Minutes 09-15-58 _ TE~ C~ CoL~CIL QF
MI~-UTES OF A RW~GU!~R ~ETiNG OF -~ ~ ~- ~
BEACh, SEPTEMBF~R 1~, !9~8.
L.S~ Chadwel!, Mayor~
Martin Durkin Vice Mayor.
Mort Partin.
Harvey 0yet
J~es J. Mahoney.
City Clerk
Eot! Taylor
Carl Stone
~mief of Police Carver~
_me Mayor called the meeting ~o order at 7,30 P~.
The minutes of the las~ regular meeting of September 3
Mr. Mahoney~ regarding the Little League recuest_ for a
lease~ sa~a ne belmev~a he said the C~ty could at any time,
snoulo occasion a~ise~ reverse
Regarding the motion wb_ich was for the signing of the
Annlston Ouit Claim Deed, Mr~ Mahoney said he did not second
th~s. hr. ?artmn~s ns~ae was subs ~mtuted.
Mr~ Oyer said he v~ted ~o~ on the L~ttle League motion,
sm_d moved the minutes be accepted with these corrections~
Mr~ ~ao_ey seconded. Motion -' =,
The minutes cf the special meeting of September 8 were
Mr. Oyer said he voted :No~· to the motion ~nat c~meEe~= ' ~v~
lot f~uds be included in the Budget.
Hr~ Hahoney~ regarding tlde deletion of the ~!0~000~00
flor recreation of the white ~ud the retention of ~00 for
colored~ said he would like his remark included in the mln~&tes
that he did not th~mk time white pa~ents ~eu!d feel so badly
inasmuch as we have a building that can be put'in use in
thirty days for their chi!dren~
Mr. Durkin said he ha~ocnbjection to the use of the old
City Hall for temporary recreation p~poses, b~mt definitely
objected to the total cost of a recreatlon/ouilding co~_ing
in one yGa~
With these correo~mons I~ Oyer moved the m~uves be
accepted. Mr. Partin seconded. ~[otion carried.
Mr. Robinson agam~ presented his olat of Las Pa~mas Park~
Mr. D~rkin moved the plat be ~-
- - g~en tentative approval.
Mr~ M~honey seconded~ Motion carried~
Mr. Fornaby~ o~ner of a building on S~E~ g3rd Avenue,
p!ained of the bad condition of the street~ Mr. Taylor said the
part comolained of was part of a driveway and it has been
custom f~r o~aaers to keep up their own parking space.
Fo~naby said he is of the opinion it i~ City property. ~ 0yet
said the bui~dlng is~a co,~m,~ercia! building and is paved up to
the building~ and is dm_ the City right of way~ Ifr~ ~Fornaby
expressed _himself as willing to pay the cost if the City thought
he should, Mr~ D~arkin said there are several streets which must
be done and other necessary work and~ if Mr, Fo~naby can, and will
have the work done~ he will be doing the City a favor.
Mr. Fornaby agreed to do the work at his o~n expense~
A letter was read from the Chair~_~an of the Recreation
re~uestin~ o an early meeting with th~ Council to azscmss~' ~
conversion of the old City Hall into a recreational center~
4 P~M~ Wednesday~ ~ ~ e ~
- ~eptemoer i7, was set as the date ~o_
such meeting.
A lette~ was -~ s from the Rev~ -~ ~'
_ ~a~ ~.w~Job~son, Jr., Pastor
of the ~he~an Church, recuesting permission to use the old
~m~y Hall ~ ~ ~-
· o_ S~day services f~m 8 to 12 A~.~
Mr~ Johnson~ who was present, said they do not !~ow the
exact date they can geb into their o~~om~zdzng,' ~ud that
mai~ten~a~e, --~ ~ e~ad janitor service would be taken care of~
Mr~ Durkin moved t~e Lutheran Church be pe_v~..~itted to use the
old City Hal! on arrange~ments m~tUo~l~ satzs~actory between their
group ~ud the Recreation ~oard~ Mr~ Mahoney secpndedo Motion
A copy of a letter from the Boy Scouts to the Recreation Board
was read regarding their lmut, signed by George Ke!ly~ Becretar?
pro tem~ '
It was agreed the le~er will be mzscussed at Meom_esday~s
meeting with the Recreation Board,
The BuiSding Inspector:s report for the month of August was
read~ mmo~mutmng to ~0~,220.00.
A letter was read from ~' ]-
~,lr~ and Mrs. Tom~znson of 71] S,W.
3rd Avenue~ complaining of an apparent violation of ~'~ne zon~.o~
ordinance by Mr~ Zopfie~
Mr. Mahoney saud Mr. 0yet said they w~ald go with the
of Polmce to look over the prop~r~y~
A re~aest for a new Beer and Wine ticence was received
from Luig~ at the corner of Feder~l Highway and Potter Road.
i~r. Durkin moved Lu!gl be grunted a licence at that
address, Mr. Mahoney seconded. Motion carried,
M~ ~rzf~l~n referred to a letter from tb~ County Engineer
coverl~ a deed ~ 40 acres, subject to certain restrmc~tons.
He requested the form of deed be approved by the Co~cil,
Mr, Mahoney moved we accept the deed from the County on the
acres of lands doing ~o upon the reco~_mendation of our
Attorney~ also to authorise the City Clerk to send a check for
$2.0~ to pay for the recording of the deed. Mr. Partin
seconded~ Motion carried.
Megarding the Resolution on the agenda for approval of
Industrial Plans~ Mr, Griffith expl~ained this deals with certain
areas of o~r City that have been Lu years past zoned for
industrial in certain ~pots which may now be considered
sirable. He read the Reso!ution~ ~mendin~ it to reaG ~West of
2eacrest Road~ West to the City ILmi~s~
Mr. Mahoiney move~ the Resolution be adopted. Mr. Durkin
seconded~ ~otion carried,
Mr. Grlfflth presented three'copies of a lease for the Co~ucil
to see in cor~uection with the Little League bali park. It was
agreed to take this up at the next Executive meeting.
Regarding t~e Resolution and l~tters written to various officiai~
of the State relative to the unarmed road guards for prisoners
working in oum~ a~ea~ Mr. Griffith said Representative Ralph
Btam~ b~-d i~m~ediately got in touch with Tallahassee~ as had also
Senator Dickins6n smd Mr. P~oberts~ and said it is probable we won't
have any more of this trouble in our area.
Mr~ Mahoney moved M~. 0yet be authorised to draw up ~ '
ficationS covering inm~nce on the new City Hall to s~i~st Mrs.
~illiams ~ c~ll~ng for s_ds, Mr. D~.rkin seconded. Motion
Mr~ 0yet m6ved the City Cl~rk be authorised to ourchase
appro×imately 1~0. yards of ~abber Ru~er for do~snsta~rs at the
City Hall; and also have a ru~uner placed from the Council room
to the head of the stairs, and non slip treads for the staims~
Mr. Partin seconded. Motion carried~
Joseph C. B~tes
ABC Bmsiness Forms
Ail State Pipe & Supply Ce.
Boys Roof ling & Sheet Metal
Gen '! Fund.
120.55 -
130.83 -
Co. Inc. 2, 700.00 -
Bouldin,s Men&s Farnishings 19.85
Boynton Aato S~pp!y Co. $5.05
Earl G. Brow~ Distr. 267.29
· he CoU-r~ Records Go. 35~00
O~tral Truck L~eS Inc. 3.00
City of Delray Beach 55.00
Delray IgnitiOn 15.73
Fl~rida=~ erEis' Tractor Co. &~8
Goverw~ental Gmide 7.00
Donald S. I~-igne Inc. 72. S1-
Not, l. Products of Palm
Beach, Inc.,
Ocean ~ Parts Inc.
~f ~terida
,City of Beynton
Jo ~k~ ~'e Claude Colson
H~r Shelton
'$ Sports Haven
Beach News
5.00 ~
16.50 -
6.OO ~
10.00 -
10.00 -
136.02 ~
%5.~6 -
352.60 -
95.00 ~
15.00 -
176.92 ~
138.26 ~
43.76 -
58.09 -
~4.05 -
36.00 ~
27.12 ~
13.A3 ~
& Implement
. ~ . Co. 126.58-
~$%a~zo~ery 1.65 -
FI~/~ PC~er & Lt. Co.
George's Electric Co. 45.90-
Halsey & Griffith , Inc. 18.08-
Robert C. & l~urie! C.Holz~ 30.00-
Hardrives of Delray Inc. 475~00~
Hood's Auto So,ice 6~,89
The Lanier Company 17.65~
Lee M~sic Company 9.80
JaY ~ioseley ~9.68
P~t~ Beach County Chapter
American Red Cross ~.50
Sts~rd Oil Service Station
W.Ho Ste~t, Inc. 12.54-
Truc~pa~t~, Inc~ ~
U~i~ed Z~t~s Pencil Co.~ Inc.
vau~m & ~ri~ht o£ W.~ Beach,
Inc. 9.21
Joh~ Vielante, c/o Royal
Ice Co. '32~84 ~
Nestern Auto Associate Store 3.10~
Alfred Lessig 54..70-
Geo. W.Fowler Co. Inc. 16.?~
G~f Stream Lumber Co. 37.04
Butts Radiator & La~ Mower
Center 16.10
M.M. B~rket 62 ~16
Ad, ms Chevrolet Company 15.98~
Florida League of l~nzicipali-
ties 37.50 -
Commissioner of Notor Vehicles 3.25
Payroll 1,37i.21
~ 1,568~72
~ 1,862.10
. 1,290~42
, 1,232.69
.~ ~ ,379.~
, 1,878~35
~ 1,156.93
" 1,248.8?
" 1, 503.62
M.J ~.Estofen ~.83
Commissioner of Motor Vehic~ie 2.00
Boynton Be~ch Fire Dept. 602;70
Seacrest Band Boosters 12.50
Ahrens Materials, Inc. 22.41
The Bond Buyer %.5.10
Earl G. Brown Distr. 62.29
South Florida Asphalt Co. Inc. 37..50
Byrds Electric ~lctor Service 9;27
Ernmts Dy~-~ Battei~y Service 23,75
~orida Power & ~t. Co. 855.84
Bouldim's Men's Shop 33.00
George ' s El~¢t~c Shop
Howe Fire Apparatus Co.
Walter Lewerenz Jr.
Wahe, Inc.
SEt. Dam l~jewski
13~. O0
Rehburg Enterprises
2. W. DareLug
Transfer Fumds
Certificates of Indebtedness
(ReserVe of new City
Fred B. Scott (5 certificates
of i~debtednees)
!0,000.00 10, 000.00
Reserve ofor new City Hall.
do. do.
Bey~tonBeach Acquisition Fand.
Louis C, Heger (Int. enCerti-
fie~tes~f Zudebtedness)
M. M. B~rket
Palm Beach Woodwork Ce,
San-Tex Stone Q~ry Inc.
Hilgert Schans
U.S. Steel Equipment Co.
C.A. ~nitmanJr. & Sons
Albert Glass Ce., inc.
Ar~$ng=Joknson Co.
89.78 Hese~¢e for new City H~i
663.72 do.
950.00 do.
2,202.25 do.
I, 764.91 do.
425~00 do.
5,895.00 do.
John H. Kehnen Co.
F~st Coast Floor Co.
~le~ander Gordon & Son Inc.
240. O0
837.10 do.
Arrow Electric Co.
Ayars Tile Service
E.J. Brodbeck & Son~ Inc.
Louis L. Carter
Concreform Co.
Dimie Steel Products Inc.
East Coast Window Cleaners Co.
L~u Corp.
Paston Steel ~ection, Inc.
A.H.Brownell Co., Inc.
City of Bo~ton Beach,
Gen'l Fand Deposit
!,1~8.06 do.
70.00 do.
1,645.00 do.
250.00 do.
1,523.41 do.
654.00 do.
413.30 do.
1,420.00 do.
D.V.Williams, Petty Cash Fund
Austin S~ply Co.
D.V.Williams, cash fund for
Cash register in Blo D&pt
Mr. D~z~kin reported on the streets.
Mr. Mah~oney said eomp!aints are stiiI being received on the
pick up of garbage and on the people who leave out their
garbage c~_~s from one week to another.
The Mayor said he had received a letter from the better
element in colored town complaining of ~i~ unsanitary habits of
their neighbors,
Mr. Mahoney said a representative of the Sanitary Depart-
ment of the County had promised he would return perhaps the end of
this week to see about clesning up. He will m~ke a complete tour
and will send out letters backing up' the City in whatever they
do towards cleaning up~ Mr. Mahoney urged the use of the red
Mr. Durkin re~d a letter addressed to him as Chairman of
the Parks a~ud Playgrounds Board from the Chalrmau of the Recreation
Board requesting an inspection of Pence Park. He said the
matter will be taken up at a meeb~g of the Recreation Board
next Thursday night and he will report later,
Regarding cuoboards for the Casino, i~r~ Durkin said
Waldie has retire~ from the job and he has received two bids for
the work~ one from the Customaid Cabinet Comps-ny of Boynton
for $300.00, and one from a oompany in Hypoiuxo Park for $287.00~
He reco~v~aends the job be given to the 0~stomaid Company as it
has a good reputation and is a local fi~m.
Mr. Partin moved Mr. ~urkin be authorised to accept the
Cumtomaid Cabinet Company bid for the cupboards for the Casino.
Mr~ Mahoney seccnded. Motion carried~
Mr. Taylor thought his departme;at should be provided with
three radios~ two f. or the~water mud one for the streets~ s~ce
we have a station in ooeration. He was asked to get prices.
Mr. Taylor said he had been appointed Superintendent of
Public Works ~ but fo~d several things had been purchased
without his ~uowledge a~ against his judgment. He said he would
like these expenditures to go through him for parts~ etc.~ if
he is to be held responsible for the results.
Mro Stone e~plained why. hs had put in certain orders~ and
the Mayor said that in future things of that kind~ shich are
costly~ should go through Mr~ Taylor~s department.
Mr~ 0y®r thought everything should go ti~ough our
Purchasing Agent,
Mr. Taylor was asked by the Mayor to see whether a 750-gallon
a minute p~v~p or a ~O0-gallon one had been installed. Brockway
had reco~ended a ~O0-gallon puz~ and had O~Kayed a bill for a
7~0-gation one~
ousmness~ the meeting was adjourned by
Tb~ere being no further ~
the .Ma~or~
City Clerk~