Minutes 06-15-59~TES OF_ P~GL~._~Lw~ ~TING OF CITY OOb~C!L OF BOYNTON BEA~
~ IN CITY F~, BOYNTON BEACH, FLOP~iDA, J~oR~ 15, 1959.
I~ona!d F~M~, City f~ttorney
Tereesa Pad~ett, Oity Clerk
Raymond Senkpiel~ Chief of Police
Dirck Grootenboer¢ Supt, of Public
Jack ~ite, F~e Chief
Harold Blanchette, Buildir~ Inspector
Carl Stone, Supt. of Nater- Dept.
me~mng was called ~o order at 7:30 P.M.
T~e P~v. Keith Love, pastor of the ~-.rst United Presbyterian Ch~ch,
~nton Baach, gave the invocation.
!*~u~tes of regular meeting held June ist, 1959, were read and ~nimously
approved -¢_th no corrections or additions.
D~ring the public half hour ~wir. Donald B. Clark inquired about replacing
a reta~'~g ~all and removing debris as a result of road construction by the
Inter-County Construction Ccmpany. He was asked to write a letter to t~he
City Clerk outlining the ccmplaint so that it could be form~y t~rned over
to the City En~eers. M~. Clerk also asked about sub-standard electrical
insts~_~lation in his home, M~. Ms. dsen stated t~t he wo-o%d go into it with
l~h% Clark.
A letter ~-~s read from John M. Tuite, Co-Chairmau of the ~yuton Beac~h
Disaster Committee requesting the use of the ~RecreationHall on N. Federal
High~ay as Headquarters in time of emergency. This request was unsm~.mously
approved. A letter was read from a co~ttee representing the Providence
2~ssionary Baptist Church asking the City to consider two, 25-foot, lots
owned bythe City on No ~. 4th Street as a possible site for a ch~ch.
~. Oyer moved that the re~estbe tabled s~d that they be notified~ either
verbally or by letter, that the City would consider sellin~ the lots to them
at an eqf~itable price if they s~e able to acquire additional land in the
vicinity, i~. ~isen seconded the motion which passed~ously.
A letter was read from Staoiey Pickering, Oomm~nder of the Delray Beach
Power S¢on, commending Fire Chief Jack ~zite for a talk given by him to
them~ o~gCz&~ on on Fire Prevention.
letter was read from Forest ~eaver, Principal of ~orrest Pa~k School~
~ the umty for favors this cast year.
~n~ee letters were read relative to restrictive zoning on the Federal
ghway. They were from Ralph P. Bogle, 1~. and ~s. Ben Engei~ a~d Frieda
Hnrsto PursUant tom t~ese letters, i~. Baughman ~oved that the Planning and
Zonmng BoardS be reqUested to consider wins problem a~d a~vmse the Council on
the proper location for types of businesses such as, boat ~ards~ used car
lots, vegetable stands, tr~er sales, gas stations and liquor stores.
~. Nadsen seconded the motion whic~h passed u~ ~uimously.
A letter of resignation from Edith Latch~ of the Recreation Board was
read. The resignation was ur~im~sly accepted with regret and thanks for
services rendered. 1~. Madsen moved the appoiutment of Myrna V_inger to the
~ecreation Board. l~r. Baughman seconded the motion %faich passed unanimously.
A letter was read from Dorothy ~ait ~taker, Corresponding Secreta~-~ of
the Junior Woman's Club no~ing the resignation of Edith Latahsm and asking
t~at *~e of thei~ members be appointed to replace her. I~ was brought to the
attention of those present that Myrna Yinger was a member of that Club.
A letter was read from the Seacrest High School ~i~utilus~' soliciting an
adve~oisement for their 1960 edition~ ~Lv. Baughman mc~ed that ~Jae letter be
tabled until~it could be ascertained wD~ther or not an add had been placed in
previous years. ~. ~misen seconded t~ue motion ~4~ich passed unauimously.
A letter was read from J. B. N~ller~ Director, Division of Water Supply,
Florid~ State Board. of Health, dated June lO, 1959, in ~ich the City was
strongly urged to inst~ll an iron removal plant~ or locate a new source of
raw water, due to t~e iron content in the present su~wply and the fact ~hat
attempts to sequester the iron in the supply have not been satisfactery,
~ther stating, that until such time as tb~s has b~en a~ompl~ed~ their
agency would be somewhat hesitant to favorably consider ~%y plans covering
further expansion of the City's water distribution system. The Mayor read
several letters received from the Palm Beach Oo~o~ty Health Department and
the State~ Board of Health concer~g this problem dated in 1956 s~d 1957,
and smg~ezted that due to the urgency of ~he problem that the Advisory Board
be asked to study it and advise the Council. PUrsu~nt to this sugges~ion~
~. BauEh~n moved that the Council yum this Eatter overtto the Advisory
Board to make a study of o~r present existing indebtedness, including the
re~ agree~ents~ and to determine any methods ~of finan~i~ ~y deem
advisable and report back to the Council on their findings as soon as possible.
M~-. ~dsen seconded the motion ~ich passed unanimously.
A letter was read from the Chamber of Cc~merce requesting permission
to use the Council ~bers for their next meeting on J-~ue 26th. ~r. Oyer
moved that the req-~est be granted. The motion died for lack of a second.
A petition~ signed by seven petitioners, protesting ~he business establish-
ment of 0hariie Amdrews located at 224~ N. E. llth Ave., as a pmblio nuisance.
After discussion, the ~nief of Police ~as instructed to eons~J~t with the
City ~ttorney a~xl swear ~t a warrant and have the man appear before munici-
~ c~rt. The reco~endation was mede that Judge Humphrey be requested to
consider holding the hearing at night.
A letter was re~d from the Association of ~u~icipa!ities of Palm B~ach
County announcing a meeting to be held on June 25th, 1959, at t_he TropiCal
Acres Restaurant in Boyntem Beach.
letter ~s read regarding the proposed rifle range for the youth of the
Ordinance 59-3~ amending Cede of Ordinances requiring swimming pools to
be fenced by deleting the words "hoteIs and motels~ was passed for second aud
final reading upon a motion by ~ro Oyer, seconded by ~r. Baughman and ~na~i-
mouely passed.
0rd~r~¢e 59-4, amending OrdS~uance ~205, was passed for second and fi~i
reading upon a motion by 2~. Baughman, seconded by ~. Madsen and u~monsly
The City ~ttorney presented to the Co-snell the contract between Albert
Deen and the City for the construction of T~ae~Colored Recreation Center.
~. Oyer mc~ed that the Mayor and the City Cl,rk and City Attorney be author-
ized to sign this contract bet~e~ Albert.Deen and the City of Boynton Beach.
Mr. Madsen seconded the motion which passed u~ar~imously.
At ~he suggestion of the City Attorney, Mr. 0yet further moved that the
City Clerk request bids for insurance ~coverage on the ~mil ~dingo during construc-
tion in t~e amount of the contract value to the next $100o00 for fire,
tended coverage, vandalism, and malicious mischief. M~. M~dsen seconded the
motion which passed unanimously.
P~!ative ~o the request of the Town of Ocean Ridge for u~e of tiao City
jail to house their prisoners, referred to the City ~.tt~rney at the last
meeting for his investigation~ ~5~. Fruda info~ the Council that he would
recommend that the Council enter into s~ agreement with that town, the fee
to be oharge~ to be decided by the Council. At the suggestion of the Chief
of Police, 1~. 0yer moved that the Town of Ocean Ei~ be informed that the
City wo~id house their prisoners for a fee of $1.00 per day per man, plus meals.
~. l~dsen seconded the motion which passed four to one, l~m~. Baughman voting no.
A letter was read fr~m tZme Fire Chief relative to fire protection for
Grimes P~search ~nd D~velopment Corp.~ recommendin~ that the City undertske
this Protection at a yearly fee of $500.00 plus $100.00 per ca~ for men and
equipment for the first ho~, plus wages of men for each hour thereafter.
~. I~d. sau moved that ~s corporation be notified of these te~uns. Y~. Bauo~hman
seconded the motion which passed '~nanLmously.
A letter from Field & Riley, Inc., tabled at the last regular meeting,
was removed from the table by a unar~imous vote. The letter was read asking
for pez~mission to uss Orar~eb~-~g pipe as house to ss~its~y sewer connection
in tdueir subdivision. Mr. Ba-~gh~ca moved that hhe request be denied.
~. ~dsen secendsd the me,ion wh-ich passed unanimously.
P~lative to Bond Bo~tonbo~gh covering installs, rich of streets and water,
it was pointed out that the work was ~o have been' completed in six men,ns and
date of bond ~s Jan~o~y 21, 1958. ~. 0yer moved that the bond be referred to
the City Attorney for ~p~opriate action. .~ir. Dmrkin seconded the motion ~nich
passed ~uuanimously o
A bid~s read from Eadley~s Refrigeration and Air Conditioning for
mainten~ue~e on Air Conditioners in the City Hall~ giving a monthly charge of
$25.00. I~. ~dsen moved t~s~t ~ ~
~n~s cOmpany's services be employed on a
monthly basis. Mr. Durkin seconded the motion which p~ssed unanimously.
~M. Bau~hman asked that t~e record show t~hat he abstained from votir~z.
A letter of recommer~tion was read from the F~creation Board. Pursuant
to t~s ]~tter ~L~. 0yer moved t~t the o~pt, of l~blic Works obtaS~u fr~m the
~creation Boa~ an~ th~ Shufflebos_~d Club their recc~maendations in regards to
awninEs, ~t out for bids what he feels are adequate specifications for the
a~mings and have the work done and that the ~tmtff]~board Club be notified that
the awnings are Oity property and if they wish to contribute $300.00 it will
be greatly appreciated. ~Lr. ~dsen seconded the motion ~ich passed ~tn~m. ously.
An additional recommendation of the P~creation Boa~ that the D~-theran
Church be ~ to hold ~e~ se~s ~ ~ loca~ o~r ~ the ~tion
~i~ was ~b!~ ~de~tely, ~ a mo~i~ by}~. ~k~, seconded ~
}~. ~dsen ~d ~ously ~ssed.
~ ~yor brought to the attention of the Co-~ucil the report by the
Street Lightir~ Committee on ~he ~t~ation of 97 s~reet lights. ~. Baughman
stated that he had compared the report ~dth the map in the City Hal~ of e~st-
i~ street lights ~.d w~s satisfied and wonld therefore move that th~ City
Clerk ~ authorized to notify the irlorida Power ~ud Light Compsmy to proceed
with these 97 lights. ~. Madsen seconded the motion which passed
A letter from the Civil Service Board with attached recommended pay scales
-was brought to the attention of the Co~cilo t~. Madsen moved t~,t the
recomnendations be tabled for the Council's consideration. Hr. Ba~hman
seconded the motion which passed unsn~.~ously. The City Clerk was asked to
supply copies of the e~ting pay scale for the informatien of the Co-o~cil.
A letter from the Bniiding inspector requesting instructions as te how
to deal with ~lo~tors of the S~m~ing Pool 0rdin~nce No. 311~ was read~
After discussion, th~ B~dinE Inspector ~s inst~mcted to obtain letters
from ~&h~e violators stating h~* lor~ they would require before com.ply~g with
the O~linsmce and s~bmit them to the Co~ucilo
~n~other letter from the Buildi~ inspector was read in which he asked the
Council for assistance to alleviate ~s. work load during ti~es when building
permits- ~ soaring and inspections are double their normal quota. ~. Durkin
moved that the Building Inspector be authorized to obtain the services of an
assistant, subject to times and salaries to be approved by the ~yor.
}~. M~sen seconded tb~ motion ~£nich p~ssed una~ously.
~.e replat of the F~st Portion of Sa~a S~s Hemorial Gardens ~as pre-
sented to t~ee Co~cil~ acc~np~mied by a letter from F~s. Wsmeta R. Starry, u,
Chairm~;~ of the Cemetery Board. t~. Oyer moved that the amended replat ~
approved and that the }~yor be authorized to sio~ it. M~. Bangoz~n seconded
the motion w~ich passed ttr~ously.
~. Madsen moved, p~rsuan~ to a letter from the Cemetery Board~ t~t the
n~e of the municipal cemetery~ located on S. ~. 15th Ave., sh~ be k~own as
the Boyn%on Beach !~'~morial Pa~k as of t~s date~ June 15~ 1959, ~. B~ughman
seconded the motion ~hich passed ~.r~imously.
that a ho~se o~ned ~y ~. Lemieux and lecated on S. Federal Highway had been
offered for a possible home For the library. T~o other letters were read
urging the City to accept this offer--One from the Jr. ~namber of Commerce
~8 the other frc~ the Better Boynton Association. After discussion as to the
need and the problems involved, F~. D~rkin moved that this matter be referred
to a committee to be cOmDrised Of two members of the City Co~ueil~ two members
ef the ~oman~s Club~ two members of the Jr. C~smber of Co~mer~e, two members
of the Citizens Co~ttee, two members of the Better Beynton Asst., the
B~ilding Inspeetor~ the Supt. of Pablie Wor~, and the _Wire Chief. Mr. Oyer
seconded the motiom which passed unanimously.
A letter was read from N. ~. Field regarding Boynton Road West rig~ht-of-
way and ~ter extension~
A letter was read from Boynton Beach J~z~or High School asking the City
to extend N. W. 8th ~ve. to and across the present school site for access to
the f~re football field. ~.{r. Oyer moved that this be advertised for a ~aring
to notify: t~he property owners on N. W. 8th ~ive. that the street w~]~ be paved
and the cost will be ~ssessed to them as property owners abuttin~ it. ~fr. Durkin
seconded ~e motion which passed unanimously.
A letter was read from Florida East Coast R~lway Co. expressing gratitude
for ~ssistance by the Police Dep~tment.
A letter was read from Fred J. Bowles regarding a lot adjacent to his
home in need of clearing. Mr. Cryer moved that the City Clerk be authorized to
send the owner a letter requesting that the lot be cleared. Mr. ~dsen
seconded the motion which ~sed ur~nimously.
A letter was read from ~!ter Dutch, regarding premium for insurance due
this year on City property.
Pursuant to a ~ritten request from the Chamber of Commerce, it was
unanimously voted theft they be allo~d to use the Co~ucil Ch~oers on ~y 22, 1959.
A letter was read from William C. L~mber~, President of Beynton Beach
S~flebo~ Club, asking the City to appropriate $665.00 for the p~rchase and
installation of a~n~gs at the courts. ~-*ter discussion, ~. ~dsen moved
that the matter be turned over to the Recreation Beard with the idea in mind
of oz~y erectin~ a- ~w~s over four courts instead of five co~ts aZ the request
was made. Mr. Oyer seconded the motion which passed unanimously.
Ordinance 59-1 amending Ordin~uce #205, creating new zoning, was passed
on second and final reading, upon e motion by ~¢r. B~ugh~sn, seconded by
~. ~dsen and une~Lmously passed.
Ordinanee 59-2, providS_ug for repeal of subsection D(1), (2), (3), (~),
(5), and (6) of Section 2~-14 of the Code of Ordinances, was passed on second
and final reading uponaa motion by ~r. ~sen~ seconded by ~iv. Baug~m~ and
passed four to one, Mr. Oyer votin~ no.
Upon the suggestion of~Mr~ Fruda, F~r. 0yer moved that the question of a
just chs~ge for Fire Protection for the Town of Oce&u Ridge be turned over to
our auditors to consult with the auditors of Ocean ?~idge to recommend a just
and equitable c~harge, for consideration of the Council. ~. ~&~dsen seconded
the motion which p~ssed unanimously. -~
A letter ~s read from 2~drew F. O'Cor~ell~ Attorney at Law, regarding
the estate of Oheatham Hodges. ?~zrsuant to this letter, l~..~kin moved
that $978~70 be paid to the wife of the deceased from the Police Retirement
~. ~. Bau~hm~n seconded the motion which passe~ unanimously.
~ request from B~cha~d Jones, tabled at the last meeting, was t~en from
the table by a uoanimous vote o,- t~e ~oUncil. Mr. Madsen stated that he had
investigated the r.e~est and moved that the request for a license to operate a
Cabsma ~ental'Servi~e at th~ pu-oli¢ beach be denied, ~Lr. Oyer seconded the
motion which passed ~ously.
A letter was read from the owner of Sage-N-Sand ~otor Hotel requestir~
the Council to make ~u exception im theiz, ease in enforcing Ordinance #3ii-l,
regu2zting s,~m~g ~ools within the City limits and requiring the erection
of a fence around their ~pool. After discussion, Mr, ~rkin moved that the
City Attorney be imstructed to draw up an or~ce amending this ordinance
~s reg&rds~requiZd~ug fences around pools setting forth that hotels and motels
be excepted from t-~is ~ovision. N~. l¢~dsen seconded the motion which passed
umanimous ly.
~zrsuant to a letter frc~ the Electrical Inspector~ M~. M~dsen moved that
~. ~H~,~ord P~uning be employed during the absence of M~. Grom~ons on vacation
at a salary of $9,00 per day. Y~. B~u~ seconded the motion ~oich p~ssed
A letter w~s read fro~ the Chairm~.n of the Electrics~ Board requesting that
I~, Leon Grum~ons be allotted a three-week vacation ,~ith pay. M~. Oyer moved
that the three weeks with pay be granted. Mr. Durkin seconded the motion wh&ch
was denied three to two, Mr. Baughn~n, ~@. ~dsen and l~yor F~honey votin¢ no.
Mr. Baughm~_u moved that all smployees be l~,ted to a two week vacation with
pay and that if additior~i time off were requested that it bs ~anted without pay.
~;~. ~dsen seconded the motion which passed four to one, ¥~. ~zrkin voting no.
A letter was read from ~rs. Neil H~y, Jr. addrsssed to the Cemetery Board
requesting that they be all,,ed to purohe~se five lots in the Cametery at the
rate chaz~ged residents, $50.00 inste~-d of ~lO0,00 charged non-residents. Mr. Oyer
moved that ~s. Hay be allowed to purct~se the lots for $50.00 each. ~@. 'Durkin
seconded the motion ~,~hich was de~_ied three to two, ~. Ba~oq~m~n, ~. M~dsen
s~zd ~L~yor ~oney voting no.
A recommendation was read from the Cemetery Board that the rates in
Boynton Beach I~morisZ Pa~ and S8_~a Si'm~,~ be as follow, s: Lots: B~sident rate
- $50.00 per lot, Non-resident rate - $75,00 per lot, Znfs~zt to 6 yrs. - $20.00
~Znfar lot$ Fees: Opening and Closing - $15.00 per let, Opening & Closing
nt to 6 yrs.) $I0~00 per lot~ ~me Payment Plan~ ~ payments of $10.00
per month, ~ ~&sximu~ time allowed per contract - 2 years; lot must be paid for in
f~l before burial ~rill be per~itted. ~. P~nmenz moved that the reco~nendation
be approved and the City Clerk be instructed to draw it up in resolution for
action at the ne~ meeting. Me. ~dsen seconded ~he motion ~¢aich passed
~. Durki~ moved +~P~t these new rates apply to ~s. Hay~ purchase amd that
she be so notified. ~. Baughman seconded the motion which passed ~m~nimously.
A resolution ~as read and unanimously approved setting forth an annual
Poppy Day~ to be held on *~he Friday and Saturday prior to Memorial Day of each
Mr. Oyer moved that J~ne 1~9 a~d July 6th, 1959, be established as holidays
for all City employees. ~V~r. 2.~dsen seconded the motion which passed unanimously.
A resignation from i~ss Alice Kelly to serve as inspector d~ring the
special election on ~y 26th was read for the information of the Council.
Mr. ~dsen moved that ~s. Authu~ Hartwig be appointed as inspector to f~
this vacancy, l~r. Bang~an seconded the motion :w~ch passed
A leSter from Mrs. W. ~. Hunsh~m~zker, was read in which she asked the
Go,mci! to accept her resignation as ~nairmau of the ~ecreation Board~ but
stating that she would remain a member of the Board. Nrs~ Marsh Anderson was
a_~pointed chairman of the Eecreation Board by a ~imous vote of the Council.
~eco~end~tions from the Building Board were rezd. it w~s pointed ~at
that the word %onseeutive" should be inserted in the 6th recommendation.
I~. i~dsen moved ~hat these recommendations be acceded. Mr. P~ug~aan seconded
th~ motion ~hich passed unanimoo, sly. (Reco~mmendations are attacJued to these
The Council gave tentative approval thethe plat submitted for M~q~crest
Estates subject to the recommendations of the Plarming Board and reserving the
size of the line on 31st Ave. to meet the specifications of the engineers and
the approval of Council and that the name will be changed and submitted at a
later da~e. I.~. 0yet made %he motion, Cnich~ was seconded by Mr. Madsen and
una~ ~nim¢zsly passed.
Recommendations for five tracts from the Zoning Board w~re read. (Legal
description and recommendations are attached to these minutes.)
The recommendation on Tract I was accepted upon a motion by ~'~,,, Oyer,
seconded and un~n4-~ously passed.
The reco~nend~.tion on Tract 2 and 3 was accepted, upon a motion by l~r.
Ba~?m~u, seconded by ~r. ~,~dsen and ~om~uimously passed.
Re~rding Tract %, Mr. Dmrkin moved, that the application be referred hack
to the Zoning Board to ~be re-advertised, advertising to be paid f~-~ by the
applicant, t*~. t~adsen seconded the motion which passed four to one, Mr. Baugb~
voting no.
The recommendation that Tract 5 be denied, was altered by an additional
letter from the Zoning Board stating that the ap~ulican% Dr. C. W. Nelson, had
agreed to limit the Trailer Park zo ~niug to No E. 4th St. if the same zoning
were extended south through ~is' property ~nd, therefore~ the reec~nendation
had been changed to recommend approval of the zoning. Mr. ~d~en moved that
the ree~endation be accepted. I~. B~u~nm~u seconded the motion which passed
Mr. Baughm~u moved that the City advertise for bids on a pump to be used
~ ~, ~ ' , * ~ th ~ter tanks to
i~ ~e ~ater Department Go ~c~ease w~te. pressure from e
the lines. Nr~ ~dsen seconded the motion ~hich passed four to one,
Mr. 0yet voting ne.
~. Baughma~ i~u.~ther moved that the City rent a pump, due to the urgency
of the situs~tion, for immediate use since it would t~ke *~me to advertise for
bids and purchase the pump.~ The estd~ated price for rent on a p~mp was said
t~ be approximately $26~.00 per month~ Mr. F~dsen seconded the motion which
passed fou~ to one, 2~r. 0yet voting no.
,o mee with Mr. C. A. A~derson of Brockway, Weber,
The 0o~&ucil agreed ~ t
and Brockway, on Wednesday i~ay 2?th at 1.00 P.M.
There being no f~rther ouszuess the meeti~E w~s adjourned at 12:lO A.M.
--// 0
Co,moil man
May 18, 1959
City Council
C~ty of Boynton Beach
Boynton Beach~ Florida
C~nt le men ~
The following n~w recommendations and proposals to the BUILDING
CODE have been made at a specisl meeting of the City Council and
Building Board held Monday, May 4, 1959.
I. ~ticle 1302, an addition to Section 1302.8, FO%~IDATZON WALLS
AND F00T~GS a ' ~ ~
sh ll ~nclude all ~ootings shall be formed with t he
exception of monolithic foal:ting which will be fo~d on the outside
2. All tie beams or perimeter bemms shall be a minimum of 8 x 12
reinforced concrete with 4=5/SWrod~. "Ur blocks will not be used for
3. Article 1404, Section 1404~V under (a) NOI~OW UNITS, A & 0
co!umnbloek; delete "unless otherwise specified by a registered architect
or engineer registered in the Stats of Ftorida~~
4. Section 1402.6 - PLAIN CONCRETE - delete "unless otherwise
specified by a registered architect or engineer registered in the State of
5. Section 107.4, addition to section WConst~ction to be subst~tially
cpmp!eted within 120 d~vs from d ate of begin2ing~.
6. Also incorporated in Section 107.4, BUILDING PERMITS, shall be the
following: "All demolition of I sto~y b~ildings shall b~completedwithin
20 working days after start. If work is not completed within s aid-time~ at
the discretion of the Building ~nspector, the petit will bet evoked and the
demolition completed by the City~ at the expense of the owner."
All above respectfully submitted to the Council, for consideration
as amendments to the BUILD_r~G CODE~
May 18, 1959
Honorable Mayor and City Council
~_ty of Boynton Beach, Florida
At the reg~armeeting of the Zonir~ Boo--rd held M~y 6th, 1959 the
following recor~ends~tions were m~de:
Tract I:
I~gal description - Cherry ~Lills, Boynton. ~est 1/2 of Lots
to 121 - 125 feet front, north to south, along 3rd St. - 62 1/2 feet
east to ~st s~ong 10th Avenue front. Address - At N. W. 3rd St.
&lOth ive., east of 3rd St. - South of 10th Ave. To be re-zoned
Duplex. Owner a~d applicant- i~nelmar Patterson.
RECC~DATION:~ No one appeare~ in the audience for or agamust this appli-
cation and after discussion by Board it was moved, seconded and
unanimously r~led that this application be denied.
(~ract 2 and 3 were considered jointly as companion applications)
Tract 2:
Legal description - All that part of the S~ of ~e ~!ying west
of the west right of way line of the Florida Fast Coast Railway,
Section 15, ~. 45 S., R. 43 E., said lands be~g located in the
Palm Beach C~unty, Florida. Address - 25
~.E.C. Tracks and N. of Royal Palm
To be ~ - E.O~ DanAv~y. Applicant
- ~Visconsi.
Tract 3:
34 and
of the right-of-way
Hypoluxo Subdivision,
Florida, according to the Plat
Clerk of the Circuit and for
Plat Book 1, Page 81. %.2
~est of F.E.C~ Tracks of
Cc~mercial. Owner . Peale.
part of Lot 2~ which lies West
Ooast Railway~ Sam ~o~ Jr.~s
the City of Boynton Beach,
recorded in the of£ice of the
Beach County, Florida, in
E. of N. E. 4th Street,
P~ Drive. To he zoned
A. Visconsi.
REGC~NDATION: No one in the
~o~iug Of these '~o tracts
eighty residents
petition sig~ed by
and the City Council t~gra~t
This petition is ~ttaahed to this
ection whatsoever to the
On the contrary, over
~$~v~esent and submitted a
to the application.
P~ge 2~ Honorable yzyor and City Council from Zoning Board~ F~y 18, 1959.
The only l~m~tations, other than cumtomary set-back tenements, etc.~
were as follows: ~.~t a 60 foot set-back from N. E. ~th St. to the
edge of the parking ~re~ be maintained and a total of a 100 foot
set-bac~ from the edge of the bu~38~ng to N. E. 4th St., be maintained.
N~. Visconsi s~ted that he had no objection whatsoever to these
restrictions and~ in fact, he contemplated his mini~ set-back to be
greater th~u this. Upon a m~tion, duly secanded~ the Bo~rd unanimously
re¢o~mends~T~e Council approve this application. ~. Humphrey
~bstained from votiu~ in that he represents N~- Visconsi as legal
Tract $: A~ress - So'th ~ederal Highway, Boynton Beach, ~morm~a. zo ~
~e-zoned ~zltiple Units. Owner ~Ud applicant ~r. George O. Abdo.
~ o ~ppeared in the audience either for or ag~Lust this
RECOmmenDATION. No one
application. After discussion, it ~s moved that the application be
~pproved ~nd this motion died for lack of a second. Hence, the
Board must recommend that tkis applicatiau be denied.
Tract 5: Legal description - A3t that part of Lots 20 to 26 inclusive of
Sam Browu Jr.~s Hypoluxo Subdivision, as recorded in Plat Book l,
P~ge 81, P~blic EecordS of Palm Beach County, Florida, lying between
the west line of Section 15, To~nship 45 South~ Range 43 F~st, l~Im
B~ach County, Florida. Address - North Federal N~ghway just south
of Royal Palm V~ll~ge and ~est of the FEC tracks. To be zoned
Tr~i3er Park. O~ner a~d ~pplicant Dr. Co ~. Nelson.
RECOmmenDATION: The applicant, Dr. Nelson, appeared before the Board ~ud
stated his request in detail. ~nen the Beard called for_ objections
to this zo~ug some eighty residentS= o£ Eoyal Palm V~31age a~eared and
stated their objections, objecting ~tso were ~esrby property owners
not residents of Royal P~Lm Village. After m~ch discussion, it
was d~ly moved, seconded and carried by a vote of three to two that
the Zoning Boa. rd recommend denial of tb~s application.
These recommendations are respectfully submitted for your consideration.
~ery truly yours,
O: Petition~ ~oy~l ~lm V~llage.