Minutes 12-31-58PP~SENT .- M~ES OF SPECIAL MEET~G OF CITY COUNCIL CiTY HALL DECEP~2I~-31~ 1958 L. S. Chadwel!~ Mayor Martin R. Dnrkin, Vice ~5or James J. Mahoney, Cotuuciiman Harvey E. Oyer, Jrt, Councilman .Mort Ho Partin~ Councilman Howard W. Riley~ D. V. Williams ~. Oyer made a motion, seconded by N~. Durkin~ to deliver to ~o new,rd R~l~e~ ~ Jr, as oozier, $2~,000~00 9ity of ~ton Beach Sewer Revenue Bonds t~o~ing ~e~ R~dge Area), ~ S~z~ Bonds~ Nos. ~ t~o~ ~I, f~r $!000:~. e~h~ TheSe ~ds to be d$1ivered to the ~tt~e Pgv~ Ba~ & T~t ~d a de,sit slip for s~e to ~ deliv~ed to the City~ Motion p~s~ m~ly. On m~tion m~de by Ym~ Mahoney and seconded ~ M~. Durkin, M~o Co T. B~tles was a~d the centract of ch~ging ~I pl~s ~d r~tacles and ~o~dlng in the Ci H~I Police De ~m ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , ~ ent ~d.~ater De t~en~ ~s re ' ~ ~. ~er move8 that the c~m~s orSere8 ~ the t~r~tio~l ~ar~ b~ ret~ed to ~sey ~ ~riffith with :otice iht they were not ~dere8 t~o~h the ~ D ' tment " g ~ ~ ~d not~y ~l ~ards ~hat an ~e~se ~d . ~ . y , e m~t go t~o'~h the P~c~g De~tment of the Cmty. ~. Mmhoney seconded, uotion ~ssed. Y~, ~rkin ~de a ~tion to th~k the Am~ic~ Legion for donat~g the for o~ new City Hall and dedmcs~mon' +' ce~mony. Mm. ~er seconded~ Moti~ p~ssed~ Mr. D~kim m~ed that th~ ~pp!ication for a fret stand license be laid on the ta~e. M~, M~oney seconded. Motion ~sed~ A lett~ ,~s sent ~ivi~g noti~ fication of the actio~ and request*n sketch ~ ~ - .... 6 of f~l p!a~ ~ s~tted for the Janua~ 5th meet~g~ Letters relative to railroad crossiugs were read ~rom Merle Doughty s~nd the Chamber of Commerce. l. ir o Durkin asked for the u~ual pre-organiz~t~nal:mee$ing.M~o i~honey said the two "bo~rs~ .wo~td no+~ attend a ore-organizational meeting and that he wo~itd not attend one unless they were there. Mm~ Mahoneymoved for adjo~trr~ment$ M~o 0yer seconded. Motion passed. Attest: ~ity Cter~ itayor Vice Mayor CounciLman C o~ucilman Co~cilm~n