work was completed.
Ordinance 59-$ definim~ petty larceny was unanimously passed
to the se0ond reading upon a ~otion by Mr. D~rkin, seconded by
Nr. 0yet.
dealing wit~ public imtoxicatio~was unani-
second' reading upon a motion by Mr, Du~kin,
seconded bye. Baughmano
Ordinance 59-6, se~ting up sewer ~ates, £ees, and charges was
read. Mr~ 0yet moved that it be passe~ to the second reading.
Mr. Baugl~man seconded the motion which passed unanimously.
The Mayor called to the attention o£ the Councilmen the Audit
Report for the fiscal year ended 0Gtober 5!, 1958, which had been
delivered to the Councilmen previOUsly. Mr. Oye~ moved that the
Co~ucil ~eceive the report and take it-under advisement and set a
m tmng wmth the audlto~s to discuss any points necessary. Mr. Durkin
seconded the mot!iOn which passed u~animously. It was decided to
meet with the auditors'~t 2:00 P,M. July 15th.
A l~t~e~, w~s read from the Advisory Board, in which it was
recemmen~ed that ~he City employea~the fi_~m of Russell and Axon to
s~r~ey the City as to ~h~ p~esent i~md Future water needs and ~he
facilities to meet;s~m~ A lette~ifrom Russell and Axon outlmning
'the stud~ and gi~t~g ~ ?rice Of ~0.00 wi~h a contract enclosed
~as ~e~ ~r' ~a~i~ov~d~th~tiltheioontract with Russell and
~xon be approved ~e~ t~e City ~o~ Had reviewed it. Mr. Madsen
seoonded.'themotiO~ wh~$h p~s~ed ~0u~ tO oma, Mr. 0yet voting no.
A ~equestf~o~ t~Seacr~st ~gh School ~Nautilus" tabled at
the last me~i~w~s ~ve~ ~ii~he~able. Mr. Madsenmoved that
~.a~ half-page add ~ a D~f~e Of $2~0 be'taken in the publication.
~r. 0ye~ se~n~ed ~he ~ion ShibH~passed unanimously.
been w~itten
be wil
Power and
members of ~he!M~
= that, regarding the
street lights to be
~arner, developer who had
~er unit fo~ the lights, had
·whether or not he would
a year as per the Florids
answer had been received.
and talking with various
Hill Association in the
lng inspectom be asked to
to the Association for
motion whic,h passed uriah-
A license application for a retail food market in the n~me of
Pik Quik~ Inc. was g~anted upon a motion by Mr. 0yet, seconded by
~. Madsen and unanimously passed. A retail beer and wine license
(to ts~e out only) for the same company was unanlmously approved.
An application for li?ense for a used car lot by William L.
Allan on 2154 So Federal Hmghway was brought to the attention of the
Council. Mr, Du~kin moved that the application be tabled until such
time as the report from the Zoning and Planning Boards was received.
~t the last regular meeting these boards were asked to recommend
to the Council where several types of businesses should be located,
included among them ~as used car lots. Mr. Baughman seconded the
motion which unanimously passed.
A request to omit interest on a street lien #832 from Capt.
Ir~in ~. G~ubbs, in ~the amount of $@.46, due-to the fact that
I~r. Grubbe was out of the United States a~d did not receive the
motices was brought to the attention of the Council. Mr. 0yet moved
that t~ interest be waived. Mr. Durkin seconded the motion which
passed unanimously.
A reque,st to abate a water balance of $4.60 due since 1981 by
Mollie JacksOn was denied by a motion by Mr. Baughman, seconded by
Mr. Madsen and passed four'to one, Mr, 0yet voting no.
A letter from the Supt. of Public Works ~equesting the substi-
tution of painted cement block walls on the interior of the building,
for wood stud and sheetrock partitions at an additional cost of
~25o00 was read. Mr. 0yet moved the approval of this request~
M~. Madsen seconded the motion which passed unanimously.
The building report for the month of June was ~ead showing a
total of $636,009.00.
N~. Durkin moved that the City advertise for bids for aluminum
panels for hurricane protection for the City Hall building.
M~. Madsen seconded the motion which passed unanimously.
The Tax Collector's repo~,t for June was ~ead.
~t the request of the Palm Beach County Law Library for a copy
of the City Charter and Code with supplements, M~_~. Madsen moved that
the request be complied with and the Law Library be billed for $50.00.
Mr. Baughman seconded the motion which passed unanimously.
The Mayor aske~ the Council ~or pez~nission to put out for bids
the completion of the ceiling in the downst ai~s room of the City
Hail used for examinations and by the va~ious boards. Mr. 0yet
moved that the City advertise for bids for improvements necessary
to complete the room. M~. Baughman seconde~ the motion which
passed unanimously.
Mr. BaugJnman ~eported to the Council on his examination of
the bids received for a p~p to be Used in the Water Department,
stating that the Allis-Chalmers Super Zeal Construction from the
F!o~ida Electric Motor Company at a price of ~i$~$~y,00 would
best meet the needs of the City. Mr. Baughman ~6~hat this bid
be awarded. Mr. Madsen seconded the motion which passed four to
one, Mr. 0yet voting no.
Two apolicationsofor a sewage plant operator were tabled by a
motion by ~. Oyer, s~conded by Mr. Durkin and unanimously passed.
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned
~mc ilman
-O ounc ilman -