Minutes 03-25-59MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF BO~NTON BEACH, HELD IN CIT~ HALL, BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, MARCH 2~, 19~9. PRESENT: James J. Mahoney, Mayor Jonas B. B~ghman, Vice-Mayor Martin Durkin Walter Madsen H~rvey Oyer Ronald F~uda, City Attorney Tereesa Padgett, City Clerk Raymond Senkpiel, Chief of Police The meeting was called to er~ier at 7:30 P.M. The first item considered was a request for payment for const~ction of buildings located on N. E. 9th Ave. in Boy~ton Beach at the wellsite, submitted to the City by Albert Deen, General Contractor. Total amount of the bill being $8,008; $6,006 having been received byes. Deen, with a balance due of~ $2,002. ,Mr. Fruda informed the Council that the release of l~ens on the p~operty should have a complete description of the loca- tion of the land. Mr. Banghmanmoved that the balance due the contractor be paid subject to the release of li~n being corrected. Mr. Madsen seconded the motion which passed unani- mously. Councilman Baughman reported to the Co~ncil on his amatysis of the bids om Water Meters received by the City a~d recommended to t~e Council that Neptune be given the meters and Southern be given the couplings. Er. 0yet moved that the bids be awarded by splitting the bids, the ~ters to Nept~e and th~ couplings t° So~thern Meter Company, ~e composite being the mow bid, subject to compliance to specifications. Mr. Madsen seconded the motion which passed unanimous.ly. Mro Baughmanstated that the meters would come in three shmpments 1/3 LuAprit, 1/3 in June a~d 1/3 in October and thmt payment would be m~de at ~hose times. The Mayor asked sub~~qrdinance #318 be read for the second reading. Mr. Oyer~vm~6~y ob ~ to the erdinamce being read fo~ final reading at a s~ stating that the first reading had occurred at a special and he felt that the Mayor had assured him the second ~eading would the Council take place at a re that the t lays apart, and because of the~ felt that it should be taken up ated that this meeting was sec hhe or- ordinance in reading. that the Council ~. Eadsen e be iowa: -1- "agreement executed by the owner and subdivider wherein they ~g~eed to make ~nd install improvements provided for in Section in accordance with the plans and specifications accompanying the final plat that all such improvements shall be inspected by the City Engineer or ~upt. of Public Works and in the event it should be necessary for the service of a registered engineer for any inspection or technical approvals deemed necessary by the City Engineer, or Supto of Public Works such expenses sh~l! be bor~e by the o~er or person interested." Mr. D~rki~ se- conded the amendment. Upon a call for a vote the amendment was defiled three to two, Mr. Madsen, .Mr. Ba-~ghman and Mayor Mahoney rs-ting ne. After len~.~thy discussion eoz~erning this amendment and other aspects of =ne ordinance, Mr. Baughma~ moved that since discussion On this .ordinance had already taken up more than a half hOUr, that debate on it be limite~ to two minutes. Mr. Madsen secQnded the~motion. The motion passed three to two, Mr. Oyer and Mr. Durkin voting no. ~ha~e~he ordinsnce be adopted for a second ~eading as ~ead, ~wassed three bo two, Mr~ Oyer and Mr. Du~ki~ voting no. o D~kin asked that the record show that he opposed it on the g~ounds that he tho~gh~, it should be read at least at one regul~ meeting of the City Council. The City Clerk was authorized by a unanimous vote to have the ordinance mimeographed, with 100 copies, ~ that a charge of $1.00 be required from interested pa~ties desiring a copy. roposed. 0rdmn.ance ~319, amending~0rdmnance #205, was read by the Cmty Attorney for a first reading. Nzm. Baughmau moved that the ordinance be passed on first reading, Mr. Madsen~ seconded the motion which passed unanimously. A letter from Russell & Axon regarding recommendations for Sewage Facilities fo~ Lake Boynton Estates was read. After discussion, Mr. Madsen moved that the owners of Lake Boy,ton Estates be notified that the City of Boy~tQn Beach is ready to enter into negotiations with them regarding final designs, if they are willing to put up $135,000 in escrow for the sewage treatment plant expansion and that a copy of the l~tter from Russell & Axon and also from Flo~da State Board of Health be sent to them. Mr. Baughm~u seconded the motion whic~ passed fou~ to one, N~. 0yet voting no and asking that the record sho~ that he voted no on the motion because he did not feel that any developer should be penalized to eonne$~ to ~he system t~ such an extent that ~e would have to ~ o~ o~ for the full amount of the is for 1,0~0 home sites, the developer has The Mayor ~ecessed the meeting fo~ a period minutes. .. The. Mayor recommended to the Council that tentative approval on ~ne p&at for Rolling ~reen Ridge ~d A~ ~ i . ~ ~ ~ · o 2m i ~d~t~on~ submm-tted by N~. ~melds be held up until the city ~eceived,'theProPer deeds, ~ w~ou~ a reverter clause, for thepropertyunder th~0ri~inal con~ract of the sewage treatment co~t~t._m Mr. Bau~ghm~n moved~ that the Council hold up tentative approval on this and notify M~. Fields that they were awaiting the deeds which he entered lute and agreed to give to the City of Boynton Beach, upon the signing of the se~gge contract and also give him ~u estimate of the cost of the roads and the water--the road estimate being $10,313 and the water estimate being $5.55~-and ~rther inform him that this amount should be p'~t up in bonds or in cash as required. Er~Eadsen seconded the motion which passed unani- mousiy, Regarding a recommendation from the M~o ~ plat the so~th south side Memorial Park Cemetery and .~ ~ approximately 250 plots for an i~fant s burm~ ~ to relocate the read which is on the oI~ cemete~v plot which the Otty has no pla~ and Er. 0yet see~ Cemetery Board. ~imms Memorial Gardens with the In consideration of a request by Charles Johnsom~ Jr, that he be allowed to purchase eight lots for a total,of $400.00 and that he be allowed to pay for them under a contract of $t0.00 per month. M~. 0yet moved that this request be gr~nted and that these eight lots be reserved in his name ~ad as he pays a total smount of $50.00 that a deed be issued for a lot. MS, Madsen seconded the motion which passed unanimously. 2~o Durkin move~and N~. 0yet seconded the motion that the matter of policy c,ncerning the purchasing of cemetery lots on a timebasis be tu~ed over to the Cemetery,Boar~i for their deliberation and that they report back to the Gounci~. Th~ motion passed unanimously. The Council ~ to schedule a meeting wit~0~eanRidge Council to protectio~ a~d Water amd Mahoneyito a~range a date with the Mayor of 0cean Ridge~ The Co~cil scheduled a,meeting with the Elorid~ Public Mrs. Raymond Senkpiel, M~s. Harvey Weber, Mrs. George Miles, Mrs. William Tomti~sen, Mrs. Thomas Dwyer, Mrs. Frances Jo vandevender, Mr. George EeCormack~ and E~ Thmmas Dwyer were appointed to serve as deputy clerks to be swoEa in for the purpose of re-registration of voters only, by a unanimous vote of the Council. A letter was read from Harlow hh~, Post Master~ regarding naming of streets amd street signs. Mr. Madsen was requested to take this matter up with the Supt. of Public Works and have the work started. An estimate was read on the cost of the Colored Recreation Center. Total estimatedcost of $15,15h~ was reported for a 24x60 square foot area. It ~as decided to meet with the representatives of th~ Civic League Saturday N~rch 28th at !:00 P.Mo There being no fu.wther Susiness the meeting was adjourned at 11:00 P.M.