Minutes 02-09-59~RP.*~H i~D !Iii CITY E&LL~ BOL~,~'f0N B?~ku~., FLORIDA 1959 l James J. }L~honey, ~ayor Jonas B, Baugh~an~ Vice ~yor Hs_-cvey E, Oyar~ Co~ci~uan %~alter B. l~dsen~ Ro~ald J. Fruda¢ City Attorney Tereesa Padge~t~ City Clerk Raymo.~-d Ser~kpiel~ ~uief of Police J~k ~ite~ F~e Chief D~ck Grootenboer~ ~aP~, of ~blic Works 08~! Stone~ Supt. of Water Dept~ i~yor ~oney ooened the meeting at 7:30 ~e ~irst matter listed on the agenda and brought before the 6o~mci! was a letter to the City frmm Boynton Bea~ S~te ~r24 request~g aut~ity to ~ansfer securities fr~ the ~.~c~ Co~ ~ge B~¢ New York Ci~*~ to ~_e ~%~ng ~st Compaq- of New York, !~ Pa~ Hercer of the Bo%nigh Beach S~te Ba~ introS~aced ~. ~dsley~ aisc fr~ the ~ who e~lained tc the Co-~c~ the de~ils of this tr¢_sfer, In ~s e~!anation i~, Ends!ay i~o~ed the Co~n~rl t~t the Beton Beach State ~r~ was s~p~ transferri~ Bends held ~. security from one ~ to ~other, amd t~t it was a rout~e matter recf~zng o~y ~ae sixties of the ~mty Treasurer and Hr. ~ugk~.n moved tb~t the Ci~v ~eas'~er mad the ~'~y~ be a~zthorized to si¢n %aa resolution arrayed to ~ese ~uates relative ~o this ~d the neces~ sa~ or, ds zor t_e deposit of t!~s ~5¢000,00 in gover~ent '~nds to %~ing T%¢.st Com~ny of New York~ }~ }~dsen seco~ed, Mormon oassed ~, A, }L TnOz*~.s appeared before the C~_cil regarding s lot o~ed by M~, t, B~ K~sch ~t ~s in need of cle¢%ng np due to over~o~.~ smd decaying vegetation~ he f~the~ told the Co~o~ '~nat he b~d co~4olained about this to the past Oo~m_c~l ~ud tha~ as a remit a ~idozer b~d come ~ and ~ust pushed do~m the ~rsr~ow~ and !eFt it ~ere, P3. ~er moved +~at the o~maer of the property in ~mes~on ~ notified t!~t he is vo clear the debris from the ~oper~y w~unmn b~.0y d~,~ the " ~z~ s~e i~ end c~=ar the oroperty and charge ~us cost tc the ~mer. Hr. ~ds~n seconded th~ ~o .......~.~ ~. ~ssed ~ma~.~y~ i,~. A. %~. ~ ~ instz~cted to write ~e orby. a ~etter set%lng ~o_snNls co~la~% in ~rri%~g ~_d ge~t~g ~ he des~ed. [~. %~. L. VaDleveD. der~ 3165 East A-~antic Drive asked the Co-~c~ mc look that he-w~d look ~%o I,~. ~. M, Tho~s reported t?ne e:~stance of a cave-in in bhe street at corner oS N. E. ~%h and N. E. 20%h Ave. Mr, Thomas ~s ~o~ed %b~% P~. 1¢~dsen would check into ~he M~IOr w~Aoney asks' d all persons having~=e~otaints- to %~ite a letter to the City Ooumc~ so thgt they wo~d have a record of the co~oiaLut ~ order %o fac~itate the follow Mir. Humm_icut~ representative of H~uicut and Associates, St. Petersburg, Flee, Appraisers, appeared before the Co~ucil and talked at ler~th as regards the merits of a reappraiss~ and also of b_is Compa~%~. The Conm~ciimen asked him several ouestior~s regarding tDi, s o A letter was read from George C. Abdo~ wi~m regard to the proposed names of streets in Bo~nton Isles subdivision. Mr. Tuite, Fire Chief~ when asked ~£o~t his opinion was on this matter of ~g streets told the Council %b~t he did not go s~ong ~.~_th th_is policy, that~ ~ it were done in very many cases~ it would make the worx of the Fire Department ~:ad Police Department and other emergency departments, more diffic~3!~t. !,~-. ~r?~in moved that the matter be referred to a co~mittee of the Police Cb~ief~ the Fire O~ief and Supt of ~zhlic Works to consider the advisability of this proposal, ~.nd re- port back at the next meet~-ug. M~. O~er seconded the motion which passed u~imauslyo l~ro Baugb~zn read a report and recommendation from Supt. of ~.blic Works and Supt~ of ~.~ater Dept, reg~d~g bids and a~ds for ~ter meters~ couples ~d pipe fitt~gs, ~d moved that ~e bids be a~d~ on ~e~ reco~endatio~. ~Pr. I~sen seconded the motion ~uhich passed ~ously. T~ awards ~e as fo~o~: ~ Pipe Co.-~Te~s $~7.95~ GI Pip~ ~2~154.60~ ~ey ~pply Co~ ~Reduc~rs $31.77~ Gi Nip,les ~i0.35~ GI ~ps $3.36~ Gte ~!ves $76~.~ c!i~ $i3.50~ Sou~ !~r ~F~Y ~.~I s~s $38.i9~ Cop~r t~o. ~322.40~ Brass ~s ~1,305.80, ~ess clps $I~35, F~C~ Clips ~0.10~ S. Satires ~1,080.02~ Sk~r~er Cs $15~80~ Meter Risers Regarding a bill sub~_~tted, to the City for Insistence for the City .W~!l by }falter Dutch, v£ni~fa had been discussed at the cont~_uued meet:Jag of Feb~ary ~. !.~.dsen moved that the bill be paid. ~6ter discussion as to what action ~zo-,s~d benefit ~ae City, l&~. ~deen withdrew his motion and moved tb~t the City Clerk gev in vouch ~th Mr. ,~atch and IW~o Boos~ of the Seaerest ins~rance Agency, and have t~hem botim come before the C~cil at the next meet'~:~ and give the C~smcil, the short +~e_~a cancellation rate for each of ~he policies now effect for insurances on t?~ City Hal!. ~. Baugd~man seconded. Motion carried. ~ne Co-~_eil set a meeti~ %~ith Lynch Bros..for Sat~-~day afternoon at 2:00 P.2,~. to ~o over streets a-~d ~ewers ~u, the proposed plat. ~me ~yo~ announced that Oivil Service ~lec~-~ons by the employees would take place on Friday~ Februa-~y 13, 1959 in +Gms City Hall. letter ~s read from the Hedges ~ ~'~ ~ ~~y t ,banking the City ~ their e~pression of s~,~npathy in the recent de~ise of Chea%~,~~.v Hedges. A letter ~ms read from George W. Getz requesting that the street in front of his property on N. E. 8th Ave. east of Seacrest Blvdo be repaired s-ud smoothed. The ~a~ver was referred ~o iv~. i~dsen and ye i~L~. Grootenboer, Supt~ of ~olic ~o~ms. _~,~er _;o~ M~!ldred Hal~,er regarding a s~mggested settlement for property' formuerly o~med by her and now used as l~ablic street. This matter ~.m.s rede_res_ to ~h% ~.dsen for his investigatiOD~o A letter was read from ac R. Field s ~at_ng that he w~o~d be wi~ing for a pam~oei o£ property to be ineorporat~d into the City providing it is zoned -2- for '~sinesso l~[r. Baugt~an moved that th-is ist%er be referred to the Plarming Board mud t~t they be asked to ~ive the Co,smell imf cremation as to wD~t is the overall pls~_~_iug for that section, i~. ~dsen secondad the motion ~hich carried~ unanimously. Mro Y~%dsen moved that the Council ins%x~cteo_ the City Attorney to proceed ~_th any measures necessary to clear the title on the property on N. Federal High~my on which the 01d City Hmtl stands, i~ir~ Baugkman seconded. Motion passed u~an~mously. ~. ~nda br~o. ght to the attention of the Couucil a letter he had received From Attorney Bl_anton requesting the ,City give him a ~t Claim Deed on property for which~ as F~. Fruda pointed out~ the~ City had ~]~eady received any money due tb~m~ and recommendad tc ~e C~oil that they. give mm the deed. ~. Baughmsg. mg~ed ~,~mo the ~mty Aztoz~_~y be aughor~zed ~o draw up a ~ait ClaLm Deed on the p~operty with the provision that ~. Blanton pay t~e City ~50.00 for drawing ~p the deed and searchir~ the abstract. i~. I~dsen seconded the motion which passed %ro~r~_mous~z. A recommendation from the advisory Board was read by td~e Ci~· Cierk~ requesting permission to m~e a s~m~ey of wat~ and sewer rates ~d practices. ~h~ s~ey. ~u~ moved ~o the ~eoess~ ~etters ce sent out for ~ = ~. I~.dsen seconded the motion ~ch ~ssed ~-~sty~ A letter of reco',~r~endation was read from the Planning Board asking the Coumc~ decl~e inv~id ~ previ~s acts of the ~aster ~mar~ Bosmd ~d/or ~ster ~ng Co~ssion. ~. ~v~ moved t~t ~ previ~.s acts of said ~ard be dsc~ed in. lid accordi~ to ~e reco~e~ations. ~. i%dsen seconded %he motion. It ~s ~iuted ~3.t tb~t ~is w~d have no effect on any ordin~ces dra~ up by ~s old Bo~d sm.d passed ~y the Co.~c~ j Upon a cs~l for a vove ~e motion ~ssed fo~ to one~ t~r. P~k~ voting no: s~ting tb~.t he ~as reluctant to toss out eve~yt~ng t~t ~ae ~ster Plan Co~ission did~ that he wo~d l~e to see f~ther t~e given to dete~ne ~nat acts were going to be t~o~m [~ ~au~,~ fntther moved that the public be notified of this action through the newspaper, l~r. ~dsen seconded the motion which carried fo~3~r to one~ Mr. ~kin voting no; A zor~%g reqmest from Boynvon Isles to rezone Plat A lot t from zone A to A1 to be used for two fe~ily villas, %~s referred to the ZonLug Board upon a motion ~z l'[r. Baugb~n, seconded by 3~. l,~dsen and passed %unanimously, UmW. er ~imistration., ~e i~yor asked vb~ Co~smcilmen Lo set a policy on the City i~y~,~ug telephotos bi~is of City ~pioyees. fir. Baugkman record as opposing the policy o£ the City paying phone bills for employees. Chief SsrJ~piel spc~ke in favor of it. ~'~. l~zadsen moved that the teleohone bilis~ otdaer tb~n personal long distance cails~ of the Suot~ of P~.b!ic Supt, o£ ;~ater Dept.~ Ohief of Po!ice~ ~ad ~e Chief be ,_maid by ~Jme City. l~ir. ~/er seconded the motion which carried four to one,~ ~. Bau_g'~man votim~ The City Attorney was authorized to draw up a resolution for this. = request for a lieemme for beer and wine to tsJ~e off the premises from 7-11 Food Stere died for lack of a motion. A letter from the Chief of Police requesvir~ the C~nciZ to appoinv Police Pathogen l~c~el J. Stromick to the position of Acting Sergeant of Police ~s road. 1~. Madsen moved tD~t the C~acii appoint l~iiefi~el J. Stro~ck to the position of Acting Sergeant of Police. ~. Baugi~mu seconded the motion w ~hich passed unanimously. T!~_ree bids on police c~s were opened and read by ~'~s. Padgett. Mr. Bau~ moved that those bids he t~ned over ~o I~~. ~ ~d the ~ef of Poiic~ to report back ~the C~c~ at ~e n~ me~t~g, i~. Y~dsen seconded the motion which ~ssed ~m~u~ously. Regarding the new GMC Panel emergency truck which had helen ordered De~_rco ~m~--'~ and ~l~en~ Co.~ ~. ~te~ F~e ~ef~ told t~ C~uc~ that~ due to ~u error~ the t~ack ~d a~eady been ship~d with light du~ eq~i~ent on it and that~hea~- duty sq~ent was needed to ~m the equi~ent t~t wo~d be used ~ the truck. ~. ~te v~s osked ye check ~ne cost of ~ ~ volt 25 ~p geometer ~,~ a 12 w"olt 50 s~o generat~ ~,~th 1,~-. De]~-cc ~5_ repot ~ck to the C~c~ at ~e next meeting. l~. Tmite z~ther reposed to the C~smcil that as a result of the letters sent to the School Bos_~d regarding t~he condition of the Boynton Beach Elemen'h~ry School~ he had heard from the Board and that sm electrical fire a!azm! system is to be instal~ed~ and also a tele~Zaone im the ~lding, Chief Senkpie! amuo-smced tb~t the school crossing om ~. Feder~ Higlm~ay for the Sto ~rks School would be painted vez~y soon. A letterregs~ding ~,~.~lenir~ S. ~.~ 6th Avenne_ from T. B~m_o~d=~ ~ Jones was referred to I~. ~ ?~d, sen for recomuendations. A lightin~ request~ signed by ~ ~e~zvmoners~ for !itiating on ~,.. ]~. 5th St. ~s referred %o ~'~, 0~r ~ a~m the Lighting Board, Ms, ~ugb~m brought to the avuen~on of l,~r~ ~er a read. est for street lightinE at ~e corner of 4ti~ s~d 0cesta. ivbyor !&honey arzaoomeed that the nexv meeting of the C~o~cil wo~sZd be held at 7.~0 Lonaay~ ~ebrua~ 16~no l,~. Oyer moved that t~ae meetin~ be adjo~s-~ned at tl:O0 Poi,!. !'~. Baughmsm seconded the motion which ~ssed ~ously. C~c5 ~an City Clerk