Minutes 02-03-59OF TP~ CONTIR-b,~D F~ETING OF Ti~E CiTY ODUNC~ OF ~ CITY_ OF
PRIES w_~l~:
Ronaid F~da~ City Attorney
Tereesa Padget%~ City Clerk
Olive Cierplk~ Comptroller
Raymond Senkpiel, Chief of Police
Jack ~aite~ Fire Chief
S~.pt. of ?~olic Works
Supt. of Water Dspto
~ne meeting~¢~s called to order at 8:00
M~o Baug~nman moved that the pay increases for appeared officers passed
the preced~ug night b~ re~oactive to Japery 6th~ 1959. i~. ~d. sen seconded
the motion ~,ich passed ~as~imously,
A resolution ~,~as read regarding the sals~ies of appointed officers for
the year 1959, i~. l~dse~ moved that the resolution be accepted, l~ro Baughman
seconded. ~tion passed omanimouslyo
Chief of Police Se~dmpiel asked the City Clerk ~o read two affidavits
from l~'h~. Sidney ?~irsch smd ~o John Ao Pa~: Attorney~ which he wanted
included in
A letter of recommendation was read from '-.~he Civil Service Board to the
Council recommending t2n~t Officer Willism H. }~aters be appodmted Temporaz~y
Sgb. of Police~ ~util such time as~an exm~ation cs~ be arrsmged. Mr. Y&.dsen
moved that the C~mucil appoint ~¢illiam H. Waters as Temporary Sgt. of Police,
Mr. Eaugb~an seconded. Motion passed umsm,~'mously.
I~, ~dsen moved the% Tam. Sg¥. Waters pay scale be adjusted as of
Ja~a~- 28th~. !959~ to the s~]~¥Cf of S~geant. ~:'~. ~u~~ seconded~
~_ request from Chief Ser~piel for an additions_~ phone in the Police Station
was read. i~. ~dsen moved t_ha~ an additional telephone be ~thorized for ~ne
Police Deps~tmento I~L~. Baug-~-~-man seconded. Motion passed
Chief Senkpiei asked tB~ Council to release s_tl Special Police t?nat are now
assigm~ed to the Potiee Depa~tment~ and t~t it ~ ~oiished ~ the newspa~r
t~.t they s~e no longer in authority ~d notify +~em to ~n ~ ~s~ ~dges ~d
any City equi~ent ~t ~%ey ~y ~ve. l,~.yor Ymk~oney point~ out that these
soecial police~ n'~bering about !5~ were not s3~ kno~ '~o the
~, Bau~m moved that the spec_am police ~ released ~nd ~st~cted
Ln their badges. ~k~. ~.dsen seconded. Motion c~ried ~ousiy.
Upon a suggestion by ~. Oyer~ l~[c. Beughman moved that ~hen special police
e-~e reappointed that '~nere sho~2d be a program wherel~- the police are ~ormed
of the duties and powers that go with tfne office and the restrictions upon it.
M~, M~_dsen seconded tZae motion~ ~nich passed ~manimomsly~
~ee letters were read addressed to +~ae Chief of Police~ complimentimg
the Police Denartment on services rendered.
A resort to the Council from the Fire Chief on the Boynvon Beac~ Grade
School~ East ~s. ildJ-ug~ was read in which the Fire Chief recmmended condemna-
tion of the building due to the ~zardous conditions preva~uE t~e.
Mr. Oyer moved that ti~ City Clerk send a copy of this report to the Palm
Beach Board of Public ins~ruction~ attention: I@. Howell ~.~atkins~ ~+2a a copy
to the School Beard member of this District ar~ the t~nincipal of the School.
!~. N~dsen seconded ~ae motion wi~ch passed ~u_us_uimous3ky.
The Fire Chief read $ report of the ~mmber of hours put in ~y vol~muteer
firemen in ~Jne service of the City.
A letter was read from the Civil Service Board recommending that Allen
t~yq~ist and Anthony PalivoS~ be appointed paid first, eno !z~. Baugbman moved
that these men be appointed aspa~a- ~ ~ _¢iremen on a ~empo~axT- basis ~_nt~L! Feb~m~ary
2ist~ at w_hick tLme ~n examination ~tl be held. l~ir~ i~s. dsen seconded the motion
which passed ~m~nimously.
A letter ~.~s read fr~m the Fire Chief regarding improvements in Central
Fire Station desired by the members. Mr. ~dsen moved that the requests be
granted. ~o Baugkman seconded~ Motion passed ur~m_imous!y.
A letter was read from t~he ~re Chief regarding a harzard~ms condition
e~istimg at 520 S. E~ ~3rd Ave. and ~ S. Fed~ R~y. M~. ~er moved that
~ae City C!e~ be ~st~cted to send a letter to the o~mer of ~he descr~oed
property not~ng ~nem that ~e F~e Deoar~ent has ~spect~ ~ne propervy
and that it ~st be clesmed up. M~. ~u~m~ seconded the motion which
passed ~sly.
A reco=~mendation from the Supt of the %~ater Dept. tb~,t N~k Herring be
employed as a meter reader was read. );~. ~ug~ moved that ~ reco~enS~tion
be accepted, i~. v ~ ~-
- ~.as~n second~. Motion passed
A letter from J. Clinton Seott~ Attorney at .Law~ represenving the Sea Horse
Bath ~d Ternais C~mb was tu~ned over to the City lttorney~ ~dth an %unpaid b~]
from the City to the Ssa Horse Bat~ & Ter~_is Club for ~ter sera, ce to a fire
A request from ~. Carl Stone~ S-apt o£ )~ater Dept. for authorization to
purcha, se 12" mains to be ~astalled from Seaboard to Mzklita~y Trail was posponed
until~uch time as the Council were better ir~formed as ~o the financing of the
mains and the financial condition of ~me ][ater Depar~ent for this year.
~. Baug~,~n moved %hatMr. Durkim~ 1¢~,. Groote~Soer~ and!~. Stone be
given authority ~o advertise for bids on a stske bodied truck to be p~-~chased for
use in the Water Dept. and tAe Public Works Dept. ~. ~kdsen seconded. ~tion
oassed u~m~mousty. %
The ~ilding P~port for ~ne month of Ja~z~y 1959 m-as read. Torsi B~ildir~
Permits issued were ~575~085o
A letter ~s read from the ~ai~an of t~he Recreation Bos~do ~.!ro Oyer
mc~ed that pa~nt be authorized on a bill from Halsey Griffith for c~irs
as per the letter from t-ne Recreation Board. M~ Du~m~_u seconded. Motion
~.ssexl ur~rm~slyo A recommendation from the P~creation Board that janitor
service be orovided for a]~ recreation centers was referred to I~, Madsen
and ~, Gro~tenboer.
1~~. ~yer moved tb~t a petty cash fund be set up for the Recreation Board
in the am~smt of ~lO,O0, ~Z~o Baugh~n seconded the mo~ion which ~assed
~anLmous ly o
The Councilmen~ by ~heir o~n choice~ are to serve on the fotlo-~d~ug
Boards: I~. ~er~ Ir~ustrial Board and Light Boa_~d) P~, Baughe~n~. Zor~rg
Board and Cemetery Board~ i~r, ~arkin~ Parks & Playgrou~ud ar~ Recreatio~
Boards ~, I~L~dsen~ Electrical Exs~ining Board and Plumbing Co~esioners$
Mayor l~2aoney~ Plannin~g Board and ~ilding Board.
A detailed report from the Supt. of ~biic Works was read~ ~n a nave
from ~,k'. Grooter£ooer that he plans to s~bmit a detailed reporz at the first
meeting of each month~
Regard~-g ~Yne sidewalk petition for S, Seacrest Blvd, %~nich had been
referred to Mr. I~dsen at a previous meeting~ ~. M~dsen reported ~J~t he had
±3ne price of a concrete ~ik and theft 360 lineal feet of concrete ~lk w~ld
cost the City $1~28%, D_~ter dispassion it a~s decided ~at ~e substitation
of s~ ro~ ~s ~dicated~ ~d P~, l~dsen said t~t he wo~d get a figure
on she~ rock for the same lineal feet,
~ne cm~,~r%ttee on Street Lighting~ as repommer~!ed by !~r. C%e2¢ is as
follows~ Jobn~ P. ogers¢ M~ C, DanAvsry¢ M, Jo Baldwin¢ Jsmss J, ~ggerio~ ar_d
Pat Bows, I~L~o M~dsen moved that they be appointed ~o serve on ~e Street
Lighting 0omuittee for the purpose of su=~ve~-ng t'ne residential areas of
Bo~_aton Beach. ~ir. ~a'~.ghr~n seconded the motion which passed ur~aoimouslyo
~,~e matter of pa-~-,ng No W. 6t-n St, as requested by ~.~'. Ly~.~ch, of L~e
Boynton Estates~ was tabled°
Under sanitation~ P~. 6ayer brought out ~e necessity of looking to
fu~are in vhe operation of tg~$ se~.~age' treatment smd pointed out the m~ed for
+Zee City to h~s a person to be a plant operetor for the ne~ trea+~ent plar~
He s~oggested thai the Supt~of ~biic ~Jorks be requested to either advertise
or su~it a reco~.~endation as to +~he orgs~ization o£ tb~t phase of the Deoart-
merit, Relative to this~ ~@~ ~er moved that the Supt. of ~blic Works be
aut-norized to b~ve the City Clerk advertise for a person to handle on_~ SsrJta~y
Sewer Bystem. I~,~ Bamg~,~ seconded._~'~ ~^-^ passed ~muanfs~omsly.
A progress report was read fre:m Russell & _,txon, 3ons~lting Eza=~ineers~ or_
,~:ne Bosh_atari Beach Se~ge ~,~orks~ Sections i~IZ~ and III.
Regs_~di~ a bi:~ from Russell & .~:mon~ for cons~--~ting ~agineering Services
in the amount of ~580.89, M~s. Padgett was ~ust~a. cted to ~ite to ~,k~. Fields
a~d ~o~o~ h~ of +~e bi~ from ~sse~ and ~on ~ud tell h~m
ho!d~ng -3.~ pa~en~ ~t~ such t~e as he deposits money in the ~ttle P~ver
Rem2~ to cover i% and any other bills that we might receive in the ~dture
~ uotal amongst to be d. eposmtem wo~_,d be ,p~ ~000. This is a balance due
for contingencies as per the contras2 be%ween the 3ity and_ I~:~ Re Fields.
i~m. '3a~_g ~hman s-~ggested tb~t each department head s~.bmit a montl~!y report
to the Council to include conditions T2cey £o'~md ~fnen starting their year~
conditions per%a~-m~_ing zo persomaasi i~n the department the condition o£ equip-
men% in their c'~g% any steps that they have taken~ or will ts2me~ ye solve
the problems~ recommendations for better operation~ suggestions for se~tim~g
up s~%ems or records for better eontroi~ etc. This suggestion %~s well
ts2cen by the Co~mnsil. The l~.yor f-~ther stated ~aat the C~omcil %gould expect
a re-cent from each depar~aent head at the first of each month; 6~his sh~mlTd
also- include any reco~endations fo~ 5-ncreases in .may.
lease between the City and +~he Little Leago. e for the property ~nich the
League is usi~ng ~as vurned over to the City Avvorney to check.
A bill £rom ~falter ~s. tch 'bo the City for ins~z'ance on ~ae City E~li
~s bro~at to the attentio~ o£ the O~cii by the ~-Oro The tette~ o£ exp~na-
flor: accompan~ the bill ssZd tb~t %h~ policy had r~n~ed im e££ect si~e
the City ~d nov returned the original policy or requested a lost policy
receipt to be exeo~a~ed~ ~,~s. ?adget~ was asked to get i_~ touch ~_th l~o Do. tch
ar~. ge~ more imform~tion regarding this o
The !~yor emmoum, ced +~t there wo-~id be a meetir~g v~iYJsthe Oiwlc Leage. e
o£ 'the Colored section on Sa~m~day~ Eebrua:.~y 7th~ at 2:00 ~oSo and tha± a
Specia~l Meet~ag o£ the Cossacit would be held l¢ondsy ever~img a~ 7a30 PoM.
Febz~-z? 9~ 1959o
~o-~o~_,er ~asiness~ ~l~a~. Baug~msan moved the meeting be
-~= ~e= a call for any '~ ~'~
adjo-arned at m0.lO I~.i~i.$ l,~.dsen seconded, ldotion passed 'sm~nimously.
Vie e-l~.yor
A F F i~ D A~ T m~ ~
SIDNEY HiRSCH being duly sworn says: That on or about
the llth day of January 1959, Martin Durkin stated to me "Did
I bow that the new Chief of Police Senkpiel had sued Charles
Lavin in Circuit Court for the return of money, supposedly a
debt"? Did I know that he .had heard that the money sued for
was really a payment to Charles Lavin by Police Chief Senkpiel
for Lavin's oolitical ir~luence to be used to obtain for Mr.
Se~J~plel the job of Buildi~ Inspector. I said that I had not
heard these rumors or statements before~
Sworn and subscribed before
me this 3rd day
of February,
Pers~aatly appeared before me JO~ A. PAUL, who~
being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he has been a
practicing attormey in the State of Florida for approximately
25 years; that as such he represents Raymond Semkpiel and Ruth
Senkpiel, his wife, in a lawsuit now pending iu the CircuitCourt
of Palm Beach County, Florida, the same being Case No. 18314-A,
wherein Raymond Senkpiel and Ruth Senkpiel, his wife, are suing
Charles G. Lavin and John Mariuelli, co-makers of a certain
promissory note dated May 1, 1958, in the face amount of $1,650.
That there is presently a balance due and owing upon said note
of $850.00 plus interest; that said suit is now pending. Further
deponent says~hat both the attorney for Charles G. Lavin and the
attorney for John Marinelli have admitted ko deponent that said
note arose out Of a loan from Mr. and M~so Senkpiel to the makers
themeof~for their joint use in the real estate business in which
they were engaged in the City of Boynton Beach. That said
original promissory note, with the signatures of both makers as
aforesaid, is in his possession in connection with said lawsuit
amd may be seen by any interested
Sworn to and subscribed before
me this 3rd day of February,
My-commission ex~Tr~ Sept. 3, 1960.
party upon request.