Minutes 04-06-59MINUTES OF REGULAR EEETING OF CITY COUNCIL OF BOYNTON BEACH, HELD IN CITY H~LL, BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, _APRIL 6, 1959 P RESENT: James J. Mahoney, Mayer J~ B~ Baughman, Vice-M~ayor Martin Du~ rkin Harvey Oyer Walter Madsen Ro~ald Fruda, Cit2 Attorney Te~eesa Padgett, CiSy Clerk Raymond Ser~kpiel, Chief of Police Jack Tuite, Fire Chief Ditek Grootenboer, Smpt. of Pmblic Works. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. Father Gerard Manming, Reoter of the St. Mark's Ca~d~elie Church, Boynton Beach, Florida, gave the invocation. Minutes c~ the regular meeting of M~ch 16, 1959 were read ~d ~ous~ approved ~theut Ninutes of the speci~meebing ef M~h 2%th, 1959, were read ~d un~oms~ approved wiShout So this for thei~2ormati*n o~. Dec,hie and told him that a report was forthcoming. Mr. Eo L~ Glenn inquired about the moving of the. garbage ~i~en a progress report. Mr. James the Carnival to be held by St. Catholic Church be req ~ at ~e~lyhou~. The Mayor ~n~o~d h~ that he been ~rmed ~hat ~e C~val wo~d close at H:00 The Council s~heduled a meeting withthe Ocean Ridge Council to d~scuss Water Se~ice a~d Fire ProtectiQn for Wed~es- day evening, April 8th, at 8:00 P.N. A letter, was read from~Renice LansLug, Principal of Boynton Beach. JuniorHigh School asking permission to use Pence Park for baseball.p~aCtice a~d gamea. M~. Durkin moved that this be turned ever to! the Parks & Playground Board for consideration. Mr. Madsen seconded the~motion which passed umanimously. A lette~ was read from Mr. W. R. Marvi~ ~equesting use of Pence Park for "Pr~p League? baseball g~mes. T~ s was also turned over te the Pa~ks au~ Playground Beard by a unanimous vote of the C'otu~Cil. A letter w.as read fr~m M~. and Mrs. W. P. Ch~npney concern- Lug a vacant lot adjoining their home on Potter Read. This was referred to ~. 0yet and 2~. Gro*tenboer for them to report back. A letter was read from Florida Tourist Guide regarding a subscription in its publication. Mr. 0yet moved that this be turned ever to the Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Madsen seconded the motion which passed u~animously. A letter was read from the Americam Legion asking the Ceunoii for available land to be used for a fi~g range for junior citizens of Beynton Beach. This letter was referred to the Parks a~d Playground Beard by a motion by Mr. 0yet, seconded by Mr. Madse~ and unanimously passed. the was read from Florida State Fire College ef Fire t~atien, at The Oeuncit scheduled a meeting with N. R. Field a~d his Attorney for 3:00 P.E. April 15th. The Council scheduled a meeting with the Advisory Board a report A request was read from St. Mark's Catholic Church Carnival for permlssiento held a non-profit oaEmival on the chttwch gro~mds April 7 te 12th inclusive. Mr. Durkin moved this peti- tion be granted. Mro 0yet seconded the motion which passed u~animouslyo Zoning 0rdina~ce #319 was read for the second reading. Mr. Baughma~moved that it be accepted on second reading. N~. Durkin seconded the motion which passed unanimously. 0rdinamce #320, on Gas Franchise for the City, was read for the first reading. Mr. Fruda read a letter f~em 2~o Geo. W. Coleman, Attorney for Florida Public Utilities Ce. and a letter from the AttorneyGeneral regarding the referendum that would be necessary. He then sta~ed that the refe~endumwould include ali the voters ef the City and that a simple majority vote would oar~y. This was his interpretation of the opinion expressed by Mr. Coleman and the Attorney General. This was the pr0ced~L~ followed by Delray Beach~ Fla., whose charter was almostidentleal to this City's Charte~, as stated in the letter from the Attorney Gene~aI. At the request of Mr. Oyer, the the motion which passed unanimomsly. The City Attorney brought to the attention of the Co~mcil a suit to foreclose a lien on Ctt$ Hall by J. Richard Ogden, The Council asked Nr. Fruda Se proceed according to prier authorization in this matter. A letter was read f~om William P. Du~n, Jr., Chai~ of the Citizems ~ Committee of Boynton Beach, asking the City te press the Comity for the completion of the B~idge over Boynten Ca~al on Seacrest Blvd. Itc Madsen ass~ed M~. Dunn, who was present in the audience, that he would make every effort to this end. A letter they to the mee~img ~ith the Advisory Board..~s. to neti~Mr~ Bateman or 'Mr. Jef£ries that t~e City. Jeff ties ~ceding asked mo~ed City Lo=s to the Co~ucil to get of it. passed · a request to ' the ~. Du~kin se Boa~d to the motion which A le~te~ of reEommendations was read from the P!u~bing Board whichi~?~uded the iollowlng ~ecommendations: ~nat each and every indlivi~mal septic tank shall be vented with a 3" ven~ stack th~oughi:the roof, a~d that Section ~ (a) ~age 14 o£ the ~ode B?ok ~ea~'~All double comPartment k~tchen smnks will be connected wit~ se~ate l~" traps." Mr. Madsen moved that this recommen- dation be, table~ for further study. Mr. Baughman seconded the motm~n Which passed unanimously. The Mayor infoz~med the Council that since the Agreement with Gulfstream on Wate~ and Fire P~otection was simila~ to that cu~rentiy being ¢onside~ed~with Ocean Ridge that, with the per- mlssion~e~ the Co~cil, discussion on it would be held over until ~eg, tiations with Ocean Ridge were completed. -3- The Building Report was read and showed total building pezmzits for the month of March to be $403,060o0Q. A bid was read on a copy machine from the Lanier Gc~pany, West Palm Beach, ~lao, t~ the-amo-~t of $281.00 for ~ Ther~zo- M~. Madse~ seconded the motion which passe~ ~aamLmously. A bib was read from the Palm Beach man~al 16 inch Coo for a amount of zed ~Yme motion A license reqmest made by Mrs. Alta Helen Couture for beer to serve on the p~emises amd to go was tabled by a motion by ' a N~. Madse~, seconded by M~. 0yet and ~nanmmously p ssed. A survey of cost of installation of lights as recommended ~ p with the Plumbing Bo~d at 7°30 .M. on the same evening. TheCity Clerk was instructed to make out a list ~f scheduled meetings for the month for the lnfo~matlon of the Council. A schedule for registration, other than the regula~ hours at the City Hall, was read. Mr. Baughmanmoved that the sche- their naturalization papers ~th th~m when they come to register. At the request of Hunnicutt Associates, Mr. Madsen moved that the following men be appointed as Deputy Tax Assessorm during the time this fi~m is working on the reassessment of the City of Beynton Bea~h:~ Donald Evans, Monty Skinner, Sanford Simmons, and Clayton Ma~tim. Mr. Baughmau seconded the motion whi~m passed unan~mously. -4- The Mayor brought to the attention of the Council that 47% acres ef property lying~Bst of Forrest Hills, in Section 32 within the City limits of Beynton Beach had been excluded f~om the tax rolls since 1952~ The tax ea~d for this preperty was ma~ked "excluded by eetu~t order., A letter from the Guardian Title and Abstract Ce. addressed te Mr. Renald Fr~da concerning this was read and stated that a title sea, ch conducted by them fQr taxes for the Gha~ter gives the ~ moved tha~ ~ with The Police Depart~ment Monthly Report was read and noted. The Fi~e Depar~ment monthly report was read and noted° A letter was read, addressed to SeaCrest Realty & Insurance Agcy., Coy, ~rom H. C. Hare Co. Gen. Agents, Jacksonville, 3, Florida,. regarding water pressure as concerns fire safety of Browa~d G~a~& Supply Co., Inc., located on N. W. 2nd Avenue, lm this lett~ the Fire Chief stated that the Fire Department had made a check of pressure 'and that i~ was not adequate, wate~ system she~ld include a minimum and-additional water storage in the North sectto~ of the City. M~. Baughmangave a report on the.Water Department in which he stated that the City's water system~ ~ater Department was in a ~ous condition brought about, by the fact that past net p~ovided la~ge eneugh mai~s tc take ca~e of and population growth. Also he pointed out that er Refumding Agreements im the past with the Waterw Depa~j~m~t .~.~h a c?nti~gent 000 wh~ in hzs opinmon was a ~greemem~. ~Gst conditions .and two ~ingp~eb!ems which · estimated $600,000 ~ We consult ou~ low which was engineers Is read. Depa~ent of Public W~rks was A letter f~om~r. Grootenboer, Supt. of Public Works, was rea? in whic~ he asked for permission tO travel to Camp Blanding to mnvestigate t~he purchase ef suliolus ~my equipment. Mr. Baug~ammoved that I~r. Madse~, Mr. 'Du~kin and N~. Grootenboer b~ authorized t~ travel to C~np Bl&~ding for the above stated purpose. Mr. Oyer seconded the motion which passed unanimously. Mr. Durkin i~foz-med the Council that he was endeavoring to a~ra~ge a Joint meeting of the Parks and Playgro~d Board'and the Re¢~eatio~ Board so that they could discmss varioas affairs concerning them. Councilman / ' uouncilman DISBURSEMENTS FOR MONTH OF H~4RGH, 1959 FaED B. SCOTT, ~ENT .Louis C. RE~ER B~TTS P~nIZTOR ZNn L~WN MOWZa g~ Jomm HA~ImOTOm BETTY H~ ~OW, F.P. B.B. Ja. H.S. PTi B.B. FZaE ~m ~o~-R~ Co. ASSOC. OF ELEC. INSPECTORS 'IONS ~ ELECTRONICS INC. TRZNSFEa -- I&S F~Nm F=Nm 1200. O0 100. O0 $. O0 15. O0 200. O0 75. O0 555.17 63. O~ ,9.72 260. O0 ~6.$i 1716.27 15.03 138. 50 24.54 140.09 95.29 3. O0 $1.01 I! O. 64 10.00 28.73 99.80 3.75 10, O0 13.50 75. O0 10. O0 558. riO 72.45 22. ~-0 37.60 75. O0 29. ~0 220.26 20.19 23.62 2. O0 75. O0 6784.43 " " " " B.B. Mm~.Pm. (DEPOS) 550.00 " " " " S. SIm~S MEm. Fm.(DEpos)iO0. O0 " " ~ " B.B. ~c~. F~. (Dm~os) ~200.00 16110.14 " " " " S. SImmS HE~. Fm.(DEP.) 1975.52 W~Es I~S. 15. O0 6784.43 550.00 !00.00 4200.00 1611 O. i~ 1975.52 DISBURSEHENTS FOR HONTH OF HARCH, 1959 FuN~ B.B. A¢~uzsz~ION ~YER ~$ FUrNITUrE B~OW~I~'$ ~ENS S~oP FLORID~ LPOWE~ ~ LIGHT Gmo. W. Fow~mR Co., INc. 1986. O0 12.95 46.48 122.66 55. O0 75. O0 2850. O0 90.98 $4. 40 i26~ 66 25.12 llOt. 96 fi. 55 60. O0 75.61 95. O0 5. 50 25.11 D. D. Jo~rNsbN, Sc~oo~ Pz~aoL~z~ 80.~0 Bm~ca' W.F. 92.40 AgENcY 651. 206.50 ~ZP~ GO., INC. iU~BE~ Co, ~7.~ AC~ZTZCS 80. O0 !~I. Ac~azrz cs 20. i~sZ~N 8~sS I & S Fo 5552.50 1986.00 (DEPosIT) 92.40 5352.50 J. H. COZER UNITED ~UTO SERFICE ~OYNTON ~E~CH ~OOFING CO. ~OYNTON ~ZDIO ~ ~. ~., INC. FLORID~ P~wma ~ Lz~ Co. ~ZITT ~AcDowELL ~OWE~L DISTR~IBUTING CORP. Rzs~s BRos., SE~ AIaz PLASTICS, INC. O~HISSIONER OF ~OTOR ~EHICLES SOUTHEASTERN ~TUR~L ~AS CORP. ~N~z F. H. ~O~THWOOD "0~" CONTRIBUTION EUND-FAa. IND. P~ YROL L ~ENERAL !1.1~ 52.50 ~$. 60 126. 25 12. O0 4. O0 35. O0 6. 96 89.78 5.05 2. 25 ~8; 25 10~. ~4 172. 70 6. O0 5.25 ,25. 50 15. O0 527.8~ 5.25 ~.. O0 1949. 9'7 3525. 50 239 7. 66 22~1. 74 1699. 05 2355. 223~. 86 2305.69 22 72. 62 1650. 77 DISBURSE~v~NTS FOR THE MON~ OF MARCH~ 1959 Deoositors F u_nd H. D. Mullis Ro-Lyn Cord o 7. Ro-Lyn Corp. Chas. A. Schie£er 7.50 Ch@s. A. Schiefer 7.50 Acct. of James I. Sinks 15.00 Claude LaVigne 7. Acct. of M, H. Gilbert 7.50 Acct. of John Gaylor 7.50 Acct. of Blue Marlin Delv. Co. 7. Acct. of Blue Marlin Delv. Co. 7.50 Acct. of Seacrest Homes~ Inc. 7.50 Acct. of John Jantorsky 7.50 DeRoy~ Inc. 7. Sea,rash Homes~ Inc. 7. Acct. of SeacreSt Homes 7.50 Acct. of NorthWood Bldrs. 7. Acct. of Mrs. John Keller 7.50 Non, lin & Adams 7. Acct. of Leroy Lang 7.50 John Soffe 7.50 Acct. of Cole Mobile Homes~ Inc. 7°50 Acct. of Carl 0~ M. 01est 7.50 ~gm~ Q~ Hays ?~50 Maal Corp. 15.00 Acct. of Don Parsons 7.50 Julius E~anee! 7.50 Paul Harrington 7.50 Acct. of Norman Bergholm 7.50 Accto o~ Harry S±egele 7.50 Accto of Wi!ford Roux 7~ Acct. of David Ele~mer Kolendo Constr. Co. S. Pandolfo 15.00 Julius Enmma ne e! 7. Gold Key Builders 7.50 Acct. of Mo H. Gilbert 7.50 Henry O~ 01so~ 7.50 Urn. q. Hays 7.50 Highland Beach Isles Cor,~. 7.50 Gold Key Bldrs. 7.50 Acct. of DeRoy~ Inc. 7.50 %~m. Q. Hays 7o M. H~ Gilbert 7.50 Dro Chas. Akes 7.50 Acct. of Alice Gsskeli 0fetal! 7.50 Ward Cmmmings 7.50 George Feltis 7.50 Ho ~% Kiiby 7.50 %ffater Fund DISBD~RSEMENTS FOR 2PIE MON%~H OF MARCH~ 19~9 De'oositors F-omd Smithson & Keyser Bldrs. Acct. of L. Ebberts Gold Key Bldrso Acct. of Oscar Magnuson Acct. of Wo G. VerShies Acct. of Lester Shelhsmer Blue Cross-Blue Shield Brooks Products of Fla. Davis Meter & Supply Co. DeMarco Tractor & Imo. Co. Florid~ Power & L±ght Coo Addr essograph-Multigraph Johns-Manville Sales Corp. Motorola Communications M & H Valve & Fittings Co. Neptune Meter Co. Mo H. Gilbert John Gsylor Seacrest Eomes~ Inc. John Jantor sky Seacrest Homes~ Inc. Nor thwood Builders Mrs. Jo~na ~eller Leroy Lang Carl 0. Mo 0tes~ Florida East Coast R~y. Co. Wilford David Stemmer Don Parsons Robert H. Schier M. H. Gilbert DeRoy~ Inc. ~. & B. 2ioe & Supnly Co, Boynton Auto Suooly Co~ Brooks Prod. of Florida Alice Gaskill 0artel Farq~mhar Machy Co. Florida oow-er & Light Co. Oscar ~agnuson W o VerShies Lester Shelhsmer Blue Cross l~.OO 7. ~0 7. ~0 7. ~0 7. ~o 7. ~o Water Fund 2369. 16.29 837.3,3 13 · i% %18¥. oo 1077. O0 2~9.34 112¥. 8O 4.60 ¥. ~0 t.00 .80 6.00 3-470 ~. 6o 2. O0 ~. 60 ~. 60 6~D0 287. O0 6. O0 2~.12 6~2. ~1 ~. 90 6.00 2~.~5 -2- ~hr~ thru 1t10 thru s sn lot emcK with s $10.00 Rest~ec~fl~tqy , : -