James J. F~ney, Mayor
J. B. Bamgbm~u, Viee-N~yor
Harvey 0yet
Walter Madsen
Nartin D~rkiu
Ronald Fruda, City Attorney
Tereesa~Pa~gett, City Clerk
Raymond SenkpieI, Chief ef Police
Jack Tuite, Fire Chief
Ditek G~oetenboer, Supt. of P~blic
Carl Stone, S~pto of ~ater Dept.
The Mayor called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M.
The Rev. W~lliam Johnson of the Ascension Luther~nOhurch, Boymtom
Beach, Florida, gave the invocation.
Ninutes of regnl~r meeting of April 6th, 1959 were read and unani-
mously approved with no corrections.
During the public half hour ~r. Cana~-u, from the audience, asked
about the various inspectors attending Council to give technical advice
whenever ~eeded. He was ~formed that the Council was meeting with the
Boards on Wednesday evening and was invited to attend. ~lr. Durkin asked
the Mayor if it might not be advisable to ask the Building Board to attend
and ~ny bttild~rs interested also be allowed to attend. The ~yor instructe~
the City Clerk to notify the members of the E~ding Board that the
CounCil would appreciate their attendance at the meeting on Wednesday
night at 7:00 P.~. At the further suggestion of M~. F~trkin, the Mayor
instmmcted the City Clerk to advise the Building Board that the Council
would like a report.
~rs. George K~g inquired as to the progress made on clearing rubbish
on a lot~ pursuant to a letter sent to the Co~ucil by F~s. W. P. Ohe~pney.
She ~.~ls~ brought to the attention of the Council the added nuisance of
mosqmitees ec~ from a ditch located just north of the Penny ~%arsery.
Nr. Oye~ told Mrs. King that the owner had been contacted and that the
condition woul~ be taken care of in tdue very near future.
The Mayor iread ~ invitation to at.tend the Seminole SXtu Dance, in
West Palm Beach, Florida, begi~ ~_pril 19th.
....... It s
A petitmon for street lightzug on N. ~..7th ~ve..~s.read~. .~ .~
s~ted t~t t~ ~tien ~o~ be ~e~ up ~th t~ Lm~t~
on k~es~y m~ht.
A progress report was read from -Russell & Axon.
A. letter was read from Gina J. D~eo, Frank Jenis, Jr.~ Ethel P.
Perkins, and Jones Tasley requesting that the City ~rnish them water and
stating, that the o%~rs were ~5_lling to lay ~ mains and make all hook-ups
and have all necessary right af ways. Mr. Baugh~n moved that the City
make arrangements to serve them on the terms as stated ia the letter, and
the petitioners pay the costs ent~ed. Mr. Oyer stated tb~t he would
Another letter frc~ t-~ Cemetery Board asking the Council to consider
designatin~ the South 150 feet of Lot I and Lot 5 lying west of Seacreet Blvd.,
~s cemetery area ~s read. ~fter discussion, i~. ~dsen moved that, subject
to the sale on C~ty owmed property to Robert Rose tbat prevents this land
from being used for a cemetery~ the Council approve this recommendation.
1.~r. Baughman seconded the motion ~nich p~ssed unanimously.
Another letter from the Cemetery Bo~rd was read~ submitting a survey by
Broc~u, ay, Weber & Brock~.y, sho~ing the area of the cemetery that is located
-~ithin the road right of ~y of Woolbright Road (S. ~. 15th Ave.) and Seacrest
Blvd. and recommending thzt the Council ask the County to retu~rn the area
located within the block wall along So W. 15th &ye. and along the s~me line
w~e~t in the new section of the cemetery. ~nis area w~s deeded to the County
by th~ City of Boy~ton Beach in 1957 and cont~s at least eight graves at the
present ti~e. Yin. Baughman moved that.the ~D. yor be authorized to consult
with the county to ~J~is end. Mr. Durk~u seconded the motic~ which passed
~.~ ~ously~
A letter from the pt~r~ing Board was reed recommending approval of the
plat bY A. Pa~ Y~o~g, zdjoin~ug Ben, Heights, provided all city engineering
requirements are met. Mr. Oyer moved that tentative ~pproval be given to the
subdivision l~y out plat provided ~ streets meet the 50 foot specified in
the City Ordinance. Mr. Mad~en seconded the motion ~hich p~ossed unar~imously.
T~e Ta~ Collector's Report w~s read.
Fire Department mont~ly report for May w~s read.
~nere being no f-o~ther business the meeting was adjourned at ll: P.M.