Minutes 09-03-58 ~,-- ~ OF
~T~ ~ ~ ~i AT HALL~ ~]O~T~N BEACH~
i. S. Chadwel!~ Mayor
Martin Durkin~ Vice Mayor
Mort Partin
Harvey 0yet
James J. Mahoney.
o~y Clerk D.V
Mr. Zel! Taylor
The meeting was celled to order by t~e Mayor st
_m= minutes of the ~revious regmlar meeting of
Were read.
?.30 ?
~,ugnst 18
Mr. Mahoney nointed out that he had moved Ordinance ]12 be
avoroved after the ffrst raading~ but the motion was not seconded.
l~ith the correction of this omission !@. 0yet moved the minutes be
acce~ted~ ~,~. Maho~ seconded. Motio~ carried.
The minutes of the smacia! meeting of August
were read.
[,~. Mahoney moved the minutes be a,~mroved as read. ~'~.Oyer
seconded. Motion carried.
Mr. Ogden said the new City Hall is substantially comoleted
and read s letter dated Sertember 2 covering ~ore~estlforc~yments
end enclosing re!essa liens to be si~ned~ totalling ~366.30.
!~. 0yer moved the City acceot the architect's certifies-
tion as to the substantial coraoletion of the new City Hall and
suthorise the withholding of o~nalties as recommended in the
Architect's letter of September 2~ and the aaym~ents as recommend~
ed by ~he Architect for i~ems commieted. >fr. Mahoney seconded°
Mc tion carried ~
Mr. Robinson presented a oreliminary mist of Las Palmas Perk
for a~mrovet~ asking for a variance to omit the {~ sidewalks in
order to avoid having zo move 28 Roys! Valms already planted.
,~ot the s
~. Mahoney ~oved ~' ~ idewalk variance on the p_o ~
to be mres~n~ed bM ~. Robinson be grantem. Mr. ?srti:e seconded.
Mr. Durkin and !.'Ir. 0ye~' voted 'No'. The Mayor voted in favor.
Motion ~ carried.
~[ro Griffith suggested ecomy of Mr. ~ime~tal's Road
S~ecification be sent ~ut to al! con~ractors a?d engineers.
Les Bo~an asked regarding the oossibi!ity of ooersting
re.sluing his presen~
~hotogreohic studio in his own home and
30%~ for
~ letter was read from F. E, Du~ois requesting ~ermission
to move his house to a lot at 81% N,E. 3rd Street~
Mr. Partin moved the Council a~rove the request subject to
the approval of the Fire Department and ~ailding InsDector~
who are to be asked to submit their reports to the Council.
Hr. Durkin seconded. Motion carried.
A letter was read from the Boynton Besch Little League
Inc.: requesting a lease for the remaining five acres not yet
Hr. Hahoney moved the City Attorney be authorised to
draw up a lease in conjunction with the officials of the Little
League Inc. for a ~eriod of ten years~- Mr o Griffith to check
and sJvise Council if there is any legal ouestion involved~
Mro Durkin seconded. Metier carried.
Mr. Griffith said Seotember 16 had been set uv for the
nearing on the validstion of the Sewerage bonds~ and outlined
the orocedure which would be necessary in this connection.
He a~vised that the Engineer~ Mayor~ City Clerk and members
of the Council be present~ meening first at P~ M~ddleton~s
office in Pslm Beach at 9 A.Ho~ and all goin~ from there
the Court I!ouse,
Hr. 0yet moved the Mayor be authorised to sign the Qmit
Claim Deed for the anniston Comm0any~ L~c.~ ?~ ~onc~
seconded° Motion carried~
Griefith read Zoning Ordinance 3!2~ amending 0rdinence
the second time.
Mr. Hahoney moved )rdinance ~12 be tabled so that the
Council can look the ~roperty over, ~. Durkin seconded°
Motion carried, 312
!~. Griffith read Drdinance/~mending Ordinance 300~-
Supplementary Budget for the fiscal year November 1~ 19~?~
to October 31~ 19%8.
~. Oyer moved the @do~tion of Ordinance 312 f ~ ~
firs~ reading. ~. Mehoney seconded. Motion carried~
Mr. Griffith read s Resolution re~arding eleven
ed structures~ the City Co, unci! to meet at 7.30 W.M~
October 5o give the o%~ners an o~,ortunity ~o o~ee~,
on 6th
Mr. Mahoney moved the ResD±m~mon
structures be ~roved. .4~- Durkin seconded
the eleven
Motion carried.
Mr. Durkin moved }'~. Daniel Avery:
W~lter Dutch be ~oi~ted m~mbers
seconded. Motion carried,
Hr. Henry Merkel and Hr.
of the ~ ~ ~'
[~r. Durkin nominated ~[r. Ye. res ~s a me~ber of the
?lsnning Board. ~ Mahoney seconded. Motion carried.
Mr o Mahoney moved the issuance of a Beer and ~Yine licence to
Clyde Frederick ba approved, M~. Durkin seconded. Motion
~,,~ Oyer moved the City Azzorney be i~structed to p~e~ition
the Governor that it has come ~o our attention that sn Execu-
tive Order has been issued allowing orisoners outside of
orison to be without armed guards and ~e reeues~ zhat such
~rder~ if issued~ be rescinded. Mr, Mahoney seconded. Mctlon
c art led.
~o Oyer said it had been decided it would be best to
let out the oump house for orivete bids~ and asked for oe~ission
to put out such bids as~we~! ~s for the Chlorinator end Flow
Meter~ a~d so moved° }~o ?art~_u seconded. Motion carried.
Mr. Oyer moved }~. D-~rkin and. Mr. Taylor be authorised to
look over the situation at the Junior High School end srranEe
for cross
for this
walks~ I~o Partln seconded, w t~o ua~m d.
0yet moved Mr. Durkin be authorised to have cabinets
in the kitchen st the Casino st e cost not to exceed
Due to a mis~smdertsn~ing bids had not been called
work. Mr. Perti~0 seconded. Motion c~rriedo
There being no further
by ~he Mayor~
bmsmness ~h= meeting was adjourned
· ~ty C!er~