Minutes 11-13-58SPECIAL :;~?,~TiN'G 0P ~T01~i,,~F_.R 13~ 19~8 Mayor Chadwell ~iee Mayor Durkin Mott H~ Partin Harvey E. 0yer~ Jr. James J. ~{ahoney Meeting was eslted for t'he purpose of deciding ~hetaer or not to hold. Primary Election. Mr~Durkln moved on the ad,ice sf the Cit~ Attorney that the city dispense with the Primary Election because of the u~t~ely death of erie of the ca~mdidates~ t¥~r. Wili~ A. Marx: l~a~ing only six candidates so eartiei-oate in the eleation. ~. Psrtin sec- ouded ~ P.assed ~eus 1~. Mr. Mahon~y moved that the City Council of the City of Bo}eaton Beach in seconal session extend to the wife ~nd f~mily of Wiltiem A~ Msrx~ mece~sem~ ~ c~mdla~.~e for election to th~ City Co~eml of the City of Boy~%$n Beach and e~ress ~u a Resolutiom their condolences and s}~athy: thst this Resolution be ~ascr~bed on the minutes of this seecisl meetin~ and s c~y of it be sent ~o the femily~ further mo,-ed that this be published ~n the Bo}~tom Beach N~s by the City Cour~eil. Mr~ 0yet seconded the motion. Unanimously passed. Police Chief Csr~er brought-,~ a co~iaint~ the su]eject of truck ro~.te from West of Rol!~ Green Shopping Center %0 the h~gh~ay. The Co~cii ~n~n~mous!y agreed that the trucks go }~orth on Sescrest Bi~d ~o H~ol~s~o Road and stay off ~he residential streets. Mr.Mahoney ~o~ed for adjo~ment~ Mr. D~kin seconded. Meeting was ad ~ourned. City o±orz A RESOLUTION GF SYMPATHY- W~, the undersigned councilmen, as representatives cf the citizens of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, met in special session, and ~°~AS~ God has called to his heavenly home, William A. Marx, and NOW, THE~EFG~E, BE IT RESOLVe, that the City Councilmen regret with sadness the loss of a citizen and a candidate for election to the City Coun¢il~ and BE IT F~THE~-~RE~E~ that a copy of this Resolution be tendered to his fa~]y as a humble expression of the Gouncil:s an8 City's heartfelt sympathy in its bereavement, and t~t direction is hereby made that the original be inscribed cn the minutes of City of Boynton Beach~ and that this Resolution be published in the Boynton Beach News° ~niT~SS o~r hands and ~eals~ as representatives cf the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, this l~th day of November, !958~ ~yor Councilman ATTEST: C{ty C!er~