Minutes 02-16-59MTT,?,~m'~'~ O? THE REGULAR ?EATING 0:~ TRZ .... 3OUNOIL OP
~OYNTON ~m'~u HELD iN ~ CZT~ ~T- RnvNmnN
nx~& ~ ~ .... BEACH
James J. M~aoney, Hayom
Jonas Baugb~an, Vice-Mayor
Martin Durkin~ COuncilman
Harvey Oyer, Councilman
Walter Madsen, Councilman
Ronatd Prude, Cityi. A%torney
Mrs. Padge%t, Oity 0lark
Raymond ~enkpiel~ ~ief of
Jack Tuite~ Fire Chief
Dirsk G~ootenboer~ Supt. of
Public Works
CaPi Stone: ~up%. Of Water Dept~
~am!ed the meeting vo order at 7:35 P.M.
The ~s¥or ~ ~
The Rev. H. William Johnston of the Ascension Luthern Church,
Moynton Beach, gave the _nvoca~on.
Minutes of the regular meeting held February 2nd~ were read.
~%en addition or corrections were asked, Mm. Over said that ~ n~
~na~ the minutes Should show that in regard to %he Water Refunding
Agreement he was not permit%ed to discuss in detail the reason that
he felt that he sho~td give further consideration ~o this proposal.
That he had been em% off. The Mayor expressed the opinion that he
was given full time to discuss it. During a heated discussion as
%o whether ar not Mr. Oyer had been cut off, Mr. Bau_ghman moved
%hat ~he minutes be approved as read. Mr. Madsen seconded the
motion. Mr. Oyer reiterated that he ~as cut off and prevented from
speak£n6 on this matter of water refunding agreement. Mr, Baughman
called for the ~eestion. Motion to approve the minutes as read
carried three ~o two. }~P. O}er and Mr. D~kin voting no.
Min'm{Les of the continued meetiP~ held February 3rd were read.
Mr. Oyer asked that on the lighting committee Mrs. should be in-
sertee before %he name of Pat Bowe, to read Mrs. Sa~ Bowe. Mr.
Baughman moved that the mznu%es be approved as read. Mr. Madsen
seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
Minubes of the Special Meeting of February 9th were read.
In re5ards to the recommendation f~sm the Planning Board %o declare
inca!id al! previous acts, M~. Oyer stated that he would like the
minutes %o show that it was reported to this Council that it was a
unanimous recommendation of the Board and that the Planning Con-
su!tant~ evide~tiy was in agreement with iv, since this was the
basis of his voting for the recommendation. A motion by Mr. Oyer
that the minutes bs amended to show that he vote~ for this plan
upon the statement made here that the Planning Consultant was at
this meeting a~d did net object to it and it was a unanimous vote,
was denied by the Mayor. Mayor Mahoney informed Mr. Oyer that he
could include this in the minutes of the present meeting, if he so
desired, but that it had no place in the minutes of the past meeting.
Mr. BaUghma~ moved that 'the minutes be approved as read. Mr. Madsen
seconded the motion which passed three ~o two, Mr. Oyer anm Mr.
Durkin voting no.
· ~ ~ ~ ~ ' ~e minutes oDuld
Mayor Mahoney ~ns~ruct~a the ~oun~ml that -~'
mot possibly include all 'the remarks made 'by all the Councitme~
and that if they wanted any specific ~emark included that they so
inform the secretary at the time of making the remark and not two
weeks later. He further cautioned every memoer of the Council,
himself included, to abide by this rule.
The first item under old business to come before the Council
was the application from Boynton isles to rename streets in that
subdivision. ~fter discussion Mr. Oyer moved that the names as
submitted by Boynton Isles be accepted. Mr. Madsen seconded the
motion which passed foo~ to one, Mayor Mahoney voting no.
The matter of Insurance on the City Hail, which is now held
by two companies was again brought before the Council. Two letters
were read concernio~ this--one from Dutch Insurance amd the other
from Seacrest Realty, givir~ their short term rates for cancellation.
t~'. Walter Dutch appes~ed before the Council to enli~aten the
Council on any matter that he could. After discussion ~. Baughman
moved that the Council cancel the Seacrest Insu~anoe policy and
authorize payment of the short term rate of ~i3i.6~ to Seacrest.
Mr. Madsen seconded the motion which passed four to one, Mr. Oyer
voting no.
a letter was read from the Board of Public Instruction regarding
the Boynton Beach Elementary School.
Mr. Baughman moved that Ralph Henick of WTVJ TV Station be
sent a letter of commendation on the fine editorial he gave con-
cerning the Boynton Beach Elementary School. Mr. Madsen seconded
the motion which passed three to two Mr. Durkin and Mr. Oyer voting
A letter of recommendation was read from the Planning Board
regarding the resignation of Anthony F. Pimental, P~ao~in6 Consul-
tant. The letter o~ resignation from Anthony F. Pimental requesting
the Council ~o release him from his contract was then read. The
Mayor asked Mr. Walter Dutch, Chairman of the Plaguing Board to
eo~.e~orate his statement that at the last meeting of the Planning
Board that Mr. Pimentat made no objection to the motion %o declare
invalid ~1! previous acts of the former Planning Board. This
Mr. Dutch did. Mr. Ronald Fruda, City Ahtorney, who also attended
the meeting of the Planning Board was asked if he heard any oojections
to which be answered none. Thereupon Mr. Baughman moved that in
as much ~s Mr. Pimental, Planning Ccmsu!tant~ employed by the City
o~ Boynvon Beach~ has released the Oity from alt further
tions under his contract and uoon the recomsendation from the
Pla~m. in8 Board that his ls~ver of February l%th, 1959 be accepted
as read. Mr. Madse~ seconded Lhe motion which sassed unanimously,
Mr. Fruda, City Attorney, reported to the Council on accuir-
ing a quit ~taim deed to the proper~y on which the old City Hall
is located. He informed the Council that while he had received
partial agreement from the guardian el one of the parties involved~
Able Coo~, the other, Mrs. Chadwelt, flatly said ~hat she would
not give a cuit claim deed amd that this being the case the title
could mo~ b~ cleared.
Regarding the bill submitted b~ the 0ity to the Sea He, se'
Motel for rent on a fire hydrant, Mr. Fruda informed the Council
that moon investigation he found the city had no contract or
auythii~g in writing no back up this bill and that he would
recommend to the City that they write 2t off. Mr. Baughman moved
that the bill for rent on a fire hydrant in the amount of ~260.83
to the bee Horse Motel be charged off. Mr. ~adsen seconded the
motion which passed unanimously.
A telegram was read from Jack C. ~amilton~ Managers Hunnicutt
and Associates, Appraisers, giving a price of ~i6,500 for complete
revaluation of real and personal property on or 0efore July tSth,
1959, provided the contract is signed no later than March
and quality property maps for an additior!a! ~i$00.00. !~. Madsen
moved that the Council instruct Hu~micut and Associates to prepare
a contract to submit to the City of Boynton Beach so that 'the
Co,mci! and the City Attorney could go over it, in which they will
be authorized ~o perform a complete revaluation and reassessment
of taxable properties both real and personal within the city limits
of Boynton Beach, also that they prepare the necessary maps as
outlined in their telegram. Mr. Baughma~ seconded. Motion passed
The Mayor brough~ ye the attention of the Council the fact
that since the City had received a request from the 5tare Auditor
for a complete inventory of records and since this would take a
great deal of time to complete, and further the t the ~tate Auditor
would not begin the audit until such time as he had this inventory~
that he, the Mayor, felt that it would not be wise to wait any longer
on the audit for the year ending October 31, 1958. The necessity
of i'astaliing a better accoun'ting system was also brougi~at to the
attention of the Council by the Mayor. He strongly recommended
that the Council employ the firm of Bate..~en & Jeffries to set up
a mew accounting procedure~ with new forms am~. records~ so tha~
the Council will have, e~ery month, up to date financial records,
another advanvage~ 0ointed out by the ~ayor, was sy employing
this ~'irm for the current year~ from Novemoer let, 1957 to October
3!st~ 1958~ the City would have the benefits of a continuing audit.
& letter was read from Bateman and Jeffries, outlining t~e~uties
they ~ropose to perform as follows: An a'~dit of the books ano_~.~
records of the City o_f Boynvon Ben. ch for ~n~ fiscal year e~ded
October 31, 1958, together with the instaIlation cf an accounting
system and its follow-up. The new accou~_tlng system would include
the establishment of budgetary controls, the design of ali neces-
sary forms, installation of needed accountim~ and purchasing pro-
cedures, review and recommendations regarding internal control~
work simplification and other details that go into the operation
of an effioier~t accounting system. After discussion Mr. Baughman
moved that the City employ this firm of Bateman and Jeffries
perform an s~udit for the year ending October 31, 1958 smd to
install a new accoum~ting system. .~.r. Madsen seconded t~s motion
· which passed unanimously.
~ license %o sell Beer and Wine for take-out was approved
by a motion by Mr. ~ ~-~ .... ' ~
~a~6~im~ secondem by Mr. Hadsen arc passed
unanimously. License aDp±mc~m n wss made by ?-il F~o~ Store.
a tax discount refund in the amount
Karwoski was approved by a motion by
M~. Madsen and passed uns, nimousty.
of $7.92 to William
Baughman~ seconded by
tax adjustment refund to Ernest Pearson in the amount of
was approved by a unanimous vote.
A letter from the Civil S=rviee Board announcing the results
of the election held by City employees. The two members elected
to the Civil Service Board by the City employees are Claude T.
Bowles and John W, Johnston, Also included in the Letter was the
recommendation to the Council that Hugh Eo David ce appointed
by the Council as the fifth member of the Board, this being the
unanimous choice of the board members, Mr. Madsen moved that
Mr. David be appointed the fifth member on the Board. Mr. Baugh-
man seconded the motion which passed unanimously.
A letter from the Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph
Company was read, urging support in fighting the 10% excise tax
now levied on ~e_~ephone calls. A resolution in support oF this
,_eo~er was r~am ana approved unanimously.
A resolution to transfer ~t8,000.00 from the btreet Deoart-
meht to the General Fund ~as r~ad.% Mr. Madsen moved thea~op~on~ '~ '
~f this r~solu~on. Mr. Baughmsn seconded the motion w~'~'
g mesoiution %o transfer ~ = ~ ~ ..... =
e2~,O00 f~om Street ~eP~rtm=nt Lo
~' ~e adoption o~ the
~e General ~dnd was read. Mr.~Madsen ,roved ~ ~
resolution. ~g-~ ~ ,-~",,~ MOtion passed unanimously,
A resolution was read on Water Policy, ~aver Refunding
agreements. Mr. Maasen moved the adoption of the resolution.
Mr. BaUghman seconded the motion. The motion passed four to one
Mr. Oyer feting no,
k resolution regarding paymenv of employee teleohone bills
was read. Mr, Hadsen moved thst the resolution ~e adopted.
Mr. Oyer seconded the mo%ion which ~assed four to one, ~k~. Baugh-
man votin~ no.
~ resolution on c¼a-,k'i,~% a rezonir6 fee of e2s,O0 was read
.... ' ~ ~ ". ' ,~ ado'oted~ Hr. saug~man seconced
the motion which passed four Lo one~ }:~7'. Oyer votlnL no.
...... ~o~ect~. s report was read.
The Mayor asked the Council 0o make a eeoision on the poti¢.¥
~xam_n~tlons OVer to
the Plumbing Board. Mr. Madsen moved ~ha~+ the '~a~%~' policy of
pejl~e the_o-~m'~,''m .... zn~}o~ _~o~~_O~ or, e-bate of the fees eolzeoteo.~ - for
~t_~.~._~__~ ce ~ltoweD. froE this %i~e o~. m~. ~auonman
seconded ~ ~ ~ '
ohv motion which eas~em unanimously.
Hr. Oyer asked if the City Clerk had given a report on keeping
the City Hall open on Wednesday afternoons as requested by the
Council. The Mayor said that he had Eone over the question with
Mrs. Padgett and that as Administrative head he would not advise
Zt a~ this time.
A letter from the e
_lannzne Board recommending %ne Council
purcnas~ large sea±e aerial photographs was read. It was decided
to table this until the next regular meeting.
Mr. D,J~kin reported on three bids for two police cars which
he had received. Mr. Fruda, C~ty Attorney, read for the informs-
t~on of the Oouncli the section ~n ~he Charter covering this, which
section stated definitely that all bids in excess of ~I00,00 should
be publicly advertised. Mr. Dmrkin concurred in this,-and told
the Couneii that he would advertise for Fords only. Mr. Baughman
moved that an advertisement be placed for these bids, specifics-
%Ions to be provided and turned ~nto the City C~erk ~or that purpose.
Mr. Durkin seconded, Motion passed unanimously.
Mr. Tuite~ Fire Chlef~ asked for authorization to purchase
additional heavy equipment for the new emergency truck. Mr. Durk!~
moved tha~ the PiPe Chief be authorized %o purchase the equipment
in the amount of ~75.00. Mr. Madsen secondem the motion which
passed unanimously.
Mr, B~ugnmo~n moved that the Council reconsider the vote of
~n~ last meeting on bids for water meters aug couplings. Mr. Madsen
seconded the motzOn which po.~Sed unanimously.
Cou .... ± readvertise for bids ye
Mr. Baughman moved that the -~
and that zt be puo_~sn~d in the
purshase water meters amd couplings ....... ~ '~
~ ~ the motion which passed '~- ' ~
newspaper. Mr. :~adse~ seconded m_~n~mou~ty.
. _ ~o=ms gave a report on the
Mr. Grootenboer, Supt. of Public '~ ~
. . ~o~e~ the Council that
City aceuiring a sewage overstep, and -~e .~ =
personnel would be n~eaea in this capacity mn aaou-6 smxty mays.
Mayor Mahoney asked the City Attornej %o write zo N. R. Field and
request him so comply with the contract as regards placing the funds
in the Little River Bank in Miami~ and also to deliver a deed to
the 10 acre parcel of land to be usam for the plant site and a deed
to the lot on whmcn the =~_~ station is to be located.
A progress report was read from Russell and Axon.
~pon a motion by Mr. Oyer, seconded oy P~. Hadsen and unani-
mously pa~sem the meeting' was adjo 11:20 P.H
VLce Hayer
C Is rk
Counc i lman
C curio i imam