FLORIDA, M~RCH 1V, ~1955.
L.S.Chadwell, Mayor
Martin Durkin, Vice Mayor
Har~; ey Oysr
Mott Partin
James j, Mshoney
~m~y Clerk D.Vo~vm±lmams
Zell Taylor
Carl Stone
The Mayor called the meeting to order at 7.30 PoM.
The minutes of the previous regular ~eting of _~farch 3
were read~
~ .... t~e 15 feet of property wa~ held by ~
~r. Gr~ff~m. said
~h~ City in fee simple tmtle and not R~f[. Al~o tl~e motion
TV~ antennae should read ~To waive permits for any antemna
which is less than ten feet fro~ the last anchor on the
structure of the building'~
Yr. 0yet moved the mznu~es be acce~ted as co.recteao
Mr. Du_k~n seconded, _~.otion carried.
Gerald Cook said he t~d written Cz~y Hall asking for a
concession for ~mbrelias and cabanas on the beach.
He was asked to make out a formal application in writing
g_vzng defznzte propo~sals~ so that the Counczl would be in a
position to take action on it.
Mr~ Hunter, as a~,representative of the Boat Club, thsmked
the Council for the progress made with the launching ramp and
said the Club wished to ask for a re-location of the club
house site-on the City property 125 feet East of the present site,
of the same size, to avoid disturbing the present landscaping
of shrubs and trees.
After discussion, during which .~r~ 0yet said he could
find no record in the minutes of the sigaing of the ~e ass with
the Boat Club, Mr~ D~o~kin moved that the lease 8S executed by
and between the City of Boynton Beach and tb~ Boat Club is
hereby ratified and~adopted. Mr. Partin seconded, Er~ 0yet
and Mr~ ~ahoney voted ~No~ The Mayor voted ~Aye~ ~otion
Mr~ 0yet *'~noug..t~ ~ity property should~ n~ ~o~ be turned over
to a private cl~o~
~r~ Durkin moved the petition of the Boat Club
location of the Club house as outlined in the petition signed
March ~, 1958, and_ fzied with the C~y Co~ucil~ be
~gr~ Partin seconded. ~ro ~a~honey and ~,~r~ 0yet voted
The ~ayor vo~ed in favor~ ~otlon paased$
In reply from a question by Mr~ John Zeizet as to when
repairs would be made to let Avenue West of ~rd gtreet, _~r.
Taylor said the work had been planned and would start this week°
A letter was read
requesting a change in
from the Pastor of St. ~£srk~s Church
zoning and ~s referred to ~ne Plar_uing
A letter was read, signed by Robert Fulton~ requesting a
warning signal or gate at t~_~ rail~ay crossing at 01d Dili&~High~
way and Gulf Stream Boulevard (S.E~ Zeth Avenue)~
A letter from the Recreation Board was read about irregular-
ities on the beach at night~ and was referred to 'the Police Depart~a
me nt.
A letter was read from the to~n of Ocean Ridge reiati~e to
the fire and police contract with the City of Boynton Beach and
requesting a joint meeting.
~onday, ~arch 24, 7~30 P.~,, was set for such joint
Six emergency ordtnauces h~-lng been recommended by ~r.
Pimentel, ~r, ~ thought it better to b~ve the opinion of
the City Attorney before passing them, and that they should be
put into proper legal form.
.~r~ Griffith said he would try to have them ready for the
next meeting~ but he prefers to have a reasonable time ye study
them, and that they are not in the proper or complete
Regarding the application fc~~ a license for a new and used
car lot on South Federal Highway, ~r. Boos~ who had brought the
subject up~ was informed that a new ordinance was being ~rawn
up covering the retirements to be complied with in coD~ection
with such lots.
Mr, Griffith suggested giving the~ applioant a permis~ the
license to be granted when he complies with the ordinance being
drawn up by the new Master Planner~ He said ~¥~r. Pimentet
should have the ordinance ready ~d prepared for passage by the
Council, that he is employed to do these tDings and it is now
up to the City Attorney to prepare th~ in legal languag~
whereas ~r. Pimentsl should i~ave done this.
~r. k~ahoney thought emergency ordinances can only be put
into effect under stress of public health ~d so forth~ that
otherwise they muct go through the regular channels.
After further discussion, Mro Durkin moved to refer t~he
ordinance back to Mr. Pimentei with instructions to prepare and
submit a complete ordinance covering this subject and that he
cite the law upon which the ordinance is based, and any legal
background he may be able to give in connection with it~ so
that it can be acted upon by the City Council. ~r~ 0yet
sec onded ~ ~ot ion carried.
Meanwhile it was agreed to =ab!e the question of the new
and used car lot.
wi th the
0yet moved ~500~00 be given to the Recrea~zon Board
request that a record of expenditure be returned to
~r~ M~aoney seconded. Motion carried~
Mr~ Durkin repOrted on the progress made by the Street
Depar tunent recently~
~r. Grzz,zth read 0rdin~uce ~o~304 for the second ~eadmng.
>/~r. 0yer moved Ordinance $0& be accepted for th~ final
reading. Mr, ~.~ahoney seceded. ~_otion carried~
Mr. ~,~ahoney said nothing has been heard from *~e County
Commission regarding a new location for the City d~mp~ and
suggested a letter b~ written to the Co~ission saying we are
anxious to talk the thing over an~ would like a date~
5~r~ 0yet said he had been asked about the clearing of
vacant lots on N,E, 7th gtreet, ~d the Mayor sa~d msny lots
colOred t~wn should be cleared of accumuiat em rubbish.
Mr. 0yer thought some prOcedsare should
tion with a City Mmaager. it was agreed .to
attend a meeting of the Council at~3,30
~o give his views and advice.
be set up in aonnec-
ask..~r ~ , La~sSn to
Vfednesday, ~[arch 26~
There being no further business, the mee~mng aajournem at
C it~ '~lerm.