BEACH~ J~Y 22nd~
L. S. ChadWell~ Hayer
Martin D'~rkin~ Vice Mayor
Mort ?artin
James J. Mahoney
City Clerk D. V. ~illiams
Street Superintendent Zell
The Mayor called the meeting to order at 7.%0 P.M.
The minutes of the orevious regular meeting of July 7th
were read.
M~. D-o/kzn moved the minutes be accepted as read.
Partin seconded. ~ ~'
~o~zon carried.
Hr. E. G. Harvey reeuested a Beer
Mahoney moved the reques~ be granted.
Motion carried.
and. Wine license.
}Ir. Partin
~. Hahoney requested s letter be sent to Mr. Ha~;kins
asking why the change should be made regarding the audit. H~
wants it definitely on record that he does not wish this audit
sent to the Co-0~ncit umtil~ in his opinion: it is como~leted.
The reply to be received in tLme to be presented to the Co~-~cil
at the next meeting.
A letter was read from Lynch Brothers enclosing a check for
$1~000.00 to cover preliminary plans for sewerage ~stem in Lake
Bo~ton Estates.
i~. Griffith said M~. 0steen of Russell & Axon stated he
had been contacted and he thought $17000.00 would be adequate
as far as they were concerned to prepe?e plans for presentation
to the City.
M~. Mahoney moved the letter mad check be retumned to Lynch
Brothers with the reeuest that they come in and meet with the
C~y Cou_uci!~ a ma~e to be set for such meeting with ~ne Council
tog~ether with a representative of Russell & Axon~ and~ if they so
desire~ to consult with Russell & Axon on their o%a~ volition
without any obligation-to the City of Bo~ton Beach. M~. D-~rkin
seconded. Motion carried.
P~. Hahoney moved the City Clerk be authorised to purchase
a fire file for tax records at the orice of $3 ~,00: delmve_em~
from the Palm Beach Type~iter Company. ~. PartLn seconded.
Motion csrriedo
1~. Griffith read a Resolution covering the ceiling in of
City Bonds in the amount of $78~O00.00.
i~. Partin moved the adoption of the Resolition.
Mahoney seconded, "'~ ' carried.
M~. Griffith read Ordinance 311 covering swimming pools,
for the second time.
Mr. Mahoney moved Ordinance 311 be approved for the second
and final reading. P~. Partin seconded. Motion carried.
2@, Griffith suggested a _orm=i notice to the paper drawing
attention ~o the fact of the nLuety days' notice for all pool
owners to comply with the provision of enclosures.
~o Stenley Weaver oressnted the R~ad Soec~f_catmons as
agreed to by the M~aster ~lan Commission.
¥5, Griffith said M~. Pimental had asked the City Couucii
to adopt a Resolution that any work now in progress should be
allowed to be completed~ the remainder to comply with this
Resolution. This ~o become effective to apply to new work started
after this date end any work in progress should have a definite
indicated time.
Resolution: The ~ketch prepared for Road Soeclfzcaolon~
by Mr, PLmental and approved by the Master Plan Commission is
hereby adopted ~
r quzrzng 22~ of paving: l' plant mix~ as per
sketch: minimum 3~ rock swale and ~' s~de~wRle~ with ~' sidewalks:
all as set forth in the special road specifications as drafted
by ~r. Pimental. This Resolute_on shazl-take effect mmmed_a 0ely
as to all new subdivision plats to be approved~ and it shall be
applicable for plats now accepted upon which bonds have been
fur~msned that the present road specifications pe perrazssmble.
Reso±u~-~on as read by City
M~. Mahoney moved acceotance of the ~ '~'
A~orney Robert Griffith. Mm. Durkm_~ seconded. Motion c=rr~d.
~ir. Griffith said since the last meeting of Council an
agreement had been drawn up fo~ consideration at the Executive
session with M~. Field wi~h provisions for 'taking care of
sewer conneetmons of property ebutt~g Roiling Green _~mdge~ which
he has sold or has no control over.
M~. Mahoney moved the :Mayor end City Clerk be aut~horised
to smgn~oh~ agreemsnt b.etwe.en, toe.Cmtff o~ ~oyn~ton~e~aDn and the
par~y o~ zne seconm par~ suo~ec~ ~o changes meme oy ~ne City
Av oor~ey to be incorporated. M~. Durkin seconaem, Motion
M~. Weaver oresented the ~roposed .~ *
~ o±a~ of Venetian Isles
Addition No.1
M~. Durkin moved the piat Dr accepted subjebt to cashing
of the check or the plecing of bond with the City. ~. Mahoney
seconded, ~tion carried.
After discussion on the duties of t~e Recreation Board
Mr. Chadwell said he would get in touch with Mr. Wolken~
Chairman of the Bosrd~ and ask him to get his Board to~ether and
arrange to meet with the Co~cil st 3 P.~. ~ July 30.
In corauec~zon w_th ~ request from the private square dance
organisation for use of the Caszn8 for two nights a week
next winter~ Mu. Durkin said he would'look intothe matter end
find out the percentage of Boy'ton people involved, compared
with those from Delray and Lake Worth~
R~gard~g the~plat of Glen Arboy pertaining to the
abando~_ment of a 1)' easement incorp~r~ted~th~rein~ Mr. Durkin
moved the former Resolution be rescinded. Mr. Mahoney seconded.
Motion carried.
~, Durkin moved that the new Resolf~ti~au be adopted.
Mr. M~honey seconded. Mo,1 n carried.
~fter discussion~on the bridge over the Boynton C~ual on
Seacrest Boulevard~ the Mayor said he would take the matter up
with Co~3mty Co~missioners Lytel aud Michael and have s ta~m with
them. M~. Durkin said he would go along with him.
Mr. Gr~fmth said he had received s letter from the F.~.u,
Railway that they would like ~o have a meeting with the Council
before the Ordinance slowing dov~ trsins is reed.
~ne meeting w~s adjourned foT cont~_uuation at the call of
the Mayor~ st which time a Resolu~mon amthormsmng the validity
of bonds will be read.
Meeting continued at 8.30 A.M, July 24th.
1~. Charles Ander~on~ engineer from the firm of Brock~,ay~
Weber & BrockwS.y~ oresented mud explained in aeta~_ his report
and spec~fmca~mons for a new water well.
~-~. Mahoney mad~ a motion to advertise for bids for one
20" well~ with alternate ~id for two wells~ both to include a
gO0 8r 7gO G.P,M. ~ump'~ smze to be determLued by the eng~ueer
after well or wells completed. ~. Partin seconded. Motion
A letter was read fro~ Wilbur F. Divine Company relative
to the audit now in progress. After discussion M~. Durkin made
a motion to instructthe Divine Cdmpany to comple2e a ~mll and
detailed audit including fixed assets. M~. Partin seconded.
Motion carried unanimously.
~. L~nch presented a check for $!~000.00~ with a letter
requesting the City authorize Russell & Axon to prepare prelim-
inary plans for sewerage!in Lake Boyr~ton Estates. ~. Durkin
made th~s motion seconded by Mr. Partin ~ that the City accept
the proposal contained in the letter and the check from P~.
Lynch~ and further moved that the City authorize Russell &
Axon to prepare the preliminary plans~ not to exceed the cost
of $!:000.00. Motion passed.
~. 1,~ahoney msdea motion to a~thorize the purchase of
an additional addressograph cabinet for the City Hall. Mr.
Partin seconded. Motion passed.
Ehis meeting was further adjourned.
Meeting re-convened
N~. D~kiz
with the
A lett%~
read sot~
1.45 P.M,, Tuesday, July 29th.
motion seconded im and~Ssed
~ this Council with M~. L.B. Blackwell,
~ cf Palm Beach Coumty.
motion relative ~o corresponding
on b~tdge, but withdrew e~s~.
the Palm Beach Co~mty Commission was
the building of a new bridge.
M~. Dmr~im moved the Mayor be authorized to sign this
letter on beha~lf~of the City Council to the County Commission.
Mr. ~ahoney seconded the motion and it was passed.
Mr. Durkin made the ~otion, Mr. Mahene2 seconded to tramsfe~
the Beer and Wine License f~em Ray Z~pa t~ John L. Manno,~
business add, ess 42? N.E. 10th Avenue. Motion carried.
Mr. Durkin moved the meeting be adjoined until 2 P.M.
th~ M~i ~f ~ file
Ciiy Cemrmism~aers ~f ~e ~ity of ~Fm ,t~m Bea~, im ~he ~Oun!y of P~l~