L.S. Ohad~e!l, .Mayor.
Martin D~rkin, Vice Mayor.
Mott Partin.
Harvey Oyer
James J. M~honey.
'l '
City Clerk Dorothy Will!~ms
Ze!l Taylor.
The meeting was c~lled to o_v~er by the M~yor at 7.30 P.M.
The minutes of the previous meeting of November 3 were read.
Mr. Durkin moved the minutes be accepted as read.
Motion carried.
~-~. 0yet seconded.
The minutes of s special meeting of November 13 were read. NE. Oyer
moved they be approved as~rsad~ MK, M~d~oney seconded. Motion carried.
M~. Kermeth Lyman said a problem has arisen in~ com~ection with +J~e
dock at. the end o~ th?._ street. Another drift boat ha~ move~d~in necessitating
parking space for about 30 em~tr~ cars.
It was agreed th~ proper action be taken by the Chir£ of Police to
contact the owner of the new business ab~at~the sign being erected ;*lthout a
permit endask h~imto come in and meet the ~ity Council at its ne~oExecutive
meeting on Wednesday.
~. D~rkin said i~. Williams~ ~mo was present~ had cont~ctedhimon
several occasions and had presented himwith a petition signed by many
residents of La~et Hil~s about puttinE in streets. Mr. W~]]iams~ asked to
explain the position with regard to the petition, said they thought between
$2,200.00 and $3,300.00 wo~o~d be the cost, which they wo~!d pay ~nen the work
is completed.
M~r. Griffith read a Regolution ~th regard to improvement of streets
etc., in L~urel Hills.
~w~. Durkin moved the Resolution be adopted. Mr. Y~f~oney seconded, on
the undex sta_~mug that if the cost is higher than expected a variance will
be made.
Mr. Oyer moved the previous motion be amended that the Superintendent
of Public Works be inCtructed to draw up what is kno*~as old street speci-
fications inasmuch as thSs,has been advertised before and ~s put off
because of lack of funds at tP~t time. ~. Durkin accepted the ~mendment.
~. I¢~2aoney seconded, Motion carried.
Mr. Paugbm~u asked 'whether it is the intention of the Co~mcil to put
the $50,000.00 bond isstm on the ba~%. He also asked that the C~Gncil
tonight place the ten-year audit quesmlon on the December ballot unancumbered
with the question of the cost or any other question.
Mr. Baughman also said he had been furnished with a list of the
registered voters and from a firstelass mailiug list made-of them over
200 have been returr~ed ~by the Post Office. He suggested he and the
other candidates be !ltrnished ~,ith a tr~e lis~ of voters, .He as~d whether
the vo~ing machines used ~t the election cotLld be em~ed by taxpayers before
the polls opened in the ~brning and after they closed in the e~ening.
Mr. Griffith said~ there should be no harm done in having tt~ee or four
taxpayers look at the machines before and after the voting.
It was a~reed that each candidate be granted the right to be present
mn person or ~o appoint a representative a% the ?.pez~g a~.d closing of the
voting machine on December 2, providing the agent's~name ms given in
writing before the oper~ing of the m~chines.
Mr. 8t~rtzman, referring to the cost of livir~ increase for Civil
Service employees, asked if this increase covered f~-time employees
only. The answer Mas ~yes'.
Pie also asked if Civil Service employees were allowed to electioneer.
The answer Mas ~NoI.
I~. ~honey moved the City Councilmen and City Attorney each be leered
for pericd of Service- a copy of the Code of Ordinances recently delivered
to the City~ _~. Durkin seeonded~ Moti6n carried.
Regarding validation of the $50,000.00 revenue bends for audit, Mr.
Griffith said'a ~_scal agent recommended February I as an ~ivisable time
as b.f then most of the holidays are over and people will be ~_lling to go
to tD~ polls. He said $5,000.00 wo~ld be the approximate cost of
validating the bonds.
M~r. ~&~honey moved that at ~Gis time the City Cottucil~ in compliance
with the order of the Governor and the wish of over 20% of the voters,
accoz~iing to the Florida statutes, set aside $50,000°00 of the $130,000.00
unrestricted funds in order to have the ten-year audit done ~ediately.
There ~s no second.
i~. D~rkin said he WaS opposed to the expenditure for such an audit
without some concrete op~u~on on *~he part of the voter~ that it ~o~id meet
with their approval, and he is without any proof today that it would be
just to p~t such a burden on the citizens of Boynton Beach. Mr. Mahoney
has said he is opposed to stating andy set amottut, as the Sta~p~%~ney~%~
has Deen~ retibent in Eakiug a definite statement~ ~e is in favor of a
referendum if ~o~ly for the purpose of obtaining the views of the citizens
as to whether the~y are willing to spend this money cuff a bond issue
or from any other funds which also cc~e out of the taxes. He~ ~.
would like to see a more dSfi~-ite opinion on the part of the ts~-payers
than that of the 700 signers of the petition. He thinks it a waste of
money s~i *~hat the taxpayers would not be content.
i~. Doughty~ iu the audi~ence, asked what can be gainedd from the e~oend-
iture of this money, and said he would not have signed the petition had he
known the full facts,pa_-~ti~l~vly that the taxpayers would have to pay
for it.
Mr. M~honey replied that we shall have once and for all a proper
audit of the books and records of the City of Boynton Beach from 1956
straight through.
M~. Oyer moved the~City Clerk and City Attorney be instructed to draw
up a letter~ or card to be mailed to the freeholders asking them to express
their wishes as to whether ~hey want to have a ten-year audit, piainiE
stating that the cost must be Borne by ~he people ef Boynton Beach, and
that this is not t~e be connected with the City election but entirely
zeparate. M~, D~rkin thought this would not be effective and the only
way wouId be to have a mecret ballot a~ the polls. There ~s no second
to Mr. Oyer~s motion and he with&few it.
~ Griffith read Ordinance 316 (Zoning) for the second t~e.
N~. ~heney moved Ordinance 316 b~ approved for the second ~r~d final
Mr. Oyer read ~ letter from the Dutch Insurance E~~ regarding
insurance on City Hall, quoting a price of $487.82.
He also read a letter from Mr. Boos quotir~ a price of $~18.18.
i@. Ym6uoney moved thab the bids be again called for, to be in City Hall
at neon on Wednesday, inasmuch as we have a meeting here on that day, at
3 P.M. M~. Dnrkin seconded. ~oomon carried.
]~. 0yet moved the C~b~ber of Commerce be allowed the use of City Hall
ne~ Thursday ni~ for the Fishing Tourna~ent meeting. ~. Durkin seconded.
Motion carried.
~. Durkin submitted a repo~rt on a meeting he had with the County Com-
mission s~d read a memorandum he had received from ~J~. N~ddleton regarding
the Seaerest bridge. Theestimated cost %~ll be $52,172.00, of which ottr
share will ha appro.w~.tely $26,000.00, and as our money is ready they have
decided to go ahead ~mediately with its construction.
It was moved and seconded t~is meeting be continusd until Wednesay,
November 26, at 3 P.M.