L.S. Chadwell, Mayor
Martin Durkin, Vice Mayor
Mott Pa~tin
Harvey Oyer
James J. Mahoney
City Clerk D.V.Willisms
Chief of Police Car~er
Zell Taylor
The meeting was called te order by Mayor Chadwell at
7.30 P.M.
The minutes of the previoms regula~ meeting of May 19
were read.
Mr. Mahone~ pointed out that i~ recommending Mr. Pimental~s
suggestion to the City Council r~ega~ding the employment of a
Fiscal Agent, Mr. Weaver did not endorse F~. ~i~e~tal,s aug-
gestion that the choice of applicants be left tp him.
Mr. Oyer moved the minutes be accepted as corrected.
Mr. Mahoney seconded. Motion carried.
Mr. EcL.Sears of 2507 North Federal requested a trailer
sales license.
¥~. Griffith said such license should be made on a temporary
basis because of ~he projected widening of U.S. Highway No.1.
Mr. 0yet moved in accordance with the existing Resoluti~m a
temporary license until October 31 be g~uted, subject to existing
regulations regarding setback of 25', and the number of trailers
be limited to ten. Mr. Mahoney seconded. Motion carried.
Thomas A. B~shing voiced the objection of several residents
of colored tow~ to a Youth Center being established new the
CDntinental Club.
Police Chief Carver said he would inquire into the matter.
A letter was read from Schlisser &Scher was read protesting
against certain lots being re-zoned.
A letter was read From DeRoy, Inc., requesting the use of a
t~ailer for an office.
Water Fund
Acct. of Gordon Rhodes
Ernest B!muk
" R.E.Brinkmeier
" Bobby Lind!ey
A1 Hazleton
Ruben Borms
Sarah Johnson
Donald Ward
Harrington Homes Inc.
Acct. A.V.Jennings
Charles F. ~rescher
Acct. Otis Hinkle
Califano Bros.
Raymond Dumond
Chas. A. Schifa
Califano Bros
Dirk A. Schmidt
Ernest W. Blank 5..20
R. E. Brinkmeier 6.00
Bobby Lindiay 4.90
~s. A.V. Jennings .70
Otis Hinkle .80
Austin Supply Co. 12.13
Boynton A~e~Supply Inc. 1W.25.
Brooks PrSducts Inc. 160.00
Earl C. Brown 37.8~
B~D.Cola Inc. 129.08
Davis Matar & Su~oply Co. Inc. 25..73
Etectric Rust Proofing Corp. 243°00
Florida Powar & Lt. Co. ~8t.g6
· ~ 44~.~o
M~am_ ~ater Clinic
0ierca Tire Co. Inc. 23.~0
Picard Chamical Co. 85..5.0
Southarn Ball Tel & TeiCo. 6.02
John Violante c/o Royal Palm
Ice Co. !0.7~
Standard 0il Service~tn. 2.5.0
Boynton Auto Supply Inc. 39.%8
The Chsse M~nhattsn Bank
Walter Dutch 93.67
DeMarco Tractor & Implement
Co. ~7.70
Gulf Stra~ Lumber Co. 27.84
International Steel & Pipe Co. 13.32
Southern ~ter & Sw0ply Co. 4~.76
H.D~Hickox 4.00
Fred Donsth 6.00
Dobak~ Mmrra
Nate H~at
David Eukacher
W.A .Davis
Depositors' Fund
15. oo
15. oo
15. oo
I0,640~00 I.& S.
Mr. Mahoney moved this request be denied on account of
the 0rdinance~ Er. Durkin seconded. Motion ca, tied.
Mr. LeB. Foote of Harbor Estates wrote complaining of over-
grown lots. It was agreed members of the Council would have a
look at the property in quesjtion.
A letter was read from N~. John Adair regarding bulkhead
and filling in Lake Worth.
Mr.0yer moved the City Clerk be authorised to w~ite a
letter to .Mr. Adair saying ~at the drawim~ submitted conforms
t~ ~u~ 0rdina~ce. Mr. partin seconded. M~ion earried.
Two requests for overgrown lot cleerance were read, one
on 13th Street and one on S.E. 3rd.
A letter was read from the Coral Reef Apartments regarding
fire protection.
It was agreed that Ers. Williams should ~eply to the
It was agreed the Fire Chief should co~icate with the
Briny Breezo people and bring back a report and recommendations
on Fire Protection agreement for that ~a~ea~
I~. Mahoney moved Mrs. Williams be author!sed to purchase
from Halsey & Griffith 150~ chairs, plus necessary clamps, for
the new City Hall, as per bid submittedj Mr. Partin seconded.
Motion carrie~.
~. Partin/Mrs. Williams be authorised-to~purch~se a four-
total National Cash Register. Mr. Durkin seconded. Motion
A letter was read from Mr. L.S.Pe~ny (Bell Telephone Co.)
covering a bidfor~the supply of a switchboard for the new
City Hall.
Mr. Maho~ey moved the Telephone Company-be authorised to
proceed with pla~s for ~n~ltI~g a switchboard for the new City
Hall as outlined in their letter. Y~. Durkin seconded. Motion
Mr. Ms_honey moved the appointment of a sanitary
be taken up at the ~ext meeting. ~. Oyer seconded.
Mr. Griffith suggested an inspection be~ and the
parties concerned to be warned to make th~.~cL?ssary repairs
tp anything which ~canbe put right;~ if 50~ ~. the building ia
beyond ~epamrmng the partmes concerned to be seht a lette~ to
that effect and told if not removed within a certain ~l~meified
ntunber of days it will be removed by the City.
The Fire Chief or his Assistant to pick out the bad
houses, snd a letter to be w~itten to the owners notifying
them. The charge of abating the nuisance to be made against
Mr. Mahoney recommended such letter be prepared by the
City Attorney.
Regarding the appointm?nt of ~ Plumbing InspectoF, it
was agreed that Mr. McKec~b~uie of~?~h be interviewed at
the next Executive meeting on Wednesday, J-~e ll.
Nes. Williams reported bids had been called for for City
Bonds, for which $7~,000.00 was in hand fer their purchase, but
no replies had as yet been received~
M~. Mahoney moved $300.00 be donated to the American Legion
for fireworks ~or t~e Fo~U~th of July,_ with implicit instructions
that they a~e ~o return the morts~s, or pay for the same. Mr.
Partin seconded. Motion ca~riedo
Mr. Griffith read O~dinance 309 for the second time.
Mr. Oyer moved Ordinance 309 be accepted fpr the second
and final reading. Ne. Dur_~n seconded. Motion carried.
Ne. Mahoney moved the appointment of M~. Wil!iamYates
and M~. Salvatore Pandolfo as alternates on the Zoning Board
to serve for the June l0 meeting. M~. Oyer seconded.
Motion ca~ried.
Mr. Oyer moved he be authorised to advertise for bids
on a test well to be received by June 20. Mr. Partin
seconded. Motion carried.
A meeting with ~. Middleton regarding sewerage was
tentatively arranged for Thursday next.
Mr. Du~kin moved the Chief of Police be instructed to
have Special Policeman Johnson attend the Little League games
in uniform. Mr. Mahoneyseconded. Motion carried~
There being no further b~siness the meeting was adjourned.
Cit~y- C~e~o'