Minutes 12-15-58MI!~UTES OF A I~_EGULAR I~ETING COUNCIL HELD AT T~ CITY H&LL, D~CE~,~ERl~, 1958. OF THE B0%~NTON BEACH CI_q~Z_ B0~TON BEACH~ FLOR!DA, P~SENT: L. S. Chadweli, Mayor. Olive Martin Durkin, Vice Mayor. Mort Partin Chief Harvey 0yer Ja~es J. Mahoney. Cierpik, Deputy City Clerk of Police Carver. M~. Chadwe!I called the meeting to order at 7.30 P.M. The m~nutes ~of the previous regular meeting of December 1 were read. * ~ of Mr. William Mr, Mahoney suggested the _nclusmon of ~he name Marx in recording the thanks of his daughter for the Council s sympathy. Mr. Oyer morea t~e minutes be accepted wmth ~hzs addition. Mr. Mahoney seconded. Motion carried, The minutes of a special meeting of December 2, covering the City elections, were read.' The minutes of the spedial meetings of December ~ and December ~ were read. ~h% Oyer moved the minutes of the special meetz.,gs be accepted as read~ M~o Part~ seconded. Motion car_~ed. The bids received for the sanitation truck ~ere opened and read by Mr. Oyer. i. Cecil B~ce Truck Equipment - Packer 2. Fa~ircloth Truck & TractOr Co. 3. Demarco Tractor & Implement Co. - T~ack DeBoiiac Truc~ Equipment Co, ~ar~ Wallace _, etd T~dck chasszs & cab 6. Tom Wood T~_ck Body Inc. - Truck bpdy 7. Florida-Georgia Tractor Co. - Pac~nasoer & Hopper ~4,~65.o0 ~4,2e8.00 ~6,200.00 ~,365.oo Three of the bids being~ on the truck and four on the packer. Mr. Durkin moved the matter of the t~ck and packer be referred ~ a Committee consisting of Mr. M~honey~ l~. Partin and Mr. Taylor~ Su~srintendent of Public Works° Mr. 0yet seconded. Motion carried. Mr~ Durkin opened smd read bids received pn a stat_on wagon. i. ~_dams- Chevrolet C omps~uy $2~363.00 2. DeMarco Tractor & Implement Co. $2,350.00 3; Smith ~2 ~ 513 · 82 4_. Earl Wallace Ford ~2,389.16 ~. Deiray Motors: 03,732.35 Plus ~149.00 s~ud less discount total ~2,950.00 Mr. Senior said they had checked into four pieces of equip- m~nt and dm ~ot hesitate to reco~nuend tc the Council the G.M.C. due to the fact that it provided the headway necessary. Mr. M~aoney thought this station wagon ~hould be pai~ for by,he City lnste~do2 by the Volunteer Fire Department, and moved the City of Boynton Beach put out as soon as possible specifications for a First Aid Truck, bids to be reoeivsd ~tb~n a period of one week from today. Mr. 0yet seconded the motion~ which was carried. Mr. Senior said the Fire Department will draw up the specifica~ tions and submm~ them to the COuncm-~ tomorrow. The date of December 22~ at~ noon, was set for a meeting to ~ on the various bids. dec_de A pe2~tion signed by 24. freeholders of Ridgewood Manor regarding vacant lots was ream. Mr. Mahoney moved ~r. T~yl6r City Hall as to which of the lots nuisance~ Mr. Partin seconded. check and report back ye refe_rea to constitute a Motion carried. the M~. Senior was asked to explain the terms of the Florida Power & Light Company agreement with the City, which he did. He said City Hall will be a oreferred customer of the Company, which is in duty bound to give it the best rate possible. Mr. 0yet moved the Mayor~be authorised to sign the contract with the Florida Power & Light Company. Mr. Durkin seconded. Motion carried. A letter was read from Ralph Bogle concerning the condition of the parking area near the Quik Chek. Mr. Mahoney thought a report should be received from i~. Taylor and also the Chief of Police; after receiving these we can gel in touch with the Coral Ridge Development Company~ A letter was read from the Coum~ty Cormmissioners regarding the Seacrsst bridge~ BILLS O~EATES P0R eenePal Weastern Auto Associates 1o62- Earl Walls xe Ford Inc. 12.80- Waho Inc. 1,37~o00- Clyde :,~orrall Inc. 79,80? Remington Rand Inc. 4~o75 Gulf Stream L~ber Co/ 2~6.47~ Southern Be!t Tel.& Tel. Transfer F~_ds 36,797-p01 ~ransfer Y~uds 5~697.21i 36,797.50 I.& Robert ~ ~ ~+~ Clewiston Motor Co~ Boyton Beach C.of C. Halsey Griffith Inc. Picard Chemic~ Co. DeMarco Trac~or & Imp.Co, Weaver insurance EEency 35.oo~- 56. o8~ ~ 802.20 ~ 290.371 - 9.13 ' 22.6~- 85. ~ - Payroll ?¥ Stevenson geed Store ~,0~.43 ±,603.2§ ~,777.29 1,696.8~ 1,691.57 1,2k8.87 3.50- i,783.6~ 3~673.6~ 1,27 -B- Broward Builders Inc Highland Beach Isles Ford Carter K ~ Boutof Henry ~. B!oker Harrington Homes Inc, Acct of A.& W.Root Beer Ltd. Russe!~, Sullivan Briand B!drs. Highland Bch. Isles. Br~d Bldrs Hig~d Bch. Isles Jo~u I~erato T~B.Wurs te~ (~oco R.M.Vandiver All State Pipe & Eup,Co. Bo*del Printing Co~ Burroughs Co~p. Dav~ Meter & Sup. Co. Austin Supply Co. Job~s-M~ille Sales Miami Water Clinic Florida Pw~.& Lt. Co~ Halsey Griffith inc. Boynton Beach News ~avid Net~r & Supply Rin~er Materisls Corp. Gulf 0il Bo-De! Printing Co. Shaw Bros. Oil Co. ditto ditto Weaver Insurance Agency Boynton Auto Supply County Mercer Jo~ Viol~ute of Roya! Palm Southe~ Meter & Supply John Violante c/o Royal P~ Ice Co~ Eouthe~ M~ter & Supply Gulf Stream L~mber South~ Bell Tel.& Tel. Water Fuud. 3.4o - Cerp o 5.36' 68.35~ 15o. 80 ~ ,424.8~ ~ ~ 529.60 - 492,~5- ~ 261.38 - 3~20- 2.i0- 15.20 - 4o. 5o ~ ~0.78 - 73.26 ~ kS. 56 ~ 86,68~ i95.~9 ~. 2.90 ~ 32.16 - 60o.36~ 43 · 61 ~ Helen Young ?icard Chomicai Co. 513.oo ~ Depositors~ F~md. iS.oo 7.5o- 7.50 ~ 7.50~ 7.5o~ 7.5o- 7.5o- 7,50- 7.50~ 7.5o- 7.50 ~ 7,50- 7.5o~ 7.pO / A second letter was read from the County Commissioners request- ing the sum of $26,000~00 be placem in escrow by the City. Mr~ Durkin said these two letters resulted from a conference he had -~ith the County Engineers on December 3, and, after dis- cussion, moved the Mayor be authorised Go sign the escrow agree- ment on its receiot from the County Attorney and its approval by the City Attorney~ and that the money then be placed in escrow. Mr. Oyer seconded. Motion carried. Mr. Du~kin said he would call on Mr. Job~son tomorrow. A letter wgs ream from ~ir. Charles Senmor resi~ing as Chief of the Fire Department of Boymton Beach after 3~ years' I~ 0yet moved that in acceoting Mr. Senior's resignation with regret we pass a ~esoluti~n thawing him for hi~ dedicatem service to the p~clic of 3~ years, to be inscribed in the records of Boynton Beach, a copy'to be forwarded to Mr. Senior. Mr. ~artin spoke in favor of such a Roso!dtion ~d suggested that we furnish~I~. Senior with a 35-year Se~ice Badge, ~d that he be made fire adviser to the City Council a~ no salary. Mr. 0yet added tb~s a~ndment~to ~s motion. Mr. Mahoney seconded~ Motion carried. A co~v~ication was read from the Pla~ing Board r~garming off street parking in the City. Mr. Durkin moved tb~s reporv be accepted ~ud referred to the new Co~cil~ Mr~ Mahoney seconded. Motion carried~ A letter of resignation of the Planning Board was ream. It was agreed the members of the Pla~uing Board be given a vote of vhanks for their services ~uring the past year. an application for a fruit sta~d license at 710 N.E. Federal was received. Mr. Oyer moved the application be tabled for further s~dy~ Mr. M~honey seconded. MotiOn carried. A letter was read from Mr~ Fruda on behalf of Klingler ~no c!aLm~ he should be r~imbursed for a deduction of ~151.23 made by the City from his salary~ this ~laim beLug at the instigation of the Internal Revenue B~areau, Mr. Griffith said ~e kuew about thi~ matter but would look ~rther into the legality of it before givir4~ the Council his A~D~r discussion on Hr. Deen~s request for payment of 90% his ~ Mr. Oyer said he will check into it ~ud report at of -4- next Monday's meeting. ,o. ~100.O0 for cleari~E Mr. Cobin~s l~t Regarding the bill ~ ~ Mr. Mahoney moved it be tabled. ' Mr. Durkin seconded. Motion carried. Regarding a third bill from the Hoye Construction Company~ Mahoney moved it be tabled-for further oonsideration. Mr. Durkin seconded. Motion carried. The resignation of the Recreation Board was read. Mr. Durkin mo~ed the resignation be accepted and the members of the Board thanked~ for their services during the past year. Their request for re-appointment will be will be passed to the new Cou_ucil. Mr. 0yet seconded. Motion carried. A letter was reaa from the Shuffleboard Court requesting three gallons of gray floor paint mud Christmas decorations. Mr. Oyer moved we furbish them with the paint and refer them to the Chamber of Comm~erce r~garding the Christmas ill_hts. Mahoney seconded° Moti.on carried. A letter was read from Mr. Rozinski requesting transfer of ~ a Seer an~ Wine license from 2!l South Federal, Lake ~orth, to 909 North Federal, Boynton Beach. Mr. Durkin moved the transfer be granted. seconded. Motion carried. Mr. M~daoney A letter of resignation as Uo~ucil stenographer was read from ~iss Alice Kelly. Hr. Durkin movea the resignation of Miss Kelly be accepted with regret and that the Council extend to her their congratu- lations and highest appreciation of the services she has rendered to the Council over a period of years, ~nd also to the various Boards a~ ~hose meetings she has served as secretary, M~. 0yet seconded. Motion carried. A letter was read from Mrs. Williams, City Ckerk, regarding accumulated leave she has been ~able to take, and the large ~mount of ~uremunerated overtime she has put in, requesting per- mission to take the vacation time she has lost. The Mayor said he k~ew of many trips she has made to Palm Beach and even to Miami on ~ity business, supplying her o~ trans- portation. Mr~ Partin said he ~mew she has more t~ earned her rem-~ueration ~ud he would like roses her rei~oursed in a m~uer which would be satisfactory to her ~ud to the Cotuucil. Mr. 0yet moved the Council pay Mrs.Witiiams for nine weeks of the accumulate8 leave and transfer the remaining four weeks which is equal to two years' leave, to the following year. ~nis would give her ~ opportunity, with the leave coming due next year, to have, if she wished, as m~ch as six weeks off, but it is doubtful if the Council would allow her as much time off at that time~ but eomld allow b_er to have a reasonable leave. Mr. Mahoney said, strictly a~a.point of business, would it be objected to if the records could b~ seen before we go ahead, as, affter all, it is City money that is being spent. He did not cuestion it but ~ould llke to see a statement of her leave time ~ttached to her letter. ~,~o Oyer said he assumed the letter is in ~ne nature of a permanent record and will be kept in an appropriate file and could see no objection to having a statement of her leave time attached to the letter, adding ~I have no objection to that as sm smen~ment to the motion~· Mr. Mahoney seconded° Motion carried~ Mr. ~meld presented three agreements for signature° Seacres~ Addition (Rolling Green R_age 2nd Admzt~o~) Roiling Green Ridge. Rolling Green Ridge tst He said the agreement on Rolling Green Riage 1st Addition has been amem~ed to read 33 1/3% instead of ~0~o. Mr. M~oney said he wished to ldo~ into the matter and check for h~seif before anyt~hlng is agreed to. He could not say exactly how long this~would take~ but he asked for s~ficient tLme before the signin~ of thes~ contracts to see what this is all ab out, Mr. Field said the agreements-were arranged in 19~4, 19~, 19~6 ama 19~7. Mr. Durkln said he would like to see the basis of these agreements. Mr. 0yet moved the proper City officials be s~thorised ~o execute an agreement With Mr. No R. Field as trustee for Rolling GreSn Ridge 1st Addition wa~er-ref~ading contract~ totalling ~93,~0.00 to be repaid without interest at the rate of 35 1/3 of the collections received by the City-on the ~aount of ~ney furnished by hLm for the payment of the Water system in Rolling Green Ridge 1st Aadition. Mr. Griffith said he had seen the agreements, the one in 19~6 was prepared by b~m ~ud several subaivisions have adopted this since. Mr. Du. rxin moved the agreemenvs be referred to the City Council ~d City Attorney for ~ opinion for recommendation as to whether or not the City Council should sign these agreements as made by the ~hen existing City Councils. Mr. Mahoney seconded. ~. Partin, Mr. Oyer and the Mayor votea 'Nog. Mr. Oyer moved the a ~ ' Mayor be u~horlseG to sign the a~reement on Rolling Green R_dge kst Addition; that it meets with the appropriate motions that weme duli acted u.p~n in 19%6~ ~d t~t the City Attorney approves it to be in 'accormance with thg o~igLual a~eements ~ade by the ~hen existing Co~cils. Mr. Mahoney ~d Mr. Durkin vot~m ~No~. Mr. Partin seconded. The Mayer voted ~Yes~. Motion carried. ~ ~- ~ to sign Mr. 0yet morea the Mayo~ ce authorised/the a= ~+ on Rol!zng Green Rmdge 2nd Addmtmon (Seacmest ~Addttion~ r. R.R._ meld an~ the ~mty cz Boynton Beach~ if the City Attorney approves i~ to be in aoco~d~ce with the original ag~ee~nt.~de by the then e~sting Co,oil. M~.~ Parti~ seconded. M~. Dumkin and Mr. Mahoney voted ~No~. The Mayo~ voted ,Ye.s~. Moblon ca~r~ed. Mr. Field spoke at leith e~ta~ni~ ~ ~ ~e .~ ge said he ~ w~ll!ag ~o g~.l~d as soon as the Co~cil will maintain a pa~k, ~ud w~lt give even mor~ th~ fo~ ac~e~ it as soon as the Co~cil says it will ma~tain it. ~ours ~ Cmty H$~l ex~mnkug m~uutes and other documents ~oun~.m~grePan~mes; they found no.validation in the i~k~. ~'lSld"S ¢O~'~aCtS . i~. Oyer moved Mrs. Williams be instructed to make the arrangements for a dinner to the members of the various Boards on Tuesday night~ D~ce~be~ ~0. Mr. Partin se, Durkin said he felt some recognition of the service~ of tha should be mace and vo~ed :Yes'. Motion carried. The ~aief of = ~ ~ o~ce spoke of complaints of the bloc trains ~f the railway crossings in the City and said the Comp~uy ~ad promised to remedy this, in reply to his lette: Mr. Durkin moved Motion carried. the meeving adjourn. Mayor ~Cit y Clerk. /