BEACH, PEBRUAR¥ 17 ~ 1958.
L. S. Chadweil, Mayor.
Martin Durkin, Vice Mayor
Harvey Oyer
Mort Partin
James J. Mahoney~
City Clerk D.V.Williams
Chief of Police Carver
Zell Taylor
The ~ayor called the meeting to order at 7°30
The minutes of the previous regular meeting of February 3
were read.
¥~. 0yet moved the minutes be accepted as read.
~ahoney seconded. Notion carried.
Er. Thomson submitted aplat of Glen Arbor First Addition
for approv al.
Nr. 0yet voted tenta~ve approval be given to the Glen
Arbor First Addition plat. Nr. ~ahoney seconded. ~otion carried.
Hr. Hal S. ives, Attorney, asked that a date be fixed for
a hearing before the Civil Service Board for Jack Henderson,
and was told the Civil Service Board has ne~ y~t orgaufsed, bu~
when it is the Henderson re'~est for a hearing will be brought
to its attention.
In reply to a question from the Nayor Nr~ Stanley Weaver
said he would be glad to take on the job of Director of Civil
Defence in. Boynton to work with Colonel Altman.
A letter was read from the Consolidated Development Company
with further reference to th~ land offered by them for a
children's playground, and extending their offer to June ~0~
19~9, instead of June 19~8, and objecting to ~at they thought
was the manner in which their offer had been received at the
last Council meeting~
~. Durkin said he deeply resented the term~ used in the
Nr. 0yet moved the matter be tabled for further discussion.
Nr~ Durkin seconded. Notion carried.
It was arranged that memb~s of the Council would visit
the property at 9.30 tomorrow morning.
A letter was read from the Plumbing Board signed by
Ho~hmuth, Plumbing Inspector, ~ecommending certain amendmants
to the plumbing code regarding septic tanks.
~. Oyer moved the recommendatlons' of the Plumbing Board
be accepted as amendments to the Plumbing Code. M~.Durkin
seconded. Motion carried.
Excerpts f~om the minutes of the Planning Board me,ting
of February 5 were read.
With reference to the bill due from the Coral Ridge
Development Company for the railroad crossing into Royal Palm
Village~ ~e Nahoney moved it be turned over to Nr.Griffith
to make a collection on it. Nr. Partin seconded Notion
c~ried. '
It was agreed that the Burgess request for re-zoning be
~. Partin moved to dmrec~' a the City Clerk to correct the
typogrsphical error in the description in etd°Inance No.295
by changing ~he word 'South~ to 'North~ Nr. Durkin seconded
Motion c~ried.
The ~ity Clerk said Nfs. Cierpik had had a telephone con~
versation with the auditor, Nr. Hawkins, who had promised to
confirm the conversation by letter.
It was agreed to await the conf~_~m~ng letter before
action is taken,
The injunction by B~s~e±~o against the ~ty was tu~aed
~ver to ~r. Griffith. ~-
It was agreed to bring the matter up for d~scuss~on~ ' at
the next meeting.
~r. Ray Allen again presented~his plat for tentative
Nrc ~nrkin moved the petition for tentative approval of this
plat be granted a~ this time. ~r. Partin seconded. Mr~ 0yet
and ~r. Mahoney voted ,Neff. The Mayor voted in favor. N~tion
Bids covering ~miider~s Riss Instu~ance on the new City
Hall were opened and read:
D. L. Swank
Chaco!es W~aver
Walter Dutch, $41895
Seacrest Realty
less 15%
$356.10 nett
Mr. John Puckett was introduced by Nr. Dutch to exp~afn
his bid. He said he is prepared to write one policy, includ-
ins coverage for vandalism,
~r. 0ye~ asked ~hat the Financm~' ~l status of the other
companies be checked into tomorrow morning, to find out what
their ~nrpluses are, .before accepting the lo~t~Bi~ ~ Find
out if the l~tter has an 'A' or ,~ plus, ratingS and whether
it is written in ~ue policy, the Council to discuss the Findings
of ~rs. ~illiams tomorrow morning at
In a discussion on a Naster Plan For the City, N~. Durkin
said ~ive bids had been received co~ering approximately the
same~mtems, ranging ~rom Sue of $10~500 From Russell ~ixton
and ~8,4~0. From ~. Emote; to $~;500. From Mr. Pimental, ~nd moved
that the contract be awarded tonight to Mr. Pi$cntal in view of
his reputation and standing. Nr. Partin seconded. Nr. ~ahoney
and Nr. 0yet voted 'No' ~ad the ~ayp~vnted in Favor. ~otion
carried. '
The City Clerk said the advertisement fo~ City Manager
was still continuing, that reolies had been received but no
aCtion taken. -
It was agreed the-letters received in reply from the
advertisement should be studied ~? Co~uucil.
Er.Grmffith, ' . said he had received a reply from the Federal
Power Co~mmmssmon regarding an allocation of natural gas to
~oynton ~,t~n~e~ ~n~ ~et~
and ~r~ a sk ve ~e~ letter fo~ ~. Howell
g- advAce at the m$etmng next
~ednesday on what should be done.
~r, G~ffFith read Ordinance 30~ on traffic violations,
adopting the State of Florida Model T~aff~c Ordinance, for the
First time. ~ -
Mr. Du~kin moved 0rd_nance~ 304 be passed for the First
reading. Mr. 0yet seconded. Motion carried~
~ChieF of Police Carve~ sai~ ~~ ....
for ~1.00 ~-., .... ~ ..... T~- p~mcemen are askin~
~ ~#~ ~ncrease ~n pay, making $20.00 a week ~ ~
Sr. Mahoney moved the school policemen be granted an
increase in pay to $20.00 a week through the school ye~.
Mr. Partin se¢ondedo Notion carried.
The Chief of Police also asked that a heater be installed
and back-up lights in the new police car before it is delivered.
Mr. Part~n mova~ the Chief be allowed to purchase a
heater and back-~p lights for the new police car. Mr.
M~oney seconded. Motion carried.
~r. ~ahoney said he had been told by Colonel Altman
that the Federal Covernment may pay ~alfthe cost.of radio
service in connection with Civil De£ense~ Et was agreed
~r. Weaver will be asked to take this ~p with Colonel Altm~u.
Mr. ~arren Johnson asked about the paving of N.~. 8th Etreet
in Lau~ei Hills, which he described as being badly needed~.
~{o ~rk~n and ~r. ~aylor agreed to g9 by and mnvestmgate
the sm~ua~mon next Tnursmay morning to estLmate~the ~at and
see what are the D~ssibtlities of getting the work done.
Mr. Fred M~nnford' submitted a sketch of a sign for the
South end of town; the p~ice, he said, would'be between
~l,B00.00 ~nd $2,~00.00~ No action was taken and Mr. ~un~ord
left his sketch with the Council,
Mr. Durkin, reporting for the Parks Board, said lifeguard
Mitchell had already been sworn in as special policem~ for
Boynton Beach, ~d will be for Ocean Ridge, ~. Partln said
wilt be sworn in g~ough the Rounty Sheriff,s Department as
soon as possible.
Bids were
Dick Duncan:
opened on
roofing for the
A. ~27~.80
B. 202.80
C. 152.10
~. % M. Roofing A. ~249.64
B. 223.05
C. 196.45
D~r. 0yet moved
B. for $202.80 be
Public Works building;
the low bid of Dick Duncan for proposal
accepted. Mr. Partin seconded. Motion carried.
The mee~zng was adjourned to be continued at 9.30
tOmorrow morning.
meeting opened at 9°30
~o JOnes, representing Seacres~ Realty & Znsura~uce Com-
pany~ was present ~ud stated the Builder,s Risk insurance on
City Hall would be written in one policy with the Stock Company
Fi~e and Casualty of Hartford, whose rating is A. BBBBo The
Company operates under a surIolu~ of ~,S00~O00 to
as ascertained by a telephone cal~ to ~ederal Savings & LOan
by ~r~ Harvey Oyer~
After much discussion, Nr. Mahoney moved to accept the
low bid of Seacrest Realty, with the addition of v~ndalism abd
makicious mischief. Nr. Partln seconded and the motion passed
The meeting was adjourned.